Sonic Splatoon

By metalgreymon2

5.2K 61 75

Somesort of epirement goes wrong, and a new hedgehog like squid comes out of it. He meets Maya, an Inkling wi... More

Chapter 01 - Hedgehog Squid
Chapter 02 - What are they?
Chapter 03 - Alterna
Chapter 04 - Chaos Control
Chapter 05 - Zip, Splat, and Jump
Chapter 06 - The Eel Deal
Chapter 07 - Alterna's Origin
Chapter 08 - Pedal to the Megalodon
Chapter 09 - Time-Space Rift
Chapter 10 - The Hyper Manta Storm
Chapter 11 - Alterna Space Center
Chapter 12 - The Ursine Anomally
Chapter 13 - Calamari Inkantation 3MIX
Sonic Splatoon: Season 1 Second Half.
Chapter 14 - New Threat
Chapter 15 - Eggman Empire
Chapter 16 - The Gaia Gates
Chapter 17 - Guardian of Death
Chapter 18 - Spikes of Metal
Chapter 19 - Shadows from the Past
Chapter 20 - The Gold Sovereign
Chapter 21 - Zeti
Chapter 22 - The strongest Zeti
Chapter 23 - Catastrophe
Chapter 24 - Strike Back
Chapter 25 - The Controller
Chapter 26 - Fight for Our World
Sonic Splatoon Season 2 Trailer
Chapter 27 - The Seekers Emerge!
Chapter 28 - The Foundation Rises!
Chapter 30 - The Vampire Hunter!
Chapter 31 - Danger Waters!
Chapter 32 - The Legend of the Gargoyle!
Chapter 33 - The Sunken Civilization!
Chapter 34 - The Secrets of the Argonauts!
Chapter 35 - The Legends of Camelot!
Chapter 36 - The Knight of the Wind Reborn!
Chapter 37 - Wasteland Turf!
Chapter 38 - Acht's True Mission!
Chapter 39 - The Haunted Ruin!
Chapter 40 - Destiny of Nightmares!
Chapter 41 - Lurking in the Catacombs!
Chapter 42 - Stop the Big Wave!
Chapter 43 - Full Front Attack!
Chapter 44 - Castle of Secrets!

Chapter 29 - Cursed Arrows!

34 1 0
By metalgreymon2

Opening - Huntik Go!

In the shadows of the night
When you face the darkness
Call the power of the light
Let your heart be fearless

Never give it up Never give it up
If you're strong enough get the power

Huntik keep the faith and you'll survive
Huntik is the seeker you're inside
Shout it out and make it loud
Everybody Huntik go!

There's a secret lost in time
There's an ancient story
One for all and no for one
Fighting for the glory

Never give it up Never give it up
If you're strong enough get the power

Huntik keep the faith and you'll survive(You'll survive)
Huntik is the seeker you're inside
Shout it out and make it loud
Everybody Huntik go!

Ohh Yeahhhh... Everybody!
Ohhhhhhhh... HUNTIK!

Holotome: Amber, Maya and Mephiles began their first lessions as Seekers. But they suddenly move with Sonic back to the crystal cave he was exploring before arriving at the temple. In there, they were ambushed by the Organization's troops, lead by Major Black and Acht. Maya bonded with the Titan Sabriel, and proved her valure as a Seeker by leading the attack against the Organization.

Episode 29 - Cursed Arrows!


A week has gone by, after the Squidbeak Splatoon's first encounter with the Organization. By now, every member is a Seeker, even though they're still gaining battle experience. We move to the training field, where Mephiles and Maya were practicing.

Mephiles: RAYPULSE!!! (shoots)

Maya: ARMOURBRAND!!! (intercepts the shot)

Maya rushed in, and attemped to punch Mephiles, who swiftly dodged. Mephiles imediatly attemped to counterattack, but Maya was also ahead of him, and pulled him above her. 

Maya: TOUCHRAME!!! (shoots)

Mephiles: BLASTEATER!!!

Mephiles raised his arms, and released two energies in front of him, creating a black hole, surrounded in green energy that ate Maya's shepp. He then rushed in, and prepared to attack.

Amber: That's enough! (the two look at her) You keep practicing non stop. Shouldn't you take a break?

Mephiles: Sorry. I guess we're still trying to improve to fight the Organization. 

Maya: Even so, I think we improoved a lot. Anyway, has Sonic figured out anything else?

Amber: He has. He actually wanted to meat with us to review what we know about the Organization, and present us a new mission.

The two of them nodded. We then move to Sonic's room, where Sonic was studying the diary, with his Cypherdex besides him. The others arrived, with Mephiles and Maya hidrating themselves, and drying their faces.

Sonic: You were overpracticing again?

Maya: Possibly. Hee hee.

Sonic: I know you want to get stronger, but don't overdo yourselves. (they nod) So let's review what we know about the Organization.

Amber: Looking at how things are, that Major Black seems to be the one commanding them. We were lucky we got away from her clutches.

Sonic: I'd say we were able to get them to back off for the moment. But we gotta keep up the pace. (taps the Cypherdex's keyboard)

Maya: A castle?

Sonic: This is the Castle of Vlad Dracule. Vlad Dracul was the Prince of Wallachia during the fifteenth century of the mankind era. He was an evil Seeker who became known by Dracula, due to one specific Titan, Antedeluvian.

Mephiles: Let me guess, that's our target, right?

Sonic: Correct. Antedeluvian's former Seeker was also someone who worked for evil forces. But when the end of mankind arrived, he broke his bond with Antedeluvian, and left him back at the castle.

Cypherdex: Mission: Ancient Vampire. Infiltrate Vlad Dracule's castle, and take hold of the Titan Antedeluvian.

Mephiles: I have a feeling that the Organization might also be after that Titan.

Sonic: I'm aware of that. That's why we're gonna use the resources we have at our disposal. (brings the arc) Everyone, we're gonna split the remaining Titans in this arc between the four of us.

Maya: Awesome!

Maya went to the arc first. She took hold of a Freelancer, a Hoplite, an Ironsquire, Gareon, Kilthane and Kipperin. Amber was the next one. She took hold of Baselaird, Jirwolf, a Freelancer, an Ironsquire, a Hoplite, Breaker, a Red Searcher and Sentinel.

Mephiles: Hey, this one looks like the amulet Acht had!

Sonic: Hm? A Vigilante! This one's not gonna be easy to bond with. We'll keep it in the back for now.

Mephiles: Got it.

Mephiles took hold of a Freelancer, a Hoplite, an Ironsquire, Gigadrone, Kaiou the Tracker and Raijin the Thunderbolt. Sonic looked at the arc and took hold of Ariel, Oberon, the other Red Searcher and the last of the Hoplites and Ironsquires.

Sonic: Make sure not to summon to many Titans at once. You'll need energy for your spells.

Mephiles: Got it. (Sonic heads to the door) Where are you going?

Sonic: That place is is a bit of a historical place. It's not exactly a good idea to invade that place. Before heading to the castle, we need to get hold of something.


We enter the Organization's central, more specifely in Major Black's office. She was reading through some kind of map she had in her hand. She then went to her desk, where she had her Teknonomicon.

Major Black: So this is Antedeluvian. I didn't think any human would dare to bond with a Titan like this one. There must have been some very nasty humans back in that era of theirs. (presses a button) Acht, have you located Antedeluvian's resting place yet?

Acht: We recived information that Antedeluvian is hidden in some ancient castle within the ruins of the ancient country of Romania. Unfortunatly, it's protected by some ancient power. The only way to enter is the front door, but we need some sort of key for it.

Major Black: Locate that key whatever the coast! We must gain access to that castle and claim that Titan!

Acht: At your orders, Major Black. (call ends)

Major Black: Those Squidbeak Splatoon brats might try to stop us. But it's no use. I'm gonna show them what kind of power I have!

Major Black: And I'm gonna burn them to a crisp.


The New Huntik Foundation team arrived at Romenia. They were following Sonic's lead, as they were going to the woods. Sonic was looking at his Cypherdex, as he saw a map of the place they were heading to.

Maya: Sonic where are we heading to, exactly?

Sonic: Vlad Dracul's castle is protected by a magic barrier. The only was in is literaly by opening the front door. To do that, there's a special key, the Spear of Vlad the Impaler.

Mephiles: Let me guess, the journal had a clew of where it was, right?

Sonic: The old team of the Huntik Foundation chose to hide it on a nearby cave. But beware. That cave might have some traps. Be ready for everything and anything. (the others nod)

Amber: How much longer to the cave?

Sonic: Just a few more steps. We should be able to see it if we look ahead.

They eventually looked up and saw the cave's entrance. However, they were unaware of some suits that were hidding. One of them left the place. We move to another part of the forest. The Suit arrived to Acht, who was with more suits.

Female Suit 03: Boss, we spoted the Squidbeak Splatoon team! They're heading to a cave to get the key to Vlad Dracul's castle!

Acht: Where is that cave?

Female Suit 03: Not to far from here. Should we capture them with their guard down?

Acht: There's no need. We'll just wait for them to get the cave, and take the key when they get out. You five head to the castle to meet with the Major. (the other suits leave) Take me to the cave.

The suit nodded. Moving to the cave, the Squidbeak Splatoon started to head deep. However, Sonic moved his arm in front of his teammates, telling them to stop. He raised his right hand.

Sonic: Boltflare. (lights up the cave) Hm... (looks at the walls) Here's a good spot for the first trap.

Mephiles: Arrows from the walls. That's beyond old school. What do we do?

Sonic: Hm... I have an idea. (takes out an amulet) Appear, Ariel! (the amulet glows)

A green light appeared from the amulet, surrounded by leafs. Those spun around revealing a wizard. Ariel turned around, and crossed his arms, as he prepared to fight.

Sonic: Surround us in a tornado, and shield us from any trap that activates out of nowhere.

Ariel used his winds to create a small wind shield around himself and our heroes. They walked foward in the cave. However, what they didn't expect is that the arrows weren't mear arrows charged with some kind of power, but were some kind of magic.

Amber: These aren't any normal arrows.

Sonic: Yeah, I agree with that. (checks his Cypherdex) They were made out of some kind of magic. It seems to be connected to a Titan, Cursed Archer.

Cypherdex: Cursed Archer; Attack: 4; Defense: 2; Type: Draco-Titan Warrior; Size: Averege; Special abilities: Energy Arrows.

Mephiles: How the heck did someone make this based on data of a Titan?

Sonic: They didn't. Cursed Archer himself might have been the one to energize this place with a single arrow. Which means that either his amulet is connected to the traps' mechanism, or he was left summoned to guard the lance.

Amber: How do you leave a Titan summoned without it being bond to a Seeker?

Sonic: With some kind of spell. But this might be benifictial for us. We need to capture Cursed Archer to disable the traps! One of us gotta try bonding with him!

Amber: I'll give it a shot. So, where's our key to Vlad's castle?

Sonic: The end of the cave should be in front of us. There should be a room there with the Spear.

Our heroes kept walking, protected by Ariel's winds. Once they arrived at the room, the arrows stopped shooting. Sonic looked ahead, and he spoted it, the Spear of Vlad the Impaler.

Sonic: Jackpot!

Mephiles: That's the lance of Vlad, huh?

Maya: You didn't mention it had any magic property, partner!

Sonic: It hasn't. That must be some kind of forcefield that was created to protect the lance. But it's not to strong. I can use my Shieldbreaker power to break the barrier.

Sonic went to the lance. However, Ariel noticed something was aiming at him. He shot a blast of wind to the right, intercepting a shot. Everyone looked over to see the Cursed Archer they were expecting.

Sonic: Or maybe we're gonna have to deal with this guy first.

Amber: Cursed Archer! So he was here to guard the place!

Sonic: Amber, deal with that guy and try to bond with him! Ariel, cover me to the lance!

Sonic rushed to the Spear. Cursed Archer attemped to shoot, but Ariel covered him. Amber rushed in, and drop kicked the Titan. Mephiles and Maya, feeling that they were being spied, looked behind.

Mephiles: I have a bad feeling about this.

Maya: So do I. Should we take a look outside?

Mephiles: Let's go.

The two of them left the room. Meanwhile. Amber kept clashing with Cursed Archer, who had his attention completly focused on her. He shot an arrow, but Amber jumped out of the way. Amber brought out an amulet

Amber: You're quite the shooter. But let's see how you deal with this. Materialize, Jirwolf! (the amulet glows)

A bright blue light came from Amber's amulet, releasing a glittering blue wolf. Jirwolf jumped and transformed into an asteral flame, spining around a bit. He turned back to a wolf and prepared to fight.

Amber: Neutrulize Cursed Archer, quickly!

Jirwolf jumped, leaving a stream of energy behind. This stream flew above Cursed Archer, paralyzing him. Amber looked around a bit, trying to find any amulet. If this Titan was invoked, it had to be linked to some kind of amulet.

Amber: Sonic, can I find the amulet of a Titan invoked by a spell?

Sonic: It's no good! You gotta defeat Cursed Archer if you want to take hold of his amulet! Hey, where are Mephiles and Maya?

Amber: Did they go outside?

Sonic: Boy, do I have a bad feeling. Ariel, go after them!

Ariel went after Maya and Mephiles. Speaking of those two, they reached the outside of the cave. However, two Raypulses were shot at them. They jumped out of the way, and spoted Acht with two suits, Vigilante and two Redcaps.

Acht: I didn't come here to fight with Sonic's little pets. Move asside, and give us the key to Vlad Dracul's castle!

Mephiles: Did she call us pets? 

Maya: Let's show them the type of Seekers we are! (brings out an amulet) Fight with us, Sabriel! (the amulet glows)

A light emerged from the amulet, Sabriel came out of it. Sabriel turned around, and swang her sword from side to side, creating pink waves of energy, as she prepared to fight.

Mephiles: I'm with you! (raises an amulet) Fire away, Gigadrone! (the amulet glows)

Two pairs of wings were seen flapping at hight speed, as a Titan flew in, leaving an organge trail of energy behind. The trail of energy bursted, revealing Gigadrone, ready to strike.

Acht: Hm... They even have a Gigadrone under their control... Alright, let's put you to the test.

Suits: Attack, Redcap!


Mephiles: Fire away!

Gigadrone's eyes began to glow, as he shot two blasts of energy onto the Redcaps. One of them dodged, but the other got hit, and was knocked back. Sabriel swang her sword, knocking the other one back.

Maya: AUGERFROST!!! (hits a suit)

Female Suit 03: GAH!!!

Mephiles: RAYPULSE!!! (hits the other suit)

Male Suit 02: GAH!!!

Sabriel jumped and raised her sword, slashing one of the Redcaps in half, defeating it. The other attemped to jump at her, but was defeated by Gigadrone, and the suits were weakened.

Suits: Urgh.

Acht: Well, I guess it's no good to play lightly with you.

Maya: You better not! The Huntik Foundation won't fall at the hands of the Organization!

Acht: Huntik Foundation?

Maya: We won't let you get your hands on the Spear of Vlad! TOUCHRAME!!! (hits Acht)

Acht: GAH!!!

Vigilante attemped to attack Maya and Mephiles. However, Ariel appeared, and landed a hit with his wind blasts. Vigilanted was blasted in the air, and Sabriel slashed him, defeating him, and weakning Acht.

Acht: Argh! Tsk. How did they improove this in just one weak?

Maya: Let's put an end to this!

Mephiles: I agree.

(Scene Change - Inside the Cave)

Amber: RAYPULSE!!! (hits Cursed Archer) Sonic, how's it going?

Sonic: Just one second. SHIELDBREAKER!!!

Sonic unleashed a red power onto the barrier. This spell is made to destroy any kind of shield and barrier created by Seeker powers. However, this one wasn't destroyed.

Sonic: What? Nothing?

Amber: Sonic, did anything go wrong?

Sonic: This barrier isn't made out of magic! There must be some kind of mechanism triggering it!

Amber: What?! How do we get a hold of the spear if there's a stupid barrier in our way?

Sonic: Bring out your Red Searcher! (brings out an amulet) Together with mine, they should be able to find the mechanism in the rook! I should be able to use my Breakspell to deactivate it!

Amber: Got it! (brings out an amulet) Appear, Red Searcher! (the amulet glows)

Sonic: Appear, Red Searcher! (the amulet glows)

The two amulets unleashed a light from it. The light revealed a red bat creature with a single red eye, and tentacles below its mouth. The red eye searched a bit, and raised its tentacles in front of itself.

The two Red Searchers searched around the room, looking for any sort of mechanism that could trigger down the barrier. However, one of them stopped besides Amber, and spoted something.

Amber: I think I found it! (checks the spot) Hold on... GASP! This is! (reaches out to it) Ngh... Nargh! (grabs it) Got it!

Sonic: You found the mechanism?

Amber: I didn't, but there is something here! There was an amulet stuck to the wall!

Suddenly, an aura was surrounding Amber. She looked to her left, as she saw Cursed Archer was glowing in the same aura. Cursed Archer lowered his weapon, and returned to the amulet.

Amber: Cursed Archer's amulet was still here! I just bonded with him!

Sonic smilled. He then noticed the other Red Seacher found a mechanism on the roof, right above them. He grinned, and charged an aura of blue energy in his hands.


Sonic shot the mechanism, finally taking out the barrier that was surrounding the spear. Amber took posession of the spear, as it lowered down for them. Back outside, Mephiles and Maya were still on the attack.

Mephiles: AUGERFROST!!!


Acht: ARMORBRAND!!! (blocks their attacks) We can't fight like this! Retreat! (the Organization retreats)

Maya: Wow, we won 3-on-2 against the Organization! (calls back Sabriel)

Mephiles: Yeah, but we didn't really give them an oportunity to attack. (calls back Gigadrone) However, they were at their weakest without their boss.

Sonic: Who was at their weakest without their boss?

Maya: Guys!

Amber: We got the spear, but it seems like we missed some action outside. What appened out here? (calls back her Titans)

Amber: Three of Organization's agents were out here to ambush us, one of them was that Acht from the other day. (Sonic recalls his Titans)

Sonic: You won against them yourselves?

Mephiles: Well, we ad Ariel for back up, but most of it was us against them. And they were also trying to enter the castle.

Sonic: Seems like we're a bit behind, compared to the Organization. However, we have the Spear of Vlad. Without this, they won't be able to enter.

Amber: I also took posession of Cursed Archer.

Maya: Awesome!

Mephiles: So, now what?

Sonic: If Acht was here with two more suits, I doubt the rest of the Organization is to far from here. Major Black must also be arriving, along with her troops. If we're to complete our mission, we need to get to the castle before the Organization.

Mephiles, Amber and Maya nodded. Moving to the Organization, the troops were gathered down the hill, away from the castle. Acht looked up as Major Black's helicopter landed besides them. Major Black came out of the helicotper.

Major Black: Report, Acht!

Acht: Major, the Squidbeak Splatoon's also after Antedeluvian, and they have the lead. Well, I don't think it's right to keep calling them Squidbeak Splatoon. They changed their name.

Major Black: What do you mean?

Acht: They now go by the name of Huntik Foundation.

Major Black: What?! That's the name of the ancient Organization's most feared enemy! How dare they assume that identity?!

Acht: Major what do we do? They have the only key to enter Vlad Dracul's castle!

Major Black: Bargh! I was studying that castle before arriving. They might have the key to the castle, but I have something else.

Acht: May I ask what that is?

Major Black: An entrance to Vlad Dracul's castle, that let's us get past that stupid barrier.


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