Not so loved (Tales from the...

By happy_monster

31.6K 630 995

Hell I don't even know.. Rhys x Fiona/Sasha Fanfiction. Rhys was hoping for a promotion of being the new face... More

Part 1: How it started
Part 2: Reaching Pandora
Part 3: meeting her
Part 4: the plan
Part 5: Figure out
Chapter 2 Fighting Eachother
Part 1: You promised you'd still remember me
Part 2: Finding her
Part 3
Part 4: down on it
Part 5
Chapter 3
Part 2: Cold hearted
Part 3: Trouble
Part 4: Raw
Part 5: Didn't do shit
Chapter three: Not to be trusted
Part 1
Part 2: From this day forward
Part 3
Part 4: Wtf
Part 5/ final: Thinking about others?
Chapter four: Pay it
Part 1: To their rescue
Part 2: Meeting
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5 / End Of Chapter Four
End of S1
Begining of season two: When did it start happening?
Part 1
Part two: Story Tellers..?
Wattpad probs
Part three
Part 4
Part 5: Chaos
Chapter 1
Part one
Part two
(SMUT) Part three
Part four
Part Five
Chapter 2: Won't End Soon
Part one
Part two
Part three: Little trouble.
Part four: No wife, no life
Part five: Taking a piece from you
Part one
Part two
Part three: later on
Part four: The angle of faith
Part 56: The Riona Baby Is Almost Here!
Part one: It's not called cheating!
Part two: loss of hope...
Part three: No
Part four; Feeling
Part five
Season two: Rule Hyperion
Part one: Messing up.
Part two
Part three: Curing Fiona
Part four: Burning love
Author's note.
Part five: Practice
Chapter two: Ruins
Part 1: Jackson
Part two: Forget for tonight

CHAPTER FOUR: Near the end

247 8 33
By happy_monster

um.... do I need to get my eyes checked? Cuz I saw the views on this book and I'm not sure what to say, I have a list of sentences and words I wanna say but idk


- Thank you with a lot of love

- thank you, that comes from the heart

-thank you so much

- omg thank you ;-;

-thank you

-thank you

-thank you

-Thank you all my readers, TY ILY<3333333.



"Probably there's nothing here." Maya mentions, "Yeah, like I said. For the 5th time." Rhys murmurs. "We should get going then, get whatever you guys need." Maya walks off. Rhys leans to Fiona "Sure you want to come, Fi?" He questions her, Fiona nods in agreement "Someone needs to look after you," "Oh yeah, because you can never keep your pretty little green eyes off me." He teases. "You could say that for more ways than one," she chuckles, Rhys suddenly noticed this presence then turned his head. He saw Sasha staring back at him, she seemed off. Rhys narrowed his eyes, she soon walked into a room. After those few weird moments "Rhys?" He turned his head to see Sasha again, "Get your ass over here, Come on." they were waiting for him. He placed his hand on his head, trying to process what the actual fuck just happened. "Oh great." Maya rolled her eyes, "I knew you were those kind of people that have panic attacks out of nowhere" she rolls her eyes. "No... I just..." His breathe was uneasy, what did he see? What did he JUST see?! Fiona walked up and tried to console him, "Fiona, I just saw the weirdest thing. No, creepiest thing," He told her "In my whole entire life.." he says with a shaky voice. "Okay?" "What did you see?" Maya walks up to both of them. As for Tina, she was standing close to Sasha with a worried look on her face. "I saw Sasha.. walk across the hallway but I don't know....Its impossible because she was right here!" "Oh wow, I did not know you were completely insane." Sasha crosses her arms, Fiona also thought so too but kept her mouth shut. "Can you all just please leave? Siren to Siren conversation." Maya waves them off. Once they left Maya turned to him and said "You can tell when people are going to die next." "What?", she held onto his shoulders and said "If you see something like that again, that means someone is dying. I'd rather not mess with it, I've seen it and wouldn't say a word." She noted. "Why? Did you stop it? Did they make it?" he asked, Maya looks down as she searched the correct words to puzzle up, "I did try. But no, they didn't. I knew Roland was going to die... but I still didn't say anything." She zoned out. "Yeah, you can't do anything 'bout it." She slightly shakes her head and walks toward the door, "But! You wouldn't even try.. not to even tell them." "Why should've I told them? For them just to wait for their time to come? That's pretty damn messed up, don't you think?" To all the people she could've saved, she decided not to. "No. I believe that I can still save Sasha." he clenches his fists, Maya looks over her shoulder as she turned the door nob, "Sure." She leaves.
"So... this is where Gorty's is at?" Tina tilts her head as Rhys took a hold on her hand, "Yep." Maya says, staring at all of the dead people Tina holds Rhys' hand tight. "What did this?" Rhys obverses the place, "You mean who. Who did this." Fiona remarks. "We should split.." Maya says, "I'll go alone, Fiona and Tina, and Rhys with Sasha." Maya shrugged. "So long." she left. My mouth was wide open, she just wants Sasha dead already. "Rhys, be careful. Okay?" Fiona kissed Rhys' cheek, "Love you." she started to walk off. Rhys didn't want to be alone with HER! "I......Love you too.." Rhys mumbles, he shrugged then turns to Sasha "okay...lets find Gortys. And stay in my sight okay?" "Why should I?" Sasha complains and rolls her eyes like a teenager. "Because, You're going to--" "You know what Rhys? Even though you're a bit handsome doesn't mean I want to talk to you or get friendly, I just got stuck here! And if you could remove these cuffs, I would be long and far out of your trouble." She suggests. He sighs in annoyance, quickly he grabbed her hand cuffs and pulled her close. "You are not leaving my side, Sasha.".

"I see no Gorty's, iiii see no Gortys.." Was the little toon Sasha sang for a while now, and was irking Rhys. From getting anymore angry, he took out his pills and swallowed two down. "Hm.." she hummed, which caught his attention. Still holding tight onto the cuffs chains, he stared at her. Sasha gazed up at the ceiling as they walked down the hall, "I don't know why you guys even bother.." she began. He raised his eyebrow in confusion, he looked back at the ground, still watching out for traps. Trying to avoid Sasha's death. "Why have me? I mean, I don't remember anything, not even a glimpse of my memory but... why do you guys keep trying? During what's happening between you and Fi. I just don't get it." Sasha shook her head, why waist so much time on her? "Because Fiona loved you, still does actually. It's a love that I can't really explain." Rhys smiles a bit, still holding tight onto her chains, and still watching out for traps. "What about you and her? How much do you love her-- better way to put it-- how much do you guys love each other?" She says, that's when the confusion came in. "I don't know.." he was sad, he didn't even know how much he loves Fiona. And it hurts to say he loves her a lot. "All I know is that I would be a wreck without her. She's everything to me." "So a lot then?" Sasha chuckles. He laughs along with her "You could say that. I don't know what to expect between me and her." Rhys gives her a big smile. "Sooo.. does that give me a chance?" Rhys couldn't feel his heart for that moment, he stops and made eye contact with her. "Oh wow, if this is some messed up joke--" "No. It's not." She sternly said, she leans in and kissed him. Her lips were placed on his until Rhys could fight the urge anymore, he kissed her back. He felt so lost in his emotions, he was at the verge of not even knowing who he was. Rhys always felt that way, he tries taking it away by just sleeping with Fiona. But it doesn't work much like it used to, he grew tired of it. I guess he just wanted to rebel for a minute and cheat on Fiona, he wanted to feel the excitement. He wanted something horrible to happen. The thrill of arguments and fights, he liked that feeling, when it gets his heart racing. And finally, when he knows he's doing something bad but he just does it anyway, that was the best feeling.

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