Sarang- Life Of A Kpop Soloist

By Slytherin1604

272K 8.8K 1.9K

"Choi Sarang I'm in love with you. I've always been and I'll always be." Jungkook whispered to Sarang. Follo... More

Bighit Artists
The start of it all
My Heart Will Go On
Meeting at Bighit
Finally a trainee?
Sarang's Aesthetic
Officially a Trainee
Boy in Luv
Meeting Yeonjun
A Day In The Life Of A Trainee
Album & Hugging Jungkook
Concept photos
Officially A Soloist
Music Shows, MV, and reactions
Behind The Scenes Of MV
First Fan Sign And A Surprise
Fan Sign For The Loved Ones
Nation's Sweetheart
Photos from Fansign
CSAT and Year End Award Shows
2016- Album, Acting and OST
Behind The Scenes From Drama
Soaring Popularity
Running Man and Crushes
Running Man and Crushes Pt. 2
Knetz react to Gong Yoo-Sarang
College Life Of Sarang
Hello My Twenties!
Dares, Drinks And Kisses
What Are We?
Lethal Love
Male Friends
Iconic Moments Of World Tour
Billboard Music Awards
Dinner at Grandma's House
Lead Role and Lee Jongsuk
Vacationing with Girl friends
Pics from the vacation.
Hiphop Album
Magazine Cover
Sarang On Knowing Bros
Birthday Night Kiss with Jungkook
Brand Ambassador Sarang
Moving Into New Home
Jungkook's Surprise
College Music Festival
Rude Bitxh and first Heartbreak
Dating Scandal
Confronting Jungkook,Jamie & More
Eunwoo x Sarang Kisses
Collab Stage with Jungkook &more
Weekly Idol with Seventeen
Not the greatest New Year eve
Bighit Family and Jungkook
Jungkook is getting bolder?
Shareholder Sarang?
Still With You
Breakdown and Fan Song
HITIBO Reaction and Dynamite
New Album; Vintage
Reactions and Achievements
Mentor Sarang on Iland
Mentor Sarang On I-Land Pt. 2
Yoongi, Plans for 2021-2022
World records & Emmy Nomination
Hybe x Game Caterers
Hybe x Game Caterers pt. 2
Knetz react to Hybe Game Caterers
Hiding with Jungkook
Shopping with Jungkook & Jin's Enlistment
At Jungkook's Apartment
Dinner with Jeon Family
Confessions and New Year's Kiss
Officially Dating
Kissing At HYBE & Almost Getting Caught?
First Date With Jungkook
Stepping into Chinese Industry
Youth Periplous, Chen Zheyuan & More Chinese Friends
First Valentine's Day with Jungkook
๐ŸŽถ New Album ๐ŸŽถ
Sarang in USA
Sarang on Suchwita ft. Jungkook
Sarang on Suchwita ft. Jungkook Part. 2
Discussing Seven MV with Sarang
Seven MV making and Behind The Scenes!
A Golden Date

Run BTS x Sarang x Jungkook

2.4K 92 10
By Slytherin1604

Sarang smiled to herself as she watched BTS goofing around on the RUN BTS set while the staff set everything up. She was an avid watcher of the show and had always wanted to do something similar. But since she was a soloist she obviously didn't have a group to do all this together.

Much to her delight though, the PD nim incharge of RUN BTS called her manager out of blue and asked if Sarang could guest on the show for one of its episodes. When her manager called to inform her about it Sarang agreed in a heartbeat.

The pd-nim told her to keep her guest appearance a secret until the day of the shoot which is why right now Sarang was wearing the jacket with staff written on it and was trying to blend in with the camera crew till she was called in.

They were in an abandoned mall that the crew had booked for the shooting of this episode. Sarang had no idea what the shoot was supposed to be but from the scaled of it, it certainly was going to be something really cool.

Sarang looked at the camera screen and zoomed in on a laughing Jungkook who was busy teasing Jin. Sarang couldn't help but smile as she saw her best friend laugh so heartily.

She straightened up when the main pd signalled that the shoot was starting soon.

"PD-nim why did you bring us here?" Taehyung questioned as he looked around the empty mall.

"Wait, are we going to play a horror game?" Jimin wondered as he and Hobi clutched each other's hands.

"Aye come on, who plays a horror game in broad daylight." Yoongi scoffed. Although he too sneakily looked around to make sure there was no horror related stuff around.

"Before the game starts, there's an announcement to make. There's someone who has been a fan of RUN BTS! for a long time now and someone we've been wanting to have on our show for sometime too." The PD began.

The members started discussing amongst themselves on who it could be.

"There's an idol who's on the rise. And that idol has been praised for their variety show skills by the experts even-" At this point everyone was buzzing with anticipation about the mystery guest. "Let's welcome our guest."

As soon as the PD finished the introduction he pointed at where Sarang was standing. Amidst loud cheers and surprised screams Sarang emerged from the back of the camera crew and took off her staff jacket while bowing to the staff. She looked at the BTS members and waved at them.

"No way it's Sarang?"

"Yah Sarang-ah what are you doing here?"

"Oh variety show queen has graced us with her presence."

"Yah why didn't you tell us before?"

"Wait for real?"

Sarang smiled widely at the joyful outburst of her friends and bowed at the camera.

"Hello everyone. I'm today's guest Choi Sarang. I've always wanted to appear on this show and I'm so glad I got the chance to. I'm looking forward to making lots of good memories with BTS today and show you a new side of me."

Sarang smiled sweetly as she finished her ment. She made her way over to where everyone was standing and stood right next to Jungkook.

"Yah why didn't you tell me you were coming here?" Jungkook pouted making her smile.

"It was a surprise." Sarang laughed slightly.

"You love surprising me don't you?" Jungkook whispered in her ear making her freeze on the spot for a second.

"I know you love the surprises I prepare for you." Sarang whispered back in his ear.

She smirked a bit when she noticed the way Jungkook stiffened for a second. Jungkook narrowed his eyes at her as he looked at her with a devilish glint in his eyes.

The PD cleared his throat and that is when both Sarang and Jungkook noticed that the room had gone silent and everyone was staring at them. Realizing this, both started blushing hard as they quickly went to stand on opposite sides.

Sarang and Jungkook tried to look anywhere but in each other's direction.

"Now that we're back on track let's start the shoot." Sarang didn't miss when he motioned to his assistant about editing the part where she and Jungkook were practically flirting with their eyes.

Sarang wanted to hide her face and scream in embarrassment. How can she not control herself especially when there was a whole camera crew and so many staff present? A lot of these people weren't even her crew. She couldn't believe she almost flirted with Jungkook in front of thirty people.

"Today's episode will be hide and seek special." As soon as the PD said this BTS and Sarang looked at each other with excitement.

"Hide and seek woah!" "It's been so long since I played it" "This is going to be fun."

"Since there are eight of you, we'll divide you into two teams. Each team will have four people. There will be four rounds in total. Each team will get to be a chaser twice in alternate rounds."

Everyone listened patiently as the PD began explaining the rules. And told them about what areas were off limits.

"There are various items we've placed around the mall. The team who is hiding will be given ten minutes to collect as many props as possible. However they won't know if it's actual props or unrelated objects until after the chase is completed. After collecting the objects they'll be given five additional minutes to hide before the chase begins."

"Each object has certain points to it, the more you collect the higher are the chances of your team winning. However if you're caught by the tagger before the time's up, the tagger will acquire your possessions and you'll be eliminated from that round."

"You'll get a total of forty minutes in each round. The team who has the highest score at the end will win. So even if you're bad at hiding, as long as you're able to acquire other team's objects you can still win the game."

After the PD was done with his explanation only Namjoon, Sarang and Yoongi nodded in understanding while others looked at each other confused.

"Hobi didn't get it." Jin pointed out as everyone turned to look a very confused looking Jhope.

"Hyung you didn't get it either what are you saying?" Jhope laughed as Jin agreed.

"Sarang-ah explain it to us." Jin requested to their guest who happily obliged.

"Imagine we're in two teams, team A and Team B. In first round Team A will get ten minutes to look for all the hidden props and then five minutes to hide quickly. After which Team B will start looking for Team A." Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung also listened to Sarang's explanation.

"Each item has some points so the more items we collect the more points we'll have. But if the chasers catch us before the time's up then they'll obtain the items we had on us. If we manage to hide well until the time's over then all of the items our team members had will be added."

After some more explaining everyone nodded in understanding.

"Ah you're too good at explaining." Jimin praised Sarang who just shyly smiled. Her ears reddening.

"But what did he say about the items?" A still confused Jhope wondered.

"None of us know what the items look like so we could pick something totally random or just a piece of trash thinking it could be the prop. Or we might overlook the actual prop thinking it's trash. The items won't be revealed until the four rounds are over." Sarang further explained.

"So how are we going to split the teams then?" Taehyung asked.

"Let's go the classic way." Sarang replied much to everyone's surprise.

"You know about it?" A surprised Yoongi asked.

"Of course, when in doubt play rock, paper and scissors." Sarang replied as the rest started laughing.

And so after multiple rounds of rock, paper, scissors the teams were decided.

Team A had Jimin, Taehyung, Sarang and Jungkook.

Team B had Jin, Yoongi, Jhope and Namjoon.

"Having Jungkook and Sarang in one team isn't fair. You can't have both aces in one team." Namjoon whined as his teammates agreed.

"It's 95 liners and 97 liners." Jhope observed.

And that is when everyone noticed that it was true.

"Yah how do you guys always end up in the same team whenever we divide the teams?" Jin asked in genuine amazement while pointing at Jungkook and Sarang.

Sarang and Jungkook shrugged in unison as the said the same thing at once, "It's fate I guess."

The two looked at each other and smiled before brushing their hair at the same time as everyone stared at them in shock.

"Sometimes it scares me just how in sync these two are."

"It's like a battle between Maknae line and Hyung line." Jimin pointed out.

"Since that team has all the older members let's give them a chance to hide first." Sarang offered and they quickly accepted it.

"Do you think it's right to give them the first chance?" Taehyung asked as the Team B started running away to find the objects.

"Taehyung is right, maybe we should've gone first. Are you sure about it?" Jimin said as he sat next to Taehyung.

"Hyung, Sarang always has a plan. Trust her. And she's the smartest of us all so if she thought it's better to let them go first it's probably the right choice." Jungkook defended his best friend.

Sarang meanwhile was busy looking outside the windows and smirked as she spotted Jhope running towards the parking lot. She craned her head sidways and saw Jin picking something up near the entrance gate.

"What are you doing over there?" Jimin called, making her look in his direction. After seeing her smirk he whispered to the other two guys. "Yah what's she plotting? Her smirk is so chilling."

The other two just shrugged as they watched Sarang turn back to look out of the window. They decided to join her sightseeing and stood right next to her.

"What are you watching so keenly?" Taehyung questioned looking over her shoulder.

Instead of answering Sarang pointed at where they could see Jhope running around looking for the props.

"You're keeping an eye on them?" Jimin asked in astonishment.

"The best way to win a game is to observe your opponent's every move. And since we're the ones who are chasing first, we've the advantage of exploring the location a bit more. It's a double edged sword since they'll know about possible hiding locations but I'm sure they will not be able to find a good enough location to hide in just five minutes."

"Wow you really thought all that?" Jimin said in awe.

"I got goosebumps damn how did you think of all this in such a short time?" Taehyung added as Sarang just shrugged.

Jungkook meanwhile looked at his other two members with a knowing look. "I told you so."

"THE CHASE BEGINS NOW." Sarang perked up at the announcement and looked at her teammates.

"Remember we need to catch them and bring them back here. They're eliminated once we catch them so you don't have to wait here with them. Oh, and also keep an eye out for possible hiding spots." Sarang said as all four of them started the chase.

Sarang quickly ran towards the parking lot. She was sure there was at least one person hiding in there. Meanwhile Jungkook went towards the second floor. Jimin and Taehyung decided to check the third and fourth floor respectively.

Sarang made a mental note of all the possible hiding spots. Once she arrived in the parking lot she looked around for Team B.

Five minutes later she ran towards the center of the lot and tried to remember how it looked from above. She scanned the area when her eyes fell on the security room. Quiet as a cat she made her way towards there and opened the door without making the slightest of sounds.

Once inside Sarang looked around and noticed that there were a lot of old stuff lying around with dust collecting on them. She looked down on the floor and smirked once she saw the footprints on the thick layer of dust on the ground. She followed the footprints and there sat Jhope with his fear in eyes at being caught.

The fact that Sarang probably looked like psychopath with her grin must've added to his fear cause he screamed at the top of his lungs before trying to run away. However he had only taken two steps before Sarang caught him by the back of his hoodie and yanked him back.

Hobi yelped in surprise as Sarang looked at him with a cheshire grin. "Oppa where are you going? How about you join me for some snacks?"

And just like that Sarang dragged Jhope back to their base. She still had ten minutes left and so deiced to look around the floor she was on. Something told her that there was atleast one person who was hiding here.

A smartass who probably thought that the most dangerous place aka their base is the safest place to hide too. Careful not to make noise Sarang looked around and noticed one of the door had a handprint on it. Upon approaching it she noticed that there was no trace of anyone opening it.

"One of them must've purposefully done this to confuse the chasers." Sarang said out loud as she made a bee line towards the biggest room.

She almost walked past it when she caught the faint sound of someone shuffling around. She smirked before walking towards the source of the sound. There was a huge curtain hanging but Sarang could see a figure behind it. Without wasting another second she yanked it open.

And there was Namjoon who looked like a deer caught in the headlights. He blinked his eyes twice before running towards the door. Unlike Jhope, Namjoon actually managed to escape the door. However he couldn't go far cause Sarang caught up with him pretty quickly.

"Yah shit why are you so fast." Namjoon complained while panting heavily.

"Maybe you're getting slower oppa." She replied cheekily.

"You got caught too?" Jhope asked Namjoon who just sighed.

They had less than two minutes left so Sarang just sat next to the 94 liners who handed her a water bottle and a small towel to wipe her sweat. She thanked them before accepting.


"We're the only ones who got caught?"  Namjoon asked after hearing the announcement.

"Atleast Jin Hyung and Yoongi hyung are safe." Jhope sighed in relief as waved at the other three chasers who had just arrived.

"You caught two?" Jungkook asked in awe.

"They're too good at hiding I didn't even know where to look at." Jimin whined as he flopped into the empty chair.

Sarang gave her teammates a smile of reassurance as she looked at the the 94 liners. "Don't forget to turn in all the items you collected."

Just then the oldest two of the group also joined them.

"Yah Hobi-ya you were so loud. I laughed so hard when I heard him asking Sarang to spare him and that he'd give her the prize."

Sarang's ears perked up at what Jin had said. That was something that Jhope told her as they were crossing over the front entrance. And it wasn't loud enough to hear from a long distance. Which means that Jin was probably hiding somewhere nearby the entrance. She tried to keep her face neutral so he doesn't realize his slip ups. Thankfully the others were too busy chatting.

"Hyung, Namjoon's voice was so loud when he ran around. I thought there was a zombie chasing him from the sounds of it." Everyone laughed at what Yoongi said.

However Sarang mentally noted that Yoongi was probably on the floor just beneath them since that is where Namjoon had made the most noise. As Sarang noticed the way Jin and Yoongi looked at each other she realized something.

They will hide in the same place in the next round too.

It was Team A's turn to hide. Since the Team B was still pretty exhausted they didn't bother to be on a lookout. Sarang had made sure to block the window too just in case they wanted to look outside.

"Guys this will likely be released on Christmas. Look around for christmas related props." Sarang informed her teammates.

"What? Are you sure?" Jimin asked sceptically.

"Not entirely but when I was chasing Hobi oppa, I noticed that there were candy canes lying around at the back. And some fake mistletoe too. Why'd they be randomly lying here if it was not a prop?" Sarang reasoned.

The others quickly nodded and stared at her with wonder filled eyes.

"I want to change my brain to Sarang's." Jimin muttered in awe. He missed the way Jungkook was side eyeing him.

"Sarang-ah wait for me. Let's find it together." Taehyung called out only for Jungkook to stop him.

"Hyung why don't you look for the items on the first floor? You were there in last round you'd know better. And Jimin hyung you should try looking at the second floor." Jungkook quickly ushered the two of them as far away from Sarang as possible.

He looked around the floor and found couple of christmas related objects and quickly pocketed them. He smiled as Sarang approached him.

"Jungkook-ah, hide well. Don't get caught." Sarang whispered as she dashed towards the opposite side of the mall.

Jungkook smiled as he watched the camera crew struggling to catch with her. She was too fast for them. Looking around one last time Jungkook jogged towards the empty room he had spotted earlier. He ushered his camera man inside and shut the door tightly.

Sarang meanwhile made her way towards the back of the mall. She looked at the camera and gave her reasoning of hiding there.

"I've a hunch that Hobi oppa would be the one in charge of this floor. Which means that he'd properly stay clear of the darker rooms. And I doubt that he had enough time to check this part of the floor."

For the next twenty five minutes Sarang relaxed and explored the room.


Five minutes later Sarang made her way out of her hiding place when she was sure that there would be no one around. Even though the round was over she didn't want to give her hiding spot away.

She walked up the stairs to the base and was met with boisterous laughter. She stopped for a minute and fondly watched the way all seven members of BTS laughed and talked about some silly thing Namjoon did while chasing.

They were all a family.

"Oh Sarang is here too." Jin called her over. She made her way over to where her team was sitting and noticed Jimin looking down.

"I'm sorry guys. I got caught right at the end. We could've won easily if I didn't get caught." He apologized.

"Oppa there's nothing to be sorry about. It's just how games are. Besides we're still in lead so don't worry." Sarang comforted him.


"The stakes are rising ohhhhh!" Yoongi whistled.

When the next round began Sarang gathered her team mates to discuss the strategy.

"Guys this is our last chase. We need to catch all of them. Or at least three of them to be on a safer side. One of them is probably hiding on this floor so delay till the last ten minutes and then start looking for them."

"Yes ma'am." The other three saluted before going their seperate ways except Taehyung who decided to wait at the base.

"Sarang-ah where do you think they're hiding?" Jungkook questioned as the two headed downstairs.

"I have a gut feeling that Yoongi oppa and Jin oppa are hiding in the same place as last one. Hobi oppa is probably the one hiding near the base camp and Namjoon oppa is definitely on first floor since no one else's hiding there." Sarang said as they stopped walking for a minute. She raised her brow at him as he looked at her with a strange emotion.

"Have I ever told you that you're one of the smartest person I've ever met?" Jungkook's voice dripped with appreciation.

Sarang blushed hard as she tried to calm down. She was sure she resembled a ripened tomato. She shook her head and told him to focus on the task at hand.

Sarang came to a stop on the second floor and tried to remember where exactly Namjoon made the most noise. She smirked when she came across a room with the door slightly ajar. She opened it quietly and there huddled in a corner sat Yoongi.

"Hello oppa!" Sarang greeted sweetly as she stood right in front of him.

He squeaked in surprise and before he could say anything Sarang hit his back lightly. "Caught you." She said in the sweetest voice.

After taking him upstairs and handing him over to Taehyung, Sarang quickly ran downstairs and came to a stop near the entrance gate. She looked around for a second.

"Oppa said he heard Hobi oppa's offer about giving me the gift. I was around here when Hobi oppa said it which means Jin oppa must be hiding somewhere nearby. I doubt he changed his hiding spot cause no one caught him last time." Sarang explained while looking at the camera.

Five minutes later Sarang smirked in victory as she held onto Jin's hand and took him upstairs to the base camp.

"Hyung you got caught too?" Yoongi said as he looked at Jin who was pouting.

"I was barely hidden for ten minutes before she caught me." Jin complained.

"Hyung I was caught within five minutes." Yoongi admitted while shaking his head.

Sarang went out for another hunt and that's when she noticed a moment in her peripheral vision. She turned around to see someone running. It was Namjoon. Without wasting another moment Sarang immediately started running after him.

"YAH CHOI SARANG I'M SORRY PLEASE SPARE ME JUST THIS ONE TIME!" Namjoon called out in fear as he looked behind to see Sarang right behind him.

"AISH! WHY ARE YOU SO FAST?" he cried out as Sarang caught him at last just as the announcement was made.


Sarang cheered in happiness. "Good luck next time oppa." She teased Namjoon as the two made their way back to where others were.

Immediately Sarang was met with cheers by her teammates.

"Who caught you?" Namjoon asked the others. Both Jin and Yoongi pointed at Sarang while Jhope pointed at Taehyung.

"She's the real ace." Jin said as he started clapping.

"I'm honestly scared of her. Especially when she starts chasing." Namjoon admitted as his team mates agreed while the maknae line laughed.

As the next round began Sarang reminded her teammates about what items to look for and to hide in a place where they can't get caught easily.

"Guys we need to hide for just twenty five minutes. Hide well. Even if you can't find items that's fine too. As long as we don't get caught, we'll win either way."

They gave her a nod and dashed into different directions. Sarang quickly ran towards the first floor where she had spotted some Christmas accessories. She quickly picked them up and ran to towards the room she had came across earlier. It seemed to be a clothing store as there were lots of empty racks and changing rooms.

For the next twenty five minutes Sarang did a mini interview by herself as she talked about anything and everything.



A/N:- I had so much fun writing this chapter, I miss the boys terribly so I made this one longer than others. Hope y'all don't find it boring 💗


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