Degrassi: Bitter Love

Af Chrissi_B

4.4K 24 0

Original Television Production of Season 12 of Degrassi. Drama like you've never seen it before! Mere

Promo 1
Promo 2
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Final Episode: Episode 9
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Final Episode: Episode 24

Episode 10

69 1 0
Af Chrissi_B


                As the brilliance of the sun swept over her eyes, Alli was awaken with wide expectation. She smiled earnestly and immediately got of bed. She slipped on her fluffy bedroom slippers awaiting her at the edge of the bed. She scampered over to her closet and stood there anxiously before she placed her hand on the handle. She pulled it open in one swift action and stood glued admiring with teary eyes. 

She removed a set of clothes and threw them on the floor. She looked at them with a pitiful look, "Finally no more uniforms, ever again!" She turned back to the closet to face a bounty of gorgeous clothes, high heel shoes and all, "I can't wait!"

[theme song]

            "It's great to have this school back!" greeted the principal on the intercom in all smiles. He looked ever so smart in his very laid-back suit. "And if you're wondering, I'm taking on a new look too." He laughed cheekily, more to himself than to the audience, "Just remember, I'm watching. Great day to all."

"Great day indeed," tooted K.C. as he noticed the red-head waltzing into the school. In the middle of the hallway he froze as the girl drew closer in his direction. His anticipated smile was suddenly replaced with a frown as he saw a huge crowd of guys in close pursuit.

He stood there dumbfounded by his luck as she walked away but managed to steal a very flirtatious glance from her, just in time for Marisol to jump him out of it.

"See you've got the red fever already too," Marisol greeted bitterly.

K.C. sighed, "Of course not." He shifted his eyes hoping not to get nervous about lying, "It's all about me and you."

Marisol was not liking to his plea. She crossed her arms and watched him closely, "Really?"

"Really." K.C. said and managed to relax the drawing tension into a romantic liplock.

Marisol smiled and added breathlessly, "I believe you."


               Clare was busying herself towards her locker just in time to hear some powerful tap-tapping behind her. She looked around and was shocked by the sight she saw, "Wow! First day and you're dressed like this!" Alli was dressed in an outfit fit for a supermodel and four-inch heels to match.

"Spare me a break. It's been uniforms for me for a loonnngg time." She smiled confidently. "And besides I'm still boiler room girl here, can't disappoint." She added sarcastically with a hint of sadness. 

"That's not true. You dressed like this way before the boiler room," teased Clare as she touched her friend's arm to show her sympathy.

Alli couldn't help but giggle at the notion, "That's why I'm the hottest dresser in town." And then she looked up to the sound of oncoming heels and her voice trailed off, "Or am I?" She looked at the red head who had suddenly joined them without permission, "Uh, do I know you?" 

The girl jokily responded, "Guess you didn't tell her."

"Not exactly," Clare admitted; an undeniable fear lurked as she admired the two girls who were pretty much sizing up the other as if in a battle royale. 

Alli turned towards Clare with confusion, "What's going on?" 

"Alli, relax," Clare said calmly, "Gracie's an old friend of ours."

"What do you mean?"

"It's the new and improved Gracie Torres," Gracie outstretched her arm graciously awaiting a handshake. 

"Adam!" shrieked Alli.

"I was more hoping for you to take my hand and welcome me formally," joked Gracie.

"It's definitely still Adam in there," acknowledged Alli.

"Adam's long gone," Gracie said gleefully as a very attractive guy walked past as she got his eye, "Long gone." 


             "We had such the best time!" exclaimed a blond with excitement and gratitude as she waltzed into the classroom.

"It was just what we expected!" her friend chirped in gleefully as the two went to take up their seats.

"Wow. Everybody had a great time but me," Drew responded bitterly at his desk. 

"Then maybe you shouldn't have messed things up by involving the whole K.C. thing," Dave commented. 

"The idea stemmed from the whole K.C. thing," corrected Drew. "I'm such an idiot!" he frowned as he shook his head with disgust.

"I'm not understanding."

Drew sighed, "I was jealous of Jenna hanging around him all the time; like they were such good friends."

"Uh, dude, they have a kid together - I mean, they're going to have to be friendly to one another at some point," Dave had hoped that his share of the obvious would help put his friend on the straight and narrow.

"Well, you know what's the ironic part from all of this?"


"I got what I asked for," Drew admitted glumly as his attention was focused in the far corner of the class.

Dave followed his glare and noticed the angry Jenna eyeing K.C. venomously while he cleverly avoided facing her by tapping his pencil nervously. Things for certain were not good between the two.


              The bell had rung signalling the beginning of lunch. The school was blissfully decorated in an array of colour as the students joyously greeted one another in the hallways. A sense of colour that they had missed for eight long hard months and also a sense of freedom with no hallway patrol on duty.

"You wouldn't believe how worked up I am," commented Clare despondently as she took up her seat in the cafe next to Gracie.

"What do you mean?" she asked, trying to stay under control despite a mountainous array of male eyes boring through her. 

"I'm a little anxious on seeing Eli. I have no idea how things went over the weekend. I called like ten times and all he told me was that everything was fine."

"Everything was more than fine," commented Gracie which caught Clare's suspicion.

"Why you'd say that?"

"Well, I was over there for the weekend. He needed a little help..."

"You were over there!" Clare asked in surprise, "That's really great, thank you so much! At least I can trust you!" She sighed and then became silent for a moment before continuing, "I mean, it must be so great that you guys can still be best friends even after, you know."

"We're more than best friends," Gracie acknowledged.

"He was a little nervous about your sudden change, you know," continued Gracie, "He's just so used to Adam, if it wasn't for me..."

"He was?" interrupted the red head.

"Of course he was. I mean who could get used to Ms. Gorgeous right next to me. You stole every guy's heart at the dance, pretty much the same as now." It was hard not to notice the intense stares and whispering from across the room.

"His especially," commented Gracie holding her head down as though she was suddenly embarrassed.

"What?" asked Clare confused.

"Eli." She said slowly raising her head to face her friend with guilty eyes, "Eli and I are..."

"Hey girls," greeted Eli in one bold move to the table. He seemed very jittery and awkward as he took up a seat opposite the girls. He glanced towards Clare and then avoided her eyes before he held down his head; trying suspiciously to unwrap his napkin. "What are you girls talking about?"

"You look different," Clare noticed in glee.

"Me?" asked Eli and he was forced to look up. He awkwardly locked eyes with the girl of his dreams; the real girl of his dreams. 

"No black. It looks good on you," she smiled approvingly.

Eli had certainly looked a far cry from his usual dark and intense rock-star appearance. It was barely noticeable the lack of eye shadow but the edgy yet relaxed bourgeois style was definitely not. And the fact he wore a colour other than gloomy, crimson-red was more than notable. 

"This is definitely a year of great changes, isn't it?" asked Clare in shock. 

"So you're cool with me and Grace," blurted Eli.

"She had no problem with me helping out with Jake, right," intervened Gracie before Clare could catch on and leaving Eli feeling quite uncomfortable. Strangely though, he felt almost relieved that he didn't had to face the situation right away but it was obvious that the sooner the better. Clare deserved to be the first to know.


               The gym was alive with activity as the students were readying themselves in a routine warm-up. Alli was more interested in idle chitchat rather than the exercise but nevertheless she was having a great time until she managed to see something she thought she'd never see. Alone on the hard benches was a distraught Jenna staring down at her feet. 

"Hey, there mama," greeted Alli as she seated herself next to her.

"I prefer if you weren't here," Jenna responded without looking up.

"I've been trying to tell you for the last few weeks, you have no idea how sorry I am!" 

"Whatever." Jenna carefully hoisted herself from the seat to a standing position. Her foot was very much in a cast which delayed her from her victory as cheerleading captain. The peppiest girl in the entire school having to sit out on any kind of physical activity was a hard sight to behold. 

"Can't you just hear me," Alli managed to stop her, "I'm sick and tired of all the pleading. Please, just listen."

Jenna was forced to look at her.

Alli seemed to be struggling whether or not she should open up about what happened, "I never would have expected you to call me by that...word." She struggled to repeat the defamatory insult out loud; it was just too painful in so many ways. She paused searching for some kind of sympathy or acknowledgement  but none was given, "I didn't have the greatest time at Beechwood and I blamed Drew for putting me through that. It was like my best friend was siding with the enemy; I overreacted." 

Jenna was stiff with emotion as she saw the tears gleaming in her friend's eyes. "I should have said something and believe me I tried, but I know you wouldn't have accepted us so easily."

"I could try."

Jenna smiled softly, "Everything sucks in my world right now so bad, you have no idea. We broke up and K.C. hates my guts. And Clare is no good since she's so intense these days."

"So I guess that leaves me then." A faint smile crept over her worried face.

"Yeah. It does." She responded softly.

"So I'm forgiven?"

"Maybe." Jenna answered briskly and then quickly continued in a relaxed undertone, "Just let's not fight like this ever again, 'kay."

Alli nodded her approval, "You've got it."


              Jenna was searching the nursery with curious eyes. She took one long look up above the heads of the carefree toddlers and back down to the far corner of the room. She excitedly ran over to the two children having their own secluded fun on the play mat. 

"Well, hello there my baby," she greeted as she took up the little girl, "Why are you guys over here by yourselves?" Her tone of voice was very childish and playful as she blew bubbles on the child's belly which erupted cute, melodic laughter.

"And who might your little friend be?" she asked the child as it was trying effortlessly to escape her hands and back to playing with toy blocks.

Trix responded with spit bubbles and clapping of hands as the baby stared up with curious green eyes. 

"I agree, he is quite a cutey," giggled Jenna, noticing the intense eye-contact between the two.

"It's almost like they're in love," commented a nurse from behind.

"I don't remember seeing him here all this time though," Jenna responded as she collected the baby bags, "And for a newborn he's so brave."

"I said just that from day one; his mother was scared to death her first time dropping him off."

"Wow. I guess even adults are scared with their children," acknowledged Jenna while trying to keep Trix still as she kept on leaping over her back to say bye to her friend.

"I guess it's some kind of secret but the mother..." the nurse leant over and whispered, "She's really a student."

"But I know all the teen moms at this school. We have play-dates every so often."

"Maybe I shouldn't be telling you this...but everyday that girl comes in here and she seems so sad. I think maybe she's not adjusting to teen motherhood as well as she puts off."

"Who can?" quipped Jenna.

"You did," the nurse gave her a serious but proud look, "It's been five weeks and she's getting more and more distant from the child even though I know she loves him to death."

The nurse directed her head toward the little boy who was sucking on his thumb, "That little boy deserves more than a mother in name."

Jenna looked and smiled; she agreed fully because there was once a time when Trix's father was only money for a while. She was so much happier now whenever she got piggy-back rides and fairy tales read to her at night. She knew firsthand how it felt; her own mother felt dead to her.

"I know it sounds like much but a friendly talk could help make a difference. Maybe schedule a play-date for the kids," She smiled at the very talkative little girl barking orders at the newborn. A moment's decision was made after a heavy sigh, "I know I'm doing this for the better, I've done it before and it's never failed me yet." She held on tightly to Jenna's hand and whispered once more, "Her name's Clare...Clare Edwards, a sweet girl. I think you two should get along fine."

"Clare?" asked Jenna baffled but the nurse had already retreated towards some other children. 

Jenna left the daycare feeling stupefied beyond measure. Maybe there was another Clare Edwards in the school that she didn't know about. As she rounded the bend she happened to butt into none other than Clare. She studied her curiously, "You were waiting till I left before you went in, weren't you?"

"What?" asked Clare off-guard.

"I always see you so soon after I come from the daycare on evenings. It makes sense now."

Clare felt suddenly trapped and she needed an escape. The daycare was only a few feet away but she couldn't go there now not with such strange accusations being thrown at her. She needed a diversion and one was coming her way.

"Hey, Grace," she greeted and attached one hand around the girl's, "We're off to blow some steam while I wait for my mom to pick me up." The lie was perfect for a quick get-away.

"But..." started Jenna but Clare was already dashing off in the opposite direction.


            The bus was already crowded when Alli finally made it on board. She managed to spot an empty seat by the window. Through the window she managed to spot Clare and Gracie deep in conversation which both saddened and surprised her. Around this time Clare was sure to be in the act of a great baby heist as she cleverly manoeuvred Jake unseen out of the school. She was actually looking forward to her best friend sitting next to her, especially since she'd hardly seen much of her for eight long months.

"What's on your mind?" a very mellow and calm voice jumped her from her thoughts.

She turned around with a very wide-eyed expression, "Uh, hi, Terrence." 

Terrence was dressed handsomely in a comfortable sweater and loose fitting jeans. His hazel eyes shone with delight as he politely asked her to take the seat next to her.

"I tried calling you," he continued. 

Alli felt herself getting hot under the collar despite the obvious cold weather. She had tried so hard to forget about him and she worked doubly at avoiding him all day during school. She looked up uncomfortably at him.

"There's no reason to dodge me like the plague, you know."

"But you should to me," she responded painfully, "Don't act like you forgot what you saw at the dance."

"A very beautiful girl," he replied smartly hoping to impress her.

"Oh, great, you've caught the red-headed fever too," she mumbled.

"What do you mean," Terrence asked confused.

"The fabulous Gracie." She gave one last look at the beauty outside.

"I was talking about you," he emphasized.

"Whatever." She sighed and crossed her arms as though she was suddenly furious.

"I don't know exactly what I saw, OK," he reassured her, "But it's you I want to see more of."

"Terrence..." she started sadly.

"Terry," he corrected.

"Terry...things happen for a reason which is something that I've learnt very well. You don't deserve me. Trust me."

"I don't understand." He showed his confusion.

"I'm..." She started crying, "I'm the girl from the boiler room; you don't deserve that."

"I know it's just a rumour. I know it's all lies." He expressed his concerns fervently.

"No," she corrected him, "They're not lies." She eyed him sternly hoping to get her message across non-verbally.

"You - you," His face contorted with disgust, "It's for real! You really..."

She nodded slowly as her mascara was beginning to run.

He held his head down with shame, scratching his head trying to comprehend what he had just heard, "Oh no. No. Wow." He finally looked up at her, "You know you're right, I don't deserve you."

He hurriedly got up and disappeared beneath the rumble in the back of the bus, leaving Alli unable to hold back her tears. 


                "Things sure are looking up for you already," quipped Clare. She was sitting with Gracie on the bench after school. "I'm impressed. In fact," she was forced to gave a determined glance at her friend, "I'm shocked actually."

"That so many guys could be so interested in me?" she asked breathlessly holding on to a tight wad of rectangular notes scribbled with digits.

"That any guy would be interested in you. No offense but," Clare lingered because she knew that her question could possibly be hurtful, "Do they even know that you were Adam?"

"Adam," Gracie closed her eyes and grimaced, "does not exist, just me. Just Gracie."

Clare sighed and seemed apologetic, "I didn't mean to..."

"It's OK. Since Drew's suddenly in the good books of the principal, I was allowed to be enrolled still as Gracie but with my middle name as my last. Nobody needs to know exactly where I came from, right?"

"Are you sure it's a good idea to keep it a secret?"

"Why do you always have to be so logical?" snapped Gracie, "This makes sense to me right now. I make sense right now. It would be so much harder to deal with if anyone knew. I thought of all the people you would understand."

"Lying's not the answer. People are going to find out eventually."

"Like about your son?" Gracie retorted with angst.

"No." Clare was suddenly saddened by the remark, "No one can know about Jake. They would throw stones at me if they knew."

"So then you understand, right?"

Clare stood there for a few minutes considering the situation. There was virtue in what she was saying. Suddenly changing from a "guy" to the most attractive girl in the school would be too much to swallow for anybody. Goodness knew that even she was having a hard time dealing. She knew Adam now for close to two years and nothing in the world could possibly prepare her for the return of Gracie; who by the way was a much dowdier version of the girl next to her. What in the world could be the cause of the sudden change and here she was showing off a handful of guys' numbers? 

"So that means I have a new shopping buddy to the mall?" she humbly asked.

"So you noticed my Louis Vuitton shoes!" Gracie squealed with delight as she wiggled excitedly showing off her butterfly straps.

"Yeah, sure. You know Louis Vuitton," Clare muttered more sarcastically than friendly. Was this for real? Was the cool and calm and very boyish Adam replaced with super hot diva Gracie? Would there be enough room for two Allis? Somehow she honestly didn't think that any closet in the world would be big enough for these materialistic girls.

"Clare," Gracie suddenly became quiet and serious as she avoided her friend's eyes, "What do you really think? About me?"

"You'll definitely be voted as prom queen," Clare was definitely disgusted by the thought.

"I want you to know it's still me. new to me. Y'know, being a girl." the red-headed beauty fidgeted as she continued, "All this glitz and glamour I'm trying out for a while and then I'll try baggy clothes and then maybe your style, until I figure things out."

"It seems to me you made up your mind already," admitted Clare and then she eyeballed the notes, "Or those guys helped you to decide, don't you think?"

"Yeah," she responded guiltily, "It's good having someone notice me. You think maybe I should date any of them?"

"As long as it's not all at once," joked Clare.

Suddenly Gracie's face changed and she held down her head as though suddenly ashamed. Clare turned around to see who had made her so nervous, maybe it was one of those boys on the list. However, it was only Eli coming to join them at the table. She eyed Gracie suspiciously when Eli took up a seat on the opposite side.

"You told her yet?" asked Eli.

"Hi to you too," commented Clare matter-of-factly. Eli's focus was intently on Gracie. Somehow Clare felt as though she was craving the attention that her newfound friend was getting.

"It's too soon," Gracie answered simply, leaving Clare in the dark.

"She needs to know. I wouldn't feel right keeping this from her." He was very intense as he spoke.

"Know what?" begged Clare eyeing the two of them uncomfortably. Somehow she knew something was up. Adam was Gracie and Eli was suddenly just a regular guy. What other bizarre things were there to know?

Gracie sighed heavily and leant over the bench and gave Eli a quick kiss on the lips. She then sat up straight and looked at her friend, "About us." 

"What?" Clare wasn't sure whether to cry or laugh as she sat awkwardly staring.

"About us Clare," Eli finally met Clare face-to-face; his green eyes piercing through her soul like a sharp dagger. 

"But I was just helping Gracie pick out a date," whimpered Clare, desperately searching for something else to focus on.

"A date?" Eli's eyes suddenly darted over to the red-head, "You have no idea how hard the weekend was for me and this is what I get?" He was audibly angry but he tried his best to compose it.

"I was just fooling around Eli." 

"It's alright," Eli was fighting back tears as he got up, "I should be happy now that I don't have to be with you." He calmly walked away leaving an obviously hurt and annoyed Gracie at the table with Clare trying to piece together what just happened.

Music for this episode: Secrets Out Loud - Chrissi B*  

Tune in Next Week:  

Episode 11: Secrets Out Loud Pt 1:  Uncontrolled anger surfaces Connor's hidden feelings

*original title

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