Legacies(Season 1)

By MikaelsonAni

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[Book 1] What if Klaus and Hayley had twins? What if Hope wasn't only child and she has twin sister- Audrey... More

Audrey Mikaelson
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Second Book

Chapter 36

1.3K 53 3
By MikaelsonAni

Audrey: (O.C.) It seemed like the whole world was chasing Landon, but only one person was actually with him.
[Seylah and Landon are walking.]
Landon: If you won't tell me who they are, will you at least tell me why they are following you?
Seylah: (Sighs) They weren't, until you showed up. So, maybe they're following you.
"She has point. Everywhere he goes they follow. He came to Salvatore school, they attacked Salvatore school. He went o his mother, they attacked his mother." Said Klaus.
Landon: I'm not stupid. I would have noticed if I was being followed. [Seylah and Landon enter the apartment.]
Seylah: Close your eyes. How many windows are in this room?
Landon: What? We just got here.
"Enough time to know. When you are being followed, first thing you should look for when you enter the room are exits." Said Klaus.
[Seylah checks the room.]
Seylah: The parking lot, how many cars?
Landon: I don't know, like ten?
Seylah: The man who gave us the keys, was he right- or left-handed?
Landon: Nobody notices stuff like that.
Seylah: Three, seven, ambidextrous.
"I like her." Said Audrey.
[Landon sits down and puts bag on bed. Seylah sits on opposite bed.]
Seylah: Tell me more about you.
Landon: Why? Because you care or because you want intel?
Seylah: Does it matter? Either way, I genuinely want to know.
Landon: Too bad. I've already told you my entire tragic life story.
Seylah: Do you have a girlfriend?
Landon: Her name is Hope.
Hope raised her eyebrow.
"SHE IS NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!" Yelled Klaus, Kol and Marcel.
Landon: And she'd probably kill us both if she heard you calling her my girlfriend, unless her sister got here first and torture us to death.
Audrey smiles.
"I didn't expect him to compliment me." Said Audrey.
"It isn't a comliment." Said Elijah.
"Don't be riddiculas! It's obviously a compliment." Said Audrey.
Seylah: I doubt that very much.
Landon: Right. Hope and I are... complicated. I-I hurt her once, and I don't think she's ever going to forgive me for it. And if she did, her sister certainly won't, so... i don't think i have a chance.
"No, you don't." Glared Klaus.
Seylah: What'd you do?
Landon: I lied to her. And other stuff. Deep down, I think it's the lying part she'll never understand.
Seylah: She sounds tough.
Landon: Look who's talking. (Chuckles) You two would probably hate each other.
"I don't hate her." Said Hope.
Seylah: I guess it's true, then. Boys like girls who remind them of their mothers....
"He didn't even know Seylah, how would Hope remind him of Seylah?" Said Freya. Audrey and Hope shrugged.
Seylah: You're stubborn... and surrounded by danger. You're my son, all right. [Doorknob rattles. Someone opens the door. When Alaric enters room, Room looks empty, but Seylah appears behind him wkth gun aimed at him.]
Alaric: Uh, I'm looking for Landon Kirby.
Seylah: And who the hell are you? [Hope summons Seylah's gun and aims it at her.]
Hope: Uh...People who care about him. So tell me where he is before I blow your head off.
Seylah: You must be Hope.
Audrey: Hope, stealing is bad.
"Huh?" Said Kol.
"Didn't you help Hope steal car's key?" Said Davina.
Audrey: Give woman back her gun. She might have shoot Alaric. [Hope glares at her.]
"Now that makes sense." Said Marcel.
"Thanks odin! I though we were losing you." Said Kol. Audrey chuckled.
Seylah: And you must be her sister. [Landon comes out of hiding.]
Seylah: So you're the headmaster of a private school for supernaturals. And you're the teacher's pets?
"Eww. That's Caroline." Said Audrey.
"Hey!" Said Carline. Damon snickered.
Alaric: Actually, they're kind of a pain in my ass.
Audrey: (snorts) Said the man who keeps disrespecting us, insulting our dead parents' memory and use mentioned parents to make us act like he wants us to.
"Facts." Said Kol.
Hope: A little judgy for an absentee mother.
Seylah: (to Landon) You were wrong. I like her.
Alaric: Well, now you know about us. All we know about you is that you gave birth to Landon, he says a monster attacked you, and now there's some sort of fake gas company coming after you two. So, I think it's time you start filling in some blanks. [Seylah sits on bed, so does Landon.]
Seylah: When I finished my service in the army, I was recruited by an intelligence organization. The States sounded like a better life. I didn't know what I was signing up for, but soon I learned that things like you exist in this world.
"Very smart. Take soldiers from government and don't waste time in looking." Said impressed Audrey.
Seylah: My job was very much like yours. To keep the supernatural world a secret. Whenever a monster went bump in the night and risked exposing the truth, I tracked it down and brought it back to headquarters.
Hope&Audrey: We're not monsters.
"You aren't." Said Hayley and Klaus to them. They smiled at their parents.
Seylah: You are to me.
Audrey: (glares) And to me woman who left her son and never even checked up on him doesn't have a right to judge me or my sister.
"Ooh. Buuurn!" Cheered Kol.
Alaric: This headquarters, where is it?
Seylah: Sorry. You just seem morally inclined enough to do something stupid, and there's too much blood on my hands as it is. A few years in, I saw something I shouldn't. I became the hunted instead of the hunter.
Alaric: What exactly did you see? [Hope, Audrey and Alaric sit.]
Seylah: I wanted to know what was happening to the monsters. Because even though I spent all that time studying their every move, I couldn't remember them at all. So I started taking notes. I realized my memory was being erased. The question was: How?
"Smart lady." Approved Elijah.
Audrey: Malivore.
Seylah: How do you know about Malivore?
Alaric: Landon took a Knife that belonged to our school's collection. Now monsters that shouldn't exist have been coming after it ever since.
Landon: He means I stole it. And then I, like, um, woke it up or something. What's Malivore?
Hope: It's a hell dimension that consumes creatures and wipes their existence from the collective conscience. Sound about right?
"Kinda." Said Audrey.
Seylah: More or less.
Landon: Awesome.
Hope; The last monster that came for the Knife was a Necromancer who screwed us over and returned it back to Malivore. Long story.
Audrey: That ugly arsehole said that the Knife is one of three keys that kept Malivore contained, so why are creatures still coming for you?
"What if the the thing he touched was another key? They started coming after that." Said Kol.
"I told you uncle Kol was smart." Said Audrey.
"I never denied." Said Hope. Kol smiles at them.
Landon: I have no idea. Didn't really get a chance to ask the last one. He just tried to eat me.
Alaric: As you can see, it's been a rough semester.
Seylah: It will only get worse if you don't go home and forget you heard the name. Just like we forget anyone who's ever been there.
"It's not like we went up to it. He came for us." Said Hope.
Landon: Wait, wait, wait, wait. You-you have to tell us more.
Seylah: I mean... I don't know who your father is. My job was stressful, so I had flings to blow off steam. Got pregnant,
and just like your not-girlfriend said, I'm not equipped to be a mother. Sorry. I thought I was giving you a better life.
[Audrey's look softens at that. Seylah leaves.]
Haykey looks soffened by it, too.
Hope: (O.C.) You want to know the worst part? That wasn't the worst part.
[Seylah is sitting on pools edge. Alaric sits next to her. Seylah offer him alcohol.]
Alaric: (sighs) Oh, believe me, I would, but I'm... trying to cut back.
Salvatores nodded approvingly.
"So he, at least, didn't ignore us completly. Good to know." Said Alaric.
Alaric: Look, I get how hard this is, but we need some answers.
Seylah: You already know everything I know.
Alaric: I think we both know that's a lie. Just like you lied to Landon about not knowing who his father is.
Seylah: What makes you think I was lying?
Alaric: Bad liars look away when they lie to their kids. Good liars look 'em straight in the eye.
"Not only parents. People are like that usually." Said Klaus.
Seylah: We have something in common, then. You have children?
Alaric: Two girls. So take my hard-earned advice. Tell Landon the truth.
"Said the guy who hide merge from his daughters. Seriously, this guy and his hypocricities." Rolled her eyes Audrey.
"What merge? You have mentioned it already multiple times." Said Hayley.
"You'll see, i promise." Said Audrey.
Seylah: How about I tell you instead?
Just to see if you believe me. Because I'm still not sure that I believe what I'm about to say, and I lived it. [Seylah drinks.]
Seylah: The organization I used to work for guards the portal to Malivore. When I realized I was having memory lapses, I started writing everything down. Drawing maps. I wrote about the creatures I captured and where I took them. Each entry ended there.
Alaric: So where'd you take them?
Seylah: (Snorts) Nah, that's not important.
"It IS important." Said Elijah.
Alaric: Eh, that seems super important to me.
Seylah: Well, then I'm not gonna tell you. For your own good, believe me. One day, I snuck in by myself. And what I found was a... a black pit, locked away.
Alaric: Is that supposed to be a metaphor?
Seylah: Oh, no. It's an actual pit, filled with... tar, uh, or something.
Alaric: A literal pit of doom. The story has it that if, uh, Malivore consumes you, you experience endless darkness.
Seylah: Yeah. It's not just a story, though. And I should know. I've been there.
"She has been in Malivore? But then how is she there?" Asked Freya.
[Audrey is texting to Jed. In chat they have names changed to brother from another mother🤪 (Jed) and Sister from another mister💃(Audrey)
"Awww. It's so cute." Said Davina. Mikaelsons smile about Audrey having such a good frienship.

*Brother from another mother🤪: So you don't trust Landon's mom?
Sister from another mister💃: Nope, she is a liar. Runs in a familly, i guess.
Audrey snorts.
Sister from another mister💃: What is happening in school? Still standing?
Brother from another mother🤪: Barely. No Malivore creatures attack and i had to break up only two fights. I call it a win.
"It IS a win." Said Audrey.
Brother from another mother🤪: But it's sooo boring. This school is empty without you, cupcake😘
Sister from another mister💃: I know, sugarplum. I miss you, too💋
"Really? Flirting again?" Said annoyed Klaus.
"Just get used to it already. I'm not a baby anymore." Said Audrey.
Brother from another mother🤪: 🥰
Brother from another mother🤪: So what are you gonna do with mother liar?
Sister from another mister💃: Don't know yet. * Audrey puts phone away and listens to Hope and Landon's conversation.]
Hope: Landon, I'm really sorry.
Landon: Don't be. (Sighs) It'll be okay.
Hope: You can't trust her.
Landon: I don't. But she's my mother, Hope. All I've ever wanted is a family. A home. So I'm not gonna give up on her just 'cause she's a little screwed up. That would be pretty hypocritical. [Hope looks toward Landon, but doesn't get up.]
Hope: You're not that screwed up.
Klaus glares at Landon.
"Don't you get tired with all rhe glaring?" Asked Hope.
"He should stay away from you." Said Klaus. Hope rolls her eyes.
Landon: I hate that you always see me when I'm weak.
Hope: You're not weak. You're a survivor. Landon, that makes you one of the strongest people that I know.
Hayley smiles at Hope.
Landon: I'm starting to think I'm a bit of a danger magnet.
Audrey: You are.
Hope: I'm starting to think you're right.
Landon: (Laughs softly) I didn't... I didn't mean to bring all this into your life. I'm sorry I ever walked into it.
Some look at Landon sadly.
[Hope and Landon are looking in each others' eyes.]
Hope: I'm not.
Audrey: (glaring at them) I am. Excpecially at this moment.
"So am i." Said Klaus.
Landon: Thank you, f-for coming for me. I needed help, and you came. That's never really happened to me before.
Hope: Sounds like you've had crappy people in your life.
Audrey: Not everyone. Rafael left school for him and belived in him even when proves were against him.
"True." Said Stefan.
Landon: Yeah. Rafael is the exception...
Seylah: When my former employers discovered that I was trying to remember the things they made me forget, they tossed me into the pit.
"Cruel." Said Caroline.
Alaric: So how are we having this conversation?
Seylah: I don't know. I don't even know how long I was in Malivore, only that I felt the things you described, the isolation, the loneliness. And then, one day, I found myself back here. I woke up in the middle of nowhere, covered in mud, absolutely no idea how I got there. Turns out two years had gone by, but there was a bright side. No one I worked for remembered me.
Alaric: So you were free.
Seylah: I wouldn't go that far, because there was also a catch. I was pregnant.
"How?" Asked people confused.
"Don't look at me. I still don't get it." Said Audrey.
"Neither do i." Said Hope.
Alaric: So Landon is basically a, uh, supernatural immaculate conception?
Seylah: I'll be damned. You believe me.
Alaric: My twins were magically transplanted into their mother's womb by a coven of witches, so my belief tolerance is pretty high.
Seylah: (Chuckles) I can't imagine how you explained that to your kids.
Alaric: Yeah.
Seylah: It was easier for me to leave Landon in a small basket on the steps of a local church.
Alaric: Oh, you were young, scared.
Sehlah: I was selfish. And now I'm tired. I've spent years trying to stay off the grid. To remain erased. I can't be his mother. Not in the way he needs me to be. Sorry.
Alaric: You can't just leave him, Seylah.
Seylah: He'll be better off. You all will.
[Seylah leaves.]
Hope:(O.C.) I should warn you, our story's about to get even fishier.

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