Galactic Empire in New World

By Robotechmania

186K 6.4K 3.2K

What will happen if the Galactic Empire suddenly appears in the New World? There is a technological gap that... More

Part 1 : The Engineer
Part 2 : The Governor
Part 2 Chapter 2 Merging
Part 2 Chapter 3 Waking Up
Part 2 Chapter 4
Part 2 Chapter 5 Aftermath Battle of Yavin
Part 2 Chapter 6
Part 2 Chapter 7
Part 2 Chapter 8 : The End of The Galactic Empire
Part 2 Chapter 9 : Galactic War
Part 2 Chapter 10 : The Accident
Part 3 Chapter 1 The Arrival
Part 3 Chapter 2
Part 3 Chapter 3 : Contact
Part 3 Chapter 4
Part 3 Chapter 5
Part 3 Chapter 6
Part 3 Chapter 7
Part 3 Chapter 8
Part 3 Chapter 9
Part 3 Chapter 10
Part 4 Chapter 1 : Wind of War in Rodenius
Part 4 Chapter 2 The Defence of Gim
Part 4 Chapter 3 Sea Battle of Quila
Part 4 Chapter 4 Sea Battle of Principality of Qua Toyne
Part 4 Chapter 5 Attack from the Kingdom of Quila
Part 4 Chapter 6 Mystery of The Galaxy
Part 4 Chapter 7 Short Road To Jin-Hark
Part 4 Chapter 8 : Battle of Jin-Hark Port
Part 4 Chapter 9 The Siege of Jin-Hark
Part 4 Chapter 10 - The Fall of Lauria Kingdom
Part 4 Chapter 11 Aftermath
Part 4 Chapter 12
Part 5 Chapter 1 Turbulent Water
Part 5 Chapter 2
Part 5 Chapter 3
Part 5 Chapter 4
Part 5 Chapter 5
Part 5 Chapter 6
Part 5 Chapter 7
Part 5 Chapter 8 Incident at Kingdom of Fenn
Part 5 Chapter 9 Gray Jedi
Part 5 Chapter 10 Storm is Brewing
Part 5 Chapter 11
Part 5 Chapter 12 The Topa Affair
Part 5 Chapter 12 The Topa Affair II
Part 5 Chapter 13 Mu Empire Visit I
Part 5 Chapter 14 Mu Empire Visit - 2
Part 5 Chapter 15
Part 5 Chapter 16 First Casualty
Part 5 Chapter 17 Storm is Gathering
Part 5 Chapter 18 Refugee
Part 5 Chapter 19 A Keg of Gunpowder That Ready to Blown
Part 5 Chapter 20 Naval Battle of Le Brias
Part 5 Chapter 21 The Battle of Le Brias
Part 5 Chapter 22
Part 5 Chapter 23
Part 5 Chapter 24
Part 5 Chapter 25
Part 5 Chapter 26 : 2nd Sea Battle of Le Brias
Part 5 Chapter 27
Part 5 Chapter 28
Part 5 Chapter 29
Part 5 Chapter 30
Part 5 Chapter 31
Part 5 Chapter 32 Attack on Duros
Part 5 Chapter 33 Attack on Duros 2
Part 5 Chapter 34 Attack of Karis Village
Part 5 Chapter 35 First Sea Battle of Esthirant
Part 5 Chapter 36
Part 5 Chapter 37
Part 5 Chapter 38
Part 5 Chapter 39
Part 5 Chapter 40
Part 5 Chapter 41 Aftermath
Part 6 Chapter 1
Part 6 Chapter 2
Part 6 Chapter 3
Part 6 Chapter 4
Part 6 Chapter 5
Part 6 Chapter 6
Part 6 Chapter 7
Part 6 Chapter 8
Part 6 Chapter 9
Part 6 Chapter 10
Part 6 Chapter 11
Part 6 Chapter 12
Part 6 Chapter 13
Part 6 Chapter 14
Part 6 Chapter 15
Part 6 Chapter 16
Part 6 Chapter 17
Part 6 Chapter 18
Part 6 Chapter 19
Part 6 Chapter 20
Part 6 Chapter 21
Part 7 Chapter 1 11 Country Conference
Part 7 Chapter 2 Arrival
Part 7 Chapter 3 1st Day Conference
Part 7 Chapter 4 Battle of Western Islands
Part 7 Chapter 5
Part 7 Chapter 6
Part 7 Chapter 7
Part 7 Chapter 8
Part 7 Chapter 9
Part 7 Chapter 10. 2nd Day Conference
Part 7 Chapter 11
Part 7 Chapter 12
Part 7 Chapter 13 : 4th Day 11 Country Conference
Part 7 Chapter 14
Part 7 Chapter 15
Part 7 Chapter 16 5th days of 11 Country Conference
Part 7 Chapter 17
Part 7 Chapter 18
Part 8 Chapter 1 Elysia World War
Part 8 Chapter 2
Part 8 Chapter 3
Part 8 Chapter 4
Part 8 Chapter 5
Part 8 Chapter 7
Part 8 Chapter 8
Part 8 Chapter 9
Part 8 Chapter 10
Part 8 Chapter 11
Part 8 Chapter 12
Part 8 Chapter 13
Part 8 Chapter 14
Part 8 Chapter 15
Part 8 Chapter 16
Part 8 Chapter 17
Part 8 Chapter 18
Part 8 Chapter 19
Part 8 Chapter 20
Part 8 Chapter 21
Part 8 Chapter 22
Part 8 Chapter 23
Part 8 Chapter 24
Part 8 Chapter 25
Part 8 Chapter 26
Part 8 Chapter 27
Part 8 Chapter 28
Part 8 Chapter 29 Grenda Union Ships
Part 8 Chapter 30 Battle of Star System K17T
Part 8 Chapter 31 Battle of Star System Y6T7
Part 8 Chapter 32 Battle of Palpadia's Research Facility
Part 8 Chapter 33 Battle of Esthirant Bay

Part 8 Chapter 6

799 32 18
By Robotechmania

Star system OM3I, 300 light years from Elysia.
The next day.

The OM3I star system is a star system without any habitable planets. Even in the Goldilock zone, there is only a dwarf planet with a diameter of 2000 km with an atmosphere that is almost non-existent, gravity is only 1/10 G, and it consists of rocks that do not contain much rare material. In addition, the planet is phase-locked against the main star, so that one side is very hot and one side is very cold.

Moments after the enemy ships arrived at the star system, a number of probe droids arrived at the oort cloud of the star system and began to enter the star system cautiously. They made passive observations so as not to alert the enemy. They found that one of the gas giants had a sizable satellite, nearly 4,000 km in diameter, which belonged to class K and had an atmosphere of mostly helium and nitrogen, so it could not support life. But enemy ships were heading towards the satellite. Therefore, two probe droids started approaching the satellite, slowly mimicking the parabolic, unpowered motion of a small astroid.

When the droids reached their closest point, using passive sensors, they observed the enemy ships in orbit and mapped the energy emissions on the satellite's surface. All tagged ships were in orbit. In orbit, there is also a rudimentary space dock used for repairs. There is also a mobile spacedock. Because they were close enough to the satellite, they could detect shielded energy emissions coming from beneath the surface of the planet, which was an enemy outpost base. Once they passed the satellite and the parabolic probe moved away from it, they began transmitting data to central command over the holonet.

The other probe droids investigated the rest of the star system, finding that there were quite a few enemy ships on patrol. They formed a task force consisting of 10 ships per task force. Only one of the ships showed life forms, the rest were unmanned. There were 21 task forces in existence. The probe droid had to be very careful to see all parts of the star system because the nature of the enemy shields that can hide energy emissions makes them difficult to detect. Of course, all findings were reported to the command centre.




5 light years from the star system OM3I

The serenity of deep space was broken by the soundless roar of multiple psudomotions that signalled the arrival of the Myto Empire's starships. There were numerous starships, ranging from battlefortres, imperial-class star destroyers, and victory-class star destroyers to attack cruisers.

The ships immediately launched all the TIE fighters they had, namely the TIE Attacker and TIE Nova. The ships also launched a number of automated fighter drones, which were then attached to the TIE fighters. Each TIE was attached to two AD-1 automated fighter drones.




Battlefortress 'Macross'
Command Bridge

Battlefortress 'Macross' is the flagship of the Myto Empire fleet that will attack the enemy. There are 3 parts to this fleet: the 9th defence fleet under the command of Admiral Arakel Yeera, the 8th defence fleet under the command of Admiral Jan Tripta, and a combined fleet consisting of a mixture of ships from the home defence fleet, ships from the Elysia defence fleet, ships from the 7th defence fleet, ships from the exploration fleet, and ships from the Moff Trevat fleet, which is also the command task force of this entire fleet under the command of Admiral Aedat Iskir.

"Admiral, all ships have now launched all hyperspace-capable fighters and some of the automatic fighter drones and are currently docking with the hyperspace-capable fighters that were launched earlier. We are sending additional drones to star system OM3I to clarify intelligence." Said the captain of the 'Macross', Captain Haiganti.

"Good, we will wait for the docking and pre-hyperjump preparation to be completed while waiting for the report from the probe droid we sent." Admiral Aedat said.

"Yes, admiral. I'm a bit worried, the number of enemy ships is much more than our ships." Captain Haiganti said.

"That's right, captain, but we have the advantage of quality and the element of surprise. In addition, the number of our fighters far exceeds the number of their ships, and our fighters all carry proton torpedoes that can damage enemy ships and can even be destroyed in one shot," said Admiral Aedat. "So don't worry."

"Admiral, all ships report ready to jump." Said the tactical officer.

"Good, we wait a moment for the report from the probe droid." Admiral Aedat said. "Make sure all ships have charged their weapons."

"For 'Macross', the main hyperlaser, superlaser, transform cannon, turbolaser, and ion cannon are all in ready-to-fire condition." said the XO.

"Good, order the weapon operators to fire when we exit the hyperdrive. Don't wait for orders." Admiral Aedat said. "Order all ships to do the same."

"Yes, admiral," said the XO.

"Don't forget to provide targeting information from the gravitic sensor systems of the ships that have them." Admiral Aedat said.

"Yes, sir," said the XO.

"Admiral, we're getting data from the probe droids we sent out!" said the tactical officer.

"Show me in the main viewer!" ordered Admiral Aedat.

Admiral Aedat studied the tactical display on the OM3I star system.

"There doesn't seem to be much deviation from our previous data," said Captain Haiganti.

"That's right, contact Admiral Arakel and Admiral Jan," said Admiral Aedat.

"Yes, admiral," said captain Haiganti.

A few moments later, the holopad beside him lit up, showing the two admirals commanding the two defence fleets in the fleet.

"Admirals, according to the latest information, there is no deviation from the enemy's movement and distribution." Admiral Aedat said.

"So, we stick to our original plan?" asked Admiral Jan.

"Yes, we hit them hard and left a few tagged ones to escape so we could find their base," said Admiral Aedat.

"Do we need to invade their base?" asked Admiral Arakel.

"Only if there is an opportunity to do so. Basically, we will be conducting Base Delta Zero on their main outpost. As planned, we know of three remote outposts that we can try to capture," said Admiral Aedat.

"Than, let's do it," said Admiral Jan.

"That's right. Man, your battlestation. I hate this, but may the force be with you." Admiral Aedat said.

With those words, the two admirals cut the connection.

"Begin countdown for hyperspace jump!" said Admiral Aedat.

One by one, parts of the fleet began to jump to hyperspace to reach their destination.


Near the 2nd planet, star system OM3I

There is currently an enemy task force patrolling near the second planet of the star system OM3I. They consist of a standard patrol force of nine unmanned ships plus one crewed ship acting as a command ship.

Suddenly behind them appeared 32 psudomotion which later became 24 TIE Attackers plus 8 TIE Nova Bombers. As soon as the TIE Fighters were in real space, they released the unmanned fighter drones attached to them and also directly targeted the enemy aircraft. It took less than 5 seconds for the targeting system to track the enemy ship with optical sensors, and all the TIE fighters and bombers fired a salvo of proton torpedoes. Each TIE Attacker launched two torpedoes, and each TIE Nova Bomber fired four torpedoes. A total of 80 torpedoes were launched at the enemy ships.

They were already within energy weapon range because they made a hyperspace jump close to the enemy ships that the earlier-arrived probe droids had identified. Ion cannon bolts plus laser cannon bolts raced towards the enemy ahead of the proton torpedoes and automated fighter drones.

Meanwhile, the enemy was still slow to react because they were surprised by the arrival of the Myto Empire's fighters. Moreover, the Myto Empire's fighters attacked from behind them. Ion and laser bolts from the entire attacking Myto Empire force were already pelting them before 7 seconds had passed. Due to the ion cannon attacks, their shields became wildly unstable. Some of the laser cannon bolts could penetrate their shields as their shields became unstable. However, the Myto fighters' lasers were only able to deal minor damage to their ships.

That changed, however, when the proton torpedoes began to hit their targets. Due to their positioning and slow reaction time, not many AA guns were able to fire before the first wave of proton torpedoes arrived. Only 10 of the 80 torpedoes that they attempted to shoot down were successful. The explosions from the 70 torpedoes caused some of the enemy ships to be destroyed due to catastrophic failures in their reactors from the blast. The rest were heavily damaged.

Before the first wave of proton torpedo explosions had ended, the second wave of proton torpedoes had arrived. The torpedoes were fired by TIE Nova Bombers. Out of 32 torpedoes, 30 managed to hit the target because the second torpedo attack was masked by the first-wave torpedo explosion. As a result, all of the enemy's unmanned ships were destroyed, and the only ship containing lifeforms was severely damaged. The ship did not survive for very long because it came under constant attack from all of the Myto Empire's forces.

After all enemy ships are destroyed, all automatic fighter drones reattach to the TIE Fighters. It took 10 minutes for the process to take place. After that, they immediately jumped back into hyperspace to another battlefield, the orbit of the gas giant satellite.

The same thing happened to the entire patrol group of enemy ships. No enemy ships survived, and there were no casualties on the Myto Empire's side. It was because of the shock effect and the calculated attack position that we were able to ambush the enemy ship at its most vulnerable point.


Gas Giant Orbit, Solar System OM3I

A large number of enemy ships orbited this satellite. They were protecting a number of ships that were severely damaged in the battle in the K17T star system. However, they did not expect the enemy to attack so soon. They were still waiting for orders on whether to attack back or return to their core system. They orbited the satellite in a relaxed state to rest their crew and make repairs to various systems. This was because they were anticipating orders to attack again in the near future, but not so soon.

The enemy was literally caught with their pants down, as an unusually large amount of psudomotion appeared around them. From the psudomotion emerged fighters from the Myto Empire. As in the attack on the patrol ships, the fighters from the Myto Empire immediately fired a salvo of proton torpedoes while releasing their automated fighter drones attached to them. The automated fighter drones also only took a few seconds before they fired one concussion missile at the enemy ships.

The number of fighters belonging to the Myto Empire is so large that the number of proton torpedoes launched is also very large. There were nearly 5,000 fighters in the battle. The two battlefortresses alone released more than 1,000 fighters each, not to mention Trevat's two venator star destroyers, which released more than 1,000 fighters. Therefore, the proton torpedoes fired were also very numerous, especially since the fighters of the Myto Empire did not just fire one salvo but two salvos. Meanwhile, the fighters of the Myto Empire also immediately opened fire on the enemy ships.

The capital ships of the Myto Empire emerged from hyperspace before the enemy had finished reacting to the presence of the Myto Empire's fighters and fired all of their weapons, including launching antiship missiles from their VLS tubes. Turbolaser bolts and ion cannon bolts rained down on enemy ships. Not to mention the superlaser that can destroy enemy ships in one shot. Especially terrifying is the hyperlaser that emits a continuous moving light, each shot capable of destroying a number of adjacent enemies until they are completely destroyed, sometimes even completely vaporized. Myto Empire's new weapon, the transform cannon that both battlefortresses have, also fires, attacking enemy ships that are farther away.

Enemies can only offer random resistance. Many enemy ships, especially the manned ones, immediately moved to escape, using unmanned ships to shield them from the fire from the Myto empire. A number of AD-1s that could reach the edge of the battlefield would attack the ships by attaching holonet tags to them.

The Myto Empire's initial attack destroyed more than a third of the 1500 enemy ships. Subsequent attacks caused even more enemy ships to be destroyed, as the ion cannon attacks caused many ships to suffer shield failure, causing them to be unable to withstand the firepower of missiles or turbolasers.

The battle lasted less than 5 minutes, with casualties on the enemy side of nearly 1,200 enemy ships destroyed. The rest tried to escape, but at that time, fighters from the Myto empire who came from attacking patrol ships arrived and surprised the fleeing ships. As a result, nearly 100 enemy ships became casualties.

In the end, only less than 200 enemy ships were able to escape. Meanwhile, the Myto Empire suffered casualties of around 200 automated fighter drones destroyed and 15 TIE fighters also destroyed. But there was almost no significant damage to the Myto Empire's ships.

While almost all the ships and fighters of the Myto Empire were fighting in the satellite's orbit, approximately 300 TIE Fighters, consisting of 240 TIE Attackers and 60 TIE Nova Bombers, and accompanied by 1000 automated fighter drones, attacked the installations on the satellite. Energy emissions that had been identified on the satellite's surface as possibly containing ground-to-space weapons were destroyed with a missile salvo of proton torpedoes, followed by strafing with laser cannons.

The surprise attack caused the installations to disintegrate without being able to put up a fight. Afterwards, all Myto Empire fighters scoured the planet's surface, looking for hidden bases on or near the surface. They, of course, could not attack the hardened installations that were deep below the surface.

By the time the battle in orbit had died down, so had the Myto Empire's fighter attacks on the surface. They immediately went into orbit to rendezvous with their mother ships. Soon, a number of ships consisting of star destroyers and battlestars descended into low orbit and carried out orbital bombardment of the entire planet's surface. They conducted base-delta zero operations.

The star destroyers and battlestars fired to the satellite/moon using only turbolasers. This was used to save costs, as it required no ammunition except for a small amount of tibanna gas. Turbolaser fire rained down on the satellite/moon, and intentionally, almost half of the focus of the turbolaser fire was the continental fault of the satellite.

The orbital bombardment caused the continental faults on the satellite to become active. The volcanoes on the satellite become active and spew magma. In addition, the orbital bombardment made many holes in the surface that penetrated the mantle layer of the satellite, allowing magma to escape from the belly of the satellite. An hour after they finished Base Delta Zero, the entire satellite was covered in molten lava coming out of the satellite's mantle.

While they were conducting Base Delta Zero, a number of Myto Empire ships made short hyperspace jumps to a number of enemy remote outposts for an invasion. All of these remote outposts were on astroids, and each outpost was attacked by 1 battlestar, 2 Concordat destroyers, 4 attack cruisers, and their attendant fighters. They had already launched their boarding craft before the jump.




Remote Outpost Target C

This enemy remote outpost is located on an astroid approximately 50 km in size. From the energy emissions detected by the probe droid, it appears that this outpost is protected by shields and has ground-to-space weaponry.

When the ships of the Myto Empire arrived at their target, all capital ships and fighters of the Myto Empire immediately fired ion cannons at the remote outpost. The massive ion cannon bolts that rained down on the outpost caused its shields to fail, and the entire outpost went dark due to the failure of the outpost's power generation system.

Boarding shuttles filled with dark troopers immediately headed to various places from the outpost. Each boarding shuttle contained 20 dark troopers, and there were 25 boarding shuttles. The boarding shuttles were completely unmanned, piloted by droids. When the boarding shuttles arrived, they immediately cut through part of the outpost wall.

When the outpost wall was cut, they immediately threw flashbang grenades to blind the defenders. After that, the dark troopers immediately entered. The residents of the outpost attacked them with sharpened iron bars. This was because the ion cannon caused their energy-based weapons to become inoperable. But they certainly couldn't hurt the dark trooper with just iron rods alone, and also because their condition was totally dark, they couldn't attack properly. Dark Troopers equipped with infrared sensors quickly used their stun weapons to immobilise the defender of the outpost.

Not all braching points had defenders welcoming the dark troopers from the Myto Empire. More of them were able to enter directly without any resistance. It seemed that the number of occupants of this outpost was only around 100. They were easily taken down and immediately transported to several boarding shuttles, which then returned to their mothership after the perforated walls were welded back together by the droids, who were the crew of the shuttle. Of course, a number of dark troopers also returned to escort the prisoners.

It took only 10 minutes for the dark troopers to secure the relatively small outpost. There was only about 15,000 square metres of space to comb and secure. A number of astromech droids immediately went to work to activate the outpost's energy source while removing its computer systems. They were worried that if the computer was activated, there would be unwanted security protocols.

Within an hour, they managed to copy all the contents from the main computer's memory and backup computer. They even brought each individual's portable computer to their mothership.

The biggest surprise came when the people on the battlestar saw the prisoners brought by the boarding shuttle. They were humanoids! Even their stature was very similar to that of humans. The difference was that they had wings on their backs, but they seemed to have evolved so that they could not be used for flying due to their small size compared to the creatures' bodies. Perhaps it could only allow them to jump very far.

The creatures were immediately taken to sickbay with a heavy escort of dark troopers and stormtroopers. It seemed that they were so vulnerable to the stun weapons used by the dark troopers that almost 10 of them were already dead, while the others were still very difficult to wake up. Until the entire fleet returned to Elysia, not a single creature could be revived, but they were not in a life-threatening state.

Before the ships of the Myto Empire left, they destroyed the outpost with turbolaser fire.


Mu Empire, Otenheit.
La Mu's private office.

The leader of the Mu Empire, La Mu, was resting while drinking tea when a staff member entered his office.

"What's wrong?" asked La Mu.

"Sire, I received news directly from the Myto Empire embassy regarding the position of our ships in both of our operations." the staff said as he handed over an envelope containing documents and satellite photos.

La Mu then accepted, opened the envelope, and looked at the contents.

"It seems that our ships have successfully reached the operating point where they will conduct their respective operations." La Mu said.

"Then tomorrow morning we will conduct both operations?" said the staff.

"That's right, relay this information to the military command office." La Mu said as he went back to put the contents of the envelope back in the envelope. "Leave a copy on my desk."

"Yes, your honour," said the staff, who immediately left La Mu's office to carry out the order from La Mu.

La Mu walked to the window of his office and stared out the window while silently praying for the safety of his country.

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