Legacies(Season 1)

By MikaelsonAni

196K 5.9K 574

[Book 1] What if Klaus and Hayley had twins? What if Hope wasn't only child and she has twin sister- Audrey... More

Audrey Mikaelson
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Second Book

Chapter 8

4.3K 115 3
By MikaelsonAni

[Alaric enters to find an agitated Dorian by the glass cases.]
Alaric: What's wrong?
Dorian: The alarm didn't trigger. I don't know why. [Alaric looks to see the glass is broken and the case empty.]
"Landon" said Elijah.
"Landon." Confirmed Audrey.
Alaric: What was in there?
Dorian: (checking a list) Knife. Dated circa the 12th century. Supernatural origins unknown. [As they study the empty glass case, Hope and Audrey enter.]
Hope: How do you know it was him?
[Hope and Audrey have it out with Alaric in a private area.]
Alaric: Ancient artifact goes missing along with too-good-to-be-true hapless human? Do the math, Hope. [Audrey looks weirdly calm, but if you look at her eyes you will see rage in them. She is furious.]
"Uh-uh" said Kol.
"What is it?" Asked Freya.
"That's Klaus's face before he goes on a rampange." Said Elijah.
"Someone's gonna die." Said Damon.
Hope: That would make him a liar. I've known my fair share of those. There was nothing about him that --
Alaric: Hope --
Hope: No. You don't understand. There's no way that the one time I break my rule about getting close to someone, he turns out to be a liar. It's not possible. I'm not that stupid.
"I don't care his reason! No one hurts my daughter!" Said Klaus.
"Leave him. he won't calm down until he sees it himself." Said Audrey to Hope.
[Audrey places her hand on Hope's back, trying to calm her down.]
Audrey: You aren't stupid, he was just good liar. [Hope slaps Audrey's hand away.]
Alaric: Hope. When Landon walked out that door today, we had compelled him to go home.
Hope: So?
Alaric: So he didn't. It was the first place we checked. And if he didn't go home, it means his memory wasn't erased... [He doesn't know how to tell her.]
Alaric: He was just pretending it was.
[Hope looks shocked. Audrey hand twitches.]
Mikaelsons glare at screen.
[Landon is on a bus, writing in his journal. Scrambling to write down everything he remembered. School for supernaturals... Alaric Saltzman, Headmaster...Mind control...Witches... Hope Mikaelson...]
Alaric: (O.S.) If his mind can't be controlled by a supernatural being, then that only means one thing.
"I hate to tell you this, but i told you so." Said Audrey.
"Hell, you hate it! It's your favourite phrase!" Said Hope.
[Careful no one's watching, he reaches into his jacket and pulls out the mysterious Dagger. Studying it with curiosity.]
Alaric: It means he is a supernatural being. [Hope's eyes turn to steel like Audrey's.]
People look at Klaus then his daughters and then back to Klaus and shudder at similarity.
[Faculity and students are gathered in the Great Hall as Alaric addresses them. Hope and Audrey are there. Anger simmering.]
Alaric: For ten years, we've gone undetected. Protecting you, protecting our secret, has been our singular mission. Today, we need all hands on deck to find Landon Kirby before he exposes us. [Rafael sits in shock. Numb and confused. Both Lizzie and Josie eye him.]
[MG tries to catch Josie as she moves down the hall.]
MG: Hey. Jo --
Josie: I'm not talking to you.
MG: I know. I'm an ass. You-know-who -- she puts those sex spell herbs in her weed. I had a momentary lapse in judgment.
"If you knew that, then you shouldn't have taken it!" Said Davina.
Josie: (genuinely upset) Why does everyone find her so special?
MG: She's not special. She's just... available.
"Did he just... I'll beat the crap out od him when we get out of here!" Said Audrey.
[He gives her a quick hug as he peels off.]
MG: Don't hate me. [Down the hall, Penelope Park puts on a show. Annoyed, Josie mutters a spell under her breath and suddenly Penelope's clothes light on fire. As her friends help extinguish her... Josie walks away. Eyes dark.]
"Inncocent twin isn't so inncoent after all." Says amused Damon.
"It's not funny!" Says angry Caroline.
[Hope enters her room. Sees Audrey sitting on bed and reading a book.]
"Okay, that's not what i expected." Said Kol.
"What did you excpect?" Asked Audrey.
"Revenge?" Said Kol. Audrey smirks.
"What's that look?" Asked Hayley.
Hope: I need your help. [Audrey sits up.]
Audrey: In what?
Hope: This stuff with Landon is my fault. I can fix it. I know how to track him, but it involves a dark magic. [Audrey takes off illusion and turns out the book Audrey was reading was actually grimmoire. Hope looks surprised.]
"Oh, You truly are a mischief. Know i get why my future self calls you that." Said Kol. Audrey winks at him.
Audrey: You thought i would let that rat get away? [Both of them smirk. It's kinda terrifing.]
"That's scary." Admitted Caroline.
"In this moment, They look too much like Klaus." Said Stefan.
"I almost feel bad for the guy." Said Damon. Hayley looks at them worried.
[Hope and Audrey pull together ingredients. Grimoires. Herbs. Candles. Grimacing, Audrey pulls a wriggling rat from a small bag.]
Audrey: (O.S) I warned Landon to not hurt my sister, but he didn't listen. He hurt her the worst way possible, by betrayal. He like Roman betrayed Hope and he like Roman will pay for it.
[Roman is chained up. Hope is there to torture him.]
"What is this?!" Asked Hayley, worried for her daughter.
"Remember what we told you abot Roman?" Asked Hope.
"Yeah." Said Hayley.
"We leaved out this part. Like we told you Hollow was driving Hope crazy and only way to stop whispers was violence. Church vampire's weren't the first try. First, dad tried to make Hope hurt him, but it didn't work, because she didn't want to hurt him. Dad asked who she wanted to hurt and here we are." Said Audrey. Elijah and Hayley gave Klaus disapproving looks.
"You won't teach my children murder!" Said angry Hayley.
"I'm trying to help her." Defended Klaus.
"By taking her humanity?!" Said Elijah. Audrey shifts uncomfortably. Worried about her mother's and Elijah's reaction.
Roman: I know you won't believe this, but I've been trying to see you, okay?
Hope: You're right. I don't believe it.
Roman: I-I swear. My sister, she wanted me to leave the country, but I wouldn't go until I got to talk to you.
"So nobel." Sneered Audrey.
Hope: Is this the kind of talk you had in mind?
Roman: Look, I-I know. Taking part in your mother's capture and tricking you, that was wrong and I know that.
"Oh really?!" Said Audrey sarcastically. Hayley notices how tense Audrey is and looks worried.
Hope: And yet you did it anyway!
Roman: No, you you have to understand. For years I've been told to fear you, every day, every night, stories of what your father did to mine, what you and your kind have done to us.
"Her kind?" Growled Klaus.
Hope: My kind?
Roman: No, no, no, I like you, Hope, okay? I like you, I really do. I just didn't know whether to listen to the voice in my head that said you were good or my mother's voice that said over and over y-you and your family...
Audrey scoffed.
Hope: My family's what?
Roman: Evil. And I wasn't strong enough to fight her. And I don't want you to forgive me. I just want you to know that I know what I did was wrong. Okay? So, if you need to, just kill me. [Audrey enters room.]
Audrey: (to Hope) Don't tell me you will fall for it! He isn't a child, he is 90 years old, he can make his own damn decisions!
"I thought it was for Hope." Said Freya.
"It was, but i decided i wanted to be there" Said Audrey.
Roman: I--
Audrey: (growls) Shut up, you phedophile! You are 90 damn years old and kissed my 15 year old sister! Did your mother make you do that, too? Did she teach you how to seduce little girls?!
Mikaelsons have their faces out.
"I will rip every single organ out of him! I'll rip to shreads!" Growled Hayley.
"I'll rip his balls off and force it down his throat, then rip his heart out as he chokes on his own balls!" Growled Klaus.
"I will peel the skin from his bones. One thin layer at a time! Then wait until it grows back and repeat the process!" Yelled Freya.
"I need my torture set! Now! Where is my instruments?!" Yelled Kol, looking like he is about to go through screen and torture him himself. Davina looked like she was gonna curse that guy to slow, painful, death.
"How dares he?! I will bath in his blood and enjoy his screams as background music!" Yelled Marcel. Elijah didn't yell, no, but yet he remained the scariest one. There was something cold in his eyes. The look that would make even devil shadder. Elijah is truly the most scary Mikaelson. Damon, Stefan and Caroline look at Mikaelsons, who are radiating anger, scared. They have seen Mikaelson angry, they have had basically war with them for fucks sake, but they have never looked this scary before. Every instict made them want to run for the hills and never look back. Mikaelsons are truly the most dangerous and scary family and for a minute, even Damon looks thankful to not be the one that anger is directed, too.
Roman: I- i was desic--
Audrey: You were desiccated for 50 years, but what about those forty?! And weren't you seventeen when you turned, arsehole?! [Audrey boils Roman's blood, which makes him cry out in pain.]
*i know we don't know how old Roman was when he turned, but for me he looked around 17*
Hope: (to Roman) You have no idea what you took from me. My mother. My children's grandmother, someone to hold me when I'm scared and to call me when I'm lonely, the-the first eyes I ever looked into, I mean, my best friend!
Hayley hugged her little girls. Her anger turns into sadness. She was happy she managed to be good mother, but felt guilty for leaving. (Even when it wasn't her fault.)
Roman: I do. Okay, I really do.
Audrey: No, you don't!
Hope: You can't know!
Roman: I lost my mother, too.
"How dares she compare Hayley to that woman?! She isn't worth of even Hayley's toe nail!" Said Freya. Hayley smiled at Freya.
Hope: What did you just say? Your mother was nothing like mine. [Hope gets hold of him with magic. Audrey goes toward him and grabs him by the neck.]
Audrey: (yells) How dare you compare that slug to my mother?!
Hayley looks worried. She understand her daughters' anger, but she still doesn't want them to kill. Excpecially for her.
Roman: That's-that's not what I meant.
Hope: That's exactly what you meant! [Veins appear on Hope's arm.]
Roman: Hope, Hope.
Hope: What?!
Roman: Your arm. [Audrey looks at Hope's arm worried. Hope takes few deep breathes. She seems calmer, then she turns to Audrey.]
Hope: What's happening to me?
Audrey: We- we don't know.
"That's when Hollow's power is slowly killing me. Before dad... takes it." Said Hope.
Hope: It's bad, right?
Audrey: You need to rid yourself of this darkness.
Hope: I can't. I can't kill him. I won't.
Audrey: Hope.
Hope: Rey. He's no more guilty or responsible than me.
"That's so not true." Said Caroline.
Audrey: Of course he is! He is 90 years old and he kissed you! That only should be more than enough! You say he wasn't responsible, but he is an adult! He can make his own decisions and It was his decision to play with your fealings and manipulate you, it was his decision to enter your head and find mom's location, it was his decision to lure us into trap, it was his decision which led mom to lose her wolf! (Can't hold back tears) You know how much she loved it! How she loved being werewolf and they took it from her because of him and his stupid mother! It' because of him that It's our mom is dead. OUR MOM! You know the woman, who raised us! Woman who we went to when we needed advice. Our mother!
Audrey got up and hugged Hayley, who was already being hugged by Hope. Hayley kissed her daughters heads. People looked at mother-daughters with sadness and sympathy.
[Hope doesn't move. Not knowing what do.]
Audrey: You know what? If you don't do it, i will! [Audrey reaches into Roman's chest and gets hold of his heart and whispers in his ear.]
Audrey: Your biggest and stupidiest mistake in your life was coming after my family!
Roman: (cries) No, no, please, no! [Audrey rips his hear out, her face blunk.]
"That was my first kill." Murmured Audrey in Hayley's shoulder, then looked up to Hayley, looking worried.
"Are you disappointed in me?" Asked Audrey. Hayley realised how worried Audrey was of her reaction.
"No, no. Of course not." said Hayley, brushing hair out of Audrey's face and caressing her face.
"You could never disappoint me, my love. You are my daughter. I'll always love you. No matter what." Said Hayley and kissed Audrey's forehead. People smiled at how great mother Hayley is.
Audrey: (O.S.) People think monsters sleep under our bed, but in reality, they sleep inside our head. Landon fucking Kirby managed to wake mine and May god have mercy on him, because i fucking won't. No one gets away with hurting my little sister!
"We are twins!" Protested Hope.
"I'm older!" Said Audrey. Both of them still teary because of past scene.
"By one minute!" Said Hope.
"Still older." Said Audrey. Hope huffed and crossed her arms. Audrey ruffled her hair. Hope and pushed her hand away and glares. Audrey chuckles and does it again.
"Stop it!" Said Hope and kept slapping her hand away. This light up the mood a little. People smiled at bickering sibling.
[Audrey takes a blade and slices into the rat. As blood drips on their spell, they chant. It grows in intensity, as an inexplicable wind whips up, blowing things off her walls. They close their eyes. FLASH -- they see Landon's face. Shadows. Light flickering over him. More flashes of Landon. A bus. People asleep on it.]
Audrey: Do you see it?
Hope: Yeah. [They double down their chanting. Watching Landon as he tosses and turns. Inside his jacket, something starts to glow.]
Hope: C'mon...give me something.
[In their vision, Landon jolts awake suddenly, in a panic. He looks around. The dark road. The sleeping passengers.
A glimpse of a highway sign. Route 81. Now entering Georgia.]
Audrey: I got it. Route 81.
Hope: Georgia... [Still in the vision, Landon feels heat inside his jacket pocket. He withdraws the dagger. It's glowing orange hot.]
"Do you know what it might be?" Asked Klaus to Kol.
"No, i haven't seen knife like that before." Said Kol.
"Maybe i could find out if i had it." Said Freya.
"We will bring you." Offered Caroline.
"Blondie!" Said Damon.
"What? We have same goal now. Protecting our little girls." Said Caroline.
Hope: Do you know what that dagger does?
Audrey: No.
[The knife starts to glow brighter and brighter until a massive flash of light consumes the bus. The power knocks
Hope and Audrey across the dorm room as everything goes black.]
"Whatever it is. It seems dangerous." Said Davina.
[The rural highway, where a bus is parked on the road. Quiet. Seemingly empty. Alaric, Audrey and Hope stand with a sheriff. His badge reads Mystic Falls Sheriff's Department. This is sheriff Matt Donovan.]
"Sheriff Matt! I knew he would do it." Said Caroline.
Sheriff Donovan: Picked it up from the scanner late last night. Called in a favor with my buddy at Georgia State Patrol and asked him to lock down the scene until we got here. Local PD thinks it's a chemical spill.
Alaric: What's the actual story?
Sheriff Donovan: I'll leave that to you to figure out.
Alaric: Thanks, Matt. [Matt indicates that they're clear to enter the bus. Alaric, Audrey and Hope exchange a look. Unsure of what they'll find.]
Hope: (V.O.) Remember what we said about how the difference between good guys and bad is in who's telling the story? Turns out supernatural mystery boy Landon Kirby isn't the hero of my tale at all...
[Hope, Audrey and Alaric enter, taking it in. Shocked and horrified. The insides of the bus have been burned to a crisp. Along with every passenger inside. Only burnt husks remain. It's carnage. Death everywhere. A bus full of innocents, lost to a gruesome end. Hope and Audrey's eyes go steely.]
Hope: (V.O.)
But when I hunt him down, I'm gonna be the villain of his.
"So dramatic. I like it." Said Audrey to Hope.

Hope and Audrey smile at each other and side hug.

Klaus and Hayley looked at their daughters with loving and proud smiles. So did other Mikaelsons.

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