TANKHUN Fanfic | Mind Over Ma...

By AprilsSmile

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"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get en... More

1. Mind over matter
2. Escape plan
3. Escape plan cancel
NOTE: Not an update
Highlights: Chap# 4 & 5
6. No touching at all
7. Chaos in Tankhun's room
8. Tankhun, Pete, Vegas
9. Finding Tankhun!
10. Rock Paper Scissors
11. It's Vegas
12. Pete, the Panther
13. Fan-following!
14. Height of Patheticness!
15. Sleeping Tankhun!
16. Knock, Knock!
NOTE: Not an Update!
17. Sweet Revenge!
18. Amy X Tankhun
19. It's Kinn
Highlights: Have Fun!
20. High-five?
21. Heart issues!
22. Wild Vehement!!!
23. Emergency Party!!
24. The Weekend / Study Time
25. It's Arm
26. Perfect complement :)
27. Beauty's Smile!
28. The Library
29. The Freshmen
NOTE: Not an Update
30. Blue Fire
31. The shopping maniac
32. Group Project
33. The Club
34. Damn Letter!
35. V for Vicious
36. Welcome home, Sister!
37. The Nightmare!
38. Future Fiancé
39. Bustling Life
40. Drama Family!
41. sOOry!
42. Zeal and Zest!
43. Sneak out!!
44. Party Animals!
Highlights: 44. Party Animals!
45. After Party!
46. Confessions!
47. Obsession...!
48. It's Porsche
49. #TeamTankhun
50. The Blacklist!
51. D-Day!
52. The more the merrier!
53. Tankhun's Treat.
54. Selfies Maniac!
55. It's Kimhan
56. Beautiful Heart^^
57. Second place? maybe not!
58. Stutter Boy!
59. Reciprocate!
60. Official Romance!
61. The Basement!
62. MFC - The Trio
63. Tea...party!
64. The Little Devil!
65. Warmth...
66. Shades of Gray!
67. A Day so FINE!
68. Befriend!
69. It's Leonid
70. The Plan!?
71. The preparations!
72. Just keep Swimming!
73. Mini concert!
74. Affable Meeting!
75. Bon appetit
Highlights: chap# 74 & 75
76. The control room!
77. Bloody Chaos!
78. The closure!
79. Life did a 360..
80. Romantic action!
81. Love-Hate!
82. The melodious ride..
83. Disheartened!
84. Sir Kinn! Hot as.....
85. A for Amity.
86. Height of Goofiness!
87. Fallen star?
88. Anti-fragile!
89. Her...Escape Plan!
90. Mirthless smile ):)
91. Insomnolent.!.!
92. Maquillage
93. Wild Vociferous!!!
94. Finding Amy!
95. Tragic Heroine...
96. Demoniac Khun!
97. Rough and tumble?
98. Viva la vida
Highlights: Enjoy! ;)
99. The best is yet to come..
100. The Anchor
101. Beer and skittles!
102. Enchantment!
NOTE: Not an Update :)
103. ...bears the crown!
104. Near and Dear!
105. Crazy Peacock!
106. Young Master!?
107. The Date?
108. Amy the Queen!
109. The Midnight Mirage
It's A.S. Styles^^
Highlights: Mind over Matter

110. Amy X Tankhun

330 17 31
By AprilsSmile

Grab your popcorn and coke cause this is the final chapter. Enjoy ;)



I was vibing when someone approached me, I thought twice before hitting whoever came. I held my headphones to use as a weapon and turned around.

"I DARE YOU-" to mess with me!?

"Amy don't!" I immediately recognised this half raspy half deep voice.

"HAN!" I exclaimed to see him raise his arms in self defence. "What are you doing here!?"

He lifted his brows as if I asked something idiotic, maybe I did.

"You tell me! what are you doing here?" He looked too surprised for his own good.

"Can't you tell?" I threw the question back at him.

"Does Khun know?" He asked, as if I'm obliged to his brother. How objectionable!

"I came here after getting permission from my DAD!"

He just watched me "I didn't mean it that way. I just thought if you're here then my crazy brother would be too."

I watched him to see if he meant what he said, seems he does. So moving on..

"Ladies and gentlemen! Have a blast!" I announced in the mic, and played another track.

[Baby Tate - Hey, Mickey!]

"Make some noise! Charming Mickey in the house!" I yelled in the mic and wink at Han.

"You're nuts!" He chucked, his eyes shone in utter disbelief.

Heehee! I grinned from ear to ear.

"Enjoy the night!" With that I dismissed him from my station. Haha

Wait! Who else is here? Sheesh! I should've had to ask instead of acting cool.


Half an hour later, I saw Destiny making brother Pol dance. So he did come! I smiled.

Hold on! Did he come alone or did Arm join him too? I searched and found a guy wearing spectacles, that's Arm!

Shoot! If both of them are here that means....

My eyes widened, suddenly I had a cowardly urge to run and hide. At first I was at ease that no one can recognise me but now that a certain someone is here, I'm not so sure anymore.

Tankhun can easily detect me in the crowd of thousands! That much crazy confidence I had in him.

I watched him sitting near the bar counter while Arm standing not a meter away from him. Where brother Pol came to hang out with his GF, Arm was on duty. Poor Robo!

[Dua Lipa - Levitating]

"A track for those who are on duty at this happy hour!" I announced and looked closely to see Arm's reaction. Sure enough he did spare a glance to me, the DJ. I leaned forward to hide behind my laptop screen.

Damn I'm starting to consider taking this job permanently!

I was bouncing and dancing crazily when I got a call from dad. I answered the call to tell him I can't talk.

[If only I knew what I was allowing you into....]

I paused to interpret, whatever he means by that..? But the call got disconnected, I shrugged and continued my dance.

I was doing a robotic dance when my eyes landed on a giant dashing figure.

I accidentally said that into the mic. Half the crowd looked my way but the next moment was distracted by the new track.

[Fly Project - Toca Toca]

I wet my lips, swallowed hard and watched the dashing man staring right at me. I spare a glance to Destiny who was smiling at me knowingly. Damn you roomie! Now I know how she found out about the club thing.

Suddenly a group of drunk people came to drag me out on the dance floor.

What the hell! It wasn't included in my...oops.

I hissed as someone took my hand. I should've seen the height of her heels before pushing her away. Thanks to her sober friends who caught her in time, otherwise she would be kissing the floor. She shot me a hostile look while I watched her pink cheeks. She looks cute.

[Carly Rae Jepsen - Call me maybe]

"The next song is for this sweetheart!" I announced and pointed at her, the crowd hooted. The girl forgot about me and happily giggled.

Phew! That was a close call. I should stay on guard. I encourage them to go back and enjoy themselves. I glanced at the dashing man who lifted just one brow in appreciation. I smiled and held the mic to my mouth.

"YO DADDY! YOUR GURL IS DJING!!" I shouted in the mic and jumped up on the counter. The safe place where no one can come to touch me.

Now that my darling Mr.D came all the way here to surprise me, my confidence doubled up.

[PSY - Daddy]

Mr. D facepalmed, he couldn't believe I just played that song hahahaha.

I danced and danced and hooted for those who were showing the pole dance on one side. Why didn't I see them earlier?

From here I can see everything, Tankhun wasn't in the bar corner. Where did my pretty boy disappear?

I searched for anyone wearing black shiny outfit half the same as mine until my eyes landed on a lean body with his jaw dropped to the dancefloor.


I leaned forward to see more clearly in the flickering lights and found a few familiar swimmers. Don't tell me the whole swimming club was going to come here to hang out!

[El Neón - Turbulencia]

Surely, I saw Porsche dancing with his long limbs. But he wasn't alone he was forcing a guy to join him too. From here I could just see the broad shoulders of that man. The figure looked familiar somehow.

I signaled Joy to help Nanon from coming out of his shock. It's not his fault, I didn't tell them why I was going to come here in the first place.

I continued to take my one day job seriously. I sat down to tap my laptop keys to play something else. I raised to my feet, glanced at the pole dance area again and..

"What the Mohito!" I cursed to see my forever frowning junior hugging the pole upside down. Many were recording it while a few threw money on him.

Oh gawd! How do I stop him? I'm a thousand percent sure that he sneaked out. If my mafia brother sees him like this......! I couldn't think any further.

I immediately texted Han to stop his little cousin. He replied the next second.

"Let Macau fall and break his neck.
Such a bad influencer."

Turns out Mac asked Porchay to join him and his friends to the club, which explains Han's presence who brought Chay in his supervision.

Wait! Mac and his friends? Does it include my stutter boy too?

I searched the dancefloor, for the thousandth time. Nahh my Luv is too innocent to be here. I smiled and sighed in relief.

Hell with the relief! My stuttering boy was here, I almost tripped and fell to see him standing near the counter. I sat down to come to his level. I saw my reflection in his glass eyes, he blinked in awe then lifted his hand to say Hi.

His smile was so angelic that I melted on the spot, he motioned his hands to compliment my look. I smiled and pointed at the pole dance area and told him to go there where his friends are. He nodded and walked through the crowd. Did I just guide an angel towards the wrong path?

Shame on me! I chuckled out. Now I stand tall with no fear, no hesitation. I started to tap my boots on the counter and clapped my hands above my head. Let's face whoever came next, I smiled confidently only to frown the next moment.

Anyone but HIM!

Where everyone was having a good time with their friends and more-than-friends, I got to face my ex-fiance. Where's the justice in this!?

He walked towards me and I spared a conscious glance to where my dashing dad was sitting.

"We've met again! I must say you never cease to amaze me! Why are you so full of surprises!" Leo's gray eyes literally shone to see me.

Hell with his surprise! Last time when we met, he freaking lied to me! Shameless russian!

I wore my headphones and yelled.

"Sorry can't hear YOU!"

Leo crossed his arms and laughed. I spare a second to see his outfit. He was wearing an expensive looking tailor made suit. Did he directly come from his office or what? The man didn't even change before coming here. What was so hurry? Wait did he follow me!? Nahh maybe he came as Luv's guardian.

I sat down to take a rest and asked "What are you doing here? Don't tell me you came here to the party cause I won't buy that!"

He laughed "I wasn't going to say that. Well it's mine!" He opened his arm, giving me a titanic pose.

I just blinked.

"This club. It belongs to me." He said proudly.

"EEHHH!?!?!" I was utterly stunned.

"Welcome to my Midnight Mirage, never expected to see you here!" Leo gave me a sincere smile.

"Thanks. I just came for..." I pointed at the instruments.

"You're doing great. I only come to this area on rare occasions but tonight I got a report that our dancefloor has been set on fire."

I beam up as my efforts are paying off.

"I would like you to consider joining La Forte." He joked "See you around." He nodded and turned to see where his nephew was standing. He narrowed his eyes to see a bunch of girls surrounding Luv. My stuttering boy looked overwhelmed.

"Get those girls out!" I heard Leo, giving orders to a bulky man, his guard I guess.

"NO!" I yelled as I recognised those butterflies. "Those girls are Luv's classmates. I know them, let them be." He took a moment to think before stopping his man.

"I'll keep an eye on him." I said and advised him to let his nephew explore this fun world like other freshies are doing. Leo frowned and left without a word. He agreed or not?

Anyways, the break is over! Let's move on to the next song!

I jumped down to stand behind my laptop and select the playlist of pop songs.

[Major Lazer & DJ Snake - Lean On]

DJing is both fun and tiring. I looked up to see a boy, probably a waiter, who put an energy bar on the counter. And showed me a napkin with two words written on it.

"Your DON."

I raised my brows in question and he pointed where Mr. D was sitting. I nodded thanks, unwrapped the chocolate bar and took a big bite. Now this is what I needed to regain my energy.


Tankhun's POV:

Pol was asking for a leave to hang out with his girlfriend, again. Lucky him! I asked where he was going this time. It seems he doesn't want to tell me this time.

I dialed Destiny's number and showed him the screen. He snatched my device like a mad rabbit and told me about this famous club Destiny was going.

I watched as he was pleading me with his eyes. Like a kind boss, I assured him that I won't be going with him cause I hate crowdedness and abhor sweaty smells.

After he left, I turned to Arm and ask if I should ask Amy out on a club date. He shook his head in no. I thought for a second and this smarty pants is right, club isn't a place for my beautiful Amy. Too crowded for her. I sat back, dropping the plan. From the corner of my eye I saw him sighing in relief.

Okay~ that's intriguing!

"Arm get the car ready we're going out to the Sandland!" I ordered and went to get dressed.

Behind him I heard him muttering something like 'Late night mirage'.

I wore thin clothes as I heard the clubs are hot and too crowded. Everyone sweats buckets. I hate sweating so I wore light but fashionable clothes.


At first it was kinda boring, the music was loud and nice but there wasn't enough room for me to dance so I sat in the bar area. Arm was on guard, his four eyes busy scanning the whole club. I told him to take it easy, and he said 'we're in the Russian mafia's territory'.

I was like 'Bloody Scratch! I should've known it earlier'. But then relaxed when I saw Kinn and Porsche boy. I was happy to see them and was gonna call them, when Porsche's eyes landed on me. He didn't let Kinn turn towards me and ran to the dancefloor. Damn you traitor! I cursed and saw Arm's lips twitching.

Then the lady DJ played a song for the 'on duty' people. I didn't know they had female DJ. Yet again, what can you possibly expect from the russian guy, who also appointed ladies to guard him.

I watched as Arm was trying to get a look on the lady DJ. I smiled to tease him, he looked at me first then drop his pursuit towards the DJ. She doesn't speak much, but whenever she does she sounds nice. I can tell she's a professional, she's rocking the club by igniting the youths.


I accidentally spurted the drink to hear that. Is her daddy's here or what? Damn she's asking for my attention!

I too was dying to dance when Chay came running "First brother!?" He was surprised to see me.
"Macau lost the bet with his friends, now he's going to pole dance." He hastily passed me the good information and ran away.

I watched Kim following little Chay. My little brother rolled his eyes to look at me, spare a glance towards the DJ station and walked away. What was that about?

"Both my brothers and cousins are here!And no one even thought to invite me." I complained.

"But you're already here, Khun! We've came before them." Arm pointed out as if I gave a damn.

"Let's go and see my little cousin loosing his face." I chuckled as there's no way Macau can pulled of pole dancing.


Flexible hell! Has my little cousin secretly got training for pole dancing?

"Arm! See if my psycho cousin is here too."

"Are you worried about Khun Macau?" Arm sounds surprised for once. I scoffed.

"If Vegas is not here then I will send the video clip to him so that he won't miss the fun!"

Arm just gave me The Look and informed there's no psychopath in the night club.

"Wonderful!" I share the clip in my family group. Well I can directly send that to Vegas, but I didn't want my Pete to think that I did that on purpose.

Carrying a crazy glint in my eyes, I joined the youth in hooting for the pole dancer.

"WOOHOO~ OOF!" Suddenly someone came and ran into me.

"Who let the blind people in!" I yelled and watch a boy with glass eyes. "Are you wearing lenses?" I asked, he shook his head in no. He was staring at me like he knew me.

"Wait! you're that Scratch's nephew!" I recognise him finally.

"S..Screaigh." He stammered to correct me.

"Whatever!" I said as I am not that interested in calling that third party, bloody russian, my possible rival by his right name, but for some reason the boy looked hurt... and cute. Aww!

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked just to be polite. Amy had a liking for this stutter boy, I don't want him to go and tittle-tattle to my beautiful Amy.

He hmm-ed to answer then turn to look somewhere then back at me.

"Y...you come h..here with s..senior Amy?" He stutter to ask, making me confused. I glanced at Arm who immediately went to check where the boy was looking.

"You met her?" I asked, he nodded.

Now that's not a good sign, as the club owner is no other than Leonid Screaigh.

"Where is Amy?" I tried not to panic. He pointed at the area where....

My eyes widen as the acknowledgement descended upon me.

No wonder I've got the immediate liking of that Lady DJ.

"Your friend is over there, go enjoy." I pointed where Macau was dancing and Chay was recording.

Before he could leave, he got surrounded by chattering, giggling girls. I waited a few seconds to see if the boy was in trouble or needed my help. Well no. They must've known each other because the girls were calling him by his name, 'lovely Lev'. I rolled my eyes to see the boy turning red.

Arm confirmed the exclusive news with a nod. The next moment I found myself crossing among the sweaty bodies to reach the other side of the club. I literally had to push and pull people to make my way. Some guys fell sideways, while some accidentally hugged each other. I hahahaha-ed my way through them.

Arm pointed towards the DJ's platform. And there she was, looking amazingly breathtaking. I'm glad that the leather outfit fit her perfectly, I was confused while choosing the right size for her before ordering it. I just took my time and watched her eating a chocolate bar, to my heart's content.

Then a drunk boy appeared in my vision. He walked like a zombie and held Amy's hand then started pulling her. I tighten my fist in rage, ready to go and crack open his skull like a coconut....

Suddenly I halted.

A giant man dashed forward, grabbed the boy with his collar. He raised him in the air before throwing him to the other side like a sack of potatoes.

One word, WOW. Amazing!

I peered at the tall foreigner, a man with broad shoulders and wide chest. He might be in his late forties.. He was dressed in all black, wearing pants with a turtle neck sweater, his raven hair was perfectly styled. Well he looked rather young for his age.

The drunk boy might be passed out as he didn't try to get back to his feet. Now the tall man was talking to Amy, she was nodding at something he might've asked. I furrowed my brows to see him holding her wrist and examining it. She was telling him something with a pained smile.

I started to walk as I wanted to see if she's okay, to hear what they were talking about, I wanted to know why he was holding her wrist, why she's not flicking his hand away like she does to everyone else? Was he forcing her? Or was there something between them that I didn't know! They looked quite familiar with each other cause the man was blowing in her wrist.

Damn that drunk zombie burnt my beautiful Amy! Maybe I should go and kick him until his ribs broke.

I was walking in rage when a boy ran into me. I stumbled and someone came to hold me, I turned my neck to see Pete. He smiled to see me.
Well it's a sign that my psycho cousin joined the party. Alas! I don't have the time to see my little cousin getting scolded by his brother in front of everyone.

I turned back to see Amy. She changed the song to FRIENDS by Marshmallows and Anne-Marie.

She was sitting above the DJ booth, the foreigner man was moving his hand left to right, saying no for something. Amy was beaming wildly. She holds his hand and make him spin around.

I stopped on my track.

Both Pete and Arm stopped on my left and right.

She was enjoying that man's company....!

I stumbled to watch the man giving a hug to her, he even kissed her forehead.

I grind my teeth, clenched my fists, I might be trembling in rage that Pete reached out to pat my back. He was telling me something but I wasn't listening.

There was loud music around but I could just hear baffled noises. Both Pete and Arm were talking gibberish back and forth.

"It was just yesterday she was hugging me. Now she's with... No no no I must be mistaken. But the man kissed her and she smiled!" I was self talking.

"Khun...khun..did you just hear me? Are you even listening..!..?" Pete motion his hands in front of my eyes.

I didn't react. I stood still like a lonely tree, surrounded by wild weeds. Feels like I was waiting for something.

"Khun it's not like what you're thinking!" Arm told me, I shot him a glare, he chose the wrong time for lecturing!

I shifted my gaze and found Amy looking at my way. Our eyes met. She wasn't that surprised to see me. To see in the line of her sight, the man turned and looked at me. I spare a tiny glance to see the man's face.

I hate to admit but he was more than just handsome. He looked graceful. I stumbled lightly to see the man holding Amy by her back and put her down from the counter, effortlessly.

"Take me out of here." I found myself saying, my eyes fixed at Amy
"I don't know what would I do otherwise." In all the loud music and noise my boys heard me.

"I don't want to say or do anything regrettable." I half pleaded, both Pete and Arm exchange glances and nodded at me.

Amy took a step towards my direction but I backed away. Pete guided me while Arm cleared the way.

My past records are very violent when it comes to my jealousy or madness for her. I don't want to throw a tantrum or hurt her in any way. It's better if I leave and take time to cool down and arrange my thoughts. Only then I will face Amy and demand an explanation.

What right do I have to question her choices....or character!

I can't even say that she's broke my heart as she never took it in the first place. Urgh!



"Oh boy!" I uttered to see him standing amongst the crowd, staring... no glaring at me. Dad turned around to see where I was looking, his eyes met with Tankhun's.

"The boy?" Dad asked and I nodded slowly, I was going to introduce them to each other when Tankhun turned to leave.

"He doesn't look right, I'll go and check. Maybe something happened..." I was saying whatever comes to my mind.

"Mr. Van!"

Here comes another guy to whom I didn't inform about my special job.

"Vegas! Hey buddy! You were here too?" Dad recognised him at once.

"Just arrived." Brother V said while glancing at me. I gulped down unconsciously.

Both Mr. D and brother V met each other like old friends. Dad gave a bear hug to brother V while I tried to see where Tankhun go.

Tsk! I clicked my tongue and saw a line of boys standing behind brother V with their head bow down like criminals.
Haha my juniors finally got arrested by my mafia brother. He didn't just catch Mac but also gather his group of friends. I wonder what punishment they will get.

"Brother V have you seen Tankhun?"

He first glanced at my dad "Didn't he went out with Pete earlier?"

I really, really wanted to leave after him, but couldn't leave my working place. I watched Mac meeting my dad while trying to avoid looking at brother V. Dad was teasing him by introducing himself as a Chef Don. Mac laughed out at their inside-joke and went for a hug.

"Hey Micronesia! Come take my place for a bit." I grabbed and pulled him behind the counter, I hastily showed him the playlist.
"Play whatever you want!" I shoved the whole group of friends to assist him and ran out like a super sonic.

"AMY!" Both dad and brother called out, and followed me behind.


Outside the building I looked for Tankhun, impatiently. I watch Kinn and Porsche sitting on the side of the pool, their feet dipped in water. I was going to ask if they've seen Tankhun when they give nonplussed looks. Damn I don't have time for their amazement to find me here!

"Hey Kinn! Have you-" I paused to see him lifting his thick brows. "What! You're not a teacher so I can call you..."

"But I'm older than you." He interrupted in his deep voice.

"Sorry. Br.. brother Kinn, have you seen Tankhun?"


"Khun is older than both you and Kinn." Porsche informed me with a grin.

"But there's no way I would call him brother."

"Why not?" He was challenging me. Damn him.

"Well I can try.." I smiled as he was messing with the wrong girl.

"Please don't." Kinn started "I don't want to see my dramatic brother having a heart attack."

"But I do." Porsche said "Please Amy call him 'brother Khun'. At least once. I want to film the moment. Haha" He laughed while imagining, I low-key wanted to do as he asked. Hehe

"Anyway have you seen Tankhun?"

"Wasn't he sitting at the bar area?" Porsche asked back.

"Wait! Khun is here?" Kinn was surprised "Amy did you come with him? Whose idea was that!?" He sounds angry.

"Nevermind." I back off. I remember that their leader forbade my pretty boy to go to places like this. It's not save for him.

How stupid of you Amy! You went to ask directly to their leader... What if Tankhun sneaked out secretly!

I slapped my forehead and turned to leave.

"Have you tried calling Khun, if he's not answering call Pol or Arm. If you got no answer then feel free to call Pete." Porsche said, I nodded a thanks.

I immediately turned to run and bumped into someone. Who the hell stands so close to me!

"Silly girl!" Brother V held me in a place and called Pete, I snatched the device to talk directly. Pete was saying something about Khun having an emotional breakdown because of me. What did I do?

"Where is he?" I asked. "I want to talk to him...Tell him to come to me this instant."


I kept walking left to right, then right to left. I was nervous as hell where everyone gathered and had a meet and greet with Mr.D.

Both my college friends and mafia friends were very happy to see my dad for the first time. Reason unknown!

All of them were flabbergast to see my dashing dad, they didn't believe that we're genuinely related. Half of them refused to believe that we are in an actual father-daughter relationship. I spare a second to roll my eyes.

I was already feeling jittery when Leo appeared, Mr. D excused himself and went to talk to him. I saw how brother Kinn' gaze followed them with a stern impression.

Come on~ Tankhun where are you?


Author's POV:

After fifteen minutes or so Khun came and stopped to see the folks and friends. Were they all waiting for him? His gaze stopped at Amy. Her lips stretched out to smile to see him back. As if she searches the whole area to find him - which she actually did but Khun didn't know that.

Khun watched her rubbing her hand nervously. For a sad second he thought that she was going to gave him a final answer. He heard her stern tone when she told Pete that she wanted to talk to him. But his subconscious said that the matter is contrary to what he was thinking.

In the past days she didn't stop him from pursuing her, furthermore she was unconsciously encourage him.

"What happened?" She came to stand in front of him.


"You cried. Why?"



"Just say what you wanted to say so that I can go back."

"Go back? To where?"

"Anywhere where I can't see you."

"..." She thought she heard him wrong.

"Why? I can't leave you behind?" He looked irritated.

"Are you mad that I came here without telling you?"

He scoffed "You think I'm a kid! You can go wherever you want, I don't have the right to tell you otherwise."

Even when he rather that she told him first, just for her safety purpose. She was standing on the Russian's property and Khun didn't know that. What if something bad happened to her!


"What you mean ohh?" He shouted.

"Just tell me why are you mad, so that we can sort out and clear misunderstandings."

"Misunderstandings! Hahaha no sweetheart this time it wasn't just some misunderstanding."


"You looked quite close to that foreigner." Khun glared at the tall man, who was leaning against a coconut tree.

"That's...true. So?" Amy was puzzled.

"And yet you're NOT declining it! Great!" Khun threw his hands in the air.

"Tankhun it's not like-"

"He must be hitting up the gym. I didn't know you were into guys like that." Khun sneered.

She gasped "What the hell are you suggesting!"

"Why? Am I wrong!" Tankhun was obdurate and adamant, proving his stubborn craziness.

The people who don't know were watching in confusion but those who did know slapped their foreheads. Looking so done with their crazy Khun.

"Me and that foreigner? Yeah right! Absolutely right!" She forced nodded "You know what! Go to hell and live with your trashy thinking." Instead of feeling hurt Amy got heated.

How dare this crazy guy suggest something scandalous like that! The man was her dad! Also if there was some other guy Khun had no right to accuse her. Did he took her for some playgirl! Just because she's been nice to him lately!

Amy tried to take off the thin ring from her ring finger, Tankhun looked completely flummoxed, but low-key thankful as the ring got stuck, igniting her irritation.

"I am done with YOU." Instead of the ring, she took off her jacket and threw it on Tankhun's face.

"!!!" Tankhun's pupil expanded in horror, he made a face as if he received a physical blow.

"I don't want to... see YOU ev...ever again." Her voice breaks in dejection.


On the other side, both Leonid and Donovan, the father, were looking at them bickering.

"Was it fun.." Van started "..hijacking my daughter's date?"

"I'm certainly not sorry for that." Leon muttered in Russian.

Van shook his head while smiling "So Mr. Screaigh, you're the owner of this club?" He asked casually.

"Yes Mr. Autumn. Are you impressed?"


"Then can you consider my proposal and give your daughter to me?" Leo asked while enjoying the scene where the first son of Theerapanyakul was getting rejected.

Van scoffed "Ha! What a wishful thinking!"

"Melancholy!" Leo amused "You didn't tell me about her fiance... who's he?"

Without saying the name, Van pointed at the boy who looked on the verge of crying. It was obvious that he wanted to beg Amy but his stupid pride came into his way.

"Him!" Leonid turned completely in astonishment. "No freaking way!"

Van's lips curled up into smile. "Don't they look like a perfect complement."

"They seemed totally opposite to me."

"Exactly. Their differences are what makes them attractive to each other."

"I'm different too." Leonid muttered in a barely audible voice, yet Van heard him. He hit Leonid's back and laughed.

"Let's call it a day. I'm taking my daughter back." Van said, Leon nodded slightly.


"Enough!" Van raised his voice. "Amy, let's go!" He said and eyed Khun who was holding Amy's jacket and looked back at Van with his tear filled eyes.

Amy looked up at her dad, both anger and sadness in her eyes. Van clenched his fist to see her lips quivering.

"You made my girl cry!" Van stands in front of his future son-in-law. Khun had to look up to see this giant man.

He tilted sideways to see if the man is telling the truth or not because Amy never cry. A tiny crazy part of him always wondered what she looked like while crying, did her eyes get puffy or her nose turned red..does she hiccup or bite her lips.

"She's getting emotional, if a single tear fell from her eyes, with a grab on your neck I'll hold you up in the air and then drown you in the pool." Van said in a light husky whisper, and Khun accidentally imagined the dreadful scenario.
"Just a fair warning, young man." His eyes shorten in a hint of smile.

Khun, Tankhun the first son of Theerapanyakul felt intimidated for the first time in his life. Now he badly wanted to know who the man actually was, which family he came from? Is he capable enough to stand in front of him!?

"Who are you to warn me? Stop towering like a giant!" Khun yelled like a king. "You can't even lay a finger on me!" He lifted his chin up arrogantly.

"Is that so?" Van tried not to smile, only he knew how bad he wanted to prove this crazy guy wrong.

"Also she can cry if she wants. A single tear? Huh! she can cry a bucket!" Khun shouted in his high pitched voice.

Whoever heard that made faces, give looks to their crazy Khun.

Where Van admired his craziness, Amy's heart broke a little. His Highness didn't give a damn if she cried or not!

If that's the case, she better not. She's not like other ordinary girls who broke down in emotions just because a boy treated her rudely. It's not her fault that Khun took a wrong impression in the first place.

"No matter what she's going through, she can handle it herself. She doesn't need anyone's support. She's not like other weeping girls. She's MY beautiful Amy! If someone hurt her feelings she went heads on and took revenge."
Khun muttered whatever comes to his mouth, his eyes were sparkling with a strange confidence.

"Surely." Van nodded in agreement and moved back to see Amy who was standing tall, swallowing whatever emotions she was feeling earlier. He reached out to set Amy's turtle neck collar.
"Say the word and I will do as you want. We can abduct that silly boy or should I crush him before leaving?"

"Why would you do that! He's no one." Amy stated flatly, all the eyes turn to see Khun who's heart just cracked.

Van smoothed out his daughter's hair and smiled. "We are wearing matching outfits now." He pointed at his and her turtle neck shirts.

She lightly smiled and nod like a little girl. "My darling Quinn! Why are you so adorable!" Van pulled her cheeks.


A slap landed on Van's hand, he moved his gaze and found his future son-in-law glaring at him murderously. A side smile appeared on his face. That smile worked like fuel on fire, making Tankhun burn in fury.

"Give me a reason for not breaking your nose!" Van started casually while glancing at his stone hard fist. Everyone got alarmed. They were now sure that Khun wouldn't stop until get beaten by his future father-in-law.

"Try me! I'll shot a hole between your brows before crying in pain." Tankhun challenged in his husky voice. Everyone gasped in horror. Now there's no way any sane father would give her daughter to a crazy guy like that.

"Tankhun!" Amy yelled to hear that.

Ignoring Amy, Khun turned to Van.

"She's mine! Nobody touches what MINE!" He roared warningly.

"I don't remember giving my Quinn to you." Van replied calmly.

"Your what! She's mine!" Khun was annoyed as hell. "She's MY Queen!"

Hearing this Amy almost tripped, Van held her arm to help her standing still.

"Why don't you ask to confirm it directly from her!" Porsche yelled like a happy spectator, and was honoured by a few scolding looks from both major and minor family leaders.

Listening to Porsche Van turned to ask "That's right! Tell us darling to whom you belonged?"

Amy's mouth fell open to get teased by her own dad. Even Tankhun was looking at her like he was expecting an answer in his favour.

She has no clue how they got so engaged in this middle-school kinda fight.

"I don't want to be part of your conversation." Amy held her hands up and backed away.

She left them bickering as if she wasn't the reason they were fighting in the first place.


Amy was going back to get her bag and laptop when someone came from behind and covered her eyes with soft hands.

"Guess who am I?"

Hearing this Angelic voice a bright smile appeared on her face.

"My little devil."

"That's right haha" Angelite chuckled and Amy turned to embrace him. She was so happy that she kissed his both cheeks.

"Ewww.." Angel wiped his cheeks with his sleeves while Amy laughed heartedly.

"Now tell me how did you get in here? You're still minor.."

"Seriously M! We're seeing each other after a year and half and this is what you've got to ask?"

"Duh! It's not a place for kids."

"I'll take that as offence." Angel eyed her "What about you? Where everyone is having fun, why are you mopping around?"

"Earlier it was hella fun..." She made a pout and sighed "Then Tincan happened."

"Tincan! Is he here!?" Angel exclaimed and looked around "Where's he? I want to see him!"

"But you won't!" Amy made a face.

"Why?" Angel narrowed his eyes.

"We broke up. I ditched him. It's over."

"Wha-" Angel's mouth fell open "You guys were DATING!? And you didn't think about telling me first!" He yelled as if they commit a sin by not getting his blessings.

"We were NOT!" Amy shouted as if her little devil just questioned her virtuousness. "It's just.. he had zero trust in me."

"I highly doubt that." Angel denied, Amy crossed her arms "Fine! tell me what did he do?" Angel asked just to show that he's on her side.

"He questioned my character." Amy said.

"He what!" Angel held his chest and gasped out loud.

"That was overly exaggerated." Amy pointed out "Anyways he's crazy to assume that there's something between me and Mr.D."

Angel burst out laughing "He's not wrong to think that. Dad was so excited to see you. I'm sure he would be acting too touchy and lovey dovey with you. And I'm guessing that Tincan witnessed everything."

"Yeah.. more or less.." Amy raised her hand to rub her nape but her turtle neck got in between. Then she just pulled her sleeves back to her elbows.

"You look nice by the way." Angel murmured as he doesn't actually want his sister to hear that.

"What was that?"


"You just said something."

"I didn't.."

"Come on~ little devil. Any compliments from you is welcome." Amy raised her arm and locked it around his neck.

"I said you look horrible." Angel lied and she tightened her grip.
"Urgh.. It's true you look so weird. Same as those pretty girls who attacked me when I came here."

Amy loosened her grip "What girls?" She asked.

"Those who were dressed in shiny and tight clothes. They were staring at me freaking too much. Also they said they've never seen a boy with blue eyes. I don't even have blue eyes! Those stupid girls didn't know the difference between hazel and blue." Angel whined.

"Hey, don't call them stupid for admiring you. Also in these club lights, your eyes do look bluish."

"Really?" Angel opened his eyes completely and leaned forward to get confirmation.

Amy looked closely to examine his eyes colour and nodded. "Congrats! you are blessed with hazel-blue eyes."

"Am I?" He asked she nodded.

Amy was going to answer when someone came, this time from the front.


"It was the hardest decision of my life to send Amy across the oceans... away from me." Van started dramatically
"Well it was for a reason but now..." He changed his tone and looked at Khun and glanced at the jacket he was holding.

"I think it's over." Van clicked his tongue as the jacket was a sign of Amy's rejection. "She said she's done with you. In other words, I can take her back...with me.. across the seas." He breaks the sentence on purpose.

"...!" Khun pupil widen. This, beautiful but annoying as hell man was capable enough to take his beautiful Amy away from him. A tear fell down on his cheek.

Maybe he should take the chance and kidnap her. He will lock her in the main mansion and won't let anyone take her from him. He glanced at Kinn who shook his head slightly in a NO. Well the leader was aware of his crazy thoughts.

"My dear Donovan." An alluring voice came.

"Yes my darling Dahlia." Van turned his neck to see his wife walking towards him.

"I think you've teased him enough." She placed her hand on his muscular arm.

"Mmhm." Van nodded and looked back at the weeping boy who was looking at his wife with his tear filled eyes.

Khun rubbed his eyes to see clearly "Mama? Is that you?" His voice cracked to see a familiar face. A pair of polite hazel eyes smiled at him.

"Mama?" Van found his wife smiling. "Why are you calling my wife that?"

"What! Your wife? You're married!" Khun was shocked "But she's my beautiful Amy's Ma..." Realization hit him like a thunderbolt. "Oh I'll be damned!"

"That's right!" Van grinned, showing a box bracket on the sides of his mouth.

"What have I done!" Khun covered his mouth in dread.

"It's alright! A sincere apology would be enough. My..." Mama stands beside her husband and continued "..Our daughter is good at forgiving and-"

"And forgetting." Van finished for his wife. "Surely my Quinn is kind. No doubt she will forgive you for your rudeness but she's also stubborn.. she'll forget you by tomorrow morning.. like you've never existed in her life."

"She will not!" Mama shot a shut-up glare to her husband who was continuously bullying her gorgeous son-in-law. Van didn't budge so she added "Not to this boy. She had a liking for him."

"What a strange liking!" Van comment sarcastically.

"Remember she was willing to rebel against you honey..?" She reminds, just to poke Van.

He scoffed "Of course I remember. Can't believe she was willing to break off her engagement for this crazy young fellow." He pointed at Khun with his chin while thinking about all the past drama.

He felt stupified that both he and his daughter were arguing over the same crazy boy. Only if they start communicating with the boy's name...

Khun couldn't believe his hearing, did he hear right! Amy was going to break off what? He just blinked to see his future parents-in-law.

"I will never give my daughter to a boy who doesn't have faith in her. He disrespect her in front of everyone." Van said firmly.

"Donovan please."

"No Dahlia. I won't compromise. Not when it comes to my darling daughter. You should've seen her face, how hurt she felt. All because of this crazy.." Van raised his hand in the air, Khun immediately covered his face with his arms.

"Dad-in-law!" Khun exclaimed. Earlier the man threatened to break his nose. And he acted tough in front of his beautiful Amy, but now that the situation changes he can't possibly shoot her father, does he?

The hard hand landed on his shoulder. He hissed when Van tightened his grip.

"I'll gave you one hour. Before midnight win her heart back." Van gave an ultimatum in a low tone.
"If you fail I'll take her back. But if you win, I'll leave her in your care. Only then you are allowed to call me father-in-law."

Tankhun looked back into his dark eyes, now he knows where Amy got her enchanting black eyes from.

"Understand?" Van asked, Khun nodded slowly. Everyone stand witnessed.

"Abduction after rejection is out of question." Van added "..Just saying."

Dahlia rolled her eyes while the others shifted to hide their smiles.

"..." Khun didn't move. He was still trying to comprehend the whole situation.

What was that? Did he just get an approval? From Amy's dad! Why? How can he? After witnessing all of his craziness! Is something wrong with his father-in-law's head! Better not! Amy would be exhausted to see both of them fighting over her.

One was possessive while the other was obsessed over Amy.

"You better move young man, time is running out." Van snapped his fingers in front of Khun' eyes. "Tick tock! Tick tock! You better run crazy Cinderella!"

Everyone laughed to hear that, Khun glared at everyone and started running. Winning Amy's heart is his priority. He knows what expression they would have on their stupid faces to see him actually running.


"Hey Amy! Who's this...?" Han looked both the siblings back and forth.

"He's my little dev.. brother." Amy corrected herself. "Angel this is Han, from college. Han this is Angel, my brother." She introduced them shortly.

"Hello! I'm Angelite." Angel held out his hand. "You can call me Angel for short."

"Kimhan." Kim shook his hand "But you can call me.."

"Han! I know you."

"You do?" Kim glanced at Amy.

"Yeah M have a crush on you...ouch.. on your voice I mean." Angel shot a glare to Amy and rubbed his side where she pinched him.

"Really?" Kim chuckled lightly and gaze at Amy.

"Yeah she had a separate playlist for your songs. Your voice is really amazing. Can you sing for me?" After spilling some tea, Angel requested a song for himself.

"Okay..." Kim blinked to see the fast pacing boy.

"Great!" Angel's eyes shone.

"Like..right now?" Kim glanced around the club which was still loud and filled with the crowd.

"Mmhm... My schedule is packed, I don't think I have time to meet you later so..." Angel said casually and motion Kim to start immediately.

Kim glanced at Amy for help. She bit her cheek and just clapped her hands to encourage Kim.

"I don't have a guitar right now.."

"Alas!" Angel's shoulder dropped "Amy, I want to see the area where you were DJing." Angel gave up like a shot and turned to his sister.

"Sure. This way." Amy took her little devil's hand and with the free hand she waved a bye to Kim.

"Wha-" Kim was dumbfounded "Hey Amy! I came to give you this." He held out the jacket, she took it without thinking and held back out.

"I don't want this, return this to your brother."

"Do that to yourself. He's standing over there." Kim pointed to a side, but Amy didn't turn to look.

"Is that Tincan!" Angel's exclaimed. "Bro, are you Tincan's brother? You are the nosy Kim!"

"I am not! And who's Tincan?" Kim was asking when Angel ran without waiting for his answer.

On the other side Tankhun was standing with a wide smile, his arms stretched out. Angel ran and hugged him. Tankhun was so pleased that he lifted the little boy up and did a 360 circle while yelling something incoherent.

Amy watched them in astonishment "When did they become so close?"

"Exactly my question." Kim said.

After watching enough Amy dashed to take his little devil back. She was urging him to come with her without looking at Tankhun. She knew he was staring at her but she doesn't care.

"Amy I want to talk to you." Tankhun said.

"Let's go Angel."

"M, he said he want to talk with you."

"And I said let's go. Where's Mama?"

"No idea. She was calling your roommate but I ran to look for you."

"How can you just run in here?" She was surprised because she saw the security arrangement, no one can just come and run inside the club. Not a little kid of course.

"Your russian suitor let me in." Angel whispers in Amy's ear.

"My what!" Amy shouted out then lowered her voice "So it was true, he did went to ask my hand in marriage!?" She was asking but her little devil was busy waving his hands to someone.

"Hey buddy!" He went to put his hand on someone's shoulder.

"Your brother is very friendly." Kim commented to see the boy making friends at the speed of light.

"Hey M! Meet! This is my new friend, he saved me from those girls I told you about." Angel introduced happily, then leaned forward to whisper "Be patient with him, he stammered while talking."

"Hey Luv! Where did you find this social animal?" Amy pointed at her little devil.
Angel slapped her back, she laughed "Haha I mean social butterfly."

"Giving respect once in a while won't hurt you!" He gritted his teeth.

"Coming from a boy who just hit me. Oww it hurts."

"As it should be." Angel gave a fake smile "Don't mind us! It's just how siblings behave." Angel assured the boy who looked surprised.

"Se..nior Amy - y..your br..brother?" Lev stuttered to ask.

Amy nodded.

"Hold on! You guy's know eachother?"

"He's Luv, my favourite junior. My stutter boy." Amy smiled to see Lev. Even in the club lights she can tell that the stutter boy was blushing.

"Y..you don't l..look alike.." Lev shook.

"Yeah seeing his overflowing cuteness, my parents adopted him" Amy said casually.

Angel gasped "That's because I am blessed with good genes. Damn M, you just hurt my feelings."

"Did I? Apologies...but it was true. We found you in a cat house. Mama and Dad went to buy a cute cat and bring you instead."

Angel who was going to smile at the instant apologies, smack Amy for her cat story. Amy haha-ed to tease him and run away, her little devil followed to get her while yelling.

"How dare you make fun of me! Especially in front of my new friend. Ohh! Have you noticed the boy had crystal eyes!" Angel shouted making Amy laughed.

Lev blinked in confusion, when did they become friends? He just helped the younger boy, thinking that he must've sneaked in. The boy looked foreigner from his accent. It was obvious that he was underage. The club belongs to his uncle Leon, he doesn't want him to get in trouble for letting minors in.

Also the boy said that he just came to look for his sister. Lev agreed to help him, thinking that the sooner he found his sister the sooner he left the club.

But his sister was senior Amy! He thanked the moment when he took the courage and asked the girls to leave the boy alone. Thankfully, those girls recognised him from the same class so they listened to him and didn't bother the boy any longer.

"I told you not to stand alone! Where are your friends and classmates?" Leonid come to ask his nephew and glanced at Tankhun who was standing close but pretended to be oblivious to his presence.

"What did I miss? What do you want from my friend?" Suddenly Angel appears to see the-russian-suitor-who-had-his-gray-eyes-on-his-sister.

Angel stand in front of Lev to cover him.
Leonid raised his brows and saw his nephew smiling.

"You just arrived and already made a friend?" Leonid ask in amusement.

"Should I wait a while before making friends!?" Angel retorted "Were you looking for me?" He narrowed his eyes for no reason.

"Actually no I was..." Leonid finds it odd to explain himself to a teenager.

Angel took him to a side, making the tall man lean forward so that he could whisper in his ear. "I have no problem with you, it's just my friend stammered while talking. I was afraid you might make fun of him."

Leonid turned his neck to see the boy
"Just be patient if you want to talk, okay?" He requested and Leonid nodded in yes. "Good, let's go back before we look suspicious."

"Living up to his name; a walking angel." Leonid murmur in russian to himself.

"Hey buddy! Have you seen my sister?" Angel asked and Lev pointed where Khun was taking Amy with him. Angel chuckled.
"Haha my sister looked so unwilling. Look how he had to drag her along."

"..." Lev took a step aside as the boy doesn't look normal.

"Not so angelic, I see!" Leonid muttered to see the boy who was willing to protect a stranger but looked happy to see his sister suffering.

"U..uncle can w..we... l..leave him a..alone?" Lev looked concerned.

"Yeah he can walk around freely."

"He is m..minor."

"My territory, my rules."

"Excuse me! I don't want to be nosy but did you just call him uncle?" Angel asked while visibly trying to hold his laugh.

Lev just nodded to answer. Then Leonid started. "Remember I mentioned about my nephew..."

"..who looked like me!" Angel completed his sentence and covered his mouth with one hand and pointed at both of them with the other "Uncle-nephew! Woah what a small world!" He exclaimed in wonder.

"Anyways where did Tincan take my sister. Oh no they're out of my sight! I want to give them privacy but that doesn't mean he can take her to a corner. Earlier when I was wandering around the club...I accidentally saw what was happening in the corner. There was a boy and a woop..." He kept muttering while looking for his sister when Lev came to cover his mouth.

Leonid turned to Lev "I leave him in your care." He shook his head looking so done with Angel "..make sure be won't end up in some corner himself." He added casually and left both the boys looking at each other.

"Your uncle has a romantic thinking."

"S...shut up!"



"Amy I'm sorry." Khun blocked her way.

"Are you? Good." She slides to the right.

"Please forgive me." He did the same.

"Already did." She slides to the left.

"But don't forget me." He did the same.
"I heard you're good at forgiving and forgetting but I only want the first half."

"Too late." This time she turned back to leave.

"You can't do this to me!" He yelled.

'Yeah right this is how people apologise nowadays.' She muttered tk herself.

"Who are you anyways?" She crossed her arms.

"I'm Khun, Tankhun Theerapanyakul!" He put his hands on his waist and said like a king.

"And I'm Amy, Amethyst Quinn Autumn! So what!" She mimiced his style and snapped at the end.


"You know what forget it! I'm done! Have fun! Bye!"

She went to the DJ station and stopped to see the real DJ showing some EDM tricks to Macau. She bit her lips and went to them.

"Sorry I didn't mean to be irresponsible, but a family emergency came in so I had to go."

"It's fine! I had to come after seeing your 'family emergency'."

'Damn second hand embarrassment!' she held the edge of the counter and forced a smile.

She freed Macau and his friends and took her position at the DJ station. It was eleven thirty and she promised to do the job till midnight. Just half an hour left then she can say goodbye to this Midnight Mirage.


[Jackson Wang - Blow]

On the other side, Van was spinning his wife near the dance floor and showed his wrist watch to Tankhun.

"Get the car ready! At midnight we'll flee with my beautiful Amy." Tankhun said to his guards while keeping his eyes to his dad-in-law. Pol nodded immediately.

"Why don't you try one more time." Arm insisted.

"You humiliated my sister in front of EVERYONE but when it comes to say sorry you took her to a corner.." Suddenly Angel appears out of nowhere.

"Any suggestions are welcome.... but before midnight." Tankhun glanced down at his cute brother-in-law.

"Go grab the mic and..."

"..yell a sorry?"

"No, I was going to say sing for her. Usually girls fall for the boys who can sing. But my sister is quite different, she would get embarrassed to be the centre of attention and eventually forgive you, just to make you stop singing. Haha"

Tankhun went into deep thinking while Arm and Pol exchanged some glances.

"Haha Naughty boy." Porsche pinched Angel's cheek.

"Don't listen to this kid." Kinn appears on his right.

"Amy called him little devil for a reason." Kim appears on his left.

"But the clock is running." Vegas joined with a smirk.

"Why don't you just confess your true feelings?" Pete suggested lightly.

Everyone turned to see Khun who held out his hand to see his fingers and a smile touched his lips.


It was still five minutes before midnight when the rain starts pouring. Suddenly everyone started to run to stood near the wall and took shelter. Amy unplugged her laptop and start packing her bag.

Her dad approached her and offered to hold the bag for her, she nodded and walked out to look for her little devil.

Angel was taking shelter in a corner and was now sandwiched between two girls who were clicking photos with him.
Amy smiled to see his naughty brother blushing and clicked a few pictures from her cellphone. She covered his head with her jacket to save him from the rain while leaving the club.

"You wait here! I'll get Mama." Angel left her in the middle of dance floor and ran away. The rain was pouring but she couldn't bring herself to stand beside the others to take shelter.

She was drowning in rain and there was no sign of Angel or her Mama. She should have left with dad earlier. She sighed and heard some noises coming from the speakers. Everyone started to look around.

"And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow~"

The singing voice echoes in the club. Her head shot to look at the DJ station where Tankhun was standing, holding a mic to his mouth.

"You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be~
And I don't want to go home right now~"

He was looking right at her. Her lips parted in awe.

"Cause all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life~"

The rain is starting to get heavier. And he walked out to get drenched. She placed her hand over her chest to feel her heart missing a beat.

"So and sooner or later, it's over
I just don't wanna miss you tonight~"

He was staring right at her. She watched him standing a few metres away.

"And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand~"

Amy swallowed a ball of tears, her eyes went blurry so she wiped the rain from her face.

"When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am~"

He slowly approaches her while singing. And she forgot to breathe.

"And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies~"

He cautiously reached out to wipe her face. She didn't move or flick his hand away.

"So when everything feels like the movies
Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive~"

His voice cracked to see her crying. He held his breath, what he thought was rain, was actually her tears.

The mic fell from his hand yet he couldn't move his eyes from her face. Amy was trembling, not because of rain, but because of the overflowing emotions.

Tankhun's was not better than her, he too was handling the rollercoaster of emotions. He wasn't expecting to see her crying. For a sad second he regretted everything and embraced her. He felt her trembling in his arms so he covered her some more like he was hiding her from the world itself.

Awe strike everyone present at the club. The people came out to join them in the rain, there was many cellphones recording their moments.

Khun glanced at his brothers and cousins who were genuinely smiling. Pete was beaming brightly. He saw Pol getting emotional and his girlfriend Destiny tapping his back, with tears in her eyes. There was Arm giving him a thumbs up while wiping rain from his glasses.

On the other side, his college friends, were filming and squealing excitedly. Nanon and Bright were grinning while Day was clapping. Khun had a stupid urge to smirk at Joy who couldn't believe her eyes.

He rubbed Amy's back lightly and lifted his gaze. On the second floor he saw Leonid and Lev both of them looked somehow heartbroken to see Tankhun embracing Amy.

Tankhun blinked in shocked to see his Dad standing with his secretary Chan. When did he come? Was he watching the whole time!? He was hella surprised to see his dad smiling in approval. So he was correct when he thinks that the girl in his embrace was his betrothed. He smiles as he didn't expect any less from his dad.

Near them, stand his Parents-in-law. Dahlia was smiling approvingly while holding her husband's hand. His brown eyes met Donovan's black ones. He can swear, the man looked impressed with his show.

Yes, Tankhun wins Amy's heart! Before midnight!

Lastly he saw a cute boy with a jacket covering his head from rain, as soon as their eyes met Angel showed his hand and pointed at his ring finger.
It took a moment to realise then Tankhun glanced at his index finger on which he was wearing a family ring.

He looked back up and Angel nodded in yes excitedly. Tankhun took a deep breath before moving from Amy. She slowly looked up with her face turning crimson after crying.

Her eyes widened when Tankhun sat on his on knee. Everyone started to hoot when he took off his signet ring and asked for her hand.

"My beautiful Amy! Be mine for now and for forever."

Amy's lips twitched to see her crazy Highness who was not asking but demanding.

She glanced around to search someone then she lifted her head to look on the balconies. After a moment she found her family. Her little devil had a glint in his eyes, her Mama was smiling. Her eyes stopped at Mr.D. She kept looking at her dad until he blinked in yes and nodded as a sign to go ahead.

Amy turned back to see Tankhun who had complicated expressions maybe she took to long to reply.

"Give me a reason to say yes." She lifted her chin up and glanced down at her pretty boy.

'Fair enough!' He thought to himself.

"I. Love. You." Tankhun declared in a loud voice and counted his heart beats.


"Thank you!" Amy smiled and gave her hand, at last.

He put his signet ring on her finger to seal a promise. She'll be the only one to rule over his crazy heart.

The crowd went wild to witness that. It was the first time they've seen someone proposing in a freaking night club.

Ignoring everyone, Tankhun showed his wrist where he was wearing two bracelets with two crown shaped charms on each. Amy was surprised to see as these were the same couple bracelets that she bought from the stall at street party and gifted him secretly by putting the box in his bag back at the minor mansion.

He took off the queen one and put it on her wrist and eyed it in satisfaction..

"NOW YOU ARE MY QUEEN." Tankhun shouted out loudly to make sure that Van on the second floor could hear him, loud and clear.

Amy covered her ear and see her dad facepalmed. She chuckled and did a courtesy bow.

"Yes, Your Crazy Highness!"




Author's note:

This is how the story ends~

This chapter consists of 10700 words, huff~

I'll share my thoughts and feelings later hehe

_A.S Styles^^


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