The Point of No Return {seque...

By LetMeThink0

137K 1.8K 351

Just when Avery Blake's life was beginning to go smoothly after her Rapist's death: Corbin, she had two wonde... More

The Point of No Return {sequel to The Arbitrary life of Avery Blake [teacher]}
The Point of No Return {sequel to The Arbitrary life of Avery Blake [teacher]}2
The Point of No Return {sequel to The Arbitrary life of Avery Blake [teacher]}3
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The Point of No Return {sequel to The Arbitrary life of Avery Blake [teacher]}25
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The Point of No Return {sequel to The Arbitrary life of Avery Blake [teacher]}30
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The Point of No Return {sequel to The Arbitrary life of Avery Blake [teacher]}37
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The Point of No Return {EPILOGUE}

The Point of No Return {sequel to The Arbitrary life of Avery Blake [teacher]}4

4.7K 51 10
By LetMeThink0

Chapter 4

Secrets Revealed, Psychics Concealed- ‘The Wheel of Fortune.’

‘Oh pretty, pretty, pretty please!’ begged Meghann as she tugged on my arm for desperation.

‘Do I have a choice?’ I said with a smirk.

‘Yes, thank you, thank you, and thank you!’ Meghann cheered as she looped arms with me and we were off. She had been spending the last 5 minutes trying to convince me to go to a psychic reading as soon as we entered the big Mall and saw the big, bold sign clearly illustrating a psychic present.

I hesitantly trailed behind her as she eagerly strode to the front counter of the reception.

‘What can we do for you today ladies?’ asked a young woman with cropped brown hair at the reception.

‘We want to get a reading!’ Meghann said with a huge grin.

The receptionist typed her acrylic nails against her keyboard for a couple of seconds before speaking ‘OK, what kind are you thinking of?’ she asked politely.

‘The whole package!’ answered Meghann quickly as she looked at me for confirmation. I gave a shrug of my shoulders before the woman began to type again.

‘OK, Madam currently has a client but if you wait 5 minutes I am sure she will be done.’

‘Sure!’ Meghann cheered.

‘Um, excuse me? How much is all this going to cost?’ I asked hesitantly.

Her eyes met mine as she smiled ‘For ‘the whole package’ it would usually cost around $100 each but today is a day of peace and cleansing so Madam is offering it but half price.’

‘Ok, we’ll take it!’ Meghann spoke for the both of us as we walked over and sat in the seats.

I took my time to absorb the appearance of the room. All colours appeared to be colours of power and strength like gold and sea blue. The interior was also calm and organised. There were motivational pictures on the walls and to the left of the seating area were some gold chains which were hanging from the top of the door way instead of a door. 

A young couple came out from the other side with satisfied grins, hand-in-hand as they thanked the receptionist and handed her some money. ‘Thank you Stephanie.’ I heard them sat to her. They shared some more words before the couple left and Stephanie walked over casually to the doorway and disappeared as the chains rattled for a minute or so before she returned.

‘Excuse me ladies but Madam Melrose will see you now.’ She spoke as me and Meghann exchanged looks before excitingly standing up (or well Meghann being the more excited one).

‘This way.’ Stephanie said as she showed us behind the dangling chains and motioned us behind a door before she stopped and knocked. She then placed her ear on the door before looking back at us and giving a nod before disappearing away.

I hesitated as my hand was on the door knob. I opened it and was overwhelmed with a strange smell. It was like the scent of a hundred perfumes blended into one.

‘Wow…’ I head Meghann utter in awe as she looked around the room. I followed her lead and did the same. Everything was purple… literally.

The carpet was dark purple, the walls were painted dark purple and almost everything else was violet.

‘Bonjour, bonjour mesdames.’ spoke a heavilyaccentedvoice i assumed to be of Madam Melrose.

I hadn’t noticed her until she spoke.

She was an elegant looking lady. She looked as though she was in her early 50’s. Her hair was whiting but her skin looked as young as mine. The soft, smooth skin had a certain glow to it. Madam Melrose was wearing a long dress that covered all her skin. Her hair was pinned up and her eyes were strangely intimidating but it was as though she could see through your soul.

Her smile was kind and inviting as we neared her seated self. We stopped and took a seat across from her while only a table separated us.

‘Uh… hi.’ I said hesitantly.

‘Bonjour Madame Melrose! Comment vous?’ asked Meghann sounding highly professional.  I gave her a questioning look as she returned an enthusiastic smile.

‘Bien, bien! Now… I feel… I feel your name is one of old English’ said Madam Melrose, changing her language without difficulty, turning her face to me with a searching look.

‘A…Avery Blake.’ She said it like it was no big deal.

‘H-how could you tell that by just looking at me?’ I asked desperately. I heard Meghann chuckle beside me.

‘Your name is the first thing a special sense person can discover. Your name is in everything you do, it is yours and yours alone. You wear it every day, you speak it without difficulty and it is how people recognise you.’ Her voice portrayed authority and sounded as one of far greater years.

I didn’t have enough time to respond as she now turned to Meghann ‘Meghann… that is your name is it not?’ she asked.

‘It is.’ Meghann said straightforwardly.

‘There is something about you… there is so much energy radiating off of you.’

I heard Meghann giggle happily beside me. ‘OK, would you like me to read your Aura’s?’ Madam asked in her thick, French accent.

‘Yes.’ Me and Meghann both said before turning towards each other and smiling.

‘Very well.’ Was her reply as the room fell into silence. ‘But first you need a spiritual cleansing to make it easier for the both of us. It is also very healthy and well if you do these every now and again. First sit up straight on your chairs and breathe in and out and keep it consistent. Then place your feet flat on the floor and image roots coming out from under your feet into the ground until you actually believe it. Whilst the roots sprout from under you, image the bad excess in your body flowing out of you and into the ground until there is all good energy flowing through your body.’ She said as we followed her instructions. I closed my eyes and let the bad energy flow out of me and letting it be replaced by the good energy. I felt lighter, better, more energetic.

‘You two are very different…very different.’ She repeated as we all returned into our original positions whilst the only difference was the goodness in our bodies. It wasn’t like I completely believed all of this, it was more that I was open-minded I guess.

Madam Melrose turned to me ‘Child i see Lavender indulging you… a near death experience has been portrayed. It is the strongest colour I see… I see, I see black indicating an abused, traumatic child in your past. I have a feeling the two colours are somehow related?’ she asked.

I dropped my head as I tried to control my breathing. I felt Meghann’s arm go around me ‘Y-yeah…’ I said softly.

‘Very well, I shall not speak of it anymore. But I also see Pale Pink… the colour of true love. I don’t think I have never seen a person hold such a strong colour before but it has a twist… the relationship… it is hard possibly not allowed but the connection you two hold goes far beyond status as you two are connected mind and body… the colour almost turns to gold as I am speaking of him.-‘ she said as a smile rose to my face. ‘There are other mild colours but they do not compare to the rest.’ She concluded with a kind smile. ‘Ahh… young love.’ she spoke softly to herself.

‘But you on the other hand-‘ she spoke to Meghann ‘-I see Aqua… the colour of a healer. You try to make everyone happy and fix their problems but to what extent? I also see Prussian blue… you are full of harmony and peace although your life has not always been that way. You too have a line of black through your aura which will never heal. You have experienced something… not too long ago. But you both have Amber representing strength and courage… I would say you two have the best friendship I have ever come across.’ She once again concluded.

I gave Meghann a confused side glance but she wouldn’t meet my eyes. Was I missing something? What did this psychic mean?

‘If I may, I would like to move onto Psychometry Readings if that is OK.’ She said as she folded her arms onto the table as her facial expression was neutral.

‘If we knew what that was…’ I said truthfully.

‘I don’t want to go into technical terms or anything so I’ll simplify it. It’s basically you giving me the dearest object you have on you and I take it. Some say that when you’ve have an object for a certain amount of time; it starts to hold some of that person’s energy. And from that energy, I can take it and examine it and find out anything I want to know.’ She concluded.

‘OK’ Meghann and I both said.

Meghann quickly handed over her Peace necklace that she’s had for as long as I’ve known her.

Madam Melrose placed the necklace in the palm of one of her hands before placing the other palm on top of it. There was a minute or so of pause before her expression changed. ‘I see pictures, many pictures… a scar, a knife, some suitcases, a man, a body, Avery.’ It was as though she didn’t know what she was saying whilst the pictures were popping into her head. My mind was in confusion because of the random choice of words…

‘Oh dear…’ Madam said as she quickly handed Meghann her necklace back. I tried to inspect Madam’s face but it held no leaked emotion. And as for Meghann; her eyes were encircled with a slick, glassy liquid. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

Meghann turned to me and shook her head, ending the progress of any further discussion.

‘Avery?’ Madam Melrose asked.

I hesitated before I took off my locket necklace Cole had given me on my 18th birthday. I’ve worn it ever since.

Madam Melrose followed her previous remedies to attempt to read my locket.

Her facial expression turned sour and regretful. Soon, she began to almost hyperventilate. But after 30 seconds, her face begun to turn softer ad her breathing begun to slow until she opened her eyes.

‘Child, of 18 years of existence, you’ve had a harder life than anyone I’ve ever known. You’ve experienced more pain, hurt, loss and love in that small amount of years than most people will ever experience in their lives.’ She said it softly with a kind expression.

I looked down at my lap and nodded before looking back up. ‘So… what did you see Madam Melrose?’ I asked politely.

‘It’s hard to keep track of the many pictures that flooded my mind but I saw many, many things. There was a boy… or I must say a man. I will describe him to you as I saw him a many times. He was tall and had chocolate enriched hair and matching eyes. His name was… Cole, but I hear you call him Mr Ford. Is that so?’ she asked innocently enough.

I blushed ‘Y-yeah…’ I said softly.

‘Don’t be ashamed child; there is no wrong doing on your part, neither on his part. He holds much strong love for you and as I said before, I could see it in your Aura. If two people hold that much love and affection for each-other then why not abide by it as the most truest of love’s is rare to find.’

‘T-thank you.’ I said as she continued. ‘-I also saw a boy. In the beginning pictures, he seemed nice and easy-going but then he begun to get darker and mysterious. His name was… Corbin and I feel such bad tension from you with just his name. He’s past now… and I feel it’s better for you that way. He abused you… he’s left you traumatised but your friends and boyfriend have been there for you and your soul is healing. It will never be the same because of your earlier years in life being abused and not cared for properly and then most recently, Corbin; but with time it will get better.’ She concluded.

I was left open mouthed at her words. A tear ran down my cheek at the remembrance of all of what she spoke of.

‘It will get better.’ She murmured again, almost to herself.

‘Past, check; present check; now time for the future?’ asked Meghann sounding like a geek. I knew she was trying to move onto another subject but I didn’t mind.

‘Very well, it is time for Tarot cards.’

‘Who shall start?’ she asked.

‘Avery can.’ Meghann said simply, looking over to me and smiling.

‘Uhh… OK.’ is all I said.

‘You will be partaking in the Open version. No questions asked. It will just be a summary of your future or what is expected to come. But please keep in mind that the future isn’t set, it can change at any time…’ she said whilst she opened the little box which was to the side of the table. She then took the Tarot Cards out and began to shuffle them with both hands. After a couple of seconds, she gathered them back together before proceeding with a regular card shuffle. Madam Melrose looked me in the eyes as she cut the desk and neatly placed them side-by-side. ‘We have time do we ladies?’ she asked. ‘Yes.’ We both answered.

She nodded as she gave a deal of 4 cards in front of me. She turned them over one by one as I examined them all.

‘The High Priestess reversed.’ Madam Melrose said as she pointed to the first card. It was hard to examine the card because it was upside down but it basically looked like a young woman sitting in a thrown of sorts, wearing a long, blue dress. She also wore a crown of sorts.

‘This card can be the wisest of them all but turned around it is very misunderstood. This card –I do not think- has much to do with you but someone who is constantly around you. She is young but not as young as you. She treasures the power she gains but also makes your life very much complicated. She’s deceived you many times and you can find no forgiveness in your heart for her although she needs all the help she can get as she is deeply misunderstood. She will soon change your life… being good or bad; depending on however you decide to view it. I will give you advice although you may not want it; you know who I am speaking about and I can see you have set your mind about her and her wrong doing but keep in mind people are as good as they are treated. She may not have treated you right in the first place but it will be her that makes you a better person.’ She concluded, giving me some time to think.

Yeah, I knew who she was talking about; could there be any other person? Kimberly Fletcher.

But I couldn’t believe a word of it… right? Madam was right, my mind as set on Kimberly, where she stood in my life and the way I thought about her. But I decided to put her and every thought about her to the back of my mind as I wanted to see where the other cards were going to take me.

Madam turned over another card. There were two naked people present on the card, most likely representing Adam and Eve. One was female and the other male. I couldn’t quite make out what the surroundings were but there was a big angel enveloped in a purple robe with beautiful big wings, giving praise to the man and woman. The card said The Lovers underneath it.

‘The lovers-‘ madam said, confirming my thoughts and continuing ‘You and your illicit lover share so much more then trust and harmony. Both of you are even as individuals being intellectually, solicitously and selflessly. Although you’ve had your up’s and down’s (like most people have), you’ve never stopped loving one another. The road will be generally smoother from here on out. You may have your days but it won’t be as hard as it was before. Someone’s trying to come in between the two of you but it isn’t for the reason that you think. Sure, her intentions may not be 100 per cent proper but she too has her fair share of secrets. Stick together and you two can take on an army.’ She concluded with a smile.

I returned the smile as my heart rate increased. ‘Uhh can you please tell me something madam?’

‘Go ahead.’

‘Will that person that comes in between us reveal me and Cole’s secrets to everyone? Or will she keep it over us as leverage…?’

‘I cannot quite say… give it time and things will sort themselves. But no matter what happens, you two will hold strong until…’ she stopped.

‘Until what exactly Madam?’

‘As I said before, the future is still not fully set. What happens between the both of you is dependent on the choice you make.’

‘What choice would that be?’

‘I do not know exactly. It may be nothing, only time will tell.’ I nodded slowly, not sure how to take it.

‘Shall we move on?’ I nodded again as she turned over the next card.

‘The Chariot’ she announced. The card has a princely figure sitting in a chariot being pulled by two sphinxes. The prince-like person is crowned and is holding a wand.

‘There is a journey in your future with adversity. Be careful because it’s not very distant in time but very soon you shall go. There will be things you will learn, things you’ll regret hearing and seeing and there might be a slight betrayal in emotions. The journey of sorts may not be far but the distance does not matter. It may be against your will but not a kidnapping.-‘ she said, making it sound like a riddle ‘-It will be a mistake for you to be dragged to this journey as it is not yours to take but someone close to you. That person will need all the help they can get and all the support from you as it will not be easy for the both of you. But just keep in mind, however you will feel, this person will feel even worse. It will change their life forever.’

I looked at Meghann with a confused look and was met with the same one.

‘I have another client soon so we better hurry it up.’ She said as she turned over the remaining card. ‘The Empress.’ Madam said.

The card was a pretty one. It had The Empress sitting on a throne wearing a starry crown, holding a scepter (decorative ROD that a king or queen carries at ceremonies) in one hand. Her starry crown has around 10 stars on it and the throne in which she is sitting in is in the midst of a field.

‘The Empress card is the mother of all the Tarot cards. It is a wise and powerful one. Her scepter represents her power over life, her crown represents her dominance and the field of grain represents her dominion over growing things. You will gain a family member of the female sort, probably a mother but could also be a sister or cousin. It will be life changing –as all the rest of your readings have been-. I know you have just recently begun to think of your true family and I can see you will be motivated into discovering what you need to discover to satisfy your thoughts. But no matter what happens; do not regret you decisions.’ She finished.

I didn’t know what to think of my readings because they were definitely not expected. My mind was in full blast but I wasn’t going to take the attention away from Meghann. If my readings were as strange but somehow still amazing then I couldn’t quite comprehend the possibility of Meghann receiving as good of or realistic a reading.

Meghann Vanderent’s POV

I couldn’t believe the reading that Avery got. But I now –at least- knew that this psychic was the real-deal and could be trusted. I just hoped she wouldn’t reveal anything to Avery… I didn’t want her to hate me. But the amount of times my heart stopped in the midst of Avery’s reading was unbelievable as I could just tell that some of it related to me…

I watched as Madam Melrose gave a deal of 4 cards. She flipped the first one over and I gave a mental slap of my head. The Chariot.

‘The Chariot again… It isn’t surprising though that you too will go on a journey because… it will be you and Avery who will reach it together. What I said to her applies partly to you. It will be Avery’s forgiveness that gets you through…’ Madam Melrose said.

‘OK.’ I said as I desperately didn’t want her to continue. I think she got the message as she nodded. I tried to avoid Avery’s gaze.

Madam Melrose turned over the next card. ‘The Wheel of Fortune.’ Madam said. There was a wheel type thing in the middle with strange things surrounding it. There was an Angel, a Snake, many clouds and strange animals with wings.

‘You’ve had a special gain but also an unusual loss. You think that your problems have come to an end and I’m not saying they haven’t but it may not be as you think. Keep an open-mind and go with what you believe. Don’t let the world’s influence persuade you otherwise.’ She ended. I nodded in thanks as she turned over another card.

‘The Fool.’ It was basically a guy in colourful motley clothes; pack tied to a staff with a small dog, standing at the edge of a cliff.

‘You’ve had a new beginning, and with new beginnings always comes new adventures and opportunities. There are unlimited possibilities in your future but also pleasure, passion but also rashness.’

I thanked her again as she turned over the last remaining card. ‘The Hierophant’ she said. It looked like a man sitting on a throne holding up Peace with two fingers whilst the other hand is holding a gold staff. The Hierophant is wearing a crown and a red robe. Two men are kneeling before him in a respectable manner whilst there were two keys directly beneath the man’s feet.

‘This is a very symbolic card and holds much meaning. It is the father of all Tarot cards and lives up to its fortune. Mercy, kindness, forgiveness, compassion is only a couple of the assets to you and your future. You will generally put everyone else ahead of yourself even if it’s the last thing you do. But sometimes you have to learn how to put your foot forward and help yourself.’ She concluded.

‘Thank you so much Madam Melrose.’ Avery said for the both of us.

‘No problem of course. I hope today has helped you to understand you past, yourself and make your future clearer.’ Madam said as she stood up and we followed her example.

After paying, Avery and I decided to go shopping.

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