Infrastructure Craze (BL) (Fu...

By JustMeowMeow18

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Offline Reading Purposes Only (Full English Translation) Title: 基建狂潮 Author: 肥皂有點滑 Status: 159 Chapters (Comp... More

159 (Completed)


35 2 0
By JustMeowMeow18

Chapter 125: I Really Want to Beat Him to Death

After Yin Huo shouted "wait," he also felt a bit anxious. What reason could he have to enter the school? Did he really have to make up something tragic? This was just too much. He was a dignified Red Great Kirin's son. Moreover, that woman from the dried tree Tribe had already used this method. If he used it again, no one would believe him.

The current appearance of Su Nu was probably unrecognizable even to her own mother. So Su Nu didn't need any other disguise, and no one could recognize her.

Little Mushroom, Ant, and Feng Wen were sitting leisurely on the city wall. Little Mushroom was swinging his legs in the air, holding a piece of dried tofu in his hand. While eating, he looked at Yin Huo and said, "Tell us your story."

Yin Huo's mouth twitched a bit. His mind was racing. "I exchanged my qualification to enter the school with a piece of information. My Celestial Fox Tribe is close to the Red Great City, so I am most familiar with the information about the Red Great City. I believe Prince Yu, the Young Lord, would be very interested in this piece of information."

Zhuang Yu said interestingly, "How do I know if your information is true or false?"

To be honest, the information that spies could gather was very limited. For example, it was very difficult for the spies of the Red Great City to enter the Crimson Land City. Even if they did, it was very difficult to get information about important matters. Similarly, the spies of the Crimson Land City would find it challenging to enter the Red Great City.

The Celestial Fox Tribe, which was close to the Red Great City, did have natural advantages.

Yin Huo said, "Whether the information is true or not, there will eventually be a day when the truth comes out. If the information is false, I'll leave it to Prince Yu to deal with it."

Next to him, Su Nu was dumbfounded. Did Yin Huo sell out his City just to enter the school? She couldn't even bring herself to say the last word.

Zhuang Yu became interested. How could the other party be so confident that a piece of information would get him into the school?

Zhuang Yu smiled, "Tell me your information. If I'm satisfied with your information, the school can admit one more special student."

Yin Huo raised his head, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. His information would definitely convince Prince Yu of the Red Great City to let him enter the school, because this was a unique piece of information that only people of his status in the Red Great City would know. Yin Huo said, "It is said that the armies of the White Great City and the Dark Great City are currently facing off. In a few days, regardless of whether they will fight, the Red Great City is already planning to ambush them."

Yin Huo's tone was casual, but it made Zhuang Yu's eyes narrow. Did the Red Great City want to take advantage of the situation like a mantis stalking the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind?

The whole scene suddenly fell silent. No one had expected such a big piece of news. If the Red Great City really ambushed the White Great City and the Dark Great City, the real turmoil would begin.

Zhuang Yu furrowed his brows and asked, "When will the Red Great City take action specifically?"

Yin Huo replied, "That's not clear. How about it? Is this information enough to exchange for my qualification to enter the school? As for whether the information is true or not, we'll just have to wait and see."

He could reveal such important information because he had no worries. Even if the Crimson Great City sent the fastest message to the White Great City and the Dark Great City, it would be too late. The event would have already happened before the message arrived. Therefore, him revealing this information now would not affect the outcome.

The scene was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. They were living comfortably in the Crimson Great City, but outside, it seemed like a firestorm was brewing.

After Zhuang Yu left, he immediately found Shao Hao and recounted the information he had received. "I will send messages to the White Great City and the Dark Great City as quickly as possible. We need to be prepared regardless of whether the information is true or false."

But he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease in his heart. The Red Great City actually wanted to disrupt the hard-won balance.

Shao Hao nodded. "I don't have a flying beast, so it'll be faster for me to send messages through your Crimson Great City."

Even Shao Hao had a shadow of worry on his face.

Zhuang Yu comforted Shao Hao, "Whether the information is true or false, we can't be sure yet. There's no need to worry too much."

Shao Hao nodded. "This battle is inevitable, it's just a matter of time."

Zhuang Yu thought to himself, as long as he was mentally prepared, it would be fine. He talked with Shao Hao for a while about taking the students to visit the White Great City, believing that Shao Hao probably wanted to go back to the White Great City to take a look as well. After leaving Shao Hao, Zhuang Yu immediately found his Tribesmen and said, "Send scouts to investigate a young lord named Shao Yin from the Celestial Fox Tribe."

After finishing, he added, "Not those legends about him, but have someone try to contact people from the Celestial Fox Tribe and inquire about Shao Yin's height, personality, etc."

Zhuang Yu never believed that such important information could be easily obtained by a young lord of the Celestial Fox Tribe.

After giving the instructions, Zhuang Yu thought to himself that he needed to speed up the smelting of weapons. If the balance of the land was really disrupted, the Crimson Great City would definitely be involved.

He gathered the leaders of various Tribes and explained the seriousness of the situation, urging the scouts to return with more frequent reports and sending another Tribe to help with the mining of iron ore. In times of trouble, the defense of the Crimson Great City also needed to be strengthened...

The group of leaders were also burdened with worries. Who on earth wouldn't hope for war to break out on the land now? Definitely not them from the Crimson Great City. Because with the current development speed of the Crimson Great City, as long as they were given time, they would definitely become stronger and stronger. But not everything could go as they wished.

After the mobilization meeting, Zhuang Yu returned to the school. A group of auditors was being led by students to visit the school.

Little Mushroom was pointing at the auditors and babbling, deducting points for not washing their hair, not wearing school uniforms, and having dirty feet.

The expressions of the auditors now seemed dumbfounded. When they entered the Crimson Great City, the first thing they saw was those small towns.

They originally thought that the outside of the Crimson Great City was already beautiful enough, unbelievably beautiful, but they didn't expect the inside of the Crimson Great City to be such an incredible sight.

It was something they had never seen before, something they had never dared to imagine.

Such living conditions, such beautiful buildings, weren't they the abodes of the gods?

Even Yin Huo, with his eyebrows furrowed in surprise, thought that this place was better than their Red Great City. But their Red Great City was recognized as the first city, the city of civilization. However, their buildings were mostly made of stone, which was different from these rows of small red brick buildings.

And look at the clean and tidy ground that made people shiver, and the flowers and plants planted in the city according to a strange rule...

It was too beautiful, too unimaginable, as if this place didn't belong to this world.

Everyone's faces were filled with dreamy expressions, more exaggerated than villagers entering the city because this was something they couldn't even imagine.

Even Yin Huo was walking forward step by step in shock.

This was a collision of completely different civilizations, and that kind of shock was beyond words for anyone.

Let alone them, even those who lived in the Crimson Great City and faced these every day sometimes felt that it wasn't real enough.

Yin Huo walked with a deeper furrow in his brow. Such a Crimson Great City would only make him feel fearful.

Indeed, it was fear. If things continued like this, the Crimson Great City would eventually replace the Red Great City as the first city. No, in some aspects, the current Crimson Great City had already surpassed the Red Great City.

Looking at the meat hanging under the eaves, looking at the satisfied smiles on the faces of the people of the Crimson Great City, the Crimson Great City was definitely not the backward and hungry city rumored about...

With what mindset could the Red Great City still consider itself superior? Yin Huo felt that the current Red Great City probably only had the advantage in weapons and military force. Was this their only advantage?

It was unimaginable. If he hadn't come in, how long would the Red Great City still be proud and ignorant?

Yin Huo felt a bit sad and a bit fortunate in his heart. At least now he saw the true face of the Crimson Great City, and it wasn't too late.

When he entered the school and saw the silver flowers floating down onto the white jade floor, and saw the white jade-made little ladders, he was completely stunned.

Not only him, but all the auditors were stunned.

Is this... the school?

It was even more incredible than they had imagined. This was the ideal sacred place in everyone's mind.

Standing at the entrance of the school, looking at the huge stone engraved with "Crimson Great City Comprehensive School," a sense of holiness enveloped them.

Who dared to say that this wasn't a sacred place? They would be impatient with whoever said that.

Following the students towards the school, as they entered the teaching building, they all felt a bit embarrassed, looking at the students' tender feet stepping on the white jade-like floor without a speck of dust, compared to their muddy feet...

They were all feet, but the gap was so huge, as if they were people from two different worlds, one was a savage, and the other was a civilized person. At this moment, they clearly recognized this difference as they had never before.

But it didn't matter. They were about to become students of this school as well, as auditors, they were also students.

Little Mushroom pointed at the footprints left on the floor and was also stunned. They were so unclean, how many points should be deducted?

As the auditors who left footprints felt their faces flush with embarrassment, they realized that they had always been like this before and never thought there was anything wrong with it. But now, this habitual behavior clearly distinguished them from others.

Looking at their dirty animal skin skirts and the mud on their bodies...

It was like a magnificent palace suddenly being visited by a beggar, how conspicuous they appeared.

The students saw Little Mushroom stomping in anger and explained, "You haven't officially started classes yet. When classes officially start, there will be counselors checking hygiene every day. If your clothes, body, even hair, and fingernails are not clean, points will be deducted."

Then, pointing to a row of water stations outside the teaching building, they continued, "There are free soap and shampoo available there, but the quantity is limited, so you have to be quick to get some."

Zhuang Yu didn't actually have any cleanliness obsession, but the school belonged to everyone, and maintaining personal hygiene and environmental cleanliness was a matter of respect for everyone and the most basic thing to do. A civilized person couldn't dress like a beggar or savage. If anyone minded, they could try spending time with savages.

These auditors were also taken by their fellow Tribesmen to visit their dormitory. Seeing the neat and tidy living space, the auditors almost drooled. They had never lived in such a beautiful place in their entire lives. Unfortunately, the auditors weren't provided with dormitories, so they couldn't help but envy.

Looking at these nests, still two-story buildings, with people sleeping upstairs and neatly arranged textbooks downstairs, they really liked them.

When Zhuang Yu arrived, the group of auditors had almost finished their visit.

He called them to the school playground and found it quite strange to see the sudden appearance of groups of dirty teenagers carrying bundles in the school.

After thinking for a moment, he said, "Do you all understand the rules of the school?"

The teenagers looked teary-eyed. Their animal skin skirts were so dirty that when classes officially started, their points would all be deducted.

They already understood the importance of points. In school, points were the most important; everything from food, clothing, and daily necessities depended on points.

Their points as auditors were already halved, so it would be heartbreaking if they were deducted completely.

Zhuang Yu also thought about this issue and said, "The school can provide you with school uniforms in advance, and you can owe points first."

In other words, even before classes officially started, their points were already negative.

Zhuang Yu continued, "The rules of the school will be applied to everyone equally, so don't hold any illusions."

After a long speech, he encouraged them a bit more and urged them to study seriously in school in the future.

Then he let them go and get their school uniforms, which were just Bermuda shorts. Of course, female students also had tops with their Bermuda shorts. They couldn't let them dress like they did in their own Tribes, using a piece of cloth to cover themselves, looking bare-chested and barefoot.

Although there were many rules in the school, when the auditors received their school uniforms, they were all happy. Weren't these the good-looking pants that the students wore? Now they had them too, and they could immediately become like these students.

But having pants wasn't enough; they didn't have dormitories, so they couldn't take showers like the students did in their dorms.

However, the students had a solution for them and took them directly to the river to bathe.

With such a large bathing basin, it was enough for them to wash up, although there was no shampoo, so their hair remained messy, but it was much better than before.

Zhuang Yu didn't bother with them and let them take care of themselves slowly.

He was still thinking about that piece of news. Logically speaking, such a big matter should be confirmed by him going out, but he was still waiting for the arrival of the Faceless Tribe's people. He had to rely on the scouts to bring back the news first.

However, this matter involved Shao Hao's White Great City, and Shao Hao would definitely want to return to the White Great City. After dealing with the Faceless Tribe's affairs, he would also need to accompany Shao Hao on a trip, which conveniently allowed them to take the students to exchange at the White Great City.

When he returned home, Shao Hao was already packing up. Zhuang Yu said, "You go back first, or wait for me to go together. I estimate it will take a few more days for me to leave."

Shao Hao thought for a moment. The situation had exceeded his imagination. He originally thought it was just about the White Great City and the Dark Great City, but he didn't expect the Red Great City to also be involved. "I must go back and take a look first."

Zhuang Yu nodded, understanding Shao Hao's urgency, "Then when the time comes, I'll bring the students directly to the White Great City to find you."


The next day, Zhuang Yu taught his class while waiting for the arrival of the Faceless Tribe.

Seeing the classroom packed to the brim with people, he felt a bit uncomfortable.

The people were standing behind the classroom and sitting in the aisles, accommodating these auditors.

In front of the first row of small desks, Little Mushroom was still pouting. These people's hair stood out like straw, not pleasing to look at, and it wouldn't allow them to avoid getting points deducted.

Actually, these auditors had already tried their best. Just now, they even went to the water station outside the teaching building to grab shampoo and soap for washing their heads and hands. Even other students felt embarrassed to compete with them because they had points to exchange for shampoo and soap, while these people didn't.

Zhuang Yu couldn't help but twitch his mouth at the sight of these "emo" students.

However, it was impossible to give them shampoo and soap for free. These things were made painstakingly by the people of Crimson City and couldn't be given away for nothing.

Zhuang Yu said, "After school, go get your tasks and exchange your necessities as soon as possible."

In fact, as long as they seriously completed tasks to earn points, it wasn't difficult to exchange for these items.

After Zhuang Yu finished speaking, he began the class. "Today, let's check your homework. Frost Tong, stand up and recite the text 'Young Soil.'"

Frost Tong elegantly stood up, then shook his head and recited in a special tone, incredibly graceful, making all the auditors dazzled.

Not to mention Yin Huo, even Su Nu were initially disdainful, but then they seemed a bit dazed.

The sight of the charming and flawless Frost Tong would probably forever imprint a boy named Frost Tong in the hearts of these auditors.

Appreciation for beauty knows no gender, and even transcends the boundaries of friend and foe.

Looking at Frost Tong, Princess Su Nu then look at herself, she suddenly felt that her identity as an imperial princess didn't seem to have any advantage. With such temperament and appearance, it was no wonder Yin Huo would fall for someone else. If she had met Frost Tong first, she would probably... Thinking of this, her face couldn't help but flush.

It was the first time the Princess Su Nu's gaze shifted from Yin Huo to other men. She had always thought that her Yin Huo was the most perfect in the world...

If Zhuang Yu knew her thoughts, he would definitely say, "This guy must have never seen any men, especially cultured and educated ones, otherwise he wouldn't be so desperate for a man who doesn't love her."

On the other hand, other students wore expressions of deep bitterness. Here goes Frost Tong again, wouldn't he die if he didn't show off?

After finishing reciting "Young Soil," the elegant demeanor of the reader conquered everyone. Although other students inwardly criticized Frost Tong as a show-off, they couldn't help but admit that he was good-looking.

Frost Tong flicked his white hair and said, "Teacher, I'm done."

Yin Huo's heart thumped wildly at the sight of him flicking his hair. Flicking hair looked really good.

Princess Su Nu's throat twitched slightly. Fox... Fox Spirit. How could she compete with him when she looked so ugly now? It was a sorrow she had never experienced before. She had always thought that her identity as an imperial princess was most compatible with Yin Huo, but now she couldn't deny that Frost Tong was a better match.

Zhuang Yu gestured for Frost Tong to sit down. At this moment, Ant raised his little hand high. "Teacher, Ant can also recite 'Young Soil'."

He believed he could recite it as beautifully as Frost Tong.

Zhuang Yu smiled. This little guy was showing off now. He said, "Ant and Feng Wen, recite it together."

Ant and Feng Wen both smiled with their eyes narrowed into lines and began to recite in a poised manner, their little heads swaying rhythmically, just like two finely carved scholars.

Watching them recite, the auditors couldn't help but feel envious. The key was their temperament, so enviable. They wished they could recite books with such a swaying rhythm someday.

After they finished reciting, their eyebrows curved into crescents.

Zhuang Yu looked at the two little show-offs, let them sit down, and said, "Checking three people, and they all recited successfully. Not bad."

"Today, I will teach you a new text, 'Viewing the Sky from the Bottom of the Well.' There are many new words in this text that you need to learn, but more importantly, we need to learn to view problems and understand things from this text. We need to stand tall and see comprehensively..."

Zhuang Yu began his serious lecture, inserting some personal views here and there, slowly influencing these students.

Even Yin Huo and Princess Su Nu were stunned. Even the Chiefs of various forces might not have thought things through so thoroughly. It takes someone with great wisdom to contemplate these questions. Right, Crimson's Young Prince is also the Great Mage of White Great City. Not just anyone can handle that.

Princess Su Nu couldn't help but divert her gaze from Yin Huo to Zhuang Yu and asked in a hoarse voice, "Why are we developing so slowly?"

As soon as the words came out, Zhuang Yu smiled without saying a word.

Princess Su Nu: "..."

That's right, she was just an auditor, she could only listen and not ask questions. But she was itching to know the reason. In any case, she was also the imperial princess of Cyan City, so she was particularly concerned about such questions.

Like her, Yin Huo was also left hanging. Although their Red Great City was called the first city, it took endless years to develop to this point. Even after so many years, the gap between their Red Great City and the Three Greats City period wasn't that big.

Zhuang Yu said, "Su from the Withered Tree Tribe, as an auditor, your unauthorized interruption of the class violates school regulations. Deduct two points."

Princess Su Nu: "..."

Already in negative points, now even more. She was still a special admission student and had to be in the top three of auditors to avoid being expelled. What should she do? She'd better work hard to complete missions after school...

Zhuang Yu continued, "However, I can talk about this question."

"What do you think of Crimson City now?"

The students thought, they had seen Crimson City firsthand, especially the students from Crimson City. They had experienced the poorest times of Crimson City, so the changes should touch them the most deeply. Even if they hadn't been to other places much, they knew that the development speed of Crimson City far exceeded others'.

Zhuang Yu continued, "Perhaps you think you're only here at school to learn characters, but let me tell you, the school teaches you not just characters, but knowledge. And knowledge is the primary productive force, the only way to change your backward Tribes..."

The students were stunned. The school didn't just teach them characters?

A formal student raised his hand, "Teacher, if we learn the knowledge you mentioned, can it make our Tribe like Crimson City?"

They now envied Crimson City the most, feeling a desire to never leave here. Especially compared to their dilapidated Tribes, it was like heaven and land.

But after all, fallen leaves return to their roots, and the Tribe was their root. They also wanted their Tribes to be a little better, even if the living conditions were slightly improved. Who wouldn't want to live in a beautiful place like Crimson City instead of their Tribe's wretched pit? They weren't idiots, just unable to do anything about it.

Zhuang Yu answered, "Of course, as I said earlier, knowledge is the root of changing everything. As long as you seriously learn knowledge at school, when you go back, you will surely lead your Tribe to become better. As long as you learn enough knowledge, it's not impossible to develop your Tribe into something like Crimson City."

He wasn't lying. Even the current students probably had seen and experienced things they had never thought of or experienced before. Broadening their horizons alone would benefit them greatly, far surpassing their peers.


As Zhuang Yu's voice fell, there was a collective gasp.

Developing their own Tribe into something like Crimson City was something they couldn't even imagine.

Yin Huo and Princess Su Nu were both shocked. It was unimaginable. If other Tribes also became like Crimson City, what an incredible scene it would be.

Zhuang Yu lifted his head, "Students, study hard. You will bring about an unprecedented golden age to this world."

An unprecedented golden age? Brought about by these students?

There was a gleam of yearning in their eyes, unstoppable like a seed beginning to sprout.

Although they felt it was incredible, they couldn't help but think so. What if it were true?

Yin Huo and Princess Su Nu's eyes sparkled, but then they quickly shook their heads. Even if there were a golden age, it would be brought about by their Red Great City and Cyan City.

But could their Red Great City and Cyan City really do it? Even they probably didn't have much confidence. Otherwise, after countless months, they would still be repeating their past lives.

Compared to Zhuang Yu's confidence, their hearts were filled with various struggles and contradictions.

Their eyes turned to Zhuang Yu. His words just now were so shocking, and no one understood it better than them.

Zhuang Yu smiled. He was experienced in painting grand visions and igniting passion. If he focused on this, he could probably develop a cult.

Zhuang Yu stopped the topic and continued, "Now let's continue discussing the text 'Viewing the Sky from the Bottom of the Well.'"

The students:...

Don't stop, continue! They were so engrossed that they couldn't help themselves. They were thinking about how to lead their Tribes to develop into unique ones...

Unfortunately, Zhuang Yu was already earnestly teaching the text. With knowledge as vast as the sea, it was impossible to learn it all in a short time, especially for a group of folks who didn't even recognize all the characters.

It was the first time the auditors had heard Zhuang Yu teach a class, and they were as exhilarated as if they had taken a shot of chicken blood. What did doubling the tuition and halving the points matter? They wouldn't leave the school even if they were beaten to death.

The class was taught with such vigor and enthusiasm, unmatched by anyone.

But time passed quickly, and it was time to leave school.

Zhuang Yu glanced around. "Remember to take notes after school."

The auditors looked, and all the formal students had notebooks, recording something.

They seemed to have only a pencil, without even a notebook. Even the pencil was given to them during exams. The disparity was huge.

They looked at each other. Some were shocked by the class, some were saddened. They had remembered a few characters from earlier, but would quickly forget. What to do?

Formal students had textbooks and took notes. They could review whenever they wanted. But they couldn't. They would forget soon.

It seemed they needed to find a way to earn points. No matter what, they needed to acquire the basic things for learning, and also exchange for soap and shampoo.

They had heard that the mushroom sitting in the front liked to report on others, bringing the teaching assistants to deduct their points.

Yin Huo and Princess Su Nu frowned too. Their intentions for entering the school were impure, but for some reason, they felt a desire to stay and see what the so-called knowledge taught at this school was.

But first, they needed enough points. And as special admission students, they needed to rank in the top three among the auditors in the monthly exams.

They began to run off to do missions to earn points.

Princess Su Nu certainly followed Yin Huo, intentionally or unintentionally. When she saw Yin Huo proudly carrying a string of cow dung cakes on a stick, she felt numb all over.

No matter what, she would never pick up cow dung cakes. She swore.

Weren't there still missions to harvest honey? She would go harvest honey.

When she returned to the city, she saw a group of kids with buckets running fast, already occupying the beehives that could be harvested for honey. They even held weapons, ready to fight anyone who tried to snatch from them.

Princess Su Nu went to check other missions, but the competition was fierce. Then she silently returned to the grassy lawn outside the city. Everyone had to rely on their own skills to pick cow dung cakes, but even then, there were many people doing it, so she had to search slowly.

But those students from Crimson City were sneering. They knew where their cows often grazed, giving them an advantage.

Princess Su Nu finally found a cow dung cake, and the feeling of excitement was indescribable.

But soon her face darkened because a branch was stuck in front of her cow dung cake.

She looked up and saw Yin Huo smirking. "It's not yours until you pick it up."

Then he swaggered away.

Princess Su Nu:...

She clenched her fists. What to do, she really wanted to beat him up.

Right, both of them were special admission students and had to rank in the top three among the auditors to stay at the school. So, were they in competition now?

For some reason, Princess Su Nu suddenly felt a subtle change in her heart.

She took a deep breath. She would definitely feel aggrieved if someone snatched her things, but if it was Yin Huo, she would let him have it. It didn't matter; she was willing.

Princess Su Nu continued to search for cow dung cakes. She was lucky and hadn't gone far when she found another one.

But a branch crossed in front of it again.

This time, Yin Huo didn't say anything, just shrugged and left arrogantly. He looked like a rogue no matter how you looked at it.

Princess Su Nu hurriedly shook her head. No, her Yin Huo was perfect; he wasn't a rogue.

But damn, just now she really wanted to beat him up.

Fortunately, Yin Huo didn't appear in front of her again.

Yin Huo went alone to a remote place, looked around, made sure no one was there, then took out a piece of cloth with strange symbols on it-probably the script of Red Great City-and tied it to a bird before letting it fly.

What he saw must be reported back to Red Great City. Red Great City couldn't continue to hold biased views against Crimson City like before. In his opinion... If they didn't restrain Crimson City, they would become the greatest enemy of Red Great City in the future. Action must be taken.

After the bird flew away, Yin Huo left with a smile. It was easier to infiltrate Crimson City than he had imagined.

However, the bird didn't fly far before falling from the sky.

A person wrapped like a mummy picked up the bird. "The Young Lord was right; this little Shao Yin from the Sky Fox Tribe indeed has problems."

Then a cold smile played on their lips. In a desert thousands of miles away, a small bird appeared. Did they really think no one would notice? It was easy to infiltrate their Crimson City, but it wasn't easy to transmit even a bit of information. Indeed, keeping the bad guys close was the best way to monitor them.

This person, completely wrapped like a mummy, was indeed the divine monitor, Fei Lian, appointed to monitor Yin Huo.

Fei Lian handed the cloth to Zhuang Yu, but unfortunately, no one recognized the script of Red Great City.

Fei Lian asked, "Should we arrest him?"

Zhuang Yu shook his head. "This might be a big catch. Keeping him around might have unexpected effects."

To know such secretive information like the ambush of White Great City and Dark Great City by Red Great City, his identity probably wasn't simple.

But it also indicated that the information was likely true, and even if the information was leaked, it wouldn't matter.

Zhuang Yu sighed. It seemed that real chaos was coming, and he didn't know what situation Little Hao would face when he returned.

In the following days, Zhuang Yu continued his classes as usual, giving special attention to these auditors, letting the students tutor them.

Then, in just two days, representatives of the Faceless Tribe finally arrived.

Regardless of the situation on the mainland, Zhuang Yu still had to follow his plan. First, he had to gather the peripheral Tribes and make them strong as soon as possible.

This time, the representatives of the Faceless Tribe didn't come as traders but as representatives of their Tribe.

So Zhuang Yu directly arranged for the representatives of the Faceless Tribe to enter the city and arranged for them to stay in the town.

Zhuang Yu didn't meet the representatives of the Faceless Tribe directly. First, he wanted them to see how good Crimson City was.

He wanted to see what the representatives of the Faceless Tribe could do to resist the same reform after seeing what Crimson City looked like.

After he persuaded them a bit, they would gratefully throw themselves into the arms of Crimson City.

To be honest, from the moment the representatives of the Faceless Tribe entered the city, they were so shocked that they forgot why they had come.

It was an impact, an unimaginable impact, especially for the representatives who were knowledgeable and experienced. But even their wide knowledge couldn't express the shock they were experiencing now.

When they were taken to their accommodation, even before the people of Crimson City left, they were already crawling on the ground feeling the tiles.

They had also heard some things about Crimson City from Yan Qi, but after all, it was hearsay. Even though they had some imagination in their minds, the reality of Crimson City far exceeded what they could imagine.

The representatives of the Faceless Tribe stayed for two days, experiencing an incredible life. It was only after they reluctantly regained their senses from the shock that they felt some shame. They had actually forgotten the purpose of their visit and quickly contacted Yan Qi to inform Zhuang Yu.

Zhuang Yu saw that they had spent the past two days wandering around Crimson City in a daze, and without further ado, he went to meet them.

However, when they met, Zhuang Yu said a sentence that made the representatives of the Faceless Tribe dumbfounded on the spot.

"Do you, the Faceless Tribe, want to reform? I can make your Tribe just like my Crimson City."

Like... like Crimson City?

Just the thought of it made their hearts tremble. Could their dilapidated and backward Tribe also become like this?

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A team of astronauts crash land on a primitive alien planet, millions of lightyears from earth. Hunted by savage megafauna and native tribes, they mu...