Married to Styles (Sequel to...

By byebyemsamericanpie

174K 9.1K 3.2K

"Harry?" I asked. His eyes barely opened before he closed them again. "Niall," his voice was so soft and dr... More

Character Ask
{23} Rome
{24} Girona
{25} Paris France
{26} Oahu Hawaii


4.8K 257 108
By byebyemsamericanpie


It was here. After so many stressful months of planning and organizing it was finally here. The wedding was tomorrow and I couldn't be happier. Tomorrow I would marry the love of my life, my one true love would be mine forever. I could grow old with him, we could adopt children and love them like our own and have a family. Me and Niall could work in our garden I had made for us (took me weeks to get the spot cleared out), I could cook us dinner and we'd eat as a family when he came home from work, we could sit on our sofa and watch movies on rainy days and go to the river on sunny days and.... We could just grow old together.

I loved Niall more than anything I've ever loved in my life and I was looking forward to our future, I was looking forward to everything with Niall. I was looking forward to the good times and the bad times and the happy times and the sad times. I wanted it, I wanted to be with Niall through everything and anything. He was my rock, and we fit like a pebble and a stone.

Niall and I walked into the rehearsal dinner hand in hand, walking towards our table where we would be seated with Niall's mum, father, step mother, and of course my mum and sister.

"This is lovely, I can't imagine how nice the actual wedding will be." My mum spoke once we sat down. I smiled and looked at Niall when I heard his angel like voice speak.

"It should be lovely. My best mates girlfriend has been helping us for months, she's very good." Niall explained.

Sophia was really good, very sweet too. I really liked her, and she put up with my shit all these months, too. Niall would have slapped me upside the head for mentioning a petting zoo at the wedding, Sophia just laughed and changed the subject... Such a sweet gal.

"I'm very excited, my little boy is getting married." Maura said, pinching Niall's cheeks.

"Don't run out on me please." I said to Niall, everyone at the table just laughed, Niall glared at me.

"There's no one I would leave you for." Niall grinned. I kissed his cheek and heard my sister pretend to gag beside me.

"It was just a kiss to the cheek!" I said to her.

"PDA Harry." She said sarcastically, I rolled my eyes, she copied me.

"Well tomorrow I'll make sure to snog him in front of everyone just for you." I winked.

Gemma glared at me before crossing her arms, raising an eye brow.

"You wouldn't do that."

"Oh you don't think I would?" I smirked.

Niall leaned in and nodded at Gemma. "He would." He confirmed.

"You two act like horny teenagers."

"We might as well be." I laughed.

The little trio conversation between me, my sister and Niall soon ended when our waiter came to our table to take our orders.

We could decide between steak, potatoes and sautéd vegetables or roasted chicken with the same side dishes.

I chose chicken, Niall chose the steak.

And Niall did eat horse radish with his steak.

Cue the wink and smirk.

"Harry, I am so happy to see you settling down with someone, your father would be so proud of you." My mother said while placing her hand on top of my own, I smiled. My father would probably shun me if he knew I was gay. I never told him, but I like to think he could be happy for me and Niall, and that he would have came to the wedding.

I knew that wouldn't have been the case but I smiled and nodded for my mother anyways.

Conversations were being thrown out left and right, I could hardly stay focused on who was talking to me and what they were talking about. I was waiting for the champaign and cake to come out, that's when Liam would make his toast to Niall and Gemma would make her toast to me.

Gemma ended up being my best man.

Oh what a conversation that was when I asked her to be my best man. The look on her face was priceless.

"I'm so happy you two chose to have the wedding here in Ireland!" Maura smiled.

"I'm just happy I didn't have to travel far," Niall's father, Bobby, spoke up.

"Well, we're legally allowed to get married here," Niall began.

"And I wanted to see Niall's hometown." I smiled, draping an arm around his shoulders, pulling Niall close to me.

"There's really not much to see," Niall complained.

"Oh shut it, Niall." Bobby said to his son.

"What? I'm just saying, there's not much to see."

"Of course there is." I rolled my eyes.


The food was actually really great, I was upset when my plate ended up empty. I tried to sneak some of Niall's potatoes while he was chatting but he just smacked my hand every time so it was no use.

I was very thankful when the champaign and cake made its way to the tables. As soon as the champaign bottles were set on our table Niall looked at me, and without words I knew what he was saying.

"Just one glass," I whispered to him.

"One." He mouthed back. I nodded my head before pouring myself one glass and passing the bottle on to Gemma.

While everyone was filling their glasses in the room, Liam stood up. Alright, let's get this over with shall we?

Liam cleared his throat and everyone turned their attention towards him. Niall smiled while looking at his best friend; I grabbed Niall's hand.

"If I could have everyone's attention please,"

"You got it." I laughed. Niall smacked my chest and I watched Liam chuckle.

"I would like to make a toast," he lifted his glass of champaign and everyone did the same.

"Niall, I have known you almost all my life, we've been friends since I could remember. I am so... Happy. Yeah that's the word to use. I am happy that you've finally found the right guy for you. I've seen you on your best days and on your worst, and with you marrying Harry, I know I'll be seeing a lot more good days for you," He gave Niall a small smile, to which Niall returned.

"Harry?" Liam said to me, I looked at him, giving him my full attention.

"Niall is my best friend, he's like my brother. And if you hurt him, I'll have your balls on a plate," Liam laughed.

"Liam!" Sophia gasped, everyone just laughed.

"I told you not to put that in there," I heard Sophia say to him. Liam just kissed her cheek before finishing his speech.

"But seriously, I am glad to see Niall so happy. I don't think I've ever seen him so happy before to be honest. I wish you two the best."

Niall and I both nodded at Liam, and that's when he finished off the toast with raising his glass higher and saying, "To Niall and Harry.... To being Happy." He smiled. Everyone in the room repeated, "To being Happy." And once Liam sat down we all took a drink of our champaign.

"Gemma, I believe it's your turn now." I smirked at my sister beside me. I knew she hated speaking in front of people, and that's why I was so excited to have her say a toast.

"Not right now," she growled at me.

"You have to." I smirked again. She groaned before standing up, clinking a fork against her champaign glass to get everyone's attention.

"Due to my annoying little brother, I guess I'll be giving a toast as well," she smirked at me. Little chuckles were heard throughout the room; I just smirked at Gemma.

"I'm not good at these kind of things and I really don't know what to say so I'll make it short," she started.

"Harry, I was not in your life while you were growing up and I wish I could have been there so I could see first hand what a fine young man you've become. I'm so happy I am apart of your life now, and I'm even happier to see you with someone who loves you the way you deserve to be loved." I nodded at her before she directed her attention to Niall.

"As for you, Niall. If you hurt Harry I won't have your balls on a platter," she said with a disgusted face. I heard Liam laugh his ass off at the table next to us.

"But I probably won't be sending you any Christmas cards,"

"Nice threat. That'll show him." I teased her.

"Shut it Harry," she growled at me.

"I really can't see you hurting my little brother, I know you love him too much. And it's obvious that he loves you too. Both of you, your love for each other is so obvious and it's rather adorable. I wish you two the best."

She raised her glass high in the air, as did everyone else.

"To a happy future." She smiled. Everyone repeated, "To a happy future." And we were all drinking again.



Harry and I were staying at my mums house while we were in Ireland. I couldn't have been more excited for the wedding. I was going to marry the love of my life, and we would be together forever.

I was excited to see what the future had in store for us. I knew things would be so much more easier now that we were out of the contract and finally living in peace. I knew there would be bad days too though, and I wasn't looking forward to those.

But that's marriage.

What kind of a marriage would it be if you never fought?

It definitely wouldn't be a healthy marriage. Fighting is just a more negative way of communicating.... At least that's how I look at it.


I threw myself onto the mattress of my old room and sighed. My legs and arms were spread out across the bed and I was finally able to rest after the rehearsal dinner.

Harry closed the bedroom door and then jumped on top of me, I quickly covered my halls just in case.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Nothing," He smiled before resting his head on top of my chest, both of his arms holding my waist in a hugging motion.

"I'm so happy, Niall." He mumbled into the fabric of my white t shirt.

"Me, too." I smiled to myself.

Tomorrow was the day, it was really happening. I was going to be a married man, and this time I would stay for the whole wedding.

"Hey Harry?" I asked, he lifted his head from my chest, resting his chin on his hands as he looked up at me with his mossy green eyes.


"Can I top?" I asked. Harry burst into a fit of giggles, to which I pushed him off the bed.

He landed with a loud thud to the floor, but he still continued to laugh at me.

"I was serious." I complained.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just... You never top."

"One time! I got to top one time." I said holding up one finger.

I wouldn't say it to Harry because it would make him furious but I wanted to bring up the fact that Daniel use to let me top all the time, sometimes I didn't even have to ask.

"Look, Niall it's obvious I'm the more dominant one in this-"

"I'm older!" I pointed out.

"Doesn't matter."

"Then we're never having sex again." I said crossing my arms. Harry sighed before leaning forward on his knees so he could grab my hands and untangle my arms. I was pouting but he had a goofy grin on his face.

"Niall, babe. Let's not fight before the wedding okay?" He smiled, I just sighed and nodded, my pouting face was no longer there. He was right, we shouldn't fight before the wedding.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"I love you." He said to me.

"I love you, too." He smiled and leaned up to give me a quick kiss.

I grabbed the side of his cheeks and pulled him closer to me, making him come back onto the small little twin bed in my old room.

No, Harry and I didn't sleep in the same bed since we had been here. We tried, but the bed is just too small and well... We're grown men.

"Ni, what are you doing?" He asked me in between kisses.

"Nothing, just kissing you, what are you doing?" I acted as if nothing was going on.

"Just a second you were pissed at me and now we're making out... Like, what the hell?" He chuckled.

I giggled a little before kissing his lips for a soft peck.

"I just love you." I whispered. His dimples were my favorite part of his smile, I loved them almost as much as I loved him.

"I love you, too." He replied.


{A/N} so we jumped forward about 4 months just so u know.

okay I'll be honest. I was gonna write smut at the end of this chapter but then I thought ..... Ehhhhhh no I don't feel like it.

A lot of our readers don't like it when Niall tops so guess what....


I'm sorry if u thought that was rude.

Niall tops too guys not just Harry. Give him some credit :(

Anyways so the next chapter is the wedding chapter YAY FUCKING YAY



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