One Of Us (Akatsuki Fan-ficti...


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You are always running for your life. That is, until you came across them. Once you meet them, you don't have... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 45

129 3 1

~3rd person~

"Sasori, that's... my Kekkei Genkai."

"What?" he asked and looked at the cloaked figure. How can it be? Aiko said that she was the lone survivor of her clan! How can someone have the same Kekkei Genkai as her?! His teeth clenched. Damn it! "Who are you?!" he demanded again.

"That should be of no importance," the woman answered and reached up. She placed a hand on the hood and slowly pulled it off her head. Sasori's eyes widened as locks of light brown hair swayed softly in the wind and sandy colored skin became visible. His eyes took in the girl's appearance. She was...

"Aiko?" he turned to face the young girl beside him. "That's..."

"Yeah, she looks a lot like me," she answered. "But... how?"

"Kabuto," Sasori growled out the name with venom.

"That's master Kabuto to you," the girl sneered. "But I guess it doesn't matter, since you will be nothing but ashes by the time I'm done here. As for the girl," she pointed at Aiko. "Master Kabuto told me to capture her alive."

"You won't get to her," Sasori declared and pulled Aiko behind him.

"Sasori, stop," Aiko whispered. "You think you know how to fight her, but she probably has my same strengths and weaknesses. Some of them I haven't told you or I don't know about but..."

"But what?"

"She's different," Aiko murmured and pointed at the girl's face. "Her eyes, her appearance."

Sasori looked at the girl's eyes. It was true, they were a greenish golden color instead of a honey brown, a blue line ran vertically down the right side of her face and over her eye down her cheek and nearly to her chin, along with that she wore crimson red lipstick. The hair style was different as well. Instead of having an untameable lock of hair hanging down the middle of her face and short ish bangs, this creature had her bangs parted neatly at the middle of her forehead and they went down to her eyebrows. Also, her hair was lighter in color. And not only that, this girl had no emotion, whereas Aiko portrayed her emotions freely. A calm, collected copy of Aiko. "You've really outdone yourself this time, Kabuto."

There was an evil cackle from somewhere in the forest behind the girl. A pale hand rested on her shoulder as another cloaked figure, a man, walked out beside her. "So you were able to sense me, nicely done Sasori."

"What do you intend to do with Aiko?" Sasori demanded. "And what is that thing?"

"Oh, this is just my own version of Aiko," Kabuto replied. "Sasori, Aiko, meet Kirai. With her power on my side, I will be able to go through with some... future plans."

Aiko frowned. "What plans?"

"I told you before, Aiko," Kabuto answered. "Can't tell you. Otherwise, the surprise will be ruined. I must say though, it was pretty difficult for lord Orochimaru to form the girl. And even after all he tried, he failed. I, on the other hand, succeeded in creating a replica of you, Aiko."

"What does it matter?" Aiko asked. "It's not like she can do much against the Akatsuki if that's what you wanted."

"Oh, no, nothing of the sort," Kabuto said and pushed his glasses up. "She won't be able to do much about the Akatsuki, I know that. But she will be able to bring you two down, at least."

"You already have that thing, why do you need Aiko?" Sasori asked as he slowly reached behind him and pulled a scroll out of his right sleeve and held it, slowly rolling it open.

"Well you see, there are some things Kirai can't do. For example," Kabuto looked at Kirai out of the corner of his eyes. "You only care for Aiko, you wouldn't hesitate to kill Kirai in order to protect her. However, if I had Aiko, you wouldn't do so much as lift a finger against me or Kirai without risking Aiko's throat to be slit open. Putting the pieces together yet?"

Sasori narrowed his eyes at Kabuto. "You plan to use Aiko in order to control us?"

"It would be a great idea if I could get my hands on her," Kabuto's eyes widened maniacally. "But that's not what I intend to do. Taking Aiko would just be a... precaution in case you decide to interfere with my plans."

"Kabuto you bastard!" Sasori shouted. "You're filthier than Orochimaru."

"Hey now, that's a little harsh. Not to mention, you just insulted my lord," Kabuto turned his head toward the creature beside him, "Kirai."

"Yes master," Kirai answered and made a hand sign. A spirit rhino appeared and ran at Aiko and Sasori. Sasori grabbed the neck of Aiko's cloak and pulled her along with him as he jumped onto a tree branch. The rhino's horn crashed down right where they had been standing, creating a large cloud of smoke that forced everyone, even Sasori, to cover their faces with their sleeves. Through the smoke, Sasori could feel Kirai launch at them. He pushed Aiko off the branch and received a blade through the left side of his chest. He dropped the scroll.

"Why you—!" he grabbed the katana's blade and pulled it out of his wooden cody.

The creature pulled her hand with the katana back and brought it down again. Suddenly, she was pulled down. Sasori looked in the direction that Kirai was being pulled in. he saw Aiko had grabbed ahold of Kira's feet and was pulling her off the branch. Sasori took advantage of Kirai's slight surprise and drew a blade coated with poison from within his cloak. He aimed for her stomach and thrust his hand out. Kirai narrowly dodged and the blade ripped the fabric of her clothing near her abdomen.

"That won't do you any good, Sasori," Kabuto called out as he overlooked the battle. "She's resistant to poison, I made sure to give her that special trait in case you were along. Guess my preparations payed off."

"Tch," Sasori clenched his teeth.


Resistant to poison maybe but... you focused your chakra, your grip tightening on Kirai. You put your feet on the bottom of the branch, and pulled Kirai down completely with all your strength. Kirai's feet slipped off the branch and she went down along with you.

"Aiko!" you heard Sasori's shouts above you.

Your grip on Kirai's ankles had not loosened one bit. Finally, as you fell through the air, you let your lightning chakra flare out with high concentrations and into Kirai. She cried out in surprise as the lightning coursed through her. There was a thud as you both landed on the ground. Kirai managed to kick you away and jumped back. Her clothing was partially ripped at some places and completely burned off where you had been holding her feet. Her shoulders rose and fell as she panted and glared at you. Sasori jumped off the branch and landed in a kneeling position beside you.

She made rapid hand signs. You knew that jutsu, that was the one jutsu you couldn't quite control, mostly because at least three people were needed to cast that jutsu. Was Kirai really that strong? Your eyes widened and you jumped at Sasori. Your arms wrapped around his waist, you threw him over your shoulder, and ran off in the opposite direction. As you jumped through the branches, you controlled the wind currents to allow you to move faster. If you didn't get away, you wouldn't make it alive!

"Brat! What's going on?!" Sasori yelled from where he hung over your shoulder.

"We have to get out of the distance of that jutsu!" was your answer as you looked over your shoulder.

"Wind style: Casting Net!" Kirai swung her hand in front of her horizontally and then vertically. A squared current of air rushed towards you and Sasori, cutting down anything and everything in its path.

It was closing in quickly.

"Aiko! You brat put me down and get out of the way!" Sasori shouted.

"Hold on," you answered.

Thirty meters.

"Aiko, do as I say... NOW!"

Twenty meters.


Ten meters.

"Wait just a little Sasori."

Five meters.

"Damn it Aiko!"

You made a hand sign at three meters. A beam of lightning fell from the sky. It hit you and Sasori and you disappeared.

~3rd person~

Kirai ran to the spot where the lightning had fallen. She stopped, perched on a branch, and looked around. Kabuto landed beside her.

"Where are they?" he muttered.

"Right here!" Aiko yelled and brought her fist forward. Kirai turned around, pushed Kabuto out of the way, and received the blow to her cheek. She fell off the branch, her back connected harshly with the ground.

"What?!" Kabuto seethed. "How did you get behind us?"

Aiko stood on the branch. "Simple really. We had to make it look as if we couldn't get away from the attack. When in reality, I had this teleportation jutsu under my sleeve," she said and smirked upon seeing Kabuto's irritated face. "It's a good thing Sasori knew of this jutsu."

"You think you've won this just because you managed to dodge the jutsu?" Kabuto asked.

"No," Sasori answered from where he stood under the tree branch where Aiko stood. "We just turned the tables is all."

Kabuto's eyes widened. "Kirai! Get up and attack them!"

"I can't... move," Kirai answered. Kabuto looked at her and noticed blue chakra threads attached to her arms and legs.

He smirked. "I should've known. Aiko managed to distract Kirai with her attack and once she landed you took that as you cue to trap her with your chakra threads. Well played you two."

"You should come prepared for every situation," Aiko mocked.

"Oh but I did," Kabuto smirked evilly.

Aiko's eyes narrowed. Kirai stopped struggling and closed her eyes. She burst in a bubble of water and scattered in all directions. Aiko's eyes followed the water as it moved rapidly from one place to another. Finally, a water figure emerged before her. Aiko raised her hands in an 'X' motion in front of her as Kirai came into view with the katana in her raised hand.

Kirai brought the katana down. Her movements stopped abruptly and her hand holding the katana shook slightly. Her teeth clenched as her fingers loosened on the katana's handle. She fell onto her knees along with the sword, clutching onto the right side of her head.

"Damn it, what's..." Kirai stopped talking once she felt a wave of pain course through her, spreading from her right eye to the rest of her body.

"Tch," Kabuto clenched his teeth. "What's happening to you?!"

Kirai shook as she looked up at Aiko. Aiko's eyes were slightly wide as she stared back down at Kirai. Her knees trembled the slightest bit.

"What are you doing?" Kirai demanded.

"I... I'm not doing anything," Aiko answered.

Kirai doubled over and fell onto her right side.

Kabuto frowned. It seems Aiko has an effect on Kirai. He narrowed his eyes. Can Kirai for some reason... not hurt Aiko? Is there a connection between them? Kirai is nothing but a replica of Aiko, so why is this happening?! "It seems Kirai can no longer continue on with this battle," Kabuto said as he made a hand sign. "We shall meet again."

And with that, Kabuto and Kirai disappeared. Sasori looked at Aiko. she began to slowly fall. He ran over and caught her.

"Aiko?" he whispered. Her eyes were closed and she looked deeply troubled. He looked at where Kirai had once been. "What did she mean?"

Sasori had heard Kirai ask Aiko what she was doing, but Sasori hadn't seen Aiko doing anything. He looked back at Aiko. Guess I'll just have to tell them. The thought as he gently slid Aiko onto his back. He looked around. Kabuto's chakra was gone. Good, we should be able to get back to the Hidden Rain without any problems. He thought and jumped through the trees. Sasori passed by a familiar object on the ground and pulled it towards him with a chakra thread.

"No way am I leaving you behind," he said as he caught the scroll and put it in his cloak. I watched Aiko as she worked on you for hours to no end. Her hard work won't go to waste.

Sasori came across a small clearing with a river. It was the same clearing they had been at with the Hidden Leaf shinobi and the six tail's jinchuuriki. He placed Aiko against a stone and took a water canteen out of his cloak. He filled it with water and took out a cloth and poured some water onto it. He looked at Aiko's face and patted the wet cloth on her forehead. Once she didn't wake up, he tried her cheeks and eyes. Sasori sighed and looked at the canteen. He looked back at Aiko and at the canteen once more. Should he... No. Sasori shook his head. I should just carry her back. He closed the canteen, still with the water, and put it back in his cloak. Sasori pulled Aiko onto his back once more and slid his hands under her knees to hold her in place.

He took off once more. What could have happened... for Aiko to pass out after a battle? Sasori frowned. Does it have to do with this... 'Kirai'?

Hello Everyone
Just wanted to inform you'll that I won't be uploading chapters for aproxx 20 days.
This is second last chapter before I go to this break.
Chapter 46 will be coming after Monday and then new chapters would be uploaded after a few weeks.
The thing is that my computer system was hanged and all my documents were erased from harddisk. Restoration taked about 30 days + I don't have chapters in draft. They too were saved in my computer.
So yeah...
Please try to forgive me
Hope you'll understand
I'll try to overcome this and if possible upload more chapters....

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