Things That Were Never Meant:...

By Pleasant_Illusion

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After ambushing John in the fields, it was only then when Arlo noticed words of insult that appeared on his a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: Season 2

Chapter 26

395 18 14
By Pleasant_Illusion

It was obvious from the very beginning that Remi was going to be declined, so hearing about John's refusal to help them didn't come as a surprise to Arlo.

He wished she wouldn't be persistent on getting him to help them, but at the same time, he knew that they needed all the help that they could get.

It's really dangerous to involve low-tiers, and he is against on the idea of recruiting them in the first place, but despite what he, Blyke and Isen told her, Remi was set-on training them in order for them to become stronger.

From what Arlo read and heard, John is someone who can train even a low-tier into becoming an elite.

The blond was glad that he no longer hides his ability, and he seemed to be doing better. Arlo doesn't want to disrupt the peace that he has, and it would be better for them not to show-up in front of his face ever again.

But... the formula for the perfected version of the amplifiers, dampeners, and the disablers already exists. All they have to do is to create the drug itself, and in six months, the authorities would have a hand on a drug with a permanent effect.

On their current state, they don't have  enough power to ambush the laboratories where the drug is being produced.

The situation is dire.

With John, they'll have a better chance on preventing a bigger tragedy from happening. With each passing day, Remi becomes more and more desperate just to get John to at least hear them out, but he just wasn't willing to listen. Arlo wanted to keep John out of this, but they're running out of time.

And so, Arlo flew to New Bostin.

He was able to access John's old records, which provided him his address. He doesn't even know if John still resides on that place, but with their situation, it's worth giving it a try.

It was really easy to find John's house. He asked around the people living on that area, and a lot of them knew who John is. Other than the fact that he had a history of violence, John after all did managed to make a name for himself.

It took Arlo a lot of courage to finally knock on his door. He was preparing for John to hit or yell at him immediately after seeing him, but instead, he just stared at him with a cold expression.


"What the fuck are you doing in my house?"

John didn't looked much different from how he remembered him to be, except for the fact that his hair was a bit longer than when he was in Wellston, with the upper part being tied back. He still had a deep bags under his eyes, and Arlo wondered if he's getting sleepless nights.

"I need to talk with you, John."

"Do you really have no shame? You don't get to suddenly just barge again in my life when I'm already doing better."

Although John wasn't yelling, Arlo can still feel the the anger on his voice.

"I know." Arlo said, "But, this isn't just about you and me. I'm here to discuss something important. At least, listen to what I'm going to say, John."

"Is this related to why Remi kept on bothering me? Whatever shit you're dealing with, I'm not interested. Good bye." John slammed the door, but Arlo was able to stop it from closing with his arms.

"What can I do for you to give me a chance to explain?"

John's brows furrowed. Arlo is fucking shameless. Is he not getting the hint that John just wanted him gone?

"Explain what? On why you two suddenly need my fucking help? You've gotten yourself involved on whatever shit that is. Deal with it on your own, or go find someone else."

"There's no one else. I don't want to ask you with this too, believe me, but you're the only one who can help us with this. Please, John just-"

"Just, leave. If you still have a conscience, or if you feel even just the slightest amount guilt on what you've done to me before."

"I don't know how much you know from Remi, but the situation is a lot more serious than it appears. It can cost many people's lives- everyone is in danger!"

"Look, I don't give a shit! I'm just trying to live my life in peace! Are you playing hero now? So what if they're in danger?! They deserve whatever is coming to them for what they did to me!" John finally snapped. He was trembling, looking as if he might cry at any second, "Stop making this harder for me than it already is... Don't show yourself in front of my face ever again."

With what John said, no words came out on Arlo's mouth. He could only just look at John, who looked like he was already on the verge of tears.

John may seem like he's doing a lot better in the surface, but he blond realized that he hasn't fully healed. Arlo being here in front of him alone is already causing him so much distress.

He should just leave John alone, but they really needed his help. He doesn't want to bother him anymore, but the issue is a lot more bigger than what they have.

"...I'm sorry. I know that me being here is already causing you pain, but I just really need you."

"No you don't. You just need my ability, and what I can do for all of you."

"If it would make you happy, you can beat me-up all you want. Just, please, help us just this once. After this, I won't bother you again- I'll disappear from your life."

"For you to be begging me like this, you seem to be really desperate..."

"They're making a drug that can permanently amplify and disable a person's ability... Creating those drugs would take six months, we don't have any time left."

Hearing what he said, John's eyes turned wide. They removed Seraphina's ability before, and if they're making a permanent thing, the authorities would have a full control.

He didn't want to see the blond ever again. It would have been better if he didn't appeared on his doorsteps, because now, John would be carrying the guilt if he didn't helped.

"I'm already booked for the next six months."

"I'm willing to pay twice the amount."

"I'll think about it, just leave. I don't really want to see you right now."

"Thank you, John."

Arlo left just like what John said. Even if John may not have confirmed that he's willing to extend his help, getting him to consider it is already a big progress.

John still looked hurt. If he were to accept the deal, he would have to see Arlo over and over again. The blond would just keep his distance, and hope that his presence won't hurt him too much.


I'm sorry it took a while for me to update this. Things have been busy, and inspiration barely comes by. Thank you for waiting, I'm really really appreciate you all reading my works!


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