Behind closed doors(Reece Bib...

By GirlAlmighty123

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EDITED ON: 30/08/17βœ”οΈ Hidden love. But if it's true love why should it be hidden? Imagine not being able to... More

Should I end it here?
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By GirlAlmighty123


I turned the engine on and left my world. How could I let some boy get into my life and ruin it so badly?

I had goals in the future, I had dreams and I knew what I wanted to do. Now he became my goals, my dreams and he was what I wanted.

What I still want.

My chest tightened at the how hard and rapid my crying was, which made it difficult for me to breathe and drive at the same time. I've never felt like this before, I mean yes he's hurt me, he's put me in the most ridiculous situations, however this emotion is something I'm not familiar with.

It's a mixture of everything I've felt throughout the past 2 years I've had with him.

But it's not a mixture of the happiness, it's a combination of the hurt and struggle he's put me through.

Betrayal, misery, sorrow, distress.


Hearing about people having their heartbroken is a whole lot different than actually feeling it.

You can't control how you feel, you just can't. I just wish I listened to everyone, my parents told me he was trouble, Vicky told me I wouldn't be able to handle his fame and even he warned me.

But the worst part is I don't regret what we shared, he came into my world and the destroyed. Yet I didn't stop him, I allowed him to do so. Therefore in a way this is my fault too.

I did this to myself.

I paused at the red traffic lights and used this opportunity to call my parents.

I dialled their number and within seconds my fathers' voice greeted me, taking in a shaky deep breath I replied.

"Hey dad, I cleared my throat, "I don't know if you got my text. But I just need to come home, I don't know what I'm doing with myself. I just need to come home."

Home? Do I still have that?

"Sure Neveah  you're welcome anytime,"I cried even more.

" Thanks dad, I'm driving so I will see you soon."

An hour later I finally arrive at my parents and before coming out of my car I re applied my makeup and calm myself down.

I open the car door and walk to the door of the house. I most certainly do look like crap even if I did put my makeup back on, my eyes exposed me.

I mentally face palm at the dumb fact that I didn't even pack my clothes, which are at Reece's. I also sigh at the fact that I have to rely on my parents to give me money to buy clothes, which is something I've been doing a lot...relying on them.

I knock on the door to reveal a cheery Irish lad, "Hey! What brings you here?" I smile and go on the tip of my toes (since I'm so short) so my arms can reach his neck. "As always it's Reece...but this is different - we are done. For real." I firmly stated. We pulled out of the hug as my parents came to greet me.

"Hello Neveah is everything okay? You seemed distressed over the phone."

Delia walked into the room and greeted me, I find it difficult to call her mum after what happened, considering I don't really have a biological mother anymore which saddens me. But she does feel like a parent to me. She  feels like a mother to me. she makes me feel like I am actually her daughter.

Besides our differences I truly do love her. "Hey Delia," I catch her flinch at the fact that I called her Delia instead of mother, but she quickly changed her facial expression back into a smile, which of course my father and Niall were oblivious to.

"So, what bring you here?" Once again Niall asks and I look at my parents who seem to be wondering the same thing.

"I don't know uh, I just had a fight with Reece and we are over," my parents' faces were firm and unsurprised as if to say,  'again? Really?'

"But I mean this time, he did something...that I don't think I can ever forgive him for and I didn't have anywhere else to go since, Vicky and I also had a fallout and she practically hates me," my heart aches at the depressing memory, "and I don't want you to think that I'm using you in anyway because I'm not! I just don't know where to go or what to do, have you felt like this? And I know it's silly to think this way at such a young agebut I can't help it. Gosh am I annoying you guys? I'm sorry for putting all my petty problems on y-"

"Neva ,it's okay," Niall tried to reassure me by placing a hand on my shoulder which I politely rejected and rambled more.

"And to make it worse I forgot my things at Reece's! Which makes me feel like a selfish cow since now I'm gonna have to ask you for money for me to buy essentials - no in fact don't worry I've been a terrible daughter to you for past 23 years I don't deserve your kindness. You're in the middle of planning your wedding, I should just leave, sorry for bugging you," I'm surprised I didn't die due to the lack of oxygen.

"Neveah shut up it is okay." My father pulled me into a warm hug as the waterworks sprinkled out of my eyes, it's so weird to see him like this, he's never ever really been affectionate with me or anyone. It's quite rare.

"You're my daughter, everything that's mine is also yours and as for that Bibby kid it's his loss, as well as Vicky, because you're the most beautiful, caring, loyal person I've ever met. And I know I don't say this often but I love you,"I cried even harder into his now wet shirt, before muffling an 'I love you too'.

Delia took my hand and dragged me to the garden, "You two, go and tell Mary to make dinner," she ordered my father and Niall to do, also I'm probably guessing Mary is the chef but what do I know?

"As for you, what happened? With Reece and Victoria? I thought things were going well." She crossed her arms, and told me to sit next to her so I tell her everything.

So much has happened, where do I begin?

"Well Vicky has this boyfriend...he's awful and treats her like she's a pile of sh -," Delia gives me a quick warning glare, "- I mean rubbish," I blushed slightly, "so I tried so hard to get her to leave him but she just wouldn't," Delia nodded in understand-meant, "then I wanted to sort things out between us but it failed miserably, which resulted us to have a fight - physical one. And now we just lost each other."

Delia had a sympathetic look on her face which was quite hard to see because of all that Botox, "And as for turns out I wasn't his only priority". She scrunched her face in confusion and after a few seconds she realized what I meant and shock was written over her face.

"It was with Vicky. Pretty cliché right?" Just when I thought her mouth couldn't get any wider; it did.

"Oh honey I'm so sorry," she put her hand over her heart and I fought back the tears that we're trying to escape.

I'm tired of crying.

"If there's anything I can do just name it!" She offered, which gave me an idea.

"Actually...there is something I need..."

"What is it?'

" I wanna leave,"I said, "like get away from here. I want to restart my life."

Delia stayed quiet for a bit, "there is someone I can think of...but she lives in Australia."

Australia? That's like across the far...

Isn't that what I want?

"Can you give her a call? I'd really appreciate it and I've always wanted to go Australia," it's a big decision that I managed to make in a very short amount of time but getting away is good for me. I need a break from all this drama.

"Sure love I'll call her tonight."

"Thank you so much, I don't know how I can ever re pay you."

Goodbye England hello Australia.
Chapter 21! Hope you enjoyed it, please comment your opinion and I'm sorry it's short, it was meant to be longer but wattpad didn't save this TWICE! Which meant I had to re write it TWO times and I gave up on making it longer so sorry!
Also still upset about the boys breaking up hope everyone's okay:((
But I will be more active now I'm on holiday.
Also it's been 5 years of 1D AHHH!


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