The Violet Witch | The Vampi...

By Your_Next_Door_Idiot

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No one knows what happens when you die. It's a mystery that has always been. So when my time came, I accepted... More

Luna Blacksmith
Summer before the beginning 
Act 1 - The Beginning
1.1 The Beginning
1.2 Night of the Comet
1.3 Friday night bites
1.4 Family Ties
1.5 You're undead to me
1.6 Lost Girls
1.7 Haunted
Haunted, Part 2
1.8 162 Candles
1.9 History Repeating
1.10 Turning point
1.11 Bloodlines
1.12 unpleasantville
1.13 Children of the Damned
1.14 Making moves
1.15 A Few Good Men
1.16 Little Mischief
1.16 part 2: Answers
1.17 A day in
1.18 Uncle John
1.19 Miss Mystic Falls
1.20 Isobel
1.21 Founder's Day
Act 2 - Now the fun begins
2.1 The Return
2.2 Brave new world
2.3 Bad Moon Rising
2.3 Part 2: A long Overdue Reunion
2.4 Bringing forth someone lost
2.5 A date
2.6 Revealing the long hidden Truth
What happened while Luna and Damon were gone !!! Important !!!
2.7 Masquerade
2.8 Making New Allies
Quick important question
2.9 Discovery and Slater
2.10 The Full Truth
2.10 Part 2: The Sacrifice
!!!Twin Flame Voting!!!
2.11 Part 2
2.12 Meeting the Best Friend
2.13 The Message
2.14 The Dinner Party
2.15 The Making of a new Hybrid
2.16 The Last Dance
2.16 Part 2
Soulmate List !!!Spoiler Warning!!!
2.17 Preparations
2.18 The Sacrafice
Act 3 - A new Story Unfolds
3.1 The First Werewolves Collected
3.2 Chicago
3.3 Mason and Hayley
3.4 Returning Home
3.5 Soulmates and Outfits
3.6 Soulmates and Ester

2.11 By the Light of the Full Moon

2.2K 98 30
By Your_Next_Door_Idiot

It was the day after and I was currently with Bonnie and Caroline in Elenas's bedroom. Yesterday while we were at Slaters, Stefan, Bonnie, and Jeremy had gone to the tomb. Jeremy had joined them after helping Tyler.

Essentially everything happened just like in the show with those idiots. Although Bonnie was more than powerful enough to deal with Katherine, Jeremy didn't believe it and stole some powder she had made to neutralize her.

Bonnie was not happy at all because of what Jeremy did. She took it as a big insult that Jeremy didn't think she was strong enough. I'm pretty sure Bonnie barely tolerates the Gilbert boy at this point.

In the process of doing that, he went to the tomb unnoticed and tried getting the moonstone. Long story short, Stefan is in the tomb with Katherine and they have gotten the "Moonstone" out. Unfortunately for them, it's a fake and I have the real one.

"Now that you have gotten in back, what are you going to do with it?" Elena asked us as she held the fake moonstone in her hand.

"I don't know. The plan was to see if there was a way to remove the curse from the stone, but Luna says it's impossible." Bonnie explained to her.

"Is there really no way?" Caroline asked me worriedly.

"Unfortunately no. The curse is bound to not only the stone but the full moon as well. It draws power from it. With every full moon, the spell grows stronger. If I had the stone within a couple of centuries of when the curse was bound to it, then I would be able to. But it has existed for far too long." I explained to them.

"So that's it? There is nothing we can do?" Bonnie asked me worriedly. She didn't want her friend in danger.

"There is nothing to be worried about." Elena started. "Luna said she has a plan, and so far it seems to be working. I have faith in her. I believe she will save me." She said not so worried.

"What about Stefan? When are we gonna get him out of the tomb?" Caroline directed her question at me and Bonnie since we were the only ones with the power to do so.

"Stefan, huh? I didn't know you two were friends." Bonnie commented, teasing her a little.

"It's nothing. We have just been spending some time together as friends." Caroline quickly stated. "Can we go back to what we're going to do?" She said trying to change the subject.

"This is what we are gonna do." I started. "I'll do it later on my own. Bonnie will stay here with Elena in case Elijah comes around. Caroline, you will come with me and we will free Stefan. Jeremy will be busy with Tyler and helping him with his werewolf business." I stated.

The reason why I want to bring Caroline with me is to bring her and Stefan closer. Even though there was barely any Stefan x Caroline on the show, I always liked them. Plus Caroline is a vampire, a very powerful one. She will be good for him. She will make him more free. Stefan just needs to get Elena out of his head especially since they aren't even together.

"Wait. What do you mean by in case Elijah comes by?" Elena asked me, worry finally seeping into her.

"Knowing Elijah, he would want to come and check up on you since he needs you for his brother. But unlike his brother, he wouldn't just come barging in and threaten everyone. He would want to manipulate you. He would want to come to you and appear as your ally. Then he would make a deal with you with his silver tongue. Make a deal with you without you knowing what the deal is." I explained to her.

If I remember correctly this is the episode where Elijah and Elena make a deal. Safety for cooperation.

"What kind of deal?" Caroline asked curiously.

"Doesn't matter." I directed my words at all of them, then focused on Elena. "Elena, you need to listen to me. No matter what, and I mean no matter what. Do not make any deals with him. Understood?" I emphasized a lot of my words to make her understand how important this is.

"I understand. But what am I supposed to do if he comes over?" She asked me worriedly.

"Simple. Bonnie will be here to help, she is more than strong enough to deal with him if needed. If he tries to make a deal with you, say nothing. Do not agree to anything. Tell him to come to me and only me." I explained to her.

"But what if he hurts you?" Caroline questioned me worried for my safety.

"He can't. I'm more powerful than him. Plus this is the best way. I'm the only one that can read between the lines. Read the conditions he never directly spoke. I'm the only one he can't trick."

At some point during our conversation, Jeremy had walked into the room.

"What now?" He asked, making his presence known.

"Now, Bonnie and Elena will stay here. Caroline and I are gonna go to the tomb and free Stefan. And you Jeremy are gonna go to Tyler and help him with the werewolf business like you and him already planned."

After that, everyone went their own way. Jeremy left for the Grill where he would be meeting Tyler. Elena and Bonnie went downstairs to make some coffee. Me and Caroline made our way to the tomb.

When we got there I could sense them. Katherine and Stefan were in the back of the tomb. Caroline was standing next to me looking around. I don't think she has ever been here.

"Stefan. Come out, come out, wherever you are." I called out. Moments later Stefan walked to the front right at the barrier while Katherine was only a few meters away.

"Luna, Caroline. What are you doing here?" He asked us confused.

"Luna's gonna get you out, and I'm here because I wanted to check up on you," Caroline explained to him, a faint blush on her face.

Stefan looked at her with the same look Caroline held for him. Both have a faint blush decorating their faces. Neither noticed it but Luna and Katherine did.

Luna was happy they had at least some feelings for one another. This would make it easier for Stefan to not be so focused on Elena even though they aren't dating. Katherine is just happy Stefan likes someone else other than Elena.

"I was wondering when you would show." Katherine's voice spoke out. "I have been stuck in here for a while. And last time I checked we had a deal. So why haven't you helped me before? You just tell me to wait and be patient, well I'm done being patient!" She hissed at me.

"What is she talking about?" Stefan asked me confused.

"Oh, you didn't know?" Katherine stated in fake confusion. "Me and Luna had a deal. She would free me from Klaus and in return I would just have to do something for her. But she never told me what."

Caroline and Stefan looked at me in confusion. Neither believed what they were hearing. They didn't want to believe I had made a deal with her.

"Luna. What is she talking about?" Caroline questioned me softly, believing her friend would never do something if it didn't need to be done.

"What Katherine is talking about is a deal we had made a while back. When she first came here." I started by explaining. A smug expression plastered on Katherine's face. But her expression was soon wiped off her face with my next words. "But the plans have changed."

"What!" The 500 years old vampire hissed.

"The deal was made before I learned something I was previously unaware of." I started off explaining as I took a step closer. "I know what you did to Damon. How you treated him." With each sentence I spoke I took a step closer. My magic running through my veins. "The plan is not to help you anymore Katherine." With that final step, I called forth my magic. My eyes blazed their violet colour as violet tendrils came from me, slithering across the ground, and covering the door of the tomb. The magic was tearing and pulling down the spell that kept them trapped. Getting ready to do the final pull I spoke my final words. My voice was imbued with my magic as it changed into something different. Something demonic. "It's to sacrifice you." And with that I pulled a final time, tearing down the tomb spell and releasing a powerful violet bast across the entire place, knocking everyone but me back.

With a wave of my hand, Caroline and Stefan disappeared in a cloud of violet smoke, leaving only Katherine and Luna. Katherine finally caught herself and stood up straight. She looked on at me in fear and rage.

"You said you would help me." She looked me in the eyes as they had stopped blazing their colour.

"Yes, and that was the plan. But it has changed like I just explained." I stated in an emotionless tone.

"So what now?" She started asking me with a fierce glare. "You gonna make me the vampire sacrifice?" She stated more than asked.

"No." Katherine looked at me in confusion. "I'm gonna use a spell to strip you of your vampirism and turn you human. From there on you will be used as the human sacrifice." I simply stated.

"That's not possible. You can't turn me human." Katherine stated, her voice trembling with the possibility. Truth is, she has no idea what Luna can do, meaning she very well could do it.

"Oh trust me, I can," I smirked at her.

"What are you?" The vampire finally asked. "You're not just a different type of witch, there is something else you didn't tell me."

"You're right. I'm not just a different type of witch. Not just a seer." I spoke as I took a step closer. In return, Katherine took a step back. With a wave of my hand, violet energy covered the entrance once again. But this time, it didn't take down the barrier. It placed it back up.

As I turned around and started making my way up from the tomb, Katherine called out to me.

"What are you!?" She questioned me again. I turned my head around looking her dead in the eyes.

"I am a God," I stated. My voice was demonic as it was when I spoke to John all those weeks ago. And how I spoke to her earlier on. Before she could say anything else I disappeared in violet smoke, leaving her alone.


I just got a call from Damon as I had just checked up on Stefan and Caroline. They were doing fine at the boarding house. Damon told me there was another werewolf in town. A woman named Jules. The werewolf bitch that came for Tyler.

But why is she here? Mason is in Florida. Unless?

I send a powerful psychic wave through the town searching for all the supernatural beings in town. I sensed two werewolves in town. One was in the woods with Jeremy and the other was at the Grill, where I could also sense Damon, Alaric, and Enzo.

Guess this is my time to shine before Damon can do something stupid like provoking her. I just hope Enzo can keep him in check. With a step forward I disappeared in a cloud of violet smoke, reappearing in the alleyway next to the Grill.

As I walked inside I could see Damon trying to make his way over to Jules, but Enzo was holding him down. I looked around and found Jules at the bar with a full glass of alcohol. As I made my way over to her I sent a telepathic message to Damon. "Sit". He stopped in his tracks as his eyes went over to me. Without saying anything he sat down keeping his eyes on me.

"Hello, are you Jules?" I asked the werewolf gaining her attention, even though I knew full well who she was.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, who are you?" She asked me confused.

"You don't know me, but we have a common friend. Mason." As soon as I said his name, her full attention was placed on me.

"How do you know Mason?" She questioned me suspiciously.

"He came for his brother's funeral. We got to know each other. I helped him out in exchange for a future favor. I also know for a fact that Mason is supposed to be back in Florida right now. Which begs the question. What are you doing here, little wolf?" I questioned her suspiciously as I took a seat next to her.

"What are you? You obviously know what I am, who I am. But I don't know you."

"I am Luna. I'm a very powerful witch. Now. Mason is meant to be back in Florida. So, mind telling me why you are here?" I asked her again.

"Mason never came back to Florida." She simply stated. "Haven't even heard from him. You're his friend. Meaning we are on the same side."

"I'll try to contact Mason and while I do that you will stay away from Tyler and his friends. You will stay out of trouble." As I spoke, I embedded my magic into my voice compelling her as I told her. This way she won't go after anyone.

After my magic cemented itself into her mind I walked out of the Grill taking out my phone. I quickly called Mason's number needing to know what the hell was going on.

"Hello? Luna, is everyone okay?" A confused Mason answered the phone.

"I don't know, you tell me. Why do I have a werewolf here talking about you never having gotten to Florida?" I questioned him annoyed.

"Oh. Yeah, forgot about that, sorry." Mason answered nervously.

"Where are you?" I asked him.

"I'm in the mountains. I met another pack on the way back to Florida. They are so much cooler and better than my previous pack back in Florida. I even became quick friends with this one girl. Her name is Hayley." Mason explained quickly with a happy tone.

Hayley? Well, well, well. It seems you have found the queen herself. I was already planning on getting to her later on when I was going to help the New Orleans wolfs. But this way makes it easier for her to cooperate.

"Well, I'm happy to hear you have found a better pack. To be honest I never liked that Florida pack. They always rubbed me the wrong way."

"Agree. They never felt like this. Here I feel like family. They treat me like family. I never had this back in Florida." He spoke happily.

"Well, just so you know, Jules is here. She came for you but now I believe she wants Tyler. But there is no need to worry, I'll handle her, she is no match for me."

Mason thanked me for keeping Tyler safe and said he would call his nephew soon.


(A/N: I realize I haven't had much of Kol in this story and I hate it. It's just either I forget or it's just no place for him there. But I PROMISE there will be more of him when Elijah finally becomes a constant and Klaus is coming. It's easier to bring Kol and Enzo in when Elijah and Klaus come along since it won't really be following the original timeline because of the amount of changes Luna has done and will do.)

(Also! How do you think Kol and Elijah should have their reunion? I'm looking for ideas.)


Currently, Elijah would make his way over to Elenas, I decided to just go home to Kol and wait until one of the girls called me about him, or until he came looking for me himself. I need to tell Kol about the plan or else he is just gonna freak out later on about it.

"Kol?" I called out as I made my way through my front door.

"In here darling!" His voice called out throughout the house. I followed the voice seeing him in the living room watching some superhero movie, stuffing his face with popcorn.

"Is this what you have been doing all this time?" I asked him amused. He has been like a small child with all of the new things from this century. That's why he hasn't been outside in weeks. He has been too caught up in all of the movies, games, and shows he finds. (This is my excuse for not having him around).

"Yes. I found this movie about a group of heroes called the Avengers. They were battling some metal man with two weird teenagers, one of them had powers similar to yours, only hers is red and far less powerful." He spoke excitedly.

"Avengers: Age of Ultron. Good movie. My favorite of the Avengers movies." Thanks to my magic I can get any movie, show, game, or anything really from my original time.

"What's wrong?" Kol asked me, noticing my worry,

"Nothing little Mischief. But there is something I need to tell you."

"Is it about my brothers?" He wondered as if he already knew the answer. Seeing my confused face he elaborated. "I heard you talking with Damon about them. How they will be here soon."

"Oh. Well, yes. Elijah is here as you already know, but Klaus isn't far away. He will come from either Elijah contacting him, or me."

"What then?" He wondered.

"Then I put my plans into motion. First, I would need to hide you from your brothers, to keep you safe."

"How are you going to do that?" He asked me confused as he stood up from the couch.

"It's a simple illusion spell. It will make you appear as someone else other than yourself. That way you could be right in front of them staring into their eyes and they wouldn't even know." I explained to him.

"What will I look like?" He asked himself when i goofy smile stretched across his face. A thought came to his mind about who to turn to, one I quickly shot down.

"No," I told him sternly.

"What!? It would be so fun." He looked at me offended as he tried to reason with me. "Just imagine. It would be hilarious."

"I'm not turning you to Klaus so you can go into the middle of the town square and howl like a wolf at the sky in front of the entire town," I stated with a serious look on my face.

Disappointed, Kol flopped down on the couch with a frown on his face.

"Here," I called out to him as I raised my hand. As Kol looked at my hand violet mist came and went leaving a crystal amulet in my hand. "It will keep you hidden from anyone other than me, Damon, and Enzo."

"Thank you, darling." He said as he took the amulet and put it around his neck. "What will happen now?" (The moment he put it on he changed to someone else, imagine whatever face claim you want).

"Elijah will try and make a deal with Elena. But Elena won't be making any deal with him as she will contact me instead. From there on I will make a deal with Elijah. Offer him the same deal I did when we first met."

"And if he doesn't agree? Your plan is to have him just trust you that you can get our siblings back, and the last time you told him you would, he tried to hurt you."

"If he won't be on our side. Then he will be dealt with. I will put him to sleep for the time being and release him from the slumber after I have done what I need to do. But that is only if he becomes a problem."

After that, we sat in a comfortable silence as he watched the movie that was already on. But Kol's mind was somewhere else.

After a few minutes, he broke the silence.

"Should I talk to him? To Elijah." He wondered, asking me for my opinion.

"I can't really say anything about it. This is between your brothers and you. Wait until you feel like the time is right, or until you feel like you have to. Until then, keep your secret for as long as you would like. They will only be able to see the real you when you remove the necklace."

My words sent him back into his thoughts thinking about what to do. How he would talk with them. If he should at all. I can sense a part of him never wants to tell them. To just be here with me and never contact them again, but there is a part of him that wants to talk to them. To tell them how he felt in hopes they would for one's listen. And if not, he knows they can't hurt him anymore. Not as long as I'm around.

Because if there is one thing I won't let them do, it's to hurt Kol again.


A/N: Really long chapter. There will be a part two next week. Wish I could come out with one sooner but I have two assignments and one test this week alone. After that, I will be able to update again.

Btw, I'm thinking of fast-forwarding to when Klaus gets here. Would any of you like that?

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