When Harry met Sofie

By missynickiix0

259K 2.4K 372

~CURRENTLY ATTEMPTING TO EDIT~ Sofie's bestfriend Stevie gets two tickets to Great Britian and Buckingham Pal... More

When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 1
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 2
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 3
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 4
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 5
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 6
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 7
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 8
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 9
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 10
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 11
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 12
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 13
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 14
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 15
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 16
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 17
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 18
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 19
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 20
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 21
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 22
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 23
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 24
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 26
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 27
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 28
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 29
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 30
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 31
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 32
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 33
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 34
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 35
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 36
When Harry met Sofie- Chapter 37
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 38
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 39
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 40
When Harry met Sofie - Epilogue
Random Babble & About the Sequel

When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 25

4.8K 49 5
By missynickiix0

Chapter 25


"I'm so tired. Can I sit?" I beg, Harry. He looks over at me and sighs. He looks as if he's going to say no but I throw him my puppy dog eyes. "Please, baby, pleeeeease?" I beg.

He rolls his eyes and moves the papers out of the chair in the corner of the room. "Leave the man to do all the work, I see how it is." He jokes. In the last two monthes, my mother and I havent spoken once. Harry and his dad and grandmother worked things out, thank god. When I leave my apartment, I feel like the enter world is watching me. Constantly, photographers are following me or waiting for me outside. It's like Harry and I never have alone time anymore. But right now, were packing up my things because his grandmother is giving us one of her houses to live in when the baby gets here. So were moving in early to get everything set up.

I rub my belly and watch as Harry folds some of my old clothes and puts them into boxes. "I hate being fat. I want to wear my cute clothes again." I groan as he puts in a sparkly tank top from my partying days. Harry looks up at me then goes back to my clothes.

"Sofie, your not fat. Your pregnant." He said as he concentrated on my clothing. I roll my eyes at him. He's always telling me things like that. But it's hard to listen to anyone who tells me this. I'm used to being small, now I'm huge. Well... appearently not really but I will be!

After I got my citizenship in England everything started going smoothly. Harry and I got along well with his family. My brother came to visit again, Stevie left. Kate and I had become fast best friends. And Pippa still didnt seem to really like me. I think she had a little crush on Harry. My stomach is now showing, and I still eat like a cow. In a few days, Harry and I find out what we are having. Both of us are extremely excited, as is everyone else in the world. They all want to know if I'm carrying the next King after Will. The idea terrifies me. In spite of everyone saying our kid is going to be the future King of England, we have nicknamed it King. So in moments when we talk about the baby or Harry or I talk to it, we call it King.

A kick in my stomach makes me grunt. "Calm down, King. Mommy is relaxing, see? Relaxing." I rub my belly and close my eyes, trying to calm the baby. King kicks again and I groan. The little bugger is always so active when I try to do things. Atleast it lets me sleep at night though. I groan louder as another hard kick in my stomach comes.

"Suck it up, be a man." Harry chuckles. I open my eyes and glare at him.

"Obviously you dont know how it feels to be kicked in your stomach repeatedly. And I cant be a man because I have a V, otherwise I wouldnt be pregnant, now would I?" I snap, trying to shove myself out of the chair. But it takes effort and Harry's help to get out of it. When I'm standing flat on my feet, I come face to face with Harry. Then I burst into tears. "I'm so sorry, Harry. I dont know why I snapped. I'm sorry!" I cry. He laughs and pulls me into him. I laugh with him and wipe my tears onto his shirt.

"Sofie, I dont care about your mood swings. I expect it." He pulls away and holds my face in his hands. "Now go get ready, Kate will be here any minute." He smiles and kisses me quickly. As I turn to walk away from him, he like always, smacks my ass.

I get a quick hot shower, then blow dry my hair. Kate and I are going to a woman's seminar, and we are both speaking. The Queen told me it would look good for me, and Kate begged me to go so she wouldnt be bored. Once my hair is dried, I pull some of it back into a braid, then step into my room to get dressed. I step into a pink dress with white flowers on it and quarter sleeves.

"Harry!" I yell for him. He comes running into my room with a towel in his hand. He looks at me expectantly and I laugh. "Zip me up, please." I smile sweetly at him. He groans and comes over to me. I suck in as much as I can, though its not much, as he zips the dress up, sending tingles down my spin when his skin touches mine. I groan as I fell like my stomach is about to cause the zipper to snap. Just as I start to walk towards the door, as Kate had rung the bell, King starts kicking.

Appearently I go pale and Harry freaks out. "Sofie! Whats wrong! Sofie..." I roll my eyes and rub my swollen belly. Harry still cant grasp the fact that I dont do pain. Once when I was seven, I got a massive paper cut, I'm probably exaggerating the massive part, and passed out for two minutes.

As I continue for the door, Harry still freaks out. "Shut up, Harry. Jesus." I growl, throwing open the door. Kate looks at both of us with shock on her face, Will, who is beside her, just laughs. "Hey is he here?" I demand, looking at Will. Yeah, I'm a tad grumpy. Babies do that to people.

Will chuckles as Harry says, "Sofie..." I roll my eyes and ignore him. Always nagging. Will just continues to laugh as he pushes himself inside. "I'm here because I'm taking my little brother out for some fun." I narrow my eyes at him. Fun? What kind of fun?

Will sees the look on my face and gently pushes me towards Kate. "Babe, make sure she has fun. She's to stressed out for her own good. I'll be sure Harry doesnt do anything stupid, okay Sofie?" I glance between Will and Harry, Harry and Will. I sigh, giving up.

"Fine. Have fun." I said, heading out of the door.

"Sofie, wait!" Harry yells behind me. I turn to see him rushing towards me. I look at him curiously. When he reaches me, he slows his pace little but not a lot. Once he is in front of me, he shoves my back into a wall, his hands on either side of my head, his muscular stomach pressing against my blugding one. Harry grabs my face in his hands and kisses me forcefully. It only takes me a matter of seconds to respond by knotting my fingers in his messy red hair, pulling his face closer to mine. He nips my lip and I yelp, he takes the oppurunity to deepen our kiss. Harry moans in the back of his throat as he presses against me tighter, running his hands down my sides. Then King kicked.

Harry jumped back, startled. He stares at my stomach with his mouth hanging open. Then his eyes go back and forth between my stomach and my eyes. "Was that-"

"The baby, yes." I finished for him. His eyes widen and he goes pale. I giggle and cover my mouth to quiet my giggles. Will and Kate turn the corner and watch us cautiously. Probably afrain I'm yelling at him again. I wave them over, they share a look before working their way over to us.

I sigh as Harry is still pale and staring at my stomach. I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him. "What happened to him?" Kate asked, looking between the two of us. I glance at him and smile.

"King kicked while we were making out, and he was so close to me he felt it. He's freaked." I explain calmly. Will and Kate both laugh.

Will walks up to his brother and clamps him on the back. "Get used to it, bro. Kids ruin a lot of the kissy time. You think thats bad, wait until its actually here." He teases his brother. Harry's eyes widen even more, if humanly possible! I shoot Will a death glare but he just laughs it off.

"Will, stop it." Kate instructed her husband. He grumbles something before kissing her cheek and dragging Harry away. I watch after them as they go. Harry keeps turning his head back to me and I glare at him the entire time. "Well. We should be heading out, Sofie. Ready?" She asked, I nod.


Harry hasnt texted or called since we last seen each other, when the baby kicking incident happened. He's been with Will for four hours and I've been with Kate for four hours. I'm actually starting to panick. Harry is always texting me to see how I am when we are apart. At the seminar, we ate, spoke to people, then the speeches started. Kate was third and she is almost done her speech. Then there are questions from the woman who attended that the speakers have to answer. Unforunately for me, I was asked If people could ask me questions, even though I didnt give a speech. I hear Kate thank the crowd for having her, then the announcer call for all the people who was being interviewed to come onto the stage.

As my name was called, I had the feeling I would be the center of the questions tonight. I have been since people found out I'm pregnant. Kate smiles at me for moral support as I take a seat next to her. Each of the woman sitting on the stage were given a microphone to say their answers into. Now, let the questions begin.

"Kate, do you and Will plan on kids soon?" Someone asked Kate. I let out a little gasp and glanced at Kate. She looked at ease, much to my surprise.

Kate smiled politely. "No. I actually can't have kids." Kate answered. The crowd gasped and reporters started writing away on their notepads. Has this news not been told to everyone yet? I figured everyone knew...

"Sofie, Does this mean your baby will be the next heir to the throne after Will?"

"Yes." I answer directly, not feeding around the bush. Short and to the point has become my moto when it comes to interviews lately. The faster they are over, the faster I get home to rest and to eat... or pee...

Kate reached over and squeezed my hand in moral support. She knew how I felt about interviews. They made me nervous. Kate and I have become very close over the past two months. She's like a sister to me now. I am so thankful for her in my life right now. "Sofie, have you and Harry decided on a name yet?"

I shake my head. "No. But we call the baby King. Sort of a private joke." Everyone around laughed, even though I'm sure they dont get it. They're all oblivious to the fact we call the baby King because everyone is excited about the fact if it is a boy, he will be the next king.

More questions are asked, more towards Kate and some famous singer and actor from Paris. I dont know who they are, but appearently theyre a big deal. I yawn, quickly covering my mouth. I really have to pee. Turning to Kate, she looks at me questioningly. I mouth, "I have to pee." To her and she smiles and mouths back, "Go." So I do.

I mumble "Sorry" has I rush to the bathroom, my bladder reaching the very end of its holding stock. Once I'm finished, I decide to check my phone. Just to see if I had missed any calls or texts. To my surprise, I had. From Harry.

"I'm sorry." read the message. "Sorry? For what?" I text back. He texts back almost immidately.

"For freaking earlyer. I should have handled that better, sorry."

"Its fine, completely normal. Now you know how I feel."

"Okay." Is all he texted back. A fucking, okay. Who the hell just says okay to someting like that?

"What are you doing?" I decided to ask him, suspiciously. He takes a few seconds to text back, longer than the others.

"At a club with Will. Why? What are you doing?" Now he wants to know what I'm doing? Obviously not out partying!

Fucking christ. There goes my mood swings again. I shove my phone in my pocket and go to the sink. I turn the water all the way to cold and splash the freezing water in my face, calming me instantly. I need a break from life right now. My baby probably thinks his/her mom is a bitch. Poor baby.

A lightbulb goes of in my mind and I yank my phone from my pocket, dialing my brother number. "Hey, Jay." I call him by his nickname, sucking up, making my voice sound sweet and innocent when he picks up.

"Hey, Sofie. Whats up?" He asked, alreadying knowing I needed something from him. Dont I always?

I giggle at the thought of always running back to my big brother. "Well, you see... I've been really stressed lately. And Harry and I have been argueing a lot lately. So I was thinking... Why not surprise him with a get-a-way trip that no one knows about? So we can both relax and be happy together." I explain to my brother. He stays quiet for awhile before answering.

"And how do I fall into play?" He asked, curiously.

I smile wickedly. "Your going to pay for it for me, because you love your little sister and feel bad that she is pregnant and argueing with her boyfriend all of the time."

I hear Jason snort a laugh away from the phone then put it back to his ear. "Fine. Just tell me where and when you want to go and I'll set it up." My brother said, giving in that quickly. I smile at the thought of having my own brother wrapped around my finger, just like I did my dad....

"Well... in three days we find out what the baby is... We could make it a two day thing if you can make us plans to leave tonight and be back on Friday afternoon before noon. Get us flights and a hotel for Scotland. I want a cottage in Scotland, actually. Not a hotel." I smile at the thought of Harry and I alone in a small cottage in Scotland. With no press, family or friends around. The perfect vacation alone from our hectic lives.

"Got it. I'll text you in an hour or so with details. You owe me, Sofie." Jasons said then hung up.

My heart lurches at the thought of truely being alone with Harry for the first time in... ever.


Sorry if your disappointed and it wasnt worth the wait! I'm having a bad case of writers block and lack of sleep.

V & C, please? :)



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