My Hero Academia: Eclipse

De vegito1308

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A peaceful era is over the horizon as the heroes of the UA and agencies joined hands to save Eri. The young E... Mais

A peaceful setting. Eri's progress
Breaking through. On the move
Dead in life. A Powerful Curse
Meteor Smash
The Fatal Effect
A Full on Assault!
Target Found. He's here
Fight Back 1A!
Clone Defeat
Run Away 1A!
Hospital Ward
Class 1A Rehab
Police Headquarters
The Emblem of Chaos
News Update
The Hospital Nightmares
Good news
Conversation and Ploy
Injuries and Scars
Living Nightmare
Days unheard
Meeting the friends
Treatment and Relief
Post Healing
Hic Venit
The Beast Inside
All Out-! The Hidden Diversion
Dragon Slayer
Idea of Evil
Finis Certaminis
Week after. Bad Shower
Threat to all, Villains Raided
A fleeing thought
Normal Day
Class Fight
Sub-Final Fights
Enhanced Deku
Midoriya vs Bakugo
Gear Change and Sympathy
Trauma Fix in a Night
Midoriya Ki Training
Dark Move
Battle for the Heroes
Healing Tears
Afraid. Dream Altar
Dealing with the Weak Heart
Eri sees the past
A Hero's Heart
Hunting and Hurting
Ambush. Grief Illusion
Harder Training
Inhuman Training
Dates 2
Universe -731 History
Full Descent
Missing support
Pushing through pain.
Overwhelming Power
Conflict Collision
World Change! Visiting Eri
Picking up wreckage
Court. Playful Teasing
Dad? Overhaul Escapes
Survivors. Kamijirou Moment
Under the Radar
Interdimensional Message
Group Conversations
Foreseeing their Plan
Sudden Class Session
Crossing Stories
Godhand Apparition
Knocking them Away
First Blow
Not Found
Evil's Worldly Transition! Berserker MIA
Announcement 5/20/21
Night to Dusk. Visiting Hatsume
Amusement Park
Who is he in reality-?
The New Light
Hope of Uniting Heroes
Corrupted Berserker
Forced Illusion
Enemy Origin
Hope. Eri's Dreamscape
Godhand! Enhanced God Training
Laying low. Elementals
Midoriya's Test! Unleashed Form
Warm Visit and Apostle Sighting
Ominous prediction
Meddling Division. The T.E.A.R. Unit
Scared for Protecting A Life
Midoriya misses home
Eri reveals her dreams
International Aid! The Ominous Plans
A Warm Homecoming. Preparation
Illusion Mind Grasp! The Evil Sees
Dark Lemon ∆ Couples
Dark Entity vs Dark Mortal
Serene Hero Duty
Serene Hero Duty 2
⭐A Miracle: Fantastic News-!⭐
Serene Hero Duty 3
Shopping. Hidden Assault
Fury! The PLF Strikes-!
Betrayal. All Might Returns!
A Terrible Outcome. Transformed
Innocent Killed. Evolution
Berserker's New Form: Dahak!
Berserker vs Shigaraki
Cruel Death of the PLF
Beerus Appears-! Incident Stopped
Making One's Own Miracle
No mercy. Fretful Future
Revolting Hardship. Vigilante Attack!
T.E.A.R. Disrupted, Divine Aid
Distrust. Grave Warning
Eri wakes up. Mother's Reprimand
New Lives After Corruption
Christmas Cheer
Blessed and Cursed Gifts
The Demons We Are
Intense Battle
The Evil Within
Meteor Combination
Cosmic Fist!
Airplane Rescue
Unifying Plan. Night Affair
Final Warning Before Disaster
The Downfall begins
The Looming Terror
The Night Of Sacrifice
A Hero Comes Through

Amidst Despair, Auburn Devastation

56 1 2
De vegito1308

Universe 389, above the dark hurricane:

The Idea Of Evil watched with relish, watching heroes die left and right but realized among the carnage and consumption of souls...


"He's just like that man Guts. He opposes his fate and through mere determination... He is pulling miracles that shouldn't be possible." Slan spoke, watching the young heroes be torn apart by apostles and creatures too hungry to even wait the death of them all.

"Suppose this as a rock falling into a stream. It clearly made more than ripples which means even our own calculations were wrong. Slightly. It's not like he can upheaval our entire scheme." Ubik theorized to see the traitors Kyoka and Ojiro suffer despite being able to hold on against the Berserker with the unending hordes to watch their friends being eaten.

"The question hath not been answered. The real one remains. How? For that small child Eri? Can he fight off our corruption just to make sure that child lives...? No matter. If the child cannot sacrifice, she will die among the rest. There is... No hope to be found in the depths of hell." Void prophesized, too confident that now no one could intervene.

"THE CHILD WILL SACRIFICE OR BECOME PART OF THE OFFERINGS FOR OUR NEW GODHAND, OVERSCORN-! MAY THE GRAND FEAST BEGIN-!!!" Conrad roared to let the monsters know to continue their rampage as the Berserker beat up, slammed, and slashed at the young heroes like Uraraka and Bakugo as well the rest... Slowly dwindling in number to be absorbed to the evil entrails of the dark god.


Outskirts of Mie, near Shizuoka city:

"I've got a message-! The pro heroes fighting the Berserker are still alive-!" Sirius yelled, shocked to have gotten in to inform her boss and other agents that were trying to find out what was happening in Shizuoka were the dark hurricane had clearly moved on top of it to be an immovable eye spot.

"Then let me hear it! Keep sailing forth-!" Captain Selkie commander wanted to get those heroes out of there as Awata listened intently.

His crew and outside agents inside the Oki Mariner ship then listened to something horrendous. Blood, meat, screams, and fire could be heard. It was all mixed with static which made it hard to hear as Sirius shook with fear. Her hand trembled to almost stop the recording which for hours was the only they could receive until a recognizable voice came in.

"... This... Is... Brzzt... Hero Froppy-! Contacting all ships near Shizuoka- KRRZHH-!" The voice rang to fill Selkie and Sirius with hope

"Froppy-! This is the Oki Mariner-! We are about 200 meters to make land landfall- come to the shore and-" Sirius tried to talk until Froppy could be heard sobbing, whimpering as tearing flesh could be heard not so far before grunts, growls, and roars could be heard.

"D-d- don't come HERE-!!! I REPEAT-!! SNNCH-! DON'T COME TO US-! ABANDON US HERE AND RETREAT-! I ORDER AN AIRSTRIKE AT OUR LOCATION-!!! WE ARE DOOMED, DON'T MAKE LANDFALL-! GYAAHH-!" Tsuyu screamed mid-broadcast to panic Selkie and Sirius, tapping to check the frequency and the captain ordered his men to stop. Then they heard-




"SWERVE LEFT-!" Selkie yelled to which the man at the wheel spun the helm so fast he almost tumbled over. He succeeded in turning the ship before a giant red beam of light blasted out, coloring the sky, ocean, and even the interior of the ship in crimson blinding light. A prolonged echoed roar of the lowest tone resonated across their bodies as Awata knew...

Something was severely wrong. They shouldn't intervene at all.

The beam attack ended to now show the aftermath being a burnt city with a wide caved in valley and ocean water pulled in, dragging them slightly despite retreating back at full speed to turn about to leave. Nothing resembling a human settlement remained except for what still burned by flames.

"Tsuyu-! Report in-! What-!?" Sirius tried to talk to her friend until Awata called it in with her radio.

"This is Oki Mariner. ID 233387. I order a nuclear strike at Shizuoka City. The Berserker confirmed to be engaged with the last heroes in that province-" Awata reported and was about to say the coordinates until Sirius punched her in the cheek, feeling the pain before returning a blow of herself back to bash her away to a wall of the cabin. She felt the punch but the power she had overpowered the heroine to instead tank the hit to continue the call

"Exact coordinates. 34°58'37.02"N, 138°22'59.02"E-" Awata confirmed with cold eyes to brush off a blood trail from her mouth.

Selkie immediately caught Sirius in his hold to then panic at what the blue girl was doing "BUBBLE GIRL-! DON'T-! WE DON'T-!?" The captain yelled but was interrupted by Awata who screamed back "THE BERSERKER IS STILL THERE-! HE WON'T LET US EVEN LAND WHEN HE CAN BLOW UP CITIES INTO SMITHEREENS LIKE HE HAS DONE SO FAR-! RETREAT BACK FOR THE MOMENT-!" Awata huffed, holding back gasps to instead concentrate to say the coordinates again, now leaving Selkie to sigh and ponder what the right call was until a gigantic red lightning shined from the heavens to fall down, expanding across the land to even transmit an EMP effect.

However earlier than expected, the phone she called in had responded.

"ID 233387. Confirmed. Hero: Bubble Girl, voice recognition. Confirmed. Location authorized... Nuclear Airstrike inbound. Abandon the coast of Shizuoka and retreat farther than Mie's prefecture- further orders-brrzzt-"

"Shit-!" Selkie cursed, ordering his men to get out of there at full speed while picking Sirius in his arms to huff in shock. Tears rolled down his face to begin seeing the places Tsuyu was in this ship.

The screams. Now the inbound nuclear strike.

'Tsuyu-chan... I'm sorry... We can't rescue you or anyone there-! Run if you can to seek cover-! I'M SORRY-!' Selkie whispered under his breath as Awata was now dead worry for Dark Midoriya, not feeling or sensing his presence as she should. She hoped the nuke could bring him out of that corrupted mind state.

The boat ran at that speed, spreading out the message to flee the area due to an incoming nuclear strike.


Shizuoka City:

"GO DOWN-!" Kyoka and Ojiro roared in their demonic tones, hitting the clone they were still fighting. The clone blocked with both forearms, pushed back to show he had multiple cracks and missing pieces by now with black bile pulsing out of it.

"Nightstalker Heartbeat Claws-!!!" Jirou suddenly screamed, going through the clone to slice the waist completely which separated the clone in two until it's upper half made a full spin to grab onto it's waist and not let go to reattach itself.

However Ojiro saw this coming and was now above him with a double axe handle.


Ojiro landed his fists on the clone Berserker, breaking it to a fractured self before Kyoka teleported over to decapitate the thing. Then they blew it upwards with a combined upper cut

"RISING ECLIPSE-!" Both hollered and dived down mighty fast, looking up to see the shattered pieces of the clone reac the sky to then detonate to make a giant orange-red sphere disturb the dark hurricane up above. It made the area look like a dimming red dusk until it again became dark.

Kyoka and Ojiro relaxed for a moment until the Berserker fired a Ryushiha beam their way, rocketing the hybrid apostles sky high with the evil Kamehameha taking the heroes by surprise to watch how even the monsters cowered at that attack.

"Kyoka-!!!" Kaminari and Momo yelled, concentrating to keep fighting back the beasts going for their necks.

"Ojiro-!" Sato and Toru screamed before the invisible girl fired a translucent cutting light lazer from her palm, making Sato take the chance to barrel into an injured ogre to tackle it away

The rest of the heroes couldn't focus on what just happened as the monsters kept coming down on the heroes as Uraraka immediately dropped Eri and Kouta, slamming her hands on the ground with her hair flowing upwards, her hands and eyes glowing pink. The rocks and debris around her with the hero group levitated upwards violently as the heroes grabbed each other to root back to the ground the best way they could as the charging apostles and creatures were sent upwards.

"Awakening-! REVERSE POLARITY-!" Uravity roared, veins in her head popping while she sent everyone upwards as she felt her hands hurt. However she kept doing it to see that every charging apostle and creature were sent sky high by their own force as if she literally inverted Earth's gravity.

"Oh nice-! Hold on-!" All Might called out and was supported by Endeavor, Gaia, Star and Stripe, Shoto, Bakugo, Novgorod, Nejire, and Inasa to attack together with their best long range attack just as Uraraka undid her awakening for Camie and Mina to pull her back with them. The rest of the monsters saw that to grin mischievously, either landed on their clawed feet or unhooked their limbs from the ground to charge forward at them.

The heroes didn't even name it to just yell at the top of their lungs to fire a swirling rotating blast, circling all around to destroy and burn the monsters into pieces still falling or diving straight to them.


The roar of the offensive group ended to blow up the entire sky as Mirko and Lida defended the front lines, using their legs to smack the wolves and stronger apostles from getting close to the ones who fired that combo attack. The two held hands to swivel in the air to avoid clawed attacks from monsters before changing enemies to land their feet to the faces of the opposing monsters.

MOTORCROSS-!" Mirko and Lida yelled together before Gaia formed a giant veil of green spikes vines around them to run over and away from the Monsters' range.

Huntsman, Tokoyami, Hawks, Mirio, Manga, Tamaki, Nagamasa, Seiji, and Kaminari now attacked together.

"NOW-!" Hawks yelled to time the second incoming wave right "INANIMATE VOLLEY-!" The heroes yelled together, firing their quirks to pierce, smash, and go through multiple beings at once to form a devastating defense projectile of feathers, hairs, meat bone daggers, spider webs, lightning, sharp onomatopoeias, and Mirio's punches circle around them. This effectively knocked them back to go around the group instead of trying to directly attack them.

The heroes spread out to initiate a third assault to clear their numbers. The close quarters fighters charged to the outside to attack face to face with those things. Kirishima, Sero, Koda, Shouji, Lida, Momo, Mineta, Toru, Sato, Tetsutetsu, Kendo, Mina, Tsuyu, Edgeshot, Best Jeanist, Mirko, and Phantasm made a horizontal line to attack together.

"Counter League Brawl-!" Everyone in the third group yelled together, bashing or knocking those monsters away to even kill some as Shouji, Toru, Edgeshot, Mirko, and Phantasm killed ones with their concentrated might to clear the threats. Mineta, Huntsman, and Sero made sure to paste the monsters down to give everyone enough time to destroy them.

The Berserker smiled at this to observe how they looked in panic to see the creatures feast on each other, eating the dead before doing the same encircling pattern while trying to get an opening.

Then Kendo, Tetsutetsu, Nagamasa, Inasa, Koda, Momo, Edgeshot, Gaia, and Novgorod got cut by the Berserker's blade somewhere in their limbs to spill blood not sever limbs. He passed through them to miss All Might, Mirio, Mirko, Endeavor, Hawks, and Best Jeanist who dived or jumped over his blade to see his wicked smile in a red streak around their peripheral vision field.

He tagged me-!
That STINGS-!"

The injured heroes complained to feel their blood taint the ground.

Uraraka raised her head to then see many wolves suddenly spasmed in place, sniffing the air erratically before 5 of them dashed to vanish into thin air.

"Oh no..." Koda realized, seeing his left arm bled before shadows could be seen around him. He whistled to the Kelpie he was still riding, making it set out a water shield big enough to protect himself, Tetsutetsu, Kendo, Nagamasa, and Inasa.

But this was for naught as two wolves got repelled instantly but three made it through. Tetsutetsu could only push Kendo out of the shield before he, Nagamasa, and Koda got their heads ripped out by the dire wolves biting their necks including the Kelpie. Four blood spouts soon emerged and the other monsters like Goblins, Centipedes, and misshapen humanoid creatures consumed them.

"TETSU-!!!!!" Kendo cried her heart out to see one of Tetsutetsu's arms go flying before a flying Harpy scooped it to eat with a bloody beak.

Mina, Bakugo, Lida, Kaminari, and Uraraka screeched together.

"GUUUUUUYS-!!!!!!!!" They felt their veins run cold to then see other trolls and goblins tear their bodies with the wolves, piling over them to hide their corpses while Inasa grabbed a shocked Kendo to grab from behind to then be taken up in the air with him and at a safer distance to dodge out of the 2 dire wolves and a red scale octopus tentacles that missed grabbing them to dash across the battlefield.

That's when All Might landed his fist on top of the creatures to make a giant red and purple splash of blood out of those merciless monsters.

"Carolina SMASH-!!! CURSE YOU ALL-!" All Might shouted in distress, being helped by Best Jeanist and Endeavor to take off some critters that tried to bite All Might by cutting them or burning to a crisp.

Suddenly Gaia, Phantasm, Best Jeanist, Bakugo, Shoto, Sero, Mina, and Uraraka got rocked by the Dragonslayer's dull side. They effectively got smacked at an unseeable speed to knock them all around to which Best Jeanist and Sero got caught by the maws of dire wolves who bit their arms to take them.

"CRAP BASKETS-!!!" Best Jeanist made a net out of his clothes to put over the beast's mouth, pulling hard to make multiple perpendicular cuts over and under it's maw, forcing it to let go before Mirko dropped kicked the beast on the head to slam down then Kurogiri finally appeared out of nowhere to pass the head of the wolf under the ground into the portal before sealing it closed. This cut off the head off the beast in a second as Kurogiri arose.

"AAAGHHH-! IT'S TEETH ARE SINKING DEEP-!!!" Sero screamed in alarm to feel his left arm make a very concerning sound before being spun across the ground.

"Cellophane-!" Tsuyu roared to jump into action to slam into the wolf as Tokoyami set his shadow over it's maw before prying it open before All Might tackled it to the sky with Star and Stripe firing a beam upwards, detonating mid-launch to blow it to smithereens.

"DEFCON RAY-!" Star and Stripe roared to concentrate in the battle.

"Got him-!" Toru yelled, firing from her body a refracted red light to strike the Berserker. Kirishima and Sato charged forward with Phantasm jumping over to land a kick to the Berserker's helm. This put it in a trance but apostles emerged to hit those three away, making the efforts in vain as tentacles, a giant monkey like arm, and a talon knocked those three back.

"Phantasm-!" Gaia yelled to slam her hands to the ground, forming her wooden guardian "Locomotion: Mimic Guardian!" She bellowed to make the ground crack then erupt under the heroes.

Camie and Toru stayed close to her, observing how her hair grew to past shoulder length then spitting blood as now everyone was lifted up and safely kept at a distance. Every long range fighter began to peek over the giant forest like octopus, seeing how it's shark like tail and crab claws tore through the creatures except the wolves, who dodged around it to find a blind spot to which Endeavor and Novgorod fired together.

"Gaia gave us a chance-! FIRE AT FULL POWER BELOW-!" Novgorod commanded as All Might, Endeavor, Inasa, Bakugo, Shoto, and Nejire attacked to blow monsters into pieces, an impact burning through most or repelling them for others to target.

Everyone else dealt with the monsters climbing on the arachnid like legs of he monster or it's long tail. Kirishima, Tsuyu, Mina, Phantasm, Edgeshot, Mirko, Tamaki, Mirio, Tokoyami, Sero, Shouji, Seiji, and Uraraka fought the creatures off the legs while Mineta glued monsters together to make them clumsy and fall over.

He smiled despite the despair, looking behind him to be emboldened with courage to keep fighting despite blood dripping off his head. Gaia and Novgorod kept Eri and Kouta safe alongside a weakened Uraraka, both children hugging together and Uravity trying to console them as the two international heroes blasted any flying creatures coming for them as Kurogiri made portals to send some away while trying something with no success.

'why... Why can't I teleport anyone away-!? Even myself from this horrid landscape-!?' he said, cutting a wyrm dragon in two by making a portal for it to pass then close instantly.

"GRAPE CHAIN FLAIL-!" Mineta suddenly yelled, hurling a purple ball chain so long it got five dog sized black wasps caught in it before Novgorod burned them to become ashes with a swirl whip of fire emerging from his palm which he held like a whip "Dante's Inferno Whip-! AND SULFUR SKY-!" Novgorod huffed with steam flowing out his mouth, before swinging it around to light the air around then of the nature guardian beast in fire to burn other incoming threats, even a flying snake thing which melted and burst into flames upon being hit. The dire black wolves suddenly leapt off the Guardian's legs or vanished to then watch how Trolls, Ogres, Spiders, Skeletons, gargoyles, insects, and apostles of varying size trying to get a dive in on them got pulverized with the air around becoming flames.

Gaia made her Mimic guardian octopus drop down, smashing any creatures below it and removing the risk of burning any of their comrades to see body parts and weapons rain down doused in flames.

"Got them-! AND NO YOU DON'T-!" Bakugo yelled until he dashed over to see Momo blast a Wickerman off the Guardian's body with no signs of working with a Bren gun, firing to no avail until she got tackled by the flaming metal beast to try gnaw on Mirko who was right open thanks to a dire wolf trying to eat her face which she pushed back just barely to turn to see that monster about to clobber her.

However Bakugo made it in time, tackling the beast while doing a shoulder bash variant of his Howitzer move.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS-! GRIZZLY HOWITZER-!" Bakugo echoed to send the Wickerman flying before he broke through it's metal body, letting the caught souls leave it to break apart and smash to the ground.

That's when the real Berserker attacked, grabbing Bakugo by the face to swing up and down to smash him on the ground to bounce painfully to bleed instantly. The beasts and creatures cleared ways off to avoid the impacts which did smash or dismember the monsters close enough.

"SON OF A BITCH-! LET DYNAMIGHT GO-!" Mirko yelled to go after the Berserker.

"BAKUGO-SHONEN-!" All Might roared as Mirko, Huntsman, Star and Stripe, Endeavor, Gaia, and Novgorod all jumped down to take the claw off Bakugo's bleeding face with a tremendous five effort strike which burst into flames to melt his armored claw as Inasa and Camie swooped down to grab Bakugo.

"Hold my HAND-!" Camie yelled at Bakugo, seeing his forehead bleed and heavy bruising on his face but he smiled to see Camie hold his extended hand, tugging him hard to her before Shouji and Sero grabbed them to sling over to them even faster to the Mimic guardian as Inasa dodged the Berserker who speed blitzed all six veteran pro-heroes like nothing to make them spit blood or contort painfully to smash into the ground.

"Shit-!" Inasa panicked, flying away using gusts of air until a giant wooden branch arm of an evil Tree Ent swung to smack him down. At his speed, he could lose a limb. Thankfully, Kirishima and Phantasm worked together to break through the tough bark, plowing through with Inasa behind them to land safely then jump upwards to the mimic guardian which was being burned, slashed, and eaten by the monsters. It worked efficiently but the numbers...

"GAIA-SAN-! THEIR NUMBERS WON'T GO DOWN-!" Momo screeched from over the ledge, slashed across her chest to feel an acidic pain and her skin turned blister red with a terrible reaction by a knight skeleton "GGHHYAAAHHHH-!" She screamed, tagged by an arrow to the shoulder before a dire wolf went for her throat.

"YOU WILL NEVER-!!!!" Shoto roared, grasping the beast to freeze solid before jumping off it and dropping down, breaking the wolf into thousands of pieces down below as he made it over to the mimic guardian, knocking into Momo to add pressure on her cut chest which began to bleed.

"Yaoyorozu-!" Tsuyu and Kaminari bellowed to panic for their friend who shook from the pain "Fuck-! How did a skeleton make it up here-!" He cursed the lack of attention as the others were still fighting tooth and nail but wounds began to pile on them all.

That's when the Berserker appeared to be in the dead middle, right where Uraraka was as Kouta snarled at the monstrosity who smiled with it's dark helm.

"DON'T- DON'T GET ANY CLOSER-!" Kouta hollered, making everyone see how the monsters attacking non-stop suddenly ceased, frozen in place to be struck down or slide down the Guardian's legs. Then they all retreated to encircle a large perimeter around the nature beast, sensing the anger and evil exuding from the Berserker like a dense smoke.

He kept smiling as Mina, Kendo, Inasa, Camie, Kirishima, Mirko, Best Jeanist, Phantasm, Huntsman, Sato, and Shouji attacked to smack either a fist or kick to the immovable villain.

He took it all and remained standing there. This shocked the heroes and sadly none saw him move, vanishing to be even closer to Uraraka and the two shivering children. The heroes who attacked all spasmed in place, punched and clawed to curl or flip in the air before smacking across the ground to be injured except for two people.

Kendo fell to her knees, showing her arms to bleed in the ground as her hands were cut off to irregularly spasmed there in front of her. She coughed blood before her head fell off, rolling down to land on her cold dead palms.

"ITSUKA-!!!" Uraraka, Momo, Mina, Tokoyami, and Shoto yelled in distress. Bakugo then barged forward to now see the next victim. Uraraka immediately stood up running to cry and shake but still she pulled on his body, stopping his advance as Camie stood there with shaky feet with the Dragonslayer struck through her body until he pulled on the pommel, tearing her in two to sheath the blade back while walking forward.

"CAMMMMIIIEEEEEEEE-!" Bakugo, Shoto, Inasa, and Hawks. The first voice being her secret boyfriend, now going a bit insane at seeing her die like that. He rocketed straight to the Berserker before the monster grabbed his fist, catching his explosion in his hand as the others stood down to see him smile ear to ear with his helm opening around the maw to show the bloody jaws of Dark Midoriya.

"Gheeee... HRAAAGHHAAHAHAHA-! NOW...! now you know... How it feels... To lose your mind Bakugo-kun-! How it feels... To experience a pain which makes you unable to grasp PEACE-! HOW IT FEELS TO BE ME-!!! KI-! MASENKO-!" The Berserker shut his helm and opened his right hand to drop Bakugo down who remained floating until trying a desperate hook punch, only to then be shot point blank and pierced through by a red and golden orb blast right in the right shoulder to leave a gaping hole. Now his entire right arm was useless and he coughed blood before a portal appeared to change him places with Tamaki, Mirio, Tokoyami, Kirishima, and Hawks

"Take THIS-! Phantom Gauntlet of Divine Feathers-!" The heroes yelled together to fire a fury of fists and feathers which the Berserker then stayed in place to snap his fingers during which his helm smiled so unevenly and mischievously. Tokoyami immediately stopped his shadow to double back by grabbing Kirishima and Mirio then jumped back to know what he would say.


"MOVE-!!!!" Hawks commanded and desperately flew back, motioning his feathers back to reform his wings to pull Tamaki back with him as the feathers and mimic guardian itself was erased, dropping all the heroes down with multiple purple particles rising from under them. Those five heroes that almost were erased just sweat before dodging small bombs hurled by goblins at their location.

Tsuyu and Kaminari were still left cold and shocked in place as monsters around them laughed at Camie who had a cold dead eyes stare as she fell down to the ground in halves, her legs eaten by hungry creatures and dire wolves jumping over briefly to get a meal. Now all the heroes kept worrying and attempted to decrease their numbers to see if any of those monsters would attack behind them as the Berserker teleported to raise a claw to Uraraka before All Might and SS attacked together to smash the chest of the dark villain.

"TWIN DETROIT SMASH-!" Both heroes channeled their best attack but unexpectedly, their momentum and power died so quickly before he playfully back-handed with the same extended claw at the two heroes, letting off their energies to throttle them to the sky with blood spilling off their bodies as Cathleen got three cuts across the left side of her face and All Might got two cuts on the lower right side of his face, ragdolling away to crash elsewhere by the sudden blunt force that hit them.

"Quirks: Reflect, Deflect, Force, and ATP boost. Kaiju Crest Shield." The Berserker snapped his jaws to reveal he absorbed the attacks of those two to then fire back at the rest of the heroes who were caught off guard. Many were about to die by the actual returned twin smash until Ojiro landed in the middle to tank the attack, crossing both arms to shield everyone behind him but the skin of his arms and face were torn to show the gore of such a powerful attack. The impact dragged Ojiro by his feet, standing tall to falter to a knee while coughing up gallons of blood.

"Ojiro-kun!" Toru yelled in panic, going to him to lift him up with the help of Mineta and Sero. Though the Berserker teleported over to dodge the restraining vines of Gaia, Manga's boulder word, and Huntsman's spiderwebs to almost decapitate Toru.

She could only look up before Shouji took the hit, smiling behind him to be decapitated instantly by a claw chop.

"TENTACOLE-!!!!" His class and friends yelled in distress

"STOP IT-!!!!" All Might threw himself at the villain to clash multiple punches to see the Berserker eating an arm of the late Tentacole as Endeavor and Shoto fired their flames to douse the disaster villain in it before tackling All Might into the fire heroes away to building remains as Mirko and Edgeshot attacked together.

However their cross attack of a kick and blade slash just shook the metal of the Berserker armor. Instead of working, Edgeshot's blade finally broke as Mirko crumpled to hug her leg in pain.

"IS HE-!? BECOMING STRONGER-!?!?!!" Mirko bantered whilst in pain until Edgeshot grabbed her to jump away as the Berserker fired a torrent of acid slime that almost dissolved them like the fuming concaved ground.

"KUROGIRI-!?!? ANY LUCK TO TELEPORT US-!?!? OR YOU-!?!?" Edgeshot asked, handing Best Jeanist clothes and garments he could unwind to make more threads he could use for battle while cutting the heads of disgusting wasp-human child hybrids swarming around them.

"No-! It's like we are all-?" Kurogiri yelled until the Berserker appeared behind him, trying to teleport until a red translucent light shined down from above. A clone of the Berserker was there, motioning it's hand down to stop Kurogiri indefinitely there. He couldn't even move a centimeter nor activate his quirk.

He could only look up as the Berserker now held a red disc of shining energy with serrated purple blades spinning with strong wind gusts held over his head with an extended hand.

"Execution: Imperial Destructo Disc-!" The Berserker yelled before Tamaki pulled Kurogiri off to the side in time to see the ki disc cut through the ground like nothing yet it kept going to shake the ground with vibrations.

"Now-! DUAL BEAST COLLISION-!" Ojiro and Kyoka yelled, synchronizing together to clash fists in an attempt to hit the Berserker who just put out his hands to block those attacks and all five international heroes then tried to attack him while he was open, only to then see the previous made clone drop down in front of them to blow up.

"Fire and Earth Elementals: GOLEM MINE!" The clone spoke to blow out it's tongue before detonating to burn or push over any heroes.

This hurt everyone to show worse battle damage.

The disc kept going down to keep drilling before coming back out to slash Mina on the back of her right arm, showering the ground with her blood.

"HHHMMRRAAAGHHHH-!" Mina cried with pain to leap over while slapping her hand over the wound, biting the scream down as Lida and Sato grabbed her. The three didn't notice how the destructo disc changed directions to aim at them

Nejire tried blasting the disc away the second it turned "MINA STAY DOWN-! Cannon Wave-!" She yelled, only to see the energy coils of her didn't even make the disc change position as it kept charging "WHAT-!?" She visibly screamed and was appalled until she saw the disc change positions to her now.

"NEJIRE-!!!" Sato and Tamaki yelled only to see the disc spin even faster. The boyfriend of Nejire turned his arms to wings and flew over faster than he could think, throwing himself only to see Sato nod at him once before doing something selfless way faster than him. Using his full sugar capability, he ate a whole reserve he had to intercept the disc.

He grabbed Nejire and threw her over before receiving the disc right in the middle, cleaved in two to fall apart like a meat slab to then explode by the disc's self destruct end.

Tamaki caught Nejire in his arms as the blue haired girl turned to scream at the explosion. "SAAATTOOO-KUN-!!!" She exclaimed with a broken heart as Gaia and Best Jeanist attacked, trying to do anything as the nature heroine used a leaf sword that struck the Berserker to make bursts of leaves and grass burst out of his armor while the thread hero cut or tied him.

"You think... That's enough...?" The Berserker coughed blood, his helm extending outward to almost bite Gaia's head as Best Jeanist slashed the extended neck. But he failed to catch the left claw that pierced right through him. He was left motionless and gagged in pain until the Berserker pushed him up to the air before a giant red lightning strike hit the hero, burning and smashing the hero down to end with a black smoke corpse that once was a hero. Many were tremoring and shaking with futility in seeing how easy The Berserker can kill them.

'Please... Gods... Of Universe 7. Save my love. Save my friends. Don't save me. But please... Don't let them die at his hands... Or theirs I should say.' Kyoka prayed, looking to Kaminari as he shocked a long armed apostle that tried to get him and Mina as she was being healed.

Manga and Seiji now tried to work together to see the Berserker stand still for a moment "THIS IS FOR MY FRIENDS-!" Both heroes roared to picture the deaths they have so far seen and wishing this nightmare would end. So they used their quirks to the max, activating their awakening

"Furu Irusuto: Kami No Me! (Full Illustration: Eyes of God!)


The Berserker sighed as then Kyoka appears behind the villain to slash his armor, attempting to slice him in pieces but now her claws weren't working either.

"WHAT THE HE-GGRROOAAAHHKKK-!" Kyoka whimpered to feel the Berserker turn around to grasp her mouth, squeezing so hard he shattered her teeth to fall and swirl inside her mouth but she ignored the pain to then grasp his neck, tearing the armor and half portion o his neck to make him stumble.

Then her wings flapped the air to slice at the disaster villain who took the damage which scrapped the armor before.

"SURGING WALL OF FLESH-!!!" Manga and Seiji echoed to fire a sentient big mouth with elongated jaws at the Berserker to injure then trap the Berserker inside the living flesh attack as Lida grabbed Kyoka out of the Berserker's arm to run at full speed away.

But the Berserker just turned around to raise his hand, forming a big swirling purple and crimson sphere with a vibrant scarlet core as miasma poured out of it.

"Elder Star." He whispered.

The International and Japan heroes immediately recognized it but couldn't do a damn thing. Not even All Might or Star and Stripe who blinked to miss how the Berserker threw the ball to disintegrate the living flesh attack, Manga, Seiji, and make a vast valley before the attack hurled upwards to detonate into a purple mesh of shockwaves in the sky that almost made everyone go deaf.

Lida tripped due to said force as Kyoka flew away, trying to take her friend with her feet that became talons but the Berserker appeared so fast she missed how he cut her legs of at the knees before impaling Lida in the chest to hurl up. Ingenium didn't even feel the blade until he felt himself stuck on something over the Berserker's extended arm and blade.

He bled terribly to drench the disaster villain as Uraraka was left devastated with the entire class 1A not believing what that monster just did.

"INGENIUM-SAN-!!!! NOOOO!" Yaoyorozu screeched with an aching heart as Bakugo and Shoto charged but was for nothing as the Berserker flashed his red eyes to let off a strong force impact that throttled them way back to hit mounts of debris and be encrusted there.

Phantasm immediately used his illusion quirk Isaiah to try to make him drop the hero but to his horror, the Berserker just lowered then violently raised the sword to release Lida in the air until the Beast of Darkness emerged out of him like a mist to solidify into obsidian rock to tower the heroes before biting Lida out of the air. The beast munched and dismembered Lida inside its jaws as then all the dire wolves, monsters, and creatures bowed before it.

"BASTARD-!!!" Tokoyami, Kaminari, Kyoka, Ojiro, Best Jeanist, and Hawks attacked together to deliver a multiple consecutive strike combo to knock the Berserker over but upon flipping over by their punches and strikes, he did backflips dozens of times to leave their vicinity as the Beast of Darkness he unleashed in the form of an obsidian statue detonated to blow up.

This attacked monsters and heroes alike, causing mass casualties like Hawks who got pierced multiple times but saved Tokoyami from being hit or Mineta who protected Uraraka to receive multiple shards of that rock throughout his body. Both couldn't move any longer and bleed internally to take a knee.

"Mineta-san-!!!" Eri yelped, choking with tears to see him struck with the sharp shards and bleeding a pool below him. He however smiled big, giving a thumbs up while not turning his head as Sero saw his right eye had been pierced deep to burst the right eye. Yet he smiled. Uraraka and Sero lamented with silent tears as Eri felt so scared to even breathe, staying between Uraraka and Kouta despite wanting to help Mineta. She was ridden with despair.

That's when Mineta raised his arm even higher to call out "Eri-san-! Don't be afraid! I don't know who will beat that monster... But it will be someone-! He will come and defeat that monster-! Be brave... Hold on to HOPE-! HE WILL COME-! I STILL BELIEVE EVEN IN MY DYING BREATH-! HE WILL SAVE EVERYONE-!!!" Mineta said, crying from his left eye as Eri lifted a hand to reach out to him before the Berserker throttled Huntsman, Phantasm, Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire out who attacked together only to have those attacks reflected with the quirk Impact Recoil. Even Tokoyami was sent rolling across the ground to see the Berserker pick and strangle Hawks up in one arm, who threw feathers and slashed with a feathered sword to not cause anything.

"HAWKS-! GET FREE-!" Mirko and Edgeshot yelled to attack together, the ninja becoming a thread to strike and break through the armor with no success while the other kicked and punched despite her limbs bleeding to cause no visible effect even that of pushing him back or make him block or counter. Nothing.

"𝑻𝒉𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒃𝒐𝒍𝒕: 𝑹𝒂𝒊𝒋𝒊𝒏 𝑭𝒊𝒆𝒍𝒅-!" The Berserker now spoke in a more demonic hoarse manner, shocking Mirko, Hawks, and Edgeshot badly to spasm in his close proximity before Bakugo fired an explosion to move two away before he landed a heel strike but the explosion just made him move away, not causing any damage as Tsuyu and Kirishima moved in to catch those two he saved. Then the Berserker opened the helm of his, still holding Hawks he widened it so far it expanded five times that of any creature to look like an aberration to then bite the head of Hawks, making a disgusting snapping sound of gurgling blood before tearing half his head. Now Hawks spasmed, his grey matter and blood dripping non stop.

"HAWKS-!!!" Endeavor called out in futility, slamming his knees and fists to the ground to lament his passing.

The Berserker then whispered while grinning to the older man's pain.

"𝑯𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒊" he voiced to drop Hawks who didn't even reach the ground to become erased instantly. He walked forward in wanting to eat Tsuyu or Toru who he could now smell more fear from...

"DAKOTA SMASH-!" All Might bellowed, raising an arm to strike the top of the Berserker's helm over him to dive down but he blocked by raising his hand "𝑸𝒖𝒊𝒓𝒌: 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒄𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑫𝒆𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕- 𝑨𝒊𝒓 𝑻𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒍" The Berserker snarled, swinging his arm outward to make the impact and air pressure of that attack be directed elsewhere to almost hit his allies and students hadn't Inasa acted to divert the attack away. All Might then was repelled upwards by a smash fist from the Berserker. Without warning, the Berserker also fired a small black spike bomb that struck All Might's chest before it blew him out of the sky

"FLASHFIRE FIST-! PROMINENCE BURN-!" Both Todoroki members fired their best flames together at his back, letting off a swirling twin attack of a high burning flame beam. However, a slime arm emerged from his back to use magic to fire an ice beam "𝑾𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝑬𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒔: 𝑷𝑶𝑳𝑨𝑹 𝑱𝑬𝑻𝑺𝑻𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴-!" He echoed to not just beat their twin combo fire move, but freeze them as well before they broke free to fall out of the sky.

Star and Stripe with Gaia then attack as Novgorod aimed and dodged projectiles coming out of the Berserker's body to target him, finding another angle to try hit the villain, watching how Gaia made an enormous spikes vein fist while the American made a giant wind fist that struck the opposite sides of the Berserker who now made the apostle Zodd and the PLF member Gigantomachia emerge out of the ground to block those attacks before the Berserker crossed his arms and charged a massive wave of Ki, Quirks, and magic. The summons then smacked the international heroes away to shortly after vanish.

He glitched in place, moving so fast side to side to make winds soar even faster and far more stronger to then stop, pointing at All Might

"𝑯𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒉𝒆... 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒖𝒏... 𝑺𝒚𝒎𝒃𝒐𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝑷𝑬𝑨𝑪𝑬-! 𝑸𝑼𝑰𝑹𝑲𝑺: 𝑶𝑭𝑨, 𝑴𝑨𝑪𝑯, 𝑰𝑵𝑪𝑰𝑵𝑬𝑹𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵, 𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑳, 𝑨𝑰𝑹 𝑷𝑹𝑬𝑺𝑺𝑼𝑹𝑬, 𝑨𝑰𝑹 𝑪𝑨𝑵𝑵𝑶𝑵, 𝑴𝑼𝑳𝑻𝑰𝑷𝑳𝑰𝑬𝑹 𝑿5, 𝑹𝑨𝒀𝑩𝑬𝑨𝑴, 𝑯𝒀𝑷𝑬𝑹𝑻𝑹𝑶𝑷𝑯𝒀, 𝑰𝑴𝑷𝑨𝑪𝑻 𝑹𝑬𝑪𝑶𝑰𝑳, 𝑨𝑭𝑶-!" The Berserker rattled his tone to smile as from the dark hurricane above, a nuclear bomb rained down on the villain. Yet he didn't look away from All Might or use his charged quirks to store them for now as now all the heroes still alive looked up in terror to see that.

But not the Berserker. He smiled even bigger even as Mirko, Nejire, Edgeshot, Inasa, Tamaki, Mirio, Bakugo, Shoto, Sero, Kirishima, and even Uraraka who attacked at the Berserker who just raised obsidian spikes from the ground to block the projectiles and punched the brawling heroes to violently slam them to the ground and away from him as the nuclear bomb kept coming.

The heroes just closed their eyes and stopped moving. Tokoyami hugged Tsuyu in his arms, grimacing hard at knowing he could do nothing. But she accepted his hug, turning a bit to kiss his beak before bracing for the impact. Yaoyorozu held Shoto's hand upon helping him up as the young man embraced Momo to mumble an apology to which she returned back with a kiss.

Death was so close. Even Mirko jumped over to help Edgeshot up from the ground but he sighed, opting to better pull the rabbit hero close to hug down with him upon seeing and hearing the bomb descend. Both closed their eyes and hoped they wouldn't even feel it.

The rest like All Might, Star and Stripe, Endeavor, Mirio, Nejire, and Novgorod went to try work together to stop the bomb's descent until the Berserker appeared between their jumping charge upwards.

"𝑩𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒌𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒊-! (Berserker Chaos Taking Martial Arts-!)"

"Nani...!?" All Might barely made out to have the sole of a black sabaton sole strike his neck, choking him to falter before receiving a painful sky shaking elbow strike that unleashed a powerful shockwave. Then Star and Stripe got struck in the abdomen, folding her badly before he grabbed her head to twirl over and swing down to the ground. Next was Endeavor who got kidney punched by the Berserker before his left claw hook strikes his head to spin downwards to bounce off the hard ground. Mirio intervened to attempt barrage the Berserker with fists, trying to land any effective punch or kick until he slipped enough for the Berserker to deal him a barrage of fists that contorted him painfully, breaking parts of his hero gear and bones to crash land him below. Nejire blasted the Berserker but he mysteriously 'grabbed' the air to tear apart her spiral blue waves before striking her left thigh, making pain flow through her before he slashed her chest so bad he revealed her chest quite a lot to show five deep and profusely bleeding cuts to knock her down head first. Then Novgorod tried to tackle the villain only to feel roundhouse kicked by the villain so fast and strong, it caused an even bigger shockwave as Novgorod felt his head swivel with his entire body to spin down and roll across the ground painfully.

It looked grim as Kurogiri again tried to make a portal but he just couldn't outside of the hurricane. He couldn't save anyone as Kyoka and Ojiro tried to help him, one using her stolen telerift quirk while the other helped to hurl him higher in the sky with no effect. Now Uraraka embraced the children hard, shaking in fear to what will happen in seconds just like everyone else who just braced for the explosion.

The Berserker though had other plans. He telepathically shared a message to all of them.

'𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔... 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒑𝒊𝒅 𝒔𝒐𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒕𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒅... 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝒎𝒆... 𝒂 𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒃𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒚 𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒐𝒏 𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒌... 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌-! 𝑳𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎-! 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒗𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒏, 𝒘𝒉𝒚 𝒏𝒐𝒕-!?' the Berserker mocked them, raising a hand to then stop the nuclear bomb mid-air to make a shockwave as the rocket booster behind it kept flaming out but couldn't advance even a millimeter.

It stopped eventually as the remaining heroes watched with amazement how space distorted around them, the Berserker curling his extended hand into a claw fist that compressed and crushed the atomic bomb. Everyone cowered to see the bomb explode in the shifting mess of gravitational-like compression. But even the detonation was cut short. They were left wordless and actionless to watch how the bomb became a fiery small ball before a shockwave was released to rock every hero and heroine to their ass and the ground cracked a part.

It all began to shake as the Berserker glitched in place as slowly fires and smoke around began to dissipate and settle. Even the dark hurricane above began to expand its eye further out.

"𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑬𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒔: 𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔" the disaster villain mouthed to the battlefield, making the spec seemingly disappear yet a particle was indeed there. The villain then turned around to see Ojiro stand tall to shield Toru, Shoto, Momo, Mina, Kirishima, and Uraraka while Jirou protected Kaminari, Sero, Mineta, Tokoyami, Bakugo, and Tsuyu. They held on to the ground as the earthquake was becoming worse while the openings and cracks of the Berserker armor began to shine red, glowing out of him and definitely his head sockets.

Gaia immediately spawned a field of giant mushrooms then made a shield of her strongest material being that of Yareta bushes. The green bushes bursted out of the mushrooms to solidify and become stronger than the natural counter part of said dense bush. Phantasm and Huntsman pulled in the rest of the weakened heroes like Mirko, Novgorod, Edgeshot, Endeavor, All Might, Star and Stripe, Inasa, Kurogiri, Tamaki, Mirio, and Nejire the best they could to be protected within.

They heard his voice again within their heads even as Kyoka and Ojiro attacked, not wanting to let him to continue charging that explosion.

"HEARTBEAT TELERIFT ASSAULT-!!!!" Kyoka fired fast and tremendous blows combining her two quirks Earphone Jack and Telerift to release multiple shockwave punches that began to rupture the ground and emit a strong gust of winds pushing the heroes away, teleporting all around the Berserker to look like she herself waa glitching.


Ojiro joined the fray to slap his enormous tail on the Berserker's head, ringing the metal to split the entire helm in half but stopping dead cold against the flesh of Dark Midoriya. He smiled so big, his grin creepily overtook his face, now his body shining very red before his helm covered his head to watch Ojiro begin to pummel him just as fast as Kyoka to display powerful strength.

The two sandwiched the villain in their assault, but sadly none of this shook or moved the villain. He just stayed in place to release brighter red light from the breaking bits and pieces of the armor.

'... There's... Nothing we can do-!' Ojiro telepathically told Kyoka who was increasing her speed, hoping something could stop what he would do. She could see it. It wasn't going to be pretty.

"AAAAAGHHHRRRAAAAAAAYYYHHHHHHH-!!!" Kyoka banshee screamed, feeling so weak and futile against him before the Berserker raised his eyes up, arms as well to now make both hybrid apostles Kyoka and Ojiro abandon that plan to instead go back to shielding their friends.

Kurogiri suddenly appeared, tapping the Berserker in the shoulder to teleport him upwards from the battlefield within the highest point of the eye of the hurricane just as the compressed particle of an atomic explosion was reeled in to rocket to the Berserker's mouth who ate it. Then the villain bursts into flames as Kurogiri again tried to teleport him and painfully kept grabbing the villain but now none of that worked, not noticing that the Berserker now had Eraserhead's quirk.

"... No... No way..." Kurogiri just said, before the flames engulfed him as the Berserker became a red and green flaming sun, giant waves coming out of it to burn everything below as Gaia couldn't believe the heat.

"I COMMAND THE AIR AROUND THE HEROES TO BECOME DENSER THAN STEEL-!!!" Star and Stripe yelled to then add "I COMMAND THE DEFENSES OF EARPHONE JACK AND TAILMAN TO STRENGTHEN 10 FOLD-!!!" The American heroine called out, making the two hybrid apostles feel tougher and more capable to defend their friends

"BRAAAAACCCCCCCEEEEEEE-!!!" Endeavor shout out, knowing that cannot be stopped. Inasa unleashed a Gail of wind which was affected by Star and Stripe's command, making a more dense and powerful shield of sorts. Now all the heroes closed their eyes as some of them got burn injuries despite the Berserker being way up there.

"... 𝑬𝑪𝑳𝑰𝑷𝑺𝑬 𝑨𝑼𝑩𝑼𝑹𝑵 𝑫𝑬𝑽𝑨𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵-!!!!!!" The Berserker hollered to blow up, the small sun shifting and rotating past Mach 10 speeds to just become a giant fire expulsion explosion.

The Godhand and their master smiled across the darkened skies before everything shined an accursed red over everything in Japan. Even Hokkaido heroes, soldiers, and civilians could see this not to mention many of its outside small islands.

Without notice, Tamaki held Nejire in his arms to feel the girl shake despite the soundless battlefield as the Yareta bushes burned apart the moment the air burned like nothing. He used his Chimera form to make a carb like armor as Nejire fired from her left hand to attempt to stop the wave. But nothing worked. They were burned to ashes with everyone else blown away miles across the landscape. The very rock and ground melted, under the miniature sun, becoming a lava pit for as far the eye can see as the dark hurricane was destroyed.

Inasa faced the same fate, seeing his hands and arms become ashes before he did completely as well but with a smile, saving Mirio and Gaia by making a sudden gust of wind that propelled them further out. Endeavor and Novgorod ensured the safety of All Might, SS, Huntsman, and Phantasm to fly away with the monstrous repelling force.

Mineta followed suit, being so injured yet telling Momo through his glitchy earpiece and the Berserker heard him loud and clear despite being in the core of the explosion

"I died without a girlfriend... But at least I can say I died for my friends... I'll save you, guys-!" He murmured, releasing a tied rope of his purple orbs that he threw to latch on Uraraka, Kouta, Eri, Mina, Toru, Shoto, Momo, and Kirishima to make them fly away with the speed of that giant boulder he previously planned to anchor them. He however had to do the throw, burning and becoming ash as he still gave a thumbs up despite feeling himself vanish. They scream for their friend but their voices and words were silenced by the explosion.

Sero did the same, using his tape to momentarily tie them swing them away with a momentum toss, attaching them to the purple orb chain to connect the two groups thus saving Kaminari, Tsuyu, Tokoyami, and Bakugo.

"DUMBASS-!!! DON'T LET GO-!!!" Bakugo yelled through the explosion as Cellophane talked through his earpiece.

"If it means the end is right here and now, then that's that. I won't run. I can't run. I have to face death head on. So give me your worst!" Sero spoke, swinging over around by the momentum he did, happy to having saved his friends as he watched Kyoka and Ojiro be flung away while burning yet they did not disintegrate. Unlike him, who kept going towards the direction of the heat to feel his skin burst and crumble.

His smile being the last thing he could do, before vanishing in the red light.

Then everything settled. Devastation spread across prefectures like wildfire. Millions upon millions lost despite some heading to evacuate. A circumference blast that shocked nations. No. The world.

It all ended in seconds as Bakugo and Shoto were the first to stand, looking around... To not recognize were they where.

"Holy... Fuck... Where is this...!?" Shoto alarmingly said, turning over and around to see the boulder they had been hanging on topple over and away slowly as no building was in sight here.

Tokoyami helped Tsuyu, Momo, Kirishima, and Uraraka up even Jirou who was burned all over before shaking her shoulders violently to shake off burnt skin to reveal she was fine. Kaminari went to hug her as Toru helped Eri and Kouta up from the uneven ground. Just then, Ojiro burst off the ground to do the same as Kyoka to show he had healed. The bad thing was both were extremely tired, huffing and letting off steam.

Then All Might arose, hurling a slab of rock off them to show Gaia, Star and Stripe, Phantasm, Mirio, Novgorod, Mirko, Edgeshot, and Endeavor under there. The intangible hero couldn't complete avoid damage, bleeding from his limbs and knees yet despite that standing up quickly "NEJIRE! TAMAKI-!!! ANSWER ME-!!!" Mirio yelled, looking to the fiery red and black sky, convulsing with ashes as seemingly the hurricane was reforming behind a wall of flames. He sadly got no answer as Eri looked around, standing on her own as she held Uraraka's hand to watch Kouta crawl up to where she was with Uravity's help.

"SSSSSHHHHIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTT-!!!! WHAT HELL ARE WE IN-!?!?? FUCK-! FUCK-! DAMMIT-!!! Guys... What... What...?" Bakugo bantered, slamming his fists on the hot ground as the Berserker suddenly appeared.

He was right behind Edgeshot, who turned around to hit with a fist but the Berserker went overboard, placing his left claw on his chest to then fire a ki based blast at point blank, tearing him to pieces and blowing Mirko down to ragdoll painfully "SHINYA-!!! GGRRYAAAAHHHH-!!!" She screamed, yelling in pain to having landed on a melted red hot metal mount of a former building to roll out of the way to shut her mouth, crying now as she felt like there was no end to this nightmafe

He unsheathed the Dragonslayer a second after killing Edgeshot to aim at Tokoyami, Phantasm, Kaminari, Shoto, Mina, and Toru. These people saw a crimson gleam off the blade shine to their faces. Those five moved, covering their friends and/or loved ones like Tokoyami posing over Tsuyu while his dark shadow grabbed onto the frog girl, Shoto making an ice mount in front of Momo while holding Momo in his arms and putting his back to the ice, Mina pushed Kirishima out of the way, Toru tossed a hurt and tired Ojiro who tried to pull her to him yet failed, Kaminari kicking Jirou away, and finally Phantasm who stood up to blast an illusion to disorient the disaster villain but his quirk failed to even activate.

He was sliced in half. His upper torso spinning away as the Berserker stomped on his lower half to destroy it in a grotesque gory manner then speed blitzed the rest of the heroes he aimed for.

"PHANTASM-!!!!!" Gaia, Star and Stripe, Huntsman, and Novgorod yelled to not believe how fast he did that.

Blood and bodies went flying. Shoto got slashed in the back severely bad, his spine now visible as blood pooled down. He slid down Momo's arms as she panicked, pulling him up but fear made her weak "SHOTOOOOO-!! NO NO-!!! DON'T SLEEP-!!! SHOOOOTTTOOOO-!!!" Momo yelled, dropping to her knees to hold him as her hands got tainted by blood, she cried without noticing to have sporadic jittering eyes as Shoto felt cold so fast.

"Yao... Momo... Live. Okay...?" He said, his eyes fading to a grey shade color to then slump down, leaving Momo empty to watch with trailing tears the pool of blood expand under Shoto's body.

Mina got whacked by the blade's side to be blown off her feet that clipped Kirishima to make him fall and despite hardening he now has a concussion and a bloody dent on his right side of his head to fall in pain then the Berserker appeared over the pink girl to fire an array of obsidian shards that pierced and impaled Mina to the ground below.

"MIIIIIIIINNNNAAAAA-!" Kirishima shouted out in terror, his heart beating so fast as he refused to believe what he was seeing. Mina was impaled from her hands, elbows, waist, knees and legs down to the ground with a giant blotch of red with purple bruising on her left side. She bleed a lot and without being needed to be told, Kirishima knew it was her end. He refused it though, getting to her and trying to take off the obsidian blades "Mina... Mina... Listen-! Don't wander off-! I'll get you out of here-!" He said until she whistled so lowly, making him stop talking to look down.

She grinned weakly "D... Do... don't... Kiri. Just go... ᵃⁿᵈ ˢᵃᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘʳˢᵉˡᶠ. ⁱ ᵈⁱᵈ... ᵐʸ ᵇᵉˢᵗ. ⁱ'ᵐ ˢᵒʳʳʸ...ʳʸ... ⁱ ᶜᵃⁿ'ᵗ ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ˢᵃʸ..." Mina barely got out, dying in front of him as she had a glassy eye stare to breathe out one final time.

"Mina... GOD NO-!!! NOOOOOO-!!! WHY-!?!!?!! WWWWHHHHYYYYYYY-!?!!?!" Kirishima devolved to a mess, grasping his head to cough blood and close his eyes furiously, slamming his head covered by his arms near her to sink into despair and cry.

The next victim was Tokoyami who got his head severed in an instant and his quirk stolen by a claw imbued with AFO, his body crumpling to Tsuyu who hugged him from behind to be bathed in his blood and held him with her fretful unstable hands.

"Goodbye... Tsu...yu... Chan..." Dark Shadow barely was able to say his farewells to vanish, becoming black particles to be blown in the wind.

"Dark... Sh... Shadow... Toko... Don't... ˡᵉᵃᵛᵉ ᵐᵉ" Tsuyu hugged the cold body of her boyfriend, heaving and whining in the lowest perceivable sound to cower behind Tokoyami's body.

Next was Toru who didn't even realize the Berserker stepped near her to deliver an upwards claw strike.

"TOOORRRUUUUUU-!!!!" Ojiro screamed, jumping over to her

Toru just grinned, feeling the excruciating pain of freezing from the feet up to her head to feel the bleeding claw mark on her chest up to her neck. She became a frozen block of ice before breaking apart the moment he tried to jump over next to her.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-GGJJAAAAAHHH-!!! SGGHHRRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH-!!!" Ojiro wailed to the heavens, clawing the air to fall down and slam his claws hard to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably to smear his face to the earth.

Finally and the most devastated, was Kaminari who smiled big enough for her to see as she faltered by his kick which dropped her, stumbling to the side to see the Berserker pierce his torso with the Dragonslayer full through, letting the lightning hero meagerly stand there to pose in his post discharged state, raising both thumbs to do the 'yay' face while he coughed and lost mass amounts of blood by impalement.

"Kk- kk- kah-!?! KAAAAMINARIIIIII-!!!!" She roared, her eyes snapping with tears, remembering moments together in a flash before seeing the blade automatically set itself a blaze then Kaminari as a whole burst into flames "GGGRHHAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH-!!!" she dashed over to see the Berserker smile with it's helm, shaking Kaminari who's arms fell to the sides and flames slowly burned his hair, clothes, and skin off too painfully easy.

She attempted to attack only to see the Berserker open his maw to fire a massive red electrical torrent, having eaten a piece of Kaminari's flesh while roasting in his blade to absorb his quirk, his electricity reserves, and use his own Thunderbolt quirk to fire the torrent attack that burned and crippled Kyoka who now rolled out of heavy black smoke coming out of her burning body to slam her claws and feet to halt herself with a weak, frightened stance to face flat to feel pain, despair, and grief.


All Might, Mirio, and Endeavor now attacked together to strike his back. The attacks landed to send waves and impacts with flame combined but immediately they recoiled back, hurting in pain as the Berserker turned around as if nothing happened.

"... How many...? Left...? 3... 4... 5..." The Berserker counted maliciously, cackling until he saw Uraraka with Kouta and Eri next to her. He immediately was startled, feeling his head snap in panic until again his consciousness was drowned to the glee and laughs of the Godhand inside his head.

All Might, Mirko, Mirio, Endeavor, SS, Gaia, Huntsman, Novgorod, Uraraka, Eri, Kouta, Kirishima, Ojiro, Kyoka, Bakugo, Tsuyu, and Momo. These were the last who remained alive.

But the Berserker just smiled, removing his helm to snap his fingers as multiple red portals formed. The heroes got on their guard and fearfully saw the heads and claws of the monsters they thought would be dead by that explosion.

"𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔... 𝑬𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕-" The Berserker dashed over to choke Eri in his right claw while grabbing Kouta with his left painfully to pierce his chest and right side of his ribs with ease.

BBBRRGHHAAAAAAHHHH-!!!" The Children screamed in pain as then the monsters came running out with dire wolves at the front to eagerly want to eat them.

Not one of the heroes saw an answer or strategy.

They knew... True deranged despair.





The hellish beasts roared and wailed to the skies of the black hurricane as they got closer and closer.

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