Married to Styles (Sequel to...

By byebyemsamericanpie

174K 9.1K 3.2K

"Harry?" I asked. His eyes barely opened before he closed them again. "Niall," his voice was so soft and dr... More

Character Ask
{23} Rome
{24} Girona
{25} Paris France
{26} Oahu Hawaii


4.9K 291 74
By byebyemsamericanpie


No matter how much I begged him, Niall wouldn't give in to me and come home with me. Even telling him that Molly misses him didn't work. I literally tried so many things to get him to come home with me, but everything failed.

I hated sleeping alone. I mean, yeah I had Molly...but she's not my fiancé...and she's not human...although Niall and I do treat her like that sometimes. She was our baby. Our cute little baby. Man, I really want a baby.

I had just gotten off the phone with Niall saying that Daniel was on his way over to the house to look over my contract. Even then, I tried getting Niall to come over to be here with me, but he said he didn't want to risk it. I didn't want to be alone in the house with Daniel even after it seemed like he and I were getting along yesterday.

I was kind of scared. Not of him, but of what might happen since we'd both be alone with out Niall to stop us if we were to argue or something. I'd hate to make Niall mad at me...or take a second trip to the hospital. I really don't want that to happen.

When I heard a knock at the door, I stood up from the couch; Molly had also came out from her hiding spot under the couch. She probably thought it was Niall. She kept walking in between my feet as I walked to the door. I nearly tripped a few times. Looking through the peephole, I saw Daniel.

"It's not Niall, Molly. I'm sorry," I told her.

She meowed at me then just sat there as I opened the door. Daniel stepped inside and looked around; not saying anything. I led him to the couch and as soon as we sat down, Molly hopped into my lap. Daniel gave her a weird look and she looked up at me. She let out a small meow and I frowned. She knew something was wrong.

I watched as she looked back at Daniel and let out a loud meow before she jumped on him. She began to scratch at his face much like she had done to Niall whenever he'd wear his disguise.

"Get this fucking cat off of me!" Daniel yelled.

I carefully took her off him and began to pet her so she would calm down.

"Be nice to her. She misses Niall."

"Your cat is the spawn of satan."

I wanted to take offense to that. Molly was the sweetest kitten Niall and I.

"She is not! Apologize to her!"

Daniel folded his arms over his chest.

"Absolutely not. I'm not apologizing to your cat."

"I'll make her attack you again..."

Daniel rolled his eyes and apologized to Molly.

"That didn't sound very sincere," I pouted.

"I can't believe he left me for someone as childish as you..."

I wanted to punch him in the jaw right then and there, but then I thought "What would Niall do in this situation?" I sighed. Niall would keep quiet. He wouldn't say anything. He'd just let it go. But I wasn't Niall and I didn't want to let it go.

"I'm not childish..."

"Just get the damn contract please. You're wasting my time."

I got up from the couch and headed down the hall to my office; Molly was trailing behind me. It was probably for the best. I wouldn't want Daniel to hurt her while I was finding my contract. And I swear if he did hurt Molly, I'd hurt him. Molly was my little princess.

I entered my office and began to look around; trying to remember where I put the contract. Molly had jumped onto the desk and meowed.

"Not now, Molly. I'm trying to find my contract..."

I began to look through the file cabinets against the wall behind the desk and Molly had meowed again, but louder.

"Molly, shush. You're not helping."

I began to look in the drawers in the desk and Molly had meowed once again. So I looked at her.

"What, Molly?"

I saw her tap her paw on some paper. I looked down at it and saw that it was the contract. I was actually quite surprised. It could have been a mere coincidence that she knew what I was looking for or she could have been just meowing because that's what cats do.

I grabbed the contract and left the office; closing the door behind me and trapping Molly in the room. I hated trapping her in rooms, but I didn't want Daniel to hurt Molly. I tried to tune out her little meows as if she was asking to be let out. It almost pained me to ignore her, but I pushed through it and got back to the living room.

I sat back down on the couch and handed the contract to Daniel who had been messing with his phone.

"Took you long enough," he snapped.

"Ok. I get that you don't like me. I fucking get it, but the least you could do is pretend."

Daniel just chuckled as he put his phone down and began looking over the contract. I knew this was gonna take awhile and I really didn't want to sit here and stare at him. So I began to twiddle my thumbs and look around the room.

" you uh...want some...water?"

Daniel looked up from the contract and just nodded at me. I asked if he wanted ice and he didn't answer me; he had gone back to looking at the contract. So I got up from the couch and headed into the kitchen. I could hear him flipping through the pages of the contract as I took two glasses from the cupboard. He sighed a few times as I filled each glass with ice then filled them with water.

Before I had walked back out with the water, I had asked if he was hungry. He had told me that he was going out to eat after he was done here. He had mumbled something after that and I just assumed it probably had to do with me handling his food could be a bad thing. In a way, he is right. I might have spit in it just because I could. But again, "What would Niall do in this situation?" crossed my mind. Niall of course wouldn't spit in his food.

I sighed as I walked back out to the living room with the waters and sat down. I placed each glass on the coffee table then looked down at my hands. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Daniel pick up his glass and take a few sips of water. He then cleared his throat and looked up at me.

"Well..." He cleared his throat. "Like I said yesterday about Niall's contract, he'd have to pay £6million to get out of his contract. But with you, it would have to be £10million..."

£10million?! Was he fucking crazy?!

"You already know we don't have that kind of money..."

Instead of addressing the money problem, he changed the subject.

"So..." He took a sip of his water, "you said Chris has harassed you?"

I nodded and took my first sip of water. Instead of putting the glass back down, I held it in my hands.

"Yeah...yeah he has..."

Oh god. Now I'm gonna have to open up to Daniel and this was something I never in a million years ever wanted to do.

"In what way?"

I tapped my fingers against the glass and suddenly got really interested with the ice cubes in my water.


I looked up at him and saw that he had a very displeased look on his face.

"In what way did Chris harass you?"

I looked back down at my glass of water again. I really did not feel comfortable talking to Daniel without Niall here.

"Uh... well... physically... sexually physical..."


I looked back up at Daniel. He seemed surprised and I didn't know how I should have felt about it. It's already bad enough that I'm opening up to him. I don't need him to judge me more.


"Well, you could use harassment against him since it breaks the contract..."

I tapped my fingers against the glass again before I placed my water back on the table.

"I-I broke the contract also..."

I really just wanted to get past all this. I just wanted it to be over.

"How so?"

I softly gulped and looked at my hands.

"I used to date him when I first got signed."

Daniel's eyes slightly widened.

"You what? But it says you can't do that. It says that right in your contract, Harry."

I sighed and I rubbed my hands against my pants before looking up at Daniel again.

"Exactly. So I can't use that against him."

Daniel took a few sips of his water.

"Because he can use it against you."

I nodded. I ran my fingers through my hair a few times then sighed.

"So I think you should stick with your health, Harry...tell me a little bit more about what happened with that..."

Did I really have to? I didn't want to recap any of this to him. Doesn't he watch tv? I gave in anyway. I told him about the stress. And I told him about how the stress led to the drinking. Who was the cause of that stress? None other than the fame whore himself.

"Ok, so like I said, Harry, you should stick with the health problems. It's best to try and not sue him for money. But, it is important to have a good reason for wanting out of the contract..." Daniel crossed his right leg over his left. "Besides if you and Chris were dating, then I would imagine it wasn't rape..."

I was starting to feel very uncomfortable with him now, but I had to continue this. I had to do this for Niall and I.

"No. It wasn't. But he has... Chris has... tried things on me since Niall started working with me."

"In what way?"

He uncrossed his legs and leaned back on the couch. How in the hell could he just be so calm about this? I felt like I was going to burst at the seams. I wasn't comfortable at all.

"I really don't want to talk about Niall around you, Daniel..."

I shouldn't have to tell him anything. It's awkward as it is. Why add more onto it?

"You kind of have to, Harry."

I wanted to roll my eyes at him. Actually, I wanted him out of my house right now.

"After...uh...after the first time uh...N-Niall and I..."

Daniel held up his hand to stop me. Thank god.

"Yeah, I get it..."

"Yeah so uh," I cleared my throat a few times, "Niall had told me that he was still marrying you and I was obviously pissed off. So I kind of...I-I might have...I mean it was a one time thing and like I said I was pissed..."

"Are you telling me that you hooked up with Chris the same night?"

I nodded. I felt so ashamed and so dirty.

"Does Niall know this?"

I shook my head no. I was too afraid to tell him. When I told Niall about Chris, I talked about what happened after Niall told me he was marrying Daniel. I knew Niall assumed I slept with Chris, I just never confirmed it for him.

"Harry! You have to tell him!"

Wait a minute... was he actually on mine and Niall's side now or...?

I dismissed it and said, "Anyways! After that, Chris kept touching me at one of my matches even when I told him to stop..."

I really didn't want that memory to be fresh in my mind again, but I'm already breaking all my rules of keeping things in. Why stop now?

"Is that all?"

I shook my head no.

"Yesterday, Chris was over here talkin to me about how I had to "break it off with Niall" and... he kept touching me then too. And then he kissed me right when Niall was walking into the house so that Niall would think I was cheating on him."

"Wouldn't it be ironic if you were?"

I glared at Daniel. That was totally uncalled for.

"New subject please..."

Daniel nodded. He began to look over the contract again but then he set it down on the table.

"Can I ask you something?"

I nodded. I guess whatever he were to ask now wasn't gonna be as bad as what just happened.

"Why you? What do you have that I don't? Why did he choose you?"

I was speechless, but then words came to me.

"When I said I wanted a different subject, I didn't mean I wanted the topic to be Niall and--"

"I know, a-and I'm sorry,"

I rolled my eyes.

"You've got someone new now. Why would you care why he chose me?"

"Just tell me. Please?"

I looked at Daniel and I couldn't quite figure out what would he gain from this information.

"I honestly couldn't tell you why he chose me over you..." That's a lie. I knew... at least I think I knew. "Maybe it's because I challenged him. I made him question a lot of things and I... I drove him crazy..."

Daniel sighed. Did I feel bad? Maybe a little bit, but it didn't really matter cause Niall was mine and nothing was going to change that. I was starting to think that maybe, just maybe, the bad blood between Daniel and I would just... disappear. It was clear that Daniel was happy with who he was with now. He shouldn't be dwelling on the past.

"You can tell Niall what we discussed and then we can come together again to put it all together so I can help you get out of those contracts..." Daniel stood up from the couch and so did I. He held out his hand and I actually shook it. "And Harry?"

Daniel began to head for the door.


"You have to tell Niall about you and Chris hooking up on that night. He deserves to know."

He opened the door then left my house. I guess he was right after all. I had to tell Niall. I can't keep hiding things from him cause every time that I would, it would end badly.

When I heard Molly meow loudly, I made my way down the hall and opened the office door. She ran out of the room so fast and to the bathroom; that's where we had her litter box. When she had finished her kitty business, she came back to me and rubbed herself against my legs. Slowly, I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. I laid her on my chest as I laid down on the bed.

"Should we call Niall?" I asked Molly?

She began purring so I took that as a yes. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I dialed Niall's number and waited for him to pick up. I had an idea in mind. If I couldn't have Niall at home with me, I'd have to go to Niall. Wherever the fuck it had to be, I would go to him.

"Harry?" Niall answered.

"Niall, meet me at the gym in like... two hours."

"Harry it'll be like... 10 at night by then."

I smiled.

"I know. Just be there please?"

Niall was quiet for a bit then he sighed. I could tell he was smiling.

"Anything for you, baby."



Aren't you liking how fast we're updating lately??

So I had a little spacing out moment while writing this chapter. I had totally forgot what Daniel's name was so I had like typed Dylan and then I typed Derek...but then I realized "oh's Daniel."

But woo! It seems like they're starting to figure shit out and they're gonna get out of the contracts hopefully!!

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