When Harry met Sofie

By missynickiix0

259K 2.4K 372

~CURRENTLY ATTEMPTING TO EDIT~ Sofie's bestfriend Stevie gets two tickets to Great Britian and Buckingham Pal... More

When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 1
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 2
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 3
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 4
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 5
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 6
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 7
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 8
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 9
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 10
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 11
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 12
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 13
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 14
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 15
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 16
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 17
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 18
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 19
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 20
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 22
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 23
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 24
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 25
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 26
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 27
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 28
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 29
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 30
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 31
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 32
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 33
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 34
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 35
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 36
When Harry met Sofie- Chapter 37
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 38
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 39
When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 40
When Harry met Sofie - Epilogue
Random Babble & About the Sequel

When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 21

5.4K 62 6
By missynickiix0

Chapter 21

After getting our tickets, Harry and I head back to our apartments to pack our things. I tried my best to convince him not to go to America and that we need to work things out with his family, because I want our baby to have both of our families in its lives. But Harry wasnt having it. He said his dad had pushed the limits and he wasnt letting him talk like that about the girl he loved. As flattering as that is, Harry has to have his family in his life. When I got back to my apartment, Stevie was sound asleep on the couch. I decided to let her know whats going on, and if she wants to stay a little while, she's welcome to ask Will and Kate if she can stay in the apartment.

As I shake her gently I whisper, "Stevie, wake up. Come on, get up." She groans and smacks me.

"Go the fuck away!" She yells, turning over on the couch. I laugh and smack her hard with a pillow. She screams and jumps up. She grabs a pillow, ready to wack but stops midway. "Shit. I cant hit you anymore." She frowns.

I look at her, confused. "Why cant you? We always have pillow fights."  She rolls her eyes at me.

"Your pregnant, stupid." She said. Oh yeah, I forgot for a minute. I sigh. Life is going to change so much now... no more clubs, getting drunk, sleeping in, pillow fights, just generally doing what any normal twenty one year old should. I'm going to be taking care of a baby. Tears start streaking down my face, Stevie sees and pulls me into her. "Whats wrong?" She asked as she rubbed my back.

My crying becomes hard sobs as she sits me down on the couch and hugs me. "Ha-Harry and his d-d-dad got in a-a f-f-f-ight." I cry inbetween sobs. She hugs me tighter and 'shhs' me."

"What happened?" She asked. I dont answer, I just continue to cry. Stevie doesnt press for information, which I am glad for. I cry and cry and cry. I cry for my baby, who will have such a fucked up life and mother, for the fact that Harry and his dad had a fight, that I'm not speaking with my mom, that I'm about to leave the country I've fallen inlove with, the family I've created, just everything. I'm sure going to miss it. I dont want to go.

"What the fuck happened to her?" I hear Harry's voice boom from the front door. I dont turn and run into his arms like I usually do, which shows something is seriously wrong with me. Stevie's arms are replaced with Harrys strong, protective ones as he pulls me into his lap, rocking me.

I cry into his chest as he holds me tight. "Sh, baby, tell me whats wrong." Harry whispers into my hair. I cry even harder, if possible at the close comforting sound of his voice. By now, I've completely forgotten what I am crying over, but I cant stop.

"She said something about you and your dad fighting, that's all. She just lost it." I hear Stevie's voice say from far away. I was about to say something when my stomach growls loudly. I stop crying and bust out laughing, until my sides hurt.

I slid out of Harry's grasp, into the floor, holding my sides as I laugh. I can feel Stevie and Harry's confused stares as I laugh, but I dont care. Laughing does wonders for a girl crying her eyes out. Why am I laughing again? FOOD! I almost forgot. I jump up and run into the kitchen. As I go, I hear Harry whisper, "What the hell? Is she bipolar and forget to tell me?" I roll my eyes and go straight for the ice cream. I plop myself up on the counter and shovel the ice cream in my mouth, moaning as the taste hits my tongue.

Harry and Stevie slowly make their way into the kitchen, looking more than cautious. I lick the spoon then scope up some more. "Hafe youf haf fhis ife cweam before?" I ask through a mouth full of ice cream. They both look at me as if I have rabies. "More for me then." I say after swallowing it. They continue to stare, and I grow annoyed.

"Seriously, y'all. Staring is rude, even if I'm hot." I wink. Their mouths fall open. "You get on my nerves." I groan, shoving off of the counter and storming to my room. Seriously, they're acting like theyve never seen a girl eat ice cream before. I go into my closet and start throwing my clothes into one suitcase. An arm snakes around my waist. I sink back into him and relax.

"Glad to see your not going to bite my head of now." He jokes in my ear. I roll my eyes and turn to him.

"I can bite if you want me to." I wink, seductively. He gulps and nods. I burst into giggles but stop as soon as I see him leaning closer to me. As his mouth is about to reach mine, I turn my head and bring my lips to his neck. I bite down on his neck as I kiss him and he groans. He tightens his one arm around my waist and buries his other hand in my hair. I kiss up to the corner of his mouth, right as I'm about to kiss him full on the mouth, he swings me around and lays me on the bed. I smile as he climbs ontop of me. "Were suppose to be packing." I remind him. He groans and looks at me.

"I've got more important things to do right now." He says, kissing my collar bone hungryily. "L:ike you." I giggle as he brings his lips to mine. I push my hand up the front of his shirt and feel his chisled abs. He shivers and licks my bottom lip, causing me to open my mouth for him. My leg wraps around his waist as my fingers tug as his hair. Harry's slid to my back and work the zipper of my dress down. Slowly, he pushes the straps down off of my shoulder as I yank his shirt over his head. Harry looks me in the eye and smiles. "I love you so much, Sofie." Harry breathed. I smile and pull his mouth back to mine as he works my dress down.

We continue to go like this until we are both completely naked and breathless. I groan as Harry lets his some of his weight fall on me, feeling him against my hot skin. "We really should finish your packing so we can catch our plane." He said, reluctantly starting to pull away from me.

I wrap my arms and legs tightly around him, squeezing him to me. "To late for that now, finish your job." I smile at his surprise. But surprisingly, he listens.


After an hour of fun, Harry and I force ourselves away from each other so I can finish my packing so we can finally leave. Even if I still dont want to go. Dressed in Harry's sweats and his t-shirt, I grab the rest of my luggage that Harry hasnt gotten to and head out fo my room for the last time.

"Baby! I told you I would get that, sit your sexy ass down and I'll put this in the car, then be back up for you." Harry demands, taking my bags from me.

I roll my eyes and glare at him, crossing my arms. "Excuse me, douche. I'm pregnant, not helpless." I said sarcastically. Harry laughs and hands me a small bag. "Ohh, gosh. Such a big bag, do you think your poor defenseless girlfriend could handle this?"

Harry looks at me and glares at me. "You know, your not very cute when your sarcastic, smartass." He smirks at his good come back.

"Yeah? You seemed to think I was pretty damn good looking in the bed about twenty minutes ago." I wink then shove past him without another word. Always leave them wanting more is my mato. I hear Harry curse behind me and I laugh. I dont realize Harry is behind me until he pinches my ass, hard.

"You know, I think pregnancy will do wonders for that ass." He said, cockily. I hit him with my bag. "Fiesty, baby."

I roll my eyes and hit his chest. "What is it with you and my ass? Seriously. Your obsessed, take a picture, itll last longer."

Harry's eyes light up and he takes out his phone. "With pleasure!" He said as I bent over to grab a bag off of the ground. I hear his camera shutter. I gasp and turn to yell at him. "Thanks, babe." He said cheerfully, kissing my cheek.

Stevie decided not to come back just yet, she wanted to do some talking with Will about the duties of being a Prince for a research project she has due for college. By midnight, Harry and I are snuggle into his private jet that he called for after we missed our flight. He rubs back gently as I close my eyes, head rested in his lap.

"Sleep tight. When you wake up, you'll be home." So I did as he said, and sleep until we got home.


I stroke her soft face as she sleeps in my lap. Knowing she is pregnant has made me see everything so differently. All I cared about before was a good fuck and party. Now, I love Sofie, and my baby that is growing inside of her. Yes, it was careless and stupid of us, but shit happens and I've got to man up and own my mistakes. Gently, I put a hand on her stomach. God, its so hard to believe I am going to be a father. I dont know how this is going to turn out. In my heart I love to party and be crazy, my usual self. But in my mind I know I need to grow up. I just dont know if I'm ready to let it all go.

Sofie groans and turns in my lap so her head is facing me. "Are we there yet?" She yawns, stretching. I smile at her beautiful she looks when she just wakes up. Her blonde hair a mess around her glowing face, blue eyes so pale and her lips bright pink. Never in my life have I been in love with a girl until I met Sofie. Sure I thought I had been. But none of those girls made my head spin, stomach knot and make me just want to drop everything for her. Until Sofie, I never stood up to my father. Will had all of the guts when it came to him, I just stood by and listened. Sure we've disagreed, but I have never went off on him like I did last night. I did it all for Sofie.

"Yes, were about to land." I told her as she looked up at me. She sits up and looks out of the window, smiling hugely. I knew she'd love coming back home. I just hope she will love the idea of us staying at her mothers. Of course I could get us a hotel, but Sofie needs to work things out with her mom. From what Kate tells me, a girl will need her mom when she is pregnant.

Sofie squeals. "I cant believe I'm home!" She scries as she walks out of the airport. People around turn to look at her. I stop dead in my tracks, causing Sofie to stop to. She turns to look at me just as the paparazzi take wind of who we are and start to swarm.

"Shit. I didnt even think about this." I mumble under my breath, as I search for an out. Girls start grabbing at my arm as they try to snap pictures of Sofie and I. I glance at Sofie and she looks like she is about to faint. This is worse than the time outside of her apartment. I yank her into my side and hold her tightly to me. "Hold on, babe. I'm looking for an out." I yell to her. More and more people come and people are pressing against us, screaming. Fuck it, I think as I shove a few huge camera guys apart so Sofie and I can squeeze through. No one moves. Where the hell are the cops?

"Harry.... I dont feel so good." Sofie says beside me. When I look at her, she is pale as a sheet, sweat rolling off of her and she is wobbling. Shit!

I yank Sofie up into my arms. "MOVE, DAMNIT!" I yell as I shove people. I dont give a damn how horrible this looks, I just need to make sure my girl and baby are okay. "FUCKING MOVE." I shout as more people emerge. Later than ever, the police come and start yanking people away. Camera's continue to snap.

"Harry..." Sofie moans. I look down at her and she's getting paler. Suddenly, she leans over and throws up infront of us. The crowds "Oh , Ew's" as I start to panick. Please god tell me she is okay. A cop comes infront of me.

"Is she okay?" He asked, looking down at a almost unconcious Sofie in my arms.

I shake my head. "I dont know! She's pregnant. She just started turning pale and got wobbly. She just threw up too." I tell him, my voice shaking. I dont think I've ever been this scared, not even when I was in the war.

"Come on, I'll take you both to the hospital in my car." He said, shoving people aside and escorting us to his police car. He opens the door and I slid into the back with Sofie in my arms. He turns his siren on and starts rushing towards the hospital.

As we go, I dig Sofie's phone out of her pocket. Once I find it, I go through her contacts and find her moms number. She picks up on the third ring.

"Sofie, sweetie! I am so sorry about everything. I shouldnt have introduced you to-" She babbles but I cut her off.

"Its not Sofie. It's Harry. You need to go to the hospital now. Sofie and I are on our way, she fainted at the airport." I said then hung up the phone, as we pulled into the emergency part of the hospital. Right now, I wish my mom were here more than ever. I bet she would know what to do. She'd tell me everything was going to be fine, that the girl I love more than I've ever loved anyone, will be okay. That we will live happily every after.


So, saturday, I seen this guy that looked sooo much like prince harry. He was so fucking hot, yall, like seriously hot. To bad he was drunk off his ass and fell off a race car. ;)

anyways, do you like it? Not getting much feed back from my new fans,?

comments & voteeees?!?! :)

much love, xxoo


I want to have a new cover, anyone interested in making one PM me. :)

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