The Violet Witch | The Vampi...

By Your_Next_Door_Idiot

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No one knows what happens when you die. It's a mystery that has always been. So when my time came, I accepted... More

Luna Blacksmith
Summer before the beginning 
Act 1 - The Beginning
1.1 The Beginning
1.2 Night of the Comet
1.3 Friday night bites
1.4 Family Ties
1.5 You're undead to me
1.6 Lost Girls
1.7 Haunted
Haunted, Part 2
1.8 162 Candles
1.9 History Repeating
1.10 Turning point
1.11 Bloodlines
1.12 unpleasantville
1.13 Children of the Damned
1.14 Making moves
1.15 A Few Good Men
1.16 Little Mischief
1.16 part 2: Answers
1.17 A day in
1.18 Uncle John
1.19 Miss Mystic Falls
1.20 Isobel
1.21 Founder's Day
Act 2 - Now the fun begins
2.1 The Return
2.2 Brave new world
2.3 Bad Moon Rising
2.3 Part 2: A long Overdue Reunion
2.4 Bringing forth someone lost
2.5 A date
2.6 Revealing the long hidden Truth
What happened while Luna and Damon were gone !!! Important !!!
2.7 Masquerade
2.8 Making New Allies
Quick important question
2.9 Discovery and Slater
2.10 The Full Truth
2.10 Part 2: The Sacrifice
2.11 By the Light of the Full Moon
!!!Twin Flame Voting!!!
2.11 Part 2
2.12 Meeting the Best Friend
2.13 The Message
2.14 The Dinner Party
2.15 The Making of a new Hybrid
2.16 The Last Dance
2.16 Part 2
Soulmate List !!!Spoiler Warning!!!
2.17 Preparations
2.18 The Sacrafice
Act 3 - A new Story Unfolds
3.1 The First Werewolves Collected
3.3 Mason and Hayley
3.4 Returning Home
3.5 Soulmates and Outfits
3.6 Soulmates and Ester

3.2 Chicago

1.4K 72 1
By Your_Next_Door_Idiot

A/N: I made these three chapters in the middle of the night instead of sleeping.

This chapter has now officially been remade to a 1st person POV instead of its prior 3rd person POV.


It has been almost a week since making the hybrids and helping them. Klaus and I had instructed them to go to Mystic Falls. There they would be greeted by Elijah and Tyler.

Elijah had gotten a mansion for the wolves. When I had told them they were ecstatic, most of them have never been to even seen something so extravagant in their lives. Tyler was going to help them assimilate into the new town. Elijah would also be helping the newly turned hybrids with their vampire side. They had gotten some training from Klaus but the two groups had to separate before the training was completed. Luckily their control is good enough for traveling without supervision. They would also of course look after one another.

Kol, Stefan, Klaus and I had just made our way to Chicago. The plan was simple. Have fun and make another ally. Gloria, the witch from the Chicago bar. In the show, she wasn't my favorite. Yes, she hurt Stefan, but honestly, he kinda deserved it. But this time around none of that will happen. Instead, they will have fun at the bar. Dance through the night, and make Gloria another ally. She would be my eyes and ears here in the city.

My jeep had just parked outside of Gloria's bar. My jeep was still self-driving as I did not want to drive all the way. But I also hadn't driven at all the entire summer. I never really took it off of self-driving mode.

"Looks familiar, doesn't it?" Klaus asked Stefan when they got inside as the younger vampire looked around the bar. He knew full well where they were. After all, his last memory here wasn't exactly the most pleasant. But nothing compared to the amazing times he had here with Klaus and Rebekah.

"I can't believe this place is still here," Stefan stated confused. He thought after Mikael had been here the bar would have been burned to the ground or something along the lines of the place getting destroyed.

"You got to be kidding me." Gloria, the owner of the bar spoke as she made her way over. A smile came to Klaus' face as she came into view.

"So a hybrid walks into a bar and says to the bartender..." Klaus began his joke only to have the witch cut him off.

"Stop. You may be invincible, but that doesn't make you funny." Her gaze traveled to Stefan not having yet noticed Kol and I. I had placed a spell on us a few hours back to hide our auras. As werewolves are more sensitive to my status as the mother. Witches are extremely sensitive toward my divine side.

"I remember you," Gloria stated, looking at Stefan.

"Yeah. You're Gloria. Shouldn't you be..." Stefan hesitated with his words not knowing if it was okay to say his next words or not.

"Old and dead? Now if I die, who's going to run this place, huh?"

"Gloria's a very powerful witch," Klaus explained seeing Stefan still being confused. Klaus found Stefan's confused face adorable.

"I can slow the aging down some. Herbs and spells. But don't worry, it'll catch up to me one day." Gloria further explained. "Now, who might you two be?" The bar questioned as her eyes found Kol and I.

"I am Luna and this lovely man is Kol." I introduced us as Kol simply stared off not caring for the conversation.

"I can't sense you," Gloria stated confused.

"I hid our auras a few hours ago. Didn't want you to freak out the moment we walked through the door." I simply explained to her as Kol smirked looking smug.

"And why would I freak?" Gloria asked her amused yet confused.

"Because," I simply stated, unveiled our supernatural auras. Gloria gasped, her eyes widened in shock as she stared at us

"It's you." Kol and Klaus smirked at her reaction as Gloria bowed her head and held her hand to her heart at the goddess. No matter how many times they saw people's reactions to me, it never got boring. Stefan went over to the bar taking out a bottle of bourbon.

"Hello, Gloria." I smiled amused. Gloria's eyes traveled from me to Kol, simply staring at him in shock. Never in her life had she felt something like Kol. She felt the old and powerful magic in his veins telling her he was a vampire. She knew he was an original as Kol is the only original vampire witches actual like. But there was something else. Something unknown and powerful. It was like he was connected to the world itself. Like pure magic was emitting from him.

"What are you?" Gloried asked shocked. Her eyes had yet to leave Kol's. Klaus and Stefan looked at them confused. They didn't know I had turned Kol into a Hybrid. They didn't know he was a core witch as well as an original vampire. Kol didn't want Klaus to know and because of this Stefan couldn't either as he would tell Klaus.

"What I am is for another time. For now, we are here on business, not pleasure." Kol stated.

"Gloria." My voice broke the witch from her trace as she gazed upon me once more. "Could we speak?"

"Of course." Gloria hurriedly said as the witch led her to a table. I sat down as Kol stood by my side. Klaus had gone over and joined Stefan at the bar.

"You know what I am, who I am." I more stated than questioned.

"Of course. Any witch with even an ounce of magic could sense your arrival into this world and the divine energy you emit." Gloria told her as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well, a while back I created something. It was one of my many creations. A core witch." I began. "You Gloria are a powerful and old witch. You are wise and I believe you would be of great help. So, I offer you your own magical core. So from now on you would be a core witch. No longer would you be an ancestral one, but you will still be able to do such spells. Your magic would be yours, it would come from you instead of nature and those before you. Your only limit is your imagination. So, what do you say Gloria? Do you accept?" Gloria started in shock. Never would she have thought she would be give this kind of power. But she wasn't stupid. She knew this kind of power, from a god or not, had a price.

"What would I give you in return?" The bar witch wondered. Kol and I shared an identical smirk. The fact that she knew there was something she would need to give was good. That proved my already belief that Gloria was fit for the job.

"Simple. You would be my darlings eyes and ears. Whatever you hear or see that you believe could be an importance to her, you will tell her." Kol explained to her.

"What could a goddess possibly have use of an informant?" Gloria asked her confused.

"Gods, although extremely powerful aren't omnipotent. We do not know everything, nor would most of us care to. But I am not the case. If there is a threat to those I care for, then I must know. And if you see someone supernatural in need of my help, then I would like to know."

"Why would the goddess of chaos help strangers?" The witch was beyond confused at this point.

"It is time for unity. For all the species to live peacefully with one another. No longer shall there be wars amongst us. The hate and prejudice have been going on long enough. It is time for an end to it." I firmly stated.

"What do you say, witch?" Kol asked mused.

"It would be my honor to help you dear mother, the goddess of chaos." Gloria firmly stated as she stood up. She bowed her head and held her hand to her heart, a sign of respect and a show of allegiance.

"Then so it will be." I eyes blazed their famous violet color as she stood up. My voice echoed through the bar, a demonic voice heard clearly by all. A voice that will one day be referred to as the true voice of the goddess of chaos.

Gloria let out a gasp as she felt the power. Her veins and eyes glowed violet as it changed her. As the light disappeared Gloria held out her hands trying to test her newfound power. Above each palm, a ball of green fire appeared. She brought her hand together, and the two fires united as one and blazed brighter. She undid the flames as I looked proud of my creation.


3rd person POV

As the day went on Luna and Kol split up from Stefan and Klaus, both groups desiring alone time. In the end, they would meet up back in at Gloria's bar for drinks and dancing.

Stefan and Klaus had gone to an art gallery while Kol and Luna went to an ice cream shop. Since waking up from the coffin he had wanted to try every ice cream flavor, hence why he and Luna were sitting in a booth with several cups of different ice cream flavors in front of them, feeding each other ice cream.

After the gallery Stefan and Klaus went to the park spending their time relaxing in the sun. Klaus was reading a book he had brought with him when they first left while Stefan was laying down with his head in Klaus' lap, enjoying the sun on his face.

After the ice cream Luna and Kol had gone to an ice ring. Luna always loved ice skating and wanted to show Kol. At the place Luna used her magic to change their clothes to something more warmer as it was cold in the large building. They had gotten some equipment and were trying their best at not falling..

Luna, although not having ice skated in years had no problem staying up. Kol was another story though. He was confident at first, but after several failed attempts he stuck to staying my Luna's side. He held on to her arm as they laughed happily, as she was taking him around the ice. Both were having the time of their lives. It was peaceful, like all their worries had disappeared.

As the sun set and night fell, it was time for them all to meet again. As they made their way to Glorias' bar Luna used her magic and changed their outfits. Gaining confused looks from the others she explained they weren't party clothes. Not really caring since they liked the outfits she changed them into, they simply made their way inside.

They greeted the new core witch as they sat in a booth on the end. The bar was filled with life. Music, dance, alcohol, and lights (I have no idea what a bar is like). They had all gotten a drink and were just enjoying the band. Stefan and Klaus had told them about their day after leaving Glorias' the first time.

Luna told them about their day. Klaus and Stefan laughed as she told them about him almost constantly falling in the ice ring. Although Kol was embarrassed he didn't mind her telling them as it was making Luna laugh. He would do anything to see her happy, even if it meant sharing embarrassing stories.

Stefan managed to drag Klaus to the dance floor. They both happily danced and laughed together. It was the most relaxed Luna had seen them both in a while. Klaus had been stressing over his hybrids the entire summer, and because of this so did Stefan.

Kol didn't want to admit it, but his brother looked more happy out there on the dance floor with Stefan than he had in a long time.

As Luna watched the two dancing happily, she took Kol's hand and dragged him to the dance floor. Neither knew how to dance but they tried. Kol kept doing silly dances as Luna laughed. To Kol, Luna's laugh was one of the most beautiful things in the world and nothing could compared to it.

Luna and Kol were still dancing while Stefan and Klaus went back to their booth wanting to finish their drink. As Klaus was drinking he looked at the dance floor seeing his little brother and savior dancing happily. He was happy for his brother. It had crushed his heart when he learned his brother feared him. The only thing he could think of is how he feared Mikael and assumed that's how Kol felt about him.

He was so filled with shame and self-hate at the realization. He was Kol's big brother. Kol was supposed to feel safe with him. To come to him when something was wrong, or if he needed help. It wasn't supposed to be like this. And he hated it. Klaus had made it his mission to improve their relationship. He had tried the entire summer. For now, he knew Kol needed his space away from him and that's how the summer has been. Klaus hated it but accepted it. He decided there and then he would try and speak to him again when they got back to Mystic Falls.

Stefan was happy. More happy than he had been in a while. Even though Caroline wasn't her, he was speaking with her every day alongside Klaus. All three of them. At first, he had been scared when he had first learned Klaus was their soulmate as well. But now he was ecstatic. He couldn't wait until they got back home so they could be with Caroline as well.

Luna was enjoying herself. The summer had been amazing in her opinion. She got to spend time with Kol. Klaus and Stefan were getting really close. And they were getting their werewolves. Everything was going great. Her friends and family back in Mystic Falls were okay and no trouble was brewing around the corner.

The night went by quickly. It was nearly 3 am when they got to their hotel. They had booked it a day prior so it was ready when they had gotten there. Luna and Kol had changed and went to bed immediately, but Klaus and Stefan had other ideas.

With the alcohol in their systems and the tension increased over the summer, both ended up with their clothes all over their room finally releasing the tension. Kol had been the one to guess right. As they finally ended up sharing a bed for the first time because both ended up doing acts that once again would put someone's grandma in a coma. Cuz a month and a half of tension does not equal a simple passionate night.


A/N: Not a big fan of the writing in this chapter.

I know it's not the best, but at least it is better than before. I just honestly just had trouble with chapter 3.1 and 3.2 and i don't know why. But this is the best I could do.

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