Same but... different (Lestap...

By dogandcie28

69.6K 2.5K 5.1K

A little Carlando and Lestappen story, from all of their point of view :) It takes place around the Monaco GP... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapitre 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 34

1.2K 57 117
By dogandcie28

POV: Charles

It's already Saturday morning, and I excitedly get up to finish the preparations. This afternoon, Max is coming back and I want everything to be ready for him. He told me his flight time, and I organised everything accordingly. I'm quite proud of myself, for once, I've managed to have everything almost ready in such a short time.

I quickly get dressed, anxiously rehearsing over and over the piano piece, and thinking about how it all is supposed to go. I'm sure he will like it, I feel like I've really went out of my way and it's so perfect. But for now, time to eat, and then go buy the last things I need.

Once I've devoured my bolognese pasta, I take my car keys and sunglasses, before heading to the supermarket. I just hope I don't meet too many fans on the way, I don't want to lose too much time out there.

— Charles, Charles, can you sign this please? Here we go, well, at least they seem nice.

— Yes of course, I quickly sign their phone case, before running away towards the entry of the supermarket.

I love Monaco, but it's true that sometimes living in a lost town somewhere would have its advantages. Anyways, now that I'm inside the building, way less people will see me, so it should be okay.

I take my time to make sure I have everything I need, from the scented candles to the balloons. I even go to the florist, hesitating whether I should get him flowers. Would that be too much, does he like them? And what if someone takes a picture of me with the bouquet, will people draw conclusions?

I decide to stop caring so much and buy a beautiful composition, following the professional's advice of not only getting roses, but a nice mix with other flowers. I particularly choose tulips, because he's Dutch and I thought it would be a nice touch.

As soon as I'm in the car, I remember that I still haven't picked up the food from my chef. Because yes, as much as I wanted everything to be "homemade" by me, as a cute attention, I didn't want us to get food poisoning tonight. And I definitely wouldn't have made anything fancy or delicious, so I preferred this option, just to make sure it all goes perfectly.

I quickly text him to ask if I can get it now, which he answers positively. Once I arrive, he explains to me how to heat everything nicely, and how to present it if I want it to look and taste the best. Everything seems absolutely exquisite, but what catches my attention the most is the dessert. I've asked for something very light, because I know Max isn't really a fan of sweets.

— Ohh, what's this exactly?

— Well, I made you a "menu" sheet if you want, with all the details for each dish, it sounds a bit fancier that way yeah?

— Did you really? That's awesome, thanks!

I start reading the carefully printed menu, loving the details. It's such a "chef" thing to do, putting words I've never heard to describe some food! As long as it's good though, I don't really care what it's called. I appreciate the effort though, and thank profusely the man, of course paying him too.

Once everything is settled, I remember that I wanted to ask about drinks. He recommends me some wine, and I trust him enough to blindly follow his advice, knowing he's a pro.

I finally get home, putting everything in the fridge and starting decorating. It's nearly 4pm, meaning Max is probably at the airport right now, just landing. We've exchanged a few texts, as I asked him to come to my apartment around 6pm. I'm buzzing with anticipation now, really impatient to share that first date with him. I really hope we'll start on good basis after that.

POV: Max

As soon as we land, I send a message to Charles, feeling quite nervous to the thought of meeting with him. I know it's kind of silly, but since he broke the trust I had in him, it's a bit hurtful to look at him the same. I know it'll go away with time but it's still very soon, both our relationship, and the incident.

I decide to ignore this feeling and focus on something else. And for that, the bracelet proudly displayed on my wrist is the perfect object to focalize my attention on. I've looked at it so many times that I might become crazy, but I just love it so much. It represents everything that I never had, and just thinking about it makes me tear up. I can do whatever I want anyways, I'm in my own jet.

I still need to get out though, and swiftly grab my suitcase, walking away to get back to my house. I need to take a good shower, change clothes, and check if I actually have my passport at home. Then, I'm going to meet up with Charles. I'm actually both scared and excited about what he'll have prepared, I already imagine so many nice things, but, I don't want to be disappointed.

Time flies, and soon I'm closing the door, hoping in my car. I've dressed myself particularly well tonight, I didn't want to show up in a bunch of Redbull branded clothes, I doubt Charles would have liked that. Therefore, I've settled on a plain white t-shirt, with a black vest and black trousers as well. Maybe I've put a little too much perfume, but I wanted to smell good and... yeah, got carried away.

My heart starts racing when I arrive near his apartment, seeing the light on, through his window. I wanted to bring something as guests usually do, but he had absolutely forbidden me to do so, and I decided to not go against him tonight. Let's say my presence is the gift, I hope he'll appreciate that enough then!

I carefully knock on the door, looking at the time on my watch. I'm about 5 minutes early, which in my opinion is a really great time to show up. I wait in silence, wondering if I need to knock again, when the handle suddenly rotates with a mechanic sound.

— Hello?

I'm expecting to see someone behind, but no one answers and the door is simply left slightly open. Curious, and a bit anxious, I decide to open it wide, trying to understand if this is part of the surprise or if Charles has been murdered and a thief is currently behind the wood panel, ready to kill me too.

Thankfully for me, it's the first option that appears to be the correct one, as I suddenly hear some romantic music playing, and inviting me to come in completely. Once I'm sure everything is safe, I shut the door behind me, before turning around. My eyes open in shock at the beautiful petal's path formed on the floor.

I can't help but chuckle nervously, at how cliché this is. Cliché, but insanely cute though. I can already feel the excitement bubbling in my stomach, and making me smile so big it actually hurts.

But there's still no Charles to see, while he's the one I want to see the most. Intrigued, I start following the flower path, careful not to slip on them. How ridiculous would it be if I, an F1 driver, got into an accident because of petals on the ground? Imagine the headlines!

Fortunately, nothing like this happens, and I successfully get in one piece to the end of the path. I don't understand at first, as nothing special seems to be in the living room, until I look over to the piano. He's here, my lovely and devilishly handsome boyfriend, sitting behind the instrument.

Before I can say a word, our eyes meet and a note resonates in the room. He's playing, playing the most beautiful piece I've ever heard, playing all while keeping his gaze fondly locked on me, inviting me to share this moment with him.

I decide to sit on the armchair on the side of the piano, wanting to enjoy every second of it, and every detail of Charles. How his hands move so fluidly, how he sits so straight on that seat, how his hair looks literally perfect. He has an angelical face, and I know I'm fucked because I realise how deeply in love I am. I know that I'd already long forgiven him, deep in my heart. This only made it clearer by how genuine it sounds.

The emotion that is conveyed by the piano really moves something in me, and at the same time it reminds me of that night, a week ago, where everything began. I can't believe how far we've come already, in just seven days. It sounds crazy, but I love it.

As the last notes resonates, I see Charles closing his eyes, before stilling completely his hands, and turning to me.

— Hello Max, his voice is deep, calm, and it drives me crazy how he says my name every time.

— Charles... Is all I can say, too emotional to think straight.

— Did you like the surprise? I composed it just for you.

— Yes it was so beautiful! You're so talented really, I found this to be literally the most amazing and touching music ever, this is so... yeah, I really like it. I try not to stutter, the excitement slowly taking over the emotion.

— Come on, you're gonna love what's next!

— Next? There's MORE? I exclaim, as I thought the petals and little serenade were already quite a lot.

— Of course, my perfect boyfriend only deserves the best of dates! You don't mind, right? he sounds worried, and I immediately reassure him. Great then!

But before he can get up of the piano seat, I launch myself at him, embracing the Monegasque in a warm hug. I wasn't going to let him go just like that, after such a romantic moment, right?

He apparently wasn't expecting it, as he huffs in surprise when I seat on him, but smiles afterwards. His hands keeping me tightly clinging to him, our bodies pressed one against the other.

— Jumping at me already love? His voice startles me, but I grin in answer, feeling butterflies at the name.

— I couldn't resist that melody, and you looked way too pretty to not get closer you know!

He doesn't answer, instead placing his lips gently on mine. It's slow, sweet, and nothing like the hurried kisses we have shared a few days ago. It's exactly how I dreamt of kissing him, all these times I saw him next to me on the podium. I never thought it would become reality one day, though.

We part, happy smiles on both our faces. I'm about to say something but he cuts me off.

— Now, if you don't mind, I have a little bit of dinner preparation to do, so please follow me and I'll instruct you what to do yeah?

I nod and do as I'm told, taking a better view of the room. I hadn't noticed before, but there are also some scented candles burning, that adds a nice and comforting touch to the ambient, as well as two big red balloons, in heart shapes.

— I have something to do for like 5 minutes, is it okay if you stay there? Tell me if you need anything!

— No it's all good! Thanks, this is truly amazing, I add, still in disbelief in front of all of this.

He disappears towards the kitchen entrance, and I'm left with the romantic music of before, playing again. I start by going to the toilet to wash my hands, guessing that we're gonna eat after. Then, I sit back and wait. As I replay the lovely scene I just lived, I feel my heart flutter, and a subtle hint of rosiness covering my cheeks.

I actually feel a bit too hot, and just take off my vest, folding it neatly on the back of the chair. Soon, Charles returns and hands me a beautiful menu, with golden letters.

— Max Emilian Verstappen, the menu of tonight! He takes such a professional tone, making me chuckle.

I don't believe one second that he actually made himself all of these dishes, but I like the attention anyways. And at least it should taste decent then! More than that actually, looking at the names of the meals.


Starter: Creamy burrata cheese served alongside thinly sliced Parma ham, complemented by a refreshing gazpacho soup made with ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions, garlic, and a splash of olive oil.

Main: Tender filet mignon steak cooked to perfection, accompanied by a velvety red wine reduction sauce infused with shallots, garlic, and fresh herbs. Served alongside crispy and thinly sliced Hasselback potatoes, roasted until golden brown and seasoned with herbs and butter. Garnished with tender, steamed asparagus spears for a vibrant and flavourful addition to the dish.

Dessert: Light and airy lemon mousse with a tangy citrus flavour, garnished with a vibrant assortment of fresh berries including raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries. The combination of sweet and tart berries adds a pop of colour, sweetness, and freshness that complements the tangy lemon mousse beautifully.


— Wow, that sounds delicious! I say while I realise that I'm in fact, already quite hungry.

The small sandwich I've eaten before my flight wasn't nearly sufficient to feed me and I'm quite grateful of that copious dinner. He does really know me, and how much I love food, it seems. He even picked tomato soup, or whatever this is, which is my favourite.

We start eating the starter and chat about light topics, keeping a nice ambient. I can't take my eyes off him, noticing every detail of his beauty. He's wearing some white shirt with the first buttons open, leaving his neck greatly displayed. His multiple bracelets make him shine, and he just has that charisma that makes me frantically jealous. But I'm so grateful that he chose me, I still can't believe it somehow.

We continue eating, all the food absolutely wonderful to the taste. When we get to the dessert, I'm already quite full and a little lightheaded from the wine, but I sigh in contentment when he reveals the light mousse.

— Do you want...? He shows me the spoon, asking me if I'd like that we feed each other.

I hum in approval, noticing how his eyes shine as he gently brings the spoon to my lips. I have to admit that whoever made that dessert really is a master at it because it's sweet but not too much, and so refreshing. I also give Charles a taste, loving the dimple that appears as he smiles.

— It's good hm?

He nods in confirmation, and we both finish to eat like that. In a calm, sweet ambient full of love all thanks to Charles.

— You really did amazing Charlie, I say while we cuddle on the sofa, a bit tired by the day.

— Mh? Thanks, I'm glad you liked the surprise. Oh, actually, I forgot something, shit. Wait.

He disappears from between my arms in an instant, rushing towards the kitchen. I wonder what else he can come up with, after everything that he already did for me tonight. When he comes back, he's hiding something behind his back, and I feel very curious.

— What is it?

— For the man who I am madly in love with, I gasp as he hands me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.

I notice the tulips, feeling tears really close to fall. I've been way too sensitive lately, it's... strangely relaxing to feel allowed to express what I feel. I thank him by placing a passionate kiss on his lips, holding the flowers on our side, as I feel his hands holding me closer.

I carefully place the flowers in a vase afterwards, never getting tired of looking at them. Suddenly, Charles starts talking again, and I turn around to face him.

— Do you want to watch a movie or something? You'll stay the night right? He sounds a bit more panicked at that second question.

— Yeah of course! I'm a bit tired for a movie though.

— Let's go then, I've missed sleeping with you, he admits, and I melt over his cute expression.


I'm so late guys but anyways, here's the chapter! (In my defence, it's quite long)

Again I've read it less than usual so don't hesitate on commenting if you see any mistake, or even wattpad's bug (cause that happens way too often, LOL)

I'm still a bit sick so idk if the updates are gonna "stay" regular but I'm trying my best!

Anyways, who wants Max's place here? Either for Charles, or the food 😁
Talking about food, it was fun creating the menu with a friend (not only but well) sorry if it made you hungry tho 😭

That's it, byeee <3

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