The Violet Witch | The Vampi...

Galing kay Your_Next_Door_Idiot

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No one knows what happens when you die. It's a mystery that has always been. So when my time came, I accepted... Higit pa

Luna Blacksmith
Summer before the beginning 
Act 1 - The Beginning
1.1 The Beginning
1.2 Night of the Comet
1.3 Friday night bites
1.4 Family Ties
1.5 You're undead to me
1.6 Lost Girls
1.7 Haunted
Haunted, Part 2
1.8 162 Candles
1.9 History Repeating
1.10 Turning point
1.11 Bloodlines
1.12 unpleasantville
1.13 Children of the Damned
1.14 Making moves
1.15 A Few Good Men
1.16 Little Mischief
1.16 part 2: Answers
1.17 A day in
1.18 Uncle John
1.19 Miss Mystic Falls
1.20 Isobel
1.21 Founder's Day
Act 2 - Now the fun begins
2.1 The Return
2.2 Brave new world
2.3 Bad Moon Rising
2.3 Part 2: A long Overdue Reunion
2.4 Bringing forth someone lost
2.5 A date
2.6 Revealing the long hidden Truth
What happened while Luna and Damon were gone !!! Important !!!
2.7 Masquerade
2.8 Making New Allies
Quick important question
2.9 Discovery and Slater
2.10 The Full Truth
2.10 Part 2: The Sacrifice
2.11 By the Light of the Full Moon
!!!Twin Flame Voting!!!
2.11 Part 2
2.12 Meeting the Best Friend
2.13 The Message
2.14 The Dinner Party
2.15 The Making of a new Hybrid
2.16 The Last Dance
2.16 Part 2
Soulmate List !!!Spoiler Warning!!!
2.17 Preparations
2.18 The Sacrafice
Act 3 - A new Story Unfolds
3.1 The First Werewolves Collected
3.2 Chicago
3.3 Mason and Hayley
3.5 Soulmates and Outfits
3.6 Soulmates and Ester

3.4 Returning Home

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Galing kay Your_Next_Door_Idiot

A/N: I'm not a fan of always having a 3rd person POV, so from now on I will be continuing with what I was doing. It will be Luna's POV unless stated otherwise. The 3rd person POV that's mixed into the 1st person's POV is more so to bring more detail into things like her powers and other people's emotions and why they do certain things. This is probably confusing, sorry. Just read the story and you should be fine. If you have questions, feel free to ask.

!!!Important!!! Chapter 3.1 3.2 will be remade by the end of tomorrow as 1st person POV. This is because I hate the chapters like they are and people seem to agree with that statement, as they have half my average votes. Rereading them won't be necessary as they will have the same dialogue and the changes won't be extreme. Maybe add a scene or two. Rereading those two chapters is unnecessary, but if you wish you can.


Luna's POV

The time had come for us to once again return home. Everyone had packed their belongings and were ready to leave. The trip home was peaceful and was spent mostly in silence. I was in the driver seat like normal, Kol by my side on the passage seat. Stefan and Klaus were in the far back cuddling asleep as neither slept much.

Kol was on his Nintendo while I was on my phone texting the others. They were excited and happy that we would finally come back. They told me about prank night. They would all go to the school late on so they could set up pranks for the teachers when they came to class the next day.

I remember in the original timeline this would be the time Klaus would return with his sister and Stefan. Then a lot of drama. But lucky that won't be a thing. Klaus would be at the new house Elijah had acquired for them. Kol, Stefan, and I would go to the prank night. Kol to create some mischief, Stefan to be with Caroline and I would be there to simply observe.

When we got back to Mystic Falls we met with Elijah outside the new mansion. It was only a five-minute walk away from mine. Klaus got his stuff inside with Stefan as he wanted to help. I was talking with Elijah getting the latest update while Kol was still in the jeep, playing his game. He informed me about the new hybrids residing at the edge of town.

After Klaus and Stefan were finished, Klaus went to the new hybrids to check up on them while I took Stefan home to Damon and Enzo. We had made plans to spend time when we got back. We were planning on watching Van Helsing. Kol and Enzo had found it during one of our late-night video calls and have been dying to watch it. They loved seeing human adaptations of their species. Me and Damon didn't care what movie we watched and since they wanted to watch it, we were more than happy to let them.

The night was getting closer and Caroline was blasting my phone making sure I would make it to prank night (Mischief night? Or is that Teen Wolf?).

"Kol, it's time to go. Caroline is blasting my phone about not coming late."I called out to him as he was zoned in on the movie. It was the third movie they had watched. Van Helsing first, Twilight second, which they couldn't stop laughing at. And the third was some random movie they had found that looked interesting.

He jumped to his feet saying goodbye to Enzo and Damon as he ran to the door. He had been waiting for this day for over two weeks since Caroline and Bonnie told them about it during a video call.

When we got there everyone else was waiting on us. Caroline with Stefan following behind her like a love-sick teenager, Bonnie, Rebekah, Elena, Tyler, and Jeremy. We all hugged and made our way inside. Kol and Rebekah although reluctantly ended up silently hugging, both leaning into the other. Tyler and Jeremy went their way while the rest of us followed Caroline as she guided us around on what to do.

First, we covered the entire floor of one classroom with mouse traps. Another classroom was assaulted by confetti. We glued all the books to the teacher's desk and filled the floor with red plastic cups

Kol was having the time of his life, not only did he get to do so many pranks in one night, but he got to do it with his friends. Although the others didn't know Kol too well, they had gotten to know him before we left for the summer. So before we left they had told him he was their friend which brought a tear to his eye, but if you were to ask him, he would deny it with his life.

Matt did come in at some point while fixing the red plastic cups and knocked several over. Caroline and Rebekah yelled at him and then were thrown out by the original.

Prank night went well without interruptions. Rebekah was driven home by Caroline. The young and powerful vampire went to the boarding house with Stefan. Bonnie and Elena drove home while I drove me and Kol home. Tyler drove Jeremy home after they did what teenagers do when alone in a classroom with their significant other.


The next day I made my way over to Bonnie with Kol. There are some plans that I wish to set in motion, some preferably before Ester gets here. I know she will come after some weeks, but she is an unknown factor. Witches listen and obey me, yes. But Ester is different. She is so filled with hate and delusions, that I don't know what she will do.

As we vanished in violet smoke, we reappeared outside Bonnie's home. Kol quickly ran up to her door ringing the doorbell with a huge grin. I had told him what we were here for and he was filled with joy. He could barely contain himself, but for the sake of surprising Bonnie, he promised to keep quiet until I had revealed what we would do.

"Kol? Luna? What are you guys doing here? I thought you guys would be unpacking or at least relaxing after the long drive." She wondered confused. Bonnie's gaze traveled over to Kol, giggling at the scene. He was jumping up and down on the spot, a huge grin on his face. "What's going on?" She asked me as she looked away from the jumping vampire.

"Why don't we go inside little witch and I shall explain what we are doing here." I smiled while she let us in. We took a seat on the couch opposite to her. Bonnie called to her magic and made some new tea and some cookies appeared on the table in a cloud of green smoke.

"I see you have evolved dear witch," Kol spoke as he saw the smoke reminding him of Luna.

"Yeah. I got the idea from seeing Luna's magic. It's unnecessary and doesn't do anything other than look pretty. But I like it. It's something different, but like Luna." She explained.

"It looks beautiful Bonnie. I love the green. Reminds me of nature, life, and healing." I spoke as I took a sip of my tea, flattered at her reasoning.

"So, what brings you guys here?" Bonnie questioned us confused.

"What, not happy to see us?" Kol asked her faking hurt, holding his hand to his heart.

"You know that's not true, Luna's like my sister and you're my friend. But you guys just drove back from Phoenix. You guys should be mentally resting at home." She stated.

"We are here for something special. Or should I say someone special?" I spoke the last words in a low voice so she couldn't hear. As I looked over at Kol I could see he had started jumping up and down on his seat again. He has been acting like an excited toddler ever since I told him the plans for today.

"Tell her." He stated.

"Tell me what?" Bonnie looked at him confused while I looked amused.

"Remember when we left Mystic Falls and I cast that spell?" I began. When she nodded I continued. "The spell revealed your soulmates, and if you have any, your twin flames. While the sun still shines in the sky, we shall bring one of them to Mystic Falls." I explained softly not wanting her to freak out.

"Who's?" Bonnie asked shocked.

"Yours of course." I simply stated. Bonnie quickly jumped up front the couch bringing me into a hug. She was overjoyed, happiness was coming off of her in powerful waves.

"Who? How? When?" She quickly fired her questions.

"His name is Malachi Parker, he goes by Kai. He is a special type of witch and is currently somewhere unreachable to most. But luckily, everyone in this room has the power to bring him back." I explained to her while Kol came over to us from his seat.

"And we will do it today!" He spoke excitedly.

"What about everyone else's soulmate?" Bonnie, the ever so selfless witch asked me.

"It is not about the others." Kol quickly intervened. "Today is about you and yours. Plus, your soulmate happened to be my twin flame." He spoke proudly. During summer I had told him about Kai and what happened. When learning about what happened to him, he was filled with rage. The only reason he didn't go and kill Kai's coven was because I told him Kai would want to do it himself.

"Twin flame? Kol, that's incredible! I'm so happy for you." She went over and they hugged while I stood to the side smiling at the scene.

"Now, when would you like to go?" I asked Bonnie knowing she wouldn't want to meet her soulmate while dressed in her pajamas.

Bonnie, releasing what she was wearing ran to her room, getting ready to meet the one she had dreamed about for the entire summer.

When Bonnie came back down she was dressed in an outfit I had gifted her a few months back. It consisted of a dark green trench coat, a black turtleneck, and dark green dress pants with black heels. It was simple yet elegant, it gave off an aura of power and confidence.

I teleported us to the forest behind my house. It was a part of my property and therefore protected by my magic. We got to a clearing near a lake when I turned to Bonnie, explaining how we would do this. I had already explained to Kol and he was all for it. He would take any excuse to use his magic.

"So where is he?" Bonnie questioned me.

"He is in a prison world. Long story short, something happened long ago. Kai was then sent away by his coven to a world where he would not die, would not age, he would be there forever. Until the day he would be driven insane by the solitude." I gave her a quick and simple explanation as this was Kai's story to tell.

"Prison world? I have read about those. It is said only the most horrible get sent there. Monsters. And as far as I know, there are only two currently existing." Bonnie quickly summarized what she knew had read in her grams' grimoires.

"Not monsters. They send what they consider abominations." Kol stated. Bonnie instantly understood what he meant by that. When I taught about her magic and the supernatural world. Bonnie hated what other witches had done to others simply because of what they couldn't control. When I had thought to her about the siphons, she was mesmerized by their ability. She truly believed they were nature's way of undoing the magic of witches. For example, if a witch was to curse someone innocent, something they have done countless times. Then a siphon would be able to take it away, saving the individual.

"How do we do this?" She confidently asked.

"Stand together and join hands. Imagine the link you both carry with Kai as a golden line, tying you together. And then, simply pull."

As Kol and Bonnie called forth their magic as I taught them, the sky darkened and the wind picked up. They would need to use a lot of power to blast a hole through this world and onto Kai's.

As Bonnie's magic finally found Kai's life force, her hands began to glow a soft green color as the clear sky completely darkened. Kol could feel his twin flame, like a second limb. As he pulled he could feel him coming closer, his hands began emitting a soft crimson glow as it began bringing the siphon to him.

I stood to the side observing them. As I saw the glow coming off of their hands I couldn't help but feel like a proud parent. Yes, Bonnie was like a sister to me, and Kol was my soulmate. But they are also my creations. I made them something else, I made them core witches.

A rift opened in a ripple of light above us. A body fell through as the light disappeared. I quickly called forth my magic making it wrap around the falling figure before it could hit the floor.

Kai looked around in shock, as his gaze traveled to me he looked at my hands that were wrapped in violet light. As Kol and Bonnie broke out of their daze, they looked to the side seeing me holding up Kai.

I carefully placed the siphon on the ground. He looked around in shock not believing his eyes.

"It's official. I have finally lost it." He muttered not believing we were here. Not believing he was free.

"You haven't lost it little siphon." My soft voice cut through the silence. His head whipped over at me, I was surprised he didn't get whiplash. "You are free." I smiled softly at him, knowing this was an emotional moment for him.

"What are you?" He questioned me. His gaze not once left me as if he was caught in a daze.

"I am Luna, and what I am is for another time. For now, there are some people I would love for you to meet." I spoke softly as I gestured behind him.

He broke his gaze away from me as he looked behind. The moment his eyes landed on them, it was like the air was knocked from his lungs. Not knowing what to do, he slowly walked forward. Bonnie and Kol knew not to yell or to make any sudden movements as it could scare him off.

"Hi, I'm Bonnie. It's nice to finally meet you." She greeted him softly. She slowly took a step forward carefully holding out her hands. Kai just stayed silent as he moved closer. He was caught in a daze as he looked at her, for he had never seen such a beauty. As he got to her he carefully took her hands in his. A broken laugh left him as tears filled his eyes.

"It's you. You're real." He stated to himself. No longer did he believe himself to be crazy because now he knew he was finally free and with his soulmate. Bonnie smiled brightly at the siphon boy, carefully bringing him into a hug. He froze at first but then leaned into her touch. He placed his head in the crook of her neck as he held on tighter, never wanting to let go.

As they let go of one another I motioned for Kol to go nearer. He has stayed close to him letting Bonnie and Kai have their moment. As Kol went closer, Kai quickly looked over at him. They held each other's gaze when they both broke out a grin. They both went in for a hug, Kai was raised over the ground by Kol. Both boys let out a giggle as Kol spun them around.

"It is good to finally meet you my twin flame," Kol told him as he let go of the boy.

"I never even thought I would get a soulmate, much less a twin flame," Kai spoke happily.

"You may not have believed so, but I strongly believe you truly deserve it," I spoke softly as I made my way over.

"What are you?" He questioned me as neared closer.

"I am Luna Blacksmith. I am known as the mother of magic, chaos, and the supernatural. I am also the Goddess of Chaos." I stated as he looked on in shock.

"How did I get out?"

"We got you out," Bonnie spoke from his side. He looked back at her, confusion etched on his face.

"Luna showed us. She taught us how, and we did it." Kol further explained.

"How. You need an ascendant and Bennett Blood." He wondered confused.

"I am the goddess of chaos and the mother of magic. I have no need for such things, and neither do my creations." He replied smugly. I always enjoyed breaking limits. Not only could I do it, but I had made a species that could as well.

"You're not ordinary witches, are you? You feel different. More raw and pure." He asked as he looked at Bonnie and Kol.

"No. Nearly a year ago Luna made me into something else. Something new. The first of a new species." Bonnie began explaining as Kol took over.

"A species never seen or heard of before. Core witches."

"A species of my creation. Witches that are not bound to nature or the ones that came before them. Witches that can bring something forth by simply seeing it in their mind's eye. A new breed of witches. And as of now, only three exist." I spoke as I held my head high.

"We should bring him home to one of us. He needs to get used to the real world again." Bonnie suggested.

"He can go with you," Kol suggested. "Tomorrow me and Luna could visit. We can help him as well, and I'm sure Luna has something that will help him better."

"I like that idea," Kai stated as he looked hopeful at me. He quickly realized that I was the one in charge.

"Then it's settled. Bonnie, you will take Kai with you. Me and Kol will meet you tomorrow. For today simply try and bring him into this decade. Allow him to assimilate into this new era." I explained to her.

"While you two go and get to know each other, me and Luna will go home and spend the rest of the day having a relaxing day. The summer, although fun, was mentally exhausting at times. This is also the first day in two months I am not stuck with my brother." Kol commented as he gave Kai a final hug.

Bonnie waved her hand as she and a smiling Kai vanished in dark green smoke.

"I really should learn that," Kol muttered as he looked at the place they disappeared from.

"To be fair I have been teaching her longer, and you have spent most of your time since getting your magic with technology shoved in your face," I spoke amused.

"Hey! I was curious about the new stuff. You know on the other side, I could never interact with such things. I could only look as others did." He spoke as if he was insulted.

"I know that Mischief. How about you try now?" I offered. As he nodded with a grin, I went on to explain how. "All you need to do is imagine where you want to go. A feeling, memory, image, someone or something to guide you to that place."

He closed his eyes and raised his hand. As flashes of our living room came to his mind. Moments we spent there with Damon and Enzo. He remembered the joy he felt spending time with me and his best friends. Damon and Enzo treated him as a brother. He loved it. He loved that place because that's where he felt all those emotions. And with a wave of his hand, we disappeared in crimson smoke.

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