Legacies(Season 1)

By MikaelsonAni

196K 5.9K 574

[Book 1] What if Klaus and Hayley had twins? What if Hope wasn't only child and she has twin sister- Audrey... More

Audrey Mikaelson
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Second Book

Chapter 7

4.4K 123 4
By MikaelsonAni

[Lizzie lies in her bed as the door opens and Josie pads in.]
Lizzie: (sleepy) Hey, Jo. [Josie crawls into bed with her, curling up beside her.]
Josie: I just saw MG with his tongue down you-know-who’s throat.
"What is with Harry Potter references?" Said Damon.
Lizzie: Gross. He should know better than to make out with the Dark Lord. Bad friend move.
Josie: (still bruised) Yeah.
Lizzie: Forget about her. Focus on someone new. A good crush’ll even you out. I’m setting my sites on Rafael. If he ever talks to me again after I was such a freak show... [As they snuggle up together.]
"You weren't freak show." Defendes Caroline, then looks at Josie's sad expression and sighs. There is lot she will have to work on.
[Landon is in cellar. He clearly can't sleep and is pacing around. Hope enters.]
"Why can't you stay away from him?!" Said annoyed Klaus.
"Wait... what are you doing here?" Said Audrey. Hope doesn't answer.
"I sent you off!" Said Audrey.
"First of all, you aren't my mother you can't send me off to bed and second, you told me to leave library, you haven't said anything about visiting Landon!" Said Hope. Audrey crosses her arms and huffs.
Landon: Hope? I thought...
Hope: Give me your hand.
Landon: (confused) I thought we’d established I’m a terrible dancer.
Mikaelson men glare at Landon. Audrey doesn't seem to be against Landon now, which doesn't escape Freya and Hayley's notice.
[She smiles at him. Cups his hand in hers. She quietly chants.]
Hope: Preitori Speculo. [He looks around, his jaw dropping in astonishment as he sees - The tiny room now seems to go on inifinetely. No end in sight.]
Hope: Thought that might help you sleep.
"Aww. So sweet." Said Freya.
Landon: This is... (a smile) You are a really nice person, Hope Mikaelson. [They grin at each other. There is silence, that Hope breaks.]
Hope: Can I... show you something?
[He nods. She gently puts her hands on the side of his face.]
Hope: Earlier, you mentioned the jock who had been messing with you that day we danced...
FLASHBACK: THE MYSTIC GRILL. [Landon serves Hope and Audrey milkshake. Elijah is sitting in front of Hope and Audrey.]
"That's after you gained back your memories and i put hollow back in me." Explained Hope, after seeing Elijah's confused look to why he was with his nieces if he doesn't remember.
[Hope and Audrey notice a table of Mystic Falls High School jocks nearby chucking ice cubes at Landon as he clears a table nearby.]
"Jerk!" Said Caroline.
[One jock, Connor, jumps into a cherry vintage car parked out front, peeling out. Landon locks eyes with Hope, just for a second, before he heads inside the restaurant. Deflated.]
Landon: That’s the guy. You can just dial up one of my memories like that?
"It's not your memory." Realised Davina.
Hope: It’s not your memory. It’s mine.
[A fundraiser car wash in the parking lot. Connor and the jocks flirt with girls. Hope closes her eyes and chants. Suddenly, strangely, all the water starts to form into solid ice. The kids react, stunned. Ice forms like a thick pane on the windows of Connor’s vintage car. Hope gestures, and -- BOOM! All the car’s windows shatter into icy shards.]
"Badass" Said Caroline. Hope smiles at her.
[Landon draws a breath, opening his eyes. Delighted.]
Landon: You did that for me...
Hope: He had it coming.
"You look good together." Approved Hayley.
"She looks better without him! I agree with your sister he is suspicious." Said Klaus.
"That's because you are both paranoid." Said Davina.
"I prefer term careful." Said Audrey.
[They’re still standing very close. Her hands on his face. She lets go off his face and steps back, but still doesn't leave.]
Landon: This is the part where you run.
Hope: I know. [She doesn't make a move to leave.]
"Is this gonna be their first kiss?" Said Caroline.
"Nooo!" Yelled Mikaelson men.
Landon: I won’t remember any of this, will I?
Hope: (truth and regret) Probably not, no.
Landon: In that case-- [He steps closer.]
Landon: (murmurs) I hope your sister won't kill me for this.
Audrey chuckles at that.
[Landon kisses Hope gently. A sweet, simple kiss filled with chapters of longing.]
"He is dead!" Growled Klaus.
"Dad, you aren't killing Landon!" Said Hope. Klaus huffs and glares at screen- Landon.
"He is brave to kiss her after Audrey's warning." Said Marcel with respect. (He is secretely starting to like Landon.)
[When they part, she smiles. Something awakening in her eyes.]
[Landon is back seated across from Alaric.]
Alaric: Ready for round two?
Landon: Actually...I was wondering if I could stay.
Alaric: I can put you in touch with someone who can help you out with problems at home, but --
Landon: I don’t have a home. Not anymore. (then) I can work -- I can do dishes, and help with janitorial stuff. I can cook --
Hayley looks at Landon empathetically. She knows how it is to not belong anywhere.
Alaric: I’m sorry, Landon. But you don’t belong here.
Landon: Then where do I belong? Tell me where I should go. I don’t want to cause trouble. I just want a way out of my own life.
"I feel bad for him." Frowned Caroline.
Alaric: I know it seems cruel, but please understand... this school was created so that we could shape the minds of young supernatural beings. Protect their secret and then send them into the human world fully equipped to handle it. We’re here to prevent these great kids from indulging in their darkest impulses. But make no mistake, these are predatory creatures.
"So are humans if you think that way. They started two global words, killed mercilessly their own people just because they thought they were witches, how many serial killers and fanatics are humans? We are all predators. Vampires kill because of hunger, witches kill for power, werewolves kill because of anger, some of the time all three kill because they lose control over their powers, but humans? Humans kill for fun. So are humans really as pure as we bring them out to be?" Said Audrey. No one could deny Audrey's argument.
Alaric: Vampires are driven by the feed and the kill. Wolves can’t control themselves in their primal state. Witches, when provoked, are responsible for some of the worst atrocities in history. It’s simply not safe here for you. I’m sorry.
"That's why we didn't have proper education. Because deep down Alaric will always be the human, who is scared of supernatural, because we are stronger, because we are different and he doesn't understand us. I don't blame him he lost his every lover because of supernaturals. But he shouldn't be the headmaster of supernatural school. He isn't qualified for it, no mattee how much he tries deep down he will always be hunter. That's why he doesn't even realise he is teaching us how to repress ourselves instead of control. He thinks he is doing right thing, but he's basically creating rippers, defensless witches and wolves who still think they deserve curse as punishment." Said Audrey.
"What do you mean creating rippers?" Asked Stefan.
"Well, since every time you had your humanity off, you could stop yourself from ripping someone's head off and just drink how much you want, i made a conclusion that it's because of guilt. If it was just genes, you wouldn't be able to control it when you don't have humanity. Ironicaly your humanity is what makes you ripper." Said Audrey. Stefan looks down. Caroline hugs him.
"You are very smart." Said Klaus to Audrey.
"Got it from my dad." Winks Audrey. Klaus laughs.
[This quiets Landon.]
Landon: I understand. [Alaric nods. His compassion for this kid is evident. He hits a button on his phone.]
Alaric: Have MG come on in.
[The door opens and MG walks in.]
MG: Hey, man... Sorry about yesterday. Your buddy’s gonna be okay here. We’ll look out for him. Now you just need to go home. [And he starts compelling Landon.]
Hope: (V.O.) That’s the last any of us thought we’d see of Landon Kirby. The human in the wrong place at the right time who needed a place to belong, just like all of us.
"So he isn't human!" Said Klaus with victory, but then remembered it might have hurt Hope and looks at her worried.
"It's not as it seems. Landon is a good guy." Said Hope.
[Landon's eyes glaze over from the compulsion. He nods. Cooperative.]
[Landon and Rafael say goodbye.]
Rafael: Are you sure?
Landon: I’ll be fine. I promise.
"The baby vamp compelled him to just go home." Said Marcel. Klaus and Elijah noticed that, too and glared at Landon.
"What do you mean?" Asked Davina.
"He shouldn't have stopped for goodbye." Said Kol and glared at Landon. Mikaelson men were already planing ways they would torture. Freya, Hayley and Davina remembered Hope's words and believe it's some kind of misunderstanding.
Hope: (V.O.) We thought he’d head back out into the world, and leave us with our secrets. [From the shadows inside, Hope watches Landon hug it out with Rafael and then leave. Her fingers brush her lips where he kissed her. She smiles.]
Hope: (V.O) But we were wrong. Because Landon Kirby was full of surprises.

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