Married to Styles (Sequel to...

By byebyemsamericanpie

174K 9.1K 3.2K

"Harry?" I asked. His eyes barely opened before he closed them again. "Niall," his voice was so soft and dr... More

Character Ask
{23} Rome
{24} Girona
{25} Paris France
{26} Oahu Hawaii


4.7K 279 45
By byebyemsamericanpie


So... we broke in the bed. And I almost mean that literally. We almost broke the bed. What? I couldn't handle myself. Give me a break. Niall deserves to be fucked properly and I just so happen to be the lucky guy that gets to fuck him.

He was cuddled into my side now; both of us just softly breathing.

"You should probably let Molly in, Haz," Niall spoke softly as he traced my sparrow tattoos.

I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out.

"Or you can, Ni."

Niall lightly slapped my chest then slowly sat up.

"Go let in Molly. Can't you hear her meowing?"

I was about to say no, but then I heard her meow clear as day as if she was by the window. Sure enough, when I looked towards our window, Molly was standing on the windowsill. She was tapping her paw against the window and meowing.

"See? I told you. Now go get her."

"Can I just open the window?" I asked as I looked back at Niall.

"No!" He hit me with a pillow. "We don't want her thinking she can just come through the window. That's like... bad parenting or something."

I laughed then slowly slid out of bed. I found my boxers and pulled them on before leaving the bedroom. Slowly, I walked to the back door of the house and opened it. Molly came running in and when she tried to stop, she continued to slide down the hall. I couldn't help but laugh as I closed the door.

"Molly, you gotta be careful."

Niall peeked his head out of the bedroom then. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back of course and then he stepped out of the room. That's when I frowned. He was fully clothed.

"Why do you have clothes on?" I pouted.

"Cause Liam is coming over. So get dressed, please?"

I pouted more. I wanted today to just be me, Niall and Molly. Just the three of us getting used to our new home.

"But Niall!" I fake whined.

"But nothing. He's gonna help us with our wedding."


Help us?

With our wedding?

Was I hearing that right?

"Ok, technically it's Sophia that'll help us. She'll be here too."

It's not that I didn't want them here. I was more worried about what Molly would do to them. I didn't really want to lock her up in a room like I had to when she had attacked Daniel.

"Well what are we gonna do about Molly? What if she scratches them?"

I followed after Niall to find him in the kitchen. He was getting out four glasses.

"One of us can hold her. Now go get dressed please. They'll be here any minute."

Was he serious? What did he do? The second I left the room, he called Liam and invited them over just so we couldn't have sex again? He seems like the kind of person to do that. But he can't resist me. We've already established and proven that.

Or maybe Liam called him. Maybe Liam wanted to see the new house. Maybe Liam and Sophia wanted to see the new house and maybe Liam had mentioned that Sophia wanted to help out with mine and Niall's wedding.


That way sounds much better.

Before I knew it, our doorbell rang and I still wasn't dressed. Had I really been standing here that long?

"Harry! Go get dressed!" Niall scolded as he pushed me down the hall.

I should have deadweighted him right then, but I'm sure he wouldn't have appreciated that. He pushed me into our room and closed the door; leaving me to get dressed. I pulled on a pair of jeans and yanked on a white t-shirt. It wasn't like I was going to see the Queen; I didn't need to look that nice.

I ran my hand through my sex hair to mess it up a bit. Not that it would have really mattered. Liam is too much of a polite lad to even mention anything about it.

When I heard a meow by my feet, I looked down and saw Molly walking between my legs. I picked her up and cuddled her close.

"You need to be a good girl, you understand?" I opened the door and began walking down the hall, "That means no scratching Liam and Sophia. They're nice people. Good people. They're not like Chris..."

I looked up to see Niall, Liam and Sophia staring at me. Niall was just smiling and I could tell Sophia was trying not to giggle; she was covering her mouth. Yeah, I talk to my cat. So what?

"Hello, Harry," Liam said; giving me a big smile.

"Hey, Liam."

We all sat on the couch then. Niall and Liam were conversing amongst themselves so that left me and Sophia. I still didn't know her all that well so right now was pretty awkward.

"So, what's your kitten's name?" Sophia asked to break the silence between her and I.

"Her name is Molly," she meowes when I said her name, "She's like mine and Niall's baby."

Sophia smiled.

"I can tell. I've also heard she's like, your protector or even a guard dog," She giggled, "I think it's cute."

I smiled.

"Yeah. She's a good cat."

"Can I hold her?"

My eyes widened and I even saw Niall's eyes widen as well. It was evident that we were both afraid that Molly would scratch her.

"A-are you sure?" I asked.

She nodded. So I carefully placed Molly in Sophia's arms. I shut my eyes and dreaded for the moment that Molly would scratch or bite her. But nothing happened. I slowly opened my eyes to see that Molly was cuddling into Sophia. Niall and I both sighed a breath of relief.

"So, about your wedding. I'm so excited about it!" Molly had wiggled out of her hold and she came back over to me. "Do you have your guest list ready?"

Niall and I both shook our heads no. We honestly only thought about what we wanted at the wedding and where we wanted it. Yet, nothing was set and stone.

"But don't worry. You're both on the list," I said with a smile.

"Well, I would be highly offended if we weren't on the list," Liam admitted.

Then it was like a light went off in Niall's head.

"Oh, that reminds me. Liam, will you be my best man?" Niall asked.

Liam got the biggest smile on his face. He looked really happy.

"Wait a minute, I thought you were walking down the aisle..." I pointed out to Niall.

He nodded.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can't have a best man, Harry."

I guess he had a point. But I didn't have a best man. I really didn't have friends. I mean there are the "friends" from high school. I can't really ask Louis or Zayn since they're well... you know, dead. I suppose I could ask my mum about family members that could come to the wedding. I'm sure I have cousins or something.

Maybe Gemma could be my Maid of Honor. Molly could be like the flower girl and ring bearer. I could picture her with a cute little flower on her collar and then have a cute little basket with the rings in it. Maybe Gemma could walk with Molly down... oh wait. Not Gemma. She hated Molly. So maybe my mum? Maybe my mum could walk down the aisle while carrying Molly.


I blinked a few times to realize Niall was shaking me. Liam and Sophia were still there.

"Yeah, Niall?"

"Sophia had asked you a question."

I looked at her expecting her to be disappointed that I had spaced out. But she wasn't disappointed at all. She was actually just smiling at me.

"All I had asked was where you'd like the wedding since it'll be a bit small..."

What all had I missed when I spaced out? Did we figure out our whole guest list already? How long was I spaced out? Was this even healthy to space out this much?

"Well I had mentioned to Niall that we should get married in Ireland. Since its legal there," I grabbed Niall's hand and gave it a little squeeze, "Plus, I want to see where Niall grew up."

Sophia's smile got bigger.

"Ireland seems like a great place, Harry."

"Of course it is," Niall said as if he was defending his homeland.

"Niall, she didn't mean it in a bad way. Of course Ireland is a great place."

I rubbed the top of his hand to calm him. It didn't take much. Niall leaned into me and sighed softly.

"Oh, Liam! Aren't they just adorable?" Sophia squeaked. Liam chuckled and I saw him nod. "I can't wait til you get married. Have you figured out a date yet?"

I shook my head no, but I wanted it to be really soon. I wanted to be married to Niall badly. I wanted this more than my need to breathe oxygen... and that's a lot.

"Sometime soon. I really don't want to wait any longer," Niall answered for the both of us.

His voice was kind of soft but deeper than usual. Was he tired? I mean I had just fucked him on the couch and then fucked him again on the bed. I probably tired him out. I tried to hide a smirk, but I'm sure Liam and Sophia saw it.

"Sounds like a good idea to us. We will definitely clear off everything on our schedules for your wedding once you decide on a date," Liam announced as he and Sophia stood up.

"Wh-where are you going?"

Niall was definitely tired. He tried standing up only to fall back down onto the couch.

"We're gonna head back home. You seem a bit tired, Niall."

"No... no I'm not."

I had to hold back my laughter. Niall's eyes weren't even open when he said that.

"Then tell me what six times seven is."

What was Liam trying to do?

"Y-you know I wasn't good at math..."

Liam softly smiled and shook his head.

"Bye, Niall. Bye, Harry. We'll see you another time."

I told them goodbye and they closed the door behind them. Niall was leaning into my shoulder and mumbling a bunch of nonsense. I don't think I've ever seen this side of Niall. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was always me falling asleep on him.

"Niall?" I said softly.

He began to mumble something about rugby and something about golf. The rest was incomprehensible.

"Ni... go to sleep. Stop fighting it..."

He was just so cute; trying to fight sleep. I wonder if I ever did that... I probably did.

I carefully moved him so he had his head in my lap. I think I had a strong enough willpower not to get a boner while his face was down there. I just had to keep my mind elsewhere. Or maybe I could take a nap as well. I mean I had been outside trying to make a spot for a garden. And let me tell you, that was some hard work.

I let out a little yawn. Yeah. A nap did sound good. Naps are good for you anyway. So I let my eyes slowly close and I gave into sleep.


I totally don't like how I ended this chapter. Maybe it's cause I finished this at like 1:51am and I should be getting sleep cause I'm sick and and and yah.

So here's the chapter!

What did you think about it?

Have any predictions? Feel free to leave them.

Have any questions? Leave them and we'd love to answer them for you.

Please vote and comment. Your feedback means so much to us PLUS we love seeing your reactions to what has happened in the chapter.

So uh yeah.

I'm sorry if this chapter sucks.

I love you.


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