Married to Styles (Sequel to...

By byebyemsamericanpie

174K 9.1K 3.2K

"Harry?" I asked. His eyes barely opened before he closed them again. "Niall," his voice was so soft and dr... More

Character Ask
{23} Rome
{24} Girona
{25} Paris France
{26} Oahu Hawaii


5.1K 286 52
By byebyemsamericanpie


After Daniel came back into the room I felt more guilty than before. I haven't been touched like that in a long time, it felt so good to have some sort of relief, but in my ex-fiancés living room?

Well.... Me and Harry did have sex in mine and Daniels' bed... While me and Daniel were still engaged!

This wasn't even that bad compared to that.

"Are you two done flirting?" Thank god he didn't know what just happened or I'm sure he would kill me.

"I think I got that out of my system," Harry smirked in my direction. I didn't bother to make eye contact, I felt so exposed.

I felt like everyone knew what just happened and I would be judged for the rest of my life because of it.

"Good. Now, we really need to discuss this case," Daniel started talking but I couldn't pay attention. I was just hoping Harry was chiming in a little so one of us would know what was going on.

"Chris can easily bring up his relationship with Harry but,"

Blah blah blah.

I didn't care. I just wanted to get Harry home and hopefully fuck his brains out. I knew it wouldn't happen, I was still couch surfing at Liam's place.

"I don't think he will." I clicked in on the conversation when Harry spoke up.

"He could. I'm not saying he will but we have to have everything planned out. He could bring it up just as easily as he could,"

Blah blah blah.


I looked around the living room, finding myself dazing away while Harry and Dan discussed their plan for the trial. I wasn't paying attention what so ever.

I spotted a picture in the corner of the room, and I was surprised to see it was me and Daniel. I thought he took down all of our pictures...

To be fair, it was in a triple picture frame: the first frame was a photo of him and his mum on prom night, the second frame was me and him on prom night and the last frame was a photo of us again on prom night... But it was of him kissing me on the lips.

That picture was taken while we weren't paying attention.

I remember.....


"Niall honey! I just want a couple photos!" Alice begged. Daniel and I just glanced at each other, we both hated pictures more than anything.

He looked so beautiful tonight, and I was the lucky guy that got to take him to prom. We had matching black tux with pink flowers; and our hair was done similar as well. My hair was longer so it was more thick up in a quiff, as for Daniel, who has short hair, his hair looked more spiky.

"Just one picture, it won't be that bad." Daniel whispered to me. His arm was around my upper back, holding me close to his side while he stared down at me. He had always been taller, making him the more dominant one.

"I guess," I forced a smile.

"Besides, we can keep this picture forever after tonight." His eyes were so bright and playful; I was so in love with them. I was so in love with him.

We posed for the picture, just a simple side by side pose with our arms around each other's waist. Alice was gleaming with excitement when we both smiled. I couldn't help but watch Daniel's father make faces at us the entire time. He knew his wife was being a difficult, he knew we just wanted to leave and go to the prom already but he was too busy enjoying our pain.

So he stood there and watched.

"Alright mum, I think that's enough." Daniel said after the tenth millionth picture.

"Oh come on! One more, do a cute one!" She begged.

"We have reservations." I said. I just wanted to leave so bad. I was starving, plus I wanted to get to the prom and then to the hotel room Daniel and I had rented for the night.

I had needs.

"Okay, I understand." She sighed.

Daniel tugged on the collar of my tux, making me face him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I just wanted to fix your tie, you look so handsome by the way." He smiled.

I blushed, my entire face was on fire.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

Daniel placed a kiss to my lips out of no where, catching me off guard but I didn't care. His hands were holding onto my tie, and his lips holding onto mine.

I was getting lost in the kiss when I heard a click.

We pulled away and looked at Alice who just smiled before walking up to her son.

"Have a great night, okay? Be safe and have fun you two!" She kissed both our cheeks before going back into the house.

"Ready to go?"


"Niall?" I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked, looking at Harry and Daniel.

"I said, are you ready to go?" Harry asked me.

"Oh. Um... Yeah." I said before standing up.

Wait... We never talked about my case.

"Wait, what's happening with my case?" I asked Daniel.

"We discussed it last time. I thought we agreed you were paying your way out." Daniel looked at me like he was confused, I just shook my head.

Where have I been?

"But, I thought I was suing him."

"Harry is suing him. You don't have strong enough reasons to sue him with. I mean, you can tell the judge how much he's a pain in the ass all you want but, they need real reasons in order,"

"Real reasons? So what... My feelings aren't reasons?" I snapped.

"Niall," Harry tried to calm me.

"Look. I don't have £6 million, I just don't." I sighed.

"I understand."

"What am I going to do?" Harry might have to pay a couple thousand at the most if he wins the trial.

But I don't even get one!

I don't have £6 million!

"Look, Niall. We can go over more options right now if you'd like." Daniel suggested.

"There just has to be something else." I really wasn't paying attention to what he was saying again.

I just wanted to cry.

"Would you like to sit and figure something out?" Daniel asked me. I just shook my head, I didn't really want to do anything but cry.

"Niall, we can figure something else out. I know £6 million is," Harry started but I cut him off.

"I can sue him for ...." I tried to think of something, but literally nothing came to mind.

What has Chris done to me?

What hasn't he done?

He's never physically or sexually harassed me, but he's been secretly ruining my life for a while now... But like Daniel said: the judges/jury won't care about that, they want reasons, hard based facts.

Did Chris violate the contract or not?

That's what they want.

They don't want to hear: oh boo hoo, Chris is a fame whore who is making my life miserable and I just want to be with Harry but I can't because Chris won't let me.

It would never work.

"I guess... I'll just find £6 million." I sighed. Harry and Daniel both looked at me with a sympathetic look. Daniel knew I didn't have that money, he probably only felt bad for me because he knew I wouldn't be able to get out of this contract I so desperately needed to get out of.

Harry probably only felt bad because he knows what Chris is like, and he knows I won't be able to get out.

Why me?


I dropped Harry off in the ally behind his house.

"Come in?" He suggested.

"I really can't." I said looking around our surroundings. I didn't want to risk being seen by anybody.

"Yes you can. So what if people see you? You were just coming into my house for a chat or a drink. There's nothing in the contract saying we can't be friends." He winked.

"Oh Harry, we're never gonna be friends." I chuckled.

"Come on, come inside for a bit, Molly misses you." He begged.

I looked down at my steering wheel and then sighed... I guess I could go inside for a minute or two.

To say hi to Molly.

Once inside, I took in the familiar scent of home; I missed this place. I saw Molly come from the kitchen where she must have been eating. Her collar jingled when she ran towards me.

"There's my girl," I smiled as I picked her up into my arms. I held her, petting her neck while she purred at me.

"I'm so happy to see you." I said to our cat. Harry disappeared into the kitchen, so I followed.

"So, we have some time to kill." I smirked as I put Molly down. Hopefully Harry and I could finish what we started at Daniel's. Harry was getting a glass of water from the sink, not saying anything.

"Harry?" I asked. Why was he being so quiet?

"Hm?" He asked as he swallowed his water. All I could picture was him swallowing my load while we were on Daniel's couch.

Oh god.

That made me twitch.

"What do you wanna do while I'm here?" I asked again.

Harry frowned and then sat his water down... What was he thinking?

"I'm trying to figure out how I can help you." Harry said.

"With my contract?"

"Yea. I wouldn't want to get out of my contract if you couldn't. We're in this together." Hearing him say that made my heart swell a little. I loved this man more than life it's self. How could I manage to live without him?

"Well... What are you going to do? Have a lemonade stand?" I joked.

Harry shook his head; he wasn't laughing.

So this was serious.

"Well how are we going to pay for £6 million?"

"Well, my father left me all of his money in his will after he passed..."

"No. I'm not taking your fathers money."

"It's mine, Niall. And I want you to have it."

"No Harry! Absolutely not! I won't let you pay for me."

"I can and I will. He left me with four million, all we need is another two million and you're out of the contract." Harry seemed so sure of it, but I wasn't having it. He wasn't going to pay for me to get out of my contract.

"Harry, please. I can pay for myself, I'll figure it out."

"Look, I have an idea," He said after taking another drink of his water. I stood there, waiting for him to propose this idea.

"We can sell the house. It's a very nice house, Niall, I assume we can sell it for almost a million. A couple hundred thousand at the least. We can buy a new, smaller house in a more private area. This house is too big anyways, and remember? We were talking about getting a smaller house anyways, one we can live in after we're married. Think about it, this could all work out for the best."

"I don't want to make you sell your house." I sighed. Harry was doing so much for me, too much actually. More than I deserved.

"I don't want this house anyways, what's the point?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders, he kind of had a point. What's the use of a four bedroom, two bathroom, two story house if you live alone?

Because you're rich?

That's a terrible excuse.

"I just don't want to make you give up everything for me. I'm not worth,"

"Don't you fucking tell me you're not worth it, Niall. I would give up everything for you, you hear me?" He asked. I nodded and sighed. There was no fighting Harry on this.

"Niall, I'm doing this for us. I have loads of money stashed away somewhere. We have my dads will, the house, some of the shit in this house..." Harry grabbed both of my hands, looking me in the eyes as he spoke so confidently of his plan.

"I can sell my car and get a cheaper one." I suggested.

"There you go. We just have to think positive and we'll have the money in no time," he smiled. I forced one back, looking down at the ground. I couldn't believe we were going through with this.

"Everything's going to be okay, babe. As long as we got each other okay? I love you so much." He pulled me into one of his warm, welcoming hugs. I loved him, I loved him so much. What would I ever do without this man?

"So, we're really going to sell the house?" I asked.

"Yeah. We are, and the car, and some stuff in the house... We can put the wedding on hold until we figure everything out okay?" His finger traced the outline of my cheek; his eyes were so convincing, I really felt safe with Harry. I knew everything was going to be alright.

"As long as we are still engaged, that's fine with me." I laughed.

"I need to get you a ring." Harry said, I chuckled and shook my head. That was the least of my worries at the moment.

"One thing at a time, babe. First let's worry about the house and car."

"Of course." He smiled.

We hugged in the middle of the kitchen for what felt like forever. That was until Molly got bored and began to bother us for her attention.

Even if I wasn't living here it still felt like home.


{A/N} yay for Narry!

Damn okay there is so much being thrown at you guys I'm sorry hahaha

First the engagement
Then Chris
Then the contracts
And Daniel
Going to court
Niall needing money
The date
Fucking more money problems

Now their selling the house
The car
The weddings on hold
Fucking Christ

I'm sorry.

Me and Ari love complicated things :)

So yeah hope u like the chapter :)

Oh! Also me and Ari have been meaning to ask u guys if u would like to do a character ask?

Basically we list what characters you want to ask questions to, and u ask questions and then we answer them in character ... If that makes sense. Anyways, just let us know if u want us to do one :) cause we will.

Comment and vote my little hippies

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