Married to Styles (Sequel to...

By byebyemsamericanpie

174K 9.1K 3.2K

"Harry?" I asked. His eyes barely opened before he closed them again. "Niall," his voice was so soft and dr... More

Character Ask
{23} Rome
{24} Girona
{25} Paris France
{26} Oahu Hawaii


5.1K 309 94
By byebyemsamericanpie


As we made our way inside the house that I use to call my own, I could feel even more tension rising.

"You're probably wondering why we're here..." I said awkwardly.

"I am." He said bluntly.

"I should have called,"


As if Harry knew what I was thinking he said, "Well this is awkward."

I slapped him before turning my attention back to Daniel.

"Um... We need your help." I said.

"Obviously, why else would you be here?" He rolled his eyes. I sighed, looking down at my hands. How could I even stand to be here in the presence of my ex-fiancé and my new fiancé?

"Hey. Niall feels bad for what he did okay? We get it, you're mad at him for that. Anybody in their right mind would be, but can we move past that please?" Harry spit. I sighed of relief, I was glad Harry said something so we could move on.

"Want me to put you back in the hospital?" Daniel threatened. Harry and Dan both stood up, glaring at each other.

"Try me. I'm sober." Harry smirked.

"Both of you shut up and sit down!" I yelled. They both did as I said, and the tension rose even higher.

"Daniel, listen," I said, getting his attention towards me and not at Harry.

"I'm sorry for everything okay? But we really need your help. I could ask any other lawyer in this town, but you're the best I know and I figured if anyone could help us it would be you."

"What'd you do?" He asked, looking a bit nervous.

"We just need help getting out of our contracts."

"Contracts?" He asked, it took him a minute to remember before he nodded.

"I see. Do you have a copy anywhere?" He asked me.

"Uh, I think I have a copy of mine in the car. I have a copy of Harry's at home." I informed him.

Things were silent after that. Daniel and I just kept staring at each other, leaving Harry sitting there in an awkward position.

I couldn't bring myself to look away from Daniel, it was hard to believe that barley a year ago- Not even a year ago- I was relaxing with Daniel on this couch, kissing, cuddling, watching movies and drinking a glass of wine before we went to bed.

I threw it all away for Harry. I didn't regret it, but it was a much simpler time in my life that I wish I could have back... Just with Harry.

I wanted everything to be simple again, I just wanted it to be simple with Harry.

"What do I get in repay for helping you?" He asked.

"You put me in the hospital, you owe us." Harry cut in.

"It's because of you, Niall left me at the alter! If anything, you owe me!" He yelled.

"Guys please don't fight, not right now." I sighed.

Daniel leaned back in his seat, looking Harry up and down like he was a piece of raw meat or something. I didn't like that look, it was unsettling.

"We'll pay you." Harry said to Daniel.

"I charge £500 to £1,000 an hour." Daniel said. Harry gasped as if it was the craziest news he heard in his life.

I lived with him most of our relationship, I knew how much he charged and it wasn't cheap. Daniel was the best lawyer in the business and anyone who had money or wanted money, wanted him. He could win anybody's case; he was a great arguer and fantastic with numbers and facts.

"That's insane!" Harry said.

"Daniel, please, we don't have that kind of money." I begged.

"Why should I lower?" He asked.

"Please. We just need help getting out of the contracts, we might not even have to go to court!"

"If you do have to go to court, would you hire me?" He asked. I sighed and nodded, Daniel was the best and if anyone could get us out of this mess, he could. I didn't want to hire some cheap lawyer who wasn't experienced; Chris had money, and money talks. Chris could hire the best lawyer in the world if he wanted to; 40% of Harry's pay check went to Chris anyways and 20% of my pay check went to him as well.

"Of course, if we have to go to court, we'll hire you." I confirmed.

"Okay, so would you mind going and getting the contract so I can take a look at it?" He asked me. I nodded my head when Harry stood up, saying, "I'll go get it." I thanked him before handing him the keys.

I wanted to kiss him -like a quick see you in a minute kiss- but I decided against that.

When Harry left the room, Daniel and I were silent again. I couldn't help but look around the room and see he had taken down all the pictures of us together.

"I see you've redecorated..." I pointed out.

"I've moved on," He said coldly.

I just nodded, looking down at the ground.

"Did you expect me to still be moping around with all our pictures on the wall?" He asked. I shook my head, that's the last thing I wanted him to do.

"I was just trying to start a conversation, Daniel. Don't get so defensive." I sighed.

"It's hard not to."

"I'm still the same guy you,"

"Absolutely not! Niall you're a thousand times different now than you were when we met."

Who was he to talk? Does he think he hasn't changed? I didn't want to say anything because I deserved all the shit Daniel gave to me. Not only did I not love him when he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, I humiliated him in front of all our family and friends at the alter!

How can you do that to someone?

How could I?

I felt awful.

"We all change, Daniel. Even you. I don't want us to be on bad terms because I left you for someone else."

"That's not the point, Niall. I get it, you didn't love me. I understand that okay? But you humiliated me. When I asked you if we wanted to get married you said yes! Even when you admitted to having doubts and being nervous about marriage, you still said you wanted to get married!" He had a point... I remember that day perfectly clear. The day his parents showed up at the house.


"What's wrong?" Daniel asked me a couple hours later. He closed our bedroom door and joined me on the bed.

"I'm just not feeling good." I really wasn't. I felt emotionally unstable. I wanted to cry and scream. What was going on with me?

"Niall. You're no better at lying now then you were last week." He said softly.

"I just- I don't know. I feel guilty." That's part of it. I feel guilty for having feelings for a another man- a straight man- when I'm engaged to Daniel.

"For?" He asked me.

"You know. What I said in the shower. I didn't mean it like that." That's a lie. I totally meant it like that.

"I know, baby. But it's okay- you said yes." He smiled.

There was no turning back now. I had to marry him, I could never crush his heart like that. I couldn't call off the wedding now. Well- better to do it now then to wait until we tell our parents.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Did- did you not- want to say yes?" He stuttered. I looked away from him. I've never been a good liar, so why try and start now?

"You didnt?" He asked me.

"I love you. I really do love you, Daniel. But marriage is scary and I don't know if I'm ready. I want you to be happy, and if getting married will make you happy then I'll do it."

"Niall. I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to."

I looked over at him and glared. He flinched. We both knew why I was glaring. He tried to make me quit my job for his selfish reasons when I didn't want to.

"It's fine, Daniel. You flew our parents out here. I'm not backing out. I love you." Why did I feel like I was lying every time I said it?

"Backing out? Niall-"

"Don't think too much about it. Please?" I asked him. I didn't want him to have his doubts. He's been so happy this past week ever since I said yes. He's the happiest I've ever seen him. I can't possibly turn back now. There's no way. I couldn't do that to him.


But I did.

I sighed and looked down at my hands again. Harry came back into the house with a copy of my contract in his hands. We both looked over at him while he handed Daniel the copy.

"Thanks," Daniel managed to mutter.

Harry just nodded and sat back down.

"If you don't mind me asking," Harry spoke up, we both looked at him, curious as to what he had to say.

"The night, uh... You know. I remember seeing you- obviously not knowing it was you- and I remember thinking you were bullying Niall on Twitter or something because you were laughing at your phone,"

What was he getting at? Was he accusing Daniel of sending me hate? Or laughing at the people who sent me hate?

Oh please don't do anything stupid, Harry. I silently prayed to myself.

"What were you laughing at?" Harry asked. Daniel held the contract in his hand, a page tightly held between his thumb and finger. He was obviously nervous.

"Um," he began. He glanced at me and then at Harry.

"I wasn't laughing at Niall." He assured Harry, giving him a forced smile.

It made me curious... What was he laughing at then.

"That's not what I asked you," Harry said sternly.

"Harry please." I whispered to him. I just wanted him and Daniel to get along for once. Even if it was pretend for me.

"Look, it's uh- not something I'm comfortable saying in front of Niall." He admitted. My eyes narrowed, what the hell was so funny then?

"Why can't you say it in front of me?" I asked. Now I wanted to know; Daniel just shook his head.

"I'm not comfortable." He admitted.

"Oh come on! I let you put your dick in my ass, don't use that I'm not comfortable excuse on me." I said. Harry and Daniel both shouted my name at the same time, but I didn't really care. Everybody here knew I had slept with Daniel before. And we all know I've slept with Harry.

Sitting in the same room as them made me feel like a slut.

I was.

"I was just talking to someone." Daniel growled. Harry didn't seem to catch on, but I did.

"Talking to someone as in... Talking to someone?" I asked.

I didn't expect him to move on so quickly to be honest.

"Yeah, Niall. I met someone at work. He's a great guy, we were talking over the phone before your boyfriend here attacked me." Daniel said while pointing at Harry, rolling his eyes before going back to looking over the contract.

"You never told me you were seeing someone else," I blurted out. It wasn't that I was jealous... I just... I loved Harry, I wasn't in love with Daniel... But I spent half my life with the guy, knowing he was with someone else was just shocking. I couldn't imagine how he felt when he found out I slept with Harry after we were engaged.

"I don't have to?" He said as if it was a question. Just then I received a slap on the chest from Harry.

"Ow, what'd you do that for?"

"Why you acting like you're jealous?" Harry glared at me. I looked at Daniel who had a smirk on his face, I just sat there like an idiot.

"I'm not! I'm not, no I'm not jealous. I'm just surprised." I said. Harry rolled his eyes before leaning back on the couch we were sat in.

"Sure you are." He said.

Daniel chuckled and then smiled at Harry. A real smile.

"Now you know how it feels." He giggled. Harry smiled too, nodding at Daniel.

"I do." He laughed.

Watching them bond over making fun of me was... Not how I expected things to go. But I guess it was better than them arguing.

"I'm not jealous!" I yelled after looking between the both of them. I groaned and shook my head, leaning back into the couch with a hand on my face.

"I had to worry about you sneaking around with him and now he has to worry about you being jealous over me," Daniel laughed even harder, why was he finding this so funny?

"Oh how ironic is that?" He laughed. Harry even laughed too. Why was he finding this funny.

"Can you just look at the damn contract please." I groaned.

Daniel's laugh slowed down before he began to read over the contract again, carefully looking over every detail.

Harry and I sat in silence as we waited for him to finish. I wanted to get up and make myself something to eat in the kitchen, but it all felt out of place now. This home seemed like a new place to me, like I didn't belong here.

I wanted to get up and see what he had done with the bedroom, I wanted to see what he had made of the place since I had been gone.

But again, it would have been wrong. It's not like I lived here anymore.

Harry played a race car game on his phone while I just looked around. I thought about turning on the tv but I didn't want to distract Daniel from his reading.

"Here." Both Harry and I looked up when Daniel spoke.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, there are two ways for you to get out of this," he began as he flipped back to one of the pages.

"What it basically says right here is that if you had to move out of the country or you could no longer be in a position where you could work for Harry,"

"Chris." I corrected him.

"Chris. Anyways, you could pay £6 million to get out of the contract with some more fees along with that."

"£6 million?" Harry and I said in unison.

"Wait, there's more," he said before flipping back to the page was recently on.

"Here it says that if Chris, or who ever, was to violate your contract in any way, you could sue him out of it."

That seemed the best way to go. Chris probably violated the contract big time.

"What would he have to do to violate the contract though?" I asked.

"Um..." Daniel said as he skimmed through the pages.

"Well, it says here that if you were to discuss your wage with an employee you could be fired..." That was just a guide line for me, not for Chris.

"Chris won't fire me." I said. I didn't really want to explain why, and Daniel knew that so he kept going.

"Okay, well it says that if he was to harass you, sexually or physically, he could be sued and he'd most likely lose that case."

"He's never put a hand on me as far as I'm concerned." I said. I've punched Chris several times but as far as I can remember he's never physically or sexually insulted me.

"He's sexually harassed me." Harry said.

"Does it say he can be sued for that in your contract?" Daniel asked. Harry shrugged.

"If it's in Niall's I imagine it's in mine."

"But Niall's contract is different from yours. You're the boxer, he's the trainer." Daniel explained.

"But why wouldn't that be in mine?" Harry asked.

"Good point." Daniel said.

Daniel looked over my contract again, looking for something else to get me out. When several minuets of silence went by, I expected the worse.

"There's really nothing else. This Chris guy is tricky. So unless you have £6 million, or he harassed you... I don't see how you'd be able to get out of this thing." He said.

"It says nothing about health?" I asked.

"You don't have any health problems. That'd be a waste of your time, and a lie. Plus you would have to take him to court, and that's what you're trying to avoid, am I right?" He asked. I sighed and nodded, he was right. If I had to take Chris to court, I had no idea what my chances of winning would be, even if I did have Daniel as a lawyer.

"So, I either have to pay £6 million or some how get Chris to harass me?" I asked, looking for conformation.

"Pretty much." He said bluntly.

"I don't have £6 million." Where was I going to get £6 million from? My ass?

"I don't know what to say. I'm assuming you two want out of the contracts because it strictly says no intimate relationships with staff?" He asked.

Harry and I both nodded quickly. That was the main reason, and the fact Chris was the spawn of satan himself.

"I mean, if you take Chris to court, you could use that as a reason to want out. It'd be more convincing if you two were getting married or something."

I sucked in a large breath and so did Harry. We sat there in silence, both biting our lips while looking at Daniel with a guilty look.

"Oh god. don't tell me..." He sighed. I just nodded, confirming it.

"Yeah, we're engaged." I said bashfully.

"You're kidding right? Niall, you left me on our wedding day and you've been dating Harry for what? Five or six months?"

"I love him!" I defended myself.

"What ever. Like I was saying, that could be an excuse if you were going to take him to court, but since you're trying to avoid that, it looks like you're going to be coming up with £6 million." He said to me. I let out a large breath; where was I going to get £6 million? I only made £2000 a week, and there were bills to pay! I couldn't come up with that kind of money right now. It would take me months maybe even years to save up that kind of money and I wanted out of the contract as soon as possible.

"You said Harry's contract is at home?" He asked me. I nodded.

"I'll bring it by tomorrow if that's alright." I said.

"I get off work at,"

"6, I know." I said.

Come on Daniel... We lived together for how long?

"Yeah. Anyways, I'll be here, just drop it off and I'll take a look." He said.

Harry and I both stood up, looking at Daniel who extended his hand at Harry.

"Until tomorrow." He said.

"Thank you for the help." Harry forced out.

"My pleasure." He said. When it came time to say goodbye to me, Daniel really didn't know what to do. I didn't either. I wanted to give him a hug goodbye, but that seemed inappropriate. Maybe a hand shake? With all of our history? That was inappropriate too.

"Uh," I said awkwardly.

"See you tomorrow, Niall." He smiled at me. I gave him a small smile as well before I left the house with Harry.

Once in the car, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Well... If that wasn't stressful then I don't know what is." Harry joked.


"You okay?" He asked me.

"I'm fine, really I am. It was just weird seeing him after everything you know?" I said. Harry shook his head.

"It's like when you saw your mother for the first time in sixteen years. How did you feel?" I asked.

"You know how I felt."

"Okay, well I kind of felt the same way. Minus the wanting to kill everything in my sight part. I felt confused, happy, emotional, angry, all in one big pile above my head. It's confusing."

"I understand." He said with his head down.

"I'm not jealous of him seeing someone else by the way. It was just weird for me to see, or hear about."

"How?" He asked.

"Well... Daniel was my first... for pretty much everything. I was with him for half my life, you know how much history has been put between us?" He nodded.

"Well it was just weird to see that it didn't matter to him."

"Niall it matters to him." Harry said.

"But it doesn't feel that way you know? It's like, hey I know we have a history together but I don't really care because I met someone better." I said. Harry just smirked at me, I rolled my eyes and said, "Yeah, yeah I know. I know what I did. It's just weird seeing it from this point of view." I said.

"I get it. let's go home." He said as he placed his hand on my knee. I shook my head, I couldn't go home with Harry. I was sticking with my word, I had to move out until this whole thing blew over.

"Harry, I can't."

"Sure you can."

"Look just because we made up and we are getting this contract thing figured out doesn't mean I can stay at the house."

"Sure it does!"

"No. It doesn't. Look, we have to remain on the down low okay? You know that. I'll just stay at Liam's or something."

"Please come home with me."

"You know I can't."

"But you can."

"Harry, please shut up."


{A/N} Okay so I hate the way I ended this chapter.... just saying. I didn't know how to end it. Anyways.... Niall and Harry are taking action yay!!!!!!

Fuck Chris. No one likes him.

I don't know what to say besides yay because Narry is happy again...

Kind of.

They can't live together which sucks but at least they aren't fighting!

So yeah, hope you liked the chapter :)

Comment and vote my little hippies.

ps. Larry is fake and harry obviously didn't know what it said on the flag, he didn't see the tweet.

Narry is in.

Larry is out.


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