One Of Us (Akatsuki Fan-ficti...

Von not_ur_babygirl

7.8K 192 51

You are always running for your life. That is, until you came across them. Once you meet them, you don't have... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 10

190 6 0
Von not_ur_babygirl

"Sasori!" you cried out as the mother and father puppets got up and launched at him, you were running at top speed towards him. He looked at you and shouted something but you weren't listening. You made some hand signs and held your hands out towards Sasori. The spirit of a dragon appeared and blocked the attacks of both puppets. You jumped in front of Sasori.

"What are you doing?" Sasori whisper-yelled at you. "I told you not to interfere!"

You shook your head rapidly. "I don't care!" you yelled at him. "Did you want me to just leave you there to die?!"

He didn't say anything.

"There was another one?" the old lady gasped. "Why didn't I sense you?"

"I masked my chakra," you answered simply and turned to look at her. The girl collapsed on the floor.

"Sakura!" the old woman began to heal her. The girl looked up at you.

"You're too late," Sasori told the old woman. "The damage has been done. I'm well aware that you are a medical ninja, which is why I aimed for a spot that is impossible to heal."

"I've already finished the first aid treatment with medical ninjutsu," Chiyo said. "What I am doing for her now, is something very different."

"What?" Sasori asked in a demanding tone.

Different? You thought to yourself as you looked at the girl.

"Don't worry about me, Lady Chiyo," Sakura struggled to speak.

"Nonsense Sakura," the old lady whispered as she continued to heal her. "I'm harnessing my own life force and conducting it into her body."

"No, it can't be!" Sasori's eyes widened and you looked at him. He still hadn't moved from where he was. You looked at the floor and noticed the same sealing marks as the ones that had trapped Sasori's other body to the wall. So he can't move?

"A reanimation jutsu," Chiyo said. You turned to the girl again. She was in a bad state.

You turned to Sasori. He was visibly struggling to stay standing. He started to collapse but you caught him and placed his arm over your shoulder. Sasori looked at you.

"Why did you interfere?" he whispered.

You shrugged. "I already told you, I wasn't going to let you die. Besides, it didn't look too good for you from where I was standing," you replied. He didn't say anything again and looked at the ground.

"You shouldn't have interfered," he told you after a while. "Leader will-"

"I don't care what he does! I wasn't going to just stand there and watch while you got killed!" you yelled angrily at him. He looked at you with wide eyes. "He may kill me for all I care, I'm not letting you die! I will protect you, Sasori!"

"You are willing to give up your life for a criminal?" the old lady asked as she was healing the girl. You looked at her, a determined look on your face.

"If it saves them, yes, I will," you answered. The woman's eyes grew wide. The girl opened her eyes but didn't say anything. Chiyo turned to Sasori, her eyes sad.

"I spent years creating this jutsu for you, and I'm the only one who can use it" she started. "With this jutsu, life can breathed into anyone. Even puppets. That is, in exchange of the life of the the one who uses it." Your eyes widened. In exchange... for their life? You glanced at Sasori out of the corner of your eye. Even if he was a puppet, you could sense sadness and longing coming from him. "Oh well, but after all that's happened I guess that's an impossible dream now."

Everything was silent, no one said a word. You felt sadness in the air and turned your head slightly towards Sasori. His head was inclined downwards, his bangs creating shadows over his eyes. You furrowed your eyebrows sadly. She was working on this jutsu, for him. What did she mean?


"Nonsense," Sasori spoke up, breaking the silence.


A kid Sasori walked out of the house with his parents and grandmother. His parents smiled and waved to him, and headed off to their last mission. Sasori waved back.

"Have a safe journey!" he called as his parents walked away. That very same day, Granny Chiyo was informed that Sasori's parents had been killed by the White Fang of the Leaf. At night, Sasori awoke to the sound of wood rattling against wood. He got out of bed and walked over to the door, opening it. He smiled at his grandma.

"Grandmother Chiyo!" he exclaimed and took a step forward. "Are they here? Have mother and father returned yet?" His smile fell from his face at his grandmother's face. "They're not home?"

"Well, no dear they're not," Chiyo answered. "You see, your parents were... sent on another very important mission and, it looks like they won't be back here for quite some time. I'm terribly sorry."

"Oh," Sasori's eyebrows furrowed sadly.

Chiyo placed her hand on Sasori's head and looked him in the eye. "But I've just received word from them saying for you to stay with me until their return. Well Sasori? Is that okay?"

Sasori looked down sadly. "Yeah."

Days passed and his parents didn't return. He would sit by the window and watch families walk around together. The children looked happy, he only grew sadder. That was when Chiyo showed him the art of puppetry. He spent some time working on two, very special puppets.

One day in his room, he was practicing with those two puppets. He moved their hands to hug him. The mother and father puppets.



"What utter nonsense," Sasori continued.

"Sasori," you whispered. He ignored you.

"Tell me, grandmother, when did you become so senile?" he asked his grandmother. The girl finally managed to sit up. She looked you in the eye.

"Don't you plan on attacking?" she demanded. You shook your head.

"No, I don't plan on attacking," you answered.

"Sakura, are you alright?" Chiyo asked. Sakura turned to her.

"I'm fine. How are you, Lady Chiyo?"

"How peculiar," Sasori started. You and the girl turned to look at him. "That reanimation ninjutsu, I thought the user couldn't bring someone back to the living without trading their own life in exchange?" he asked.

"Sakura's wounds were severe but she was still alive when I used the ninjutsu," Chiyo explained. "So fortunately I escaped without any damage."

Sasori tilted his head towards the ground, an evil smirk on his face. "How very unfortunate," he said.

"Sasori!" you whisper yelled, a warning tone creeping into your voice. The girl got up and held her hand back. Your eyes widened and you got in front of Sasori. The girl's fist connected with your cheek. You flew back a little and trapped Sasori in the belly of your dragon as you landed on your back. You held your cheek as you tasted your blood in your mouth and felt a small stream of blood trickling down your chin. You looked at the girl, her eyes were widened slightly. "Whatever injury you want to cause Sasori, take it out on me!" you growled and stood up, ready for her to attack.

"Stop!" Sasori yelled at you from within the dragon, his voice being slightly muffled. You looked at him, he was now able to move and was leaning against the dragon's stomach. He looked at you, slight worry in his eyes. "If they want to hurt me, they can! Just stay out-"

"Shut up!" you yelled at him. He stopped talking, his mouth falling open ever so slightly at the tone in your voice. "I won't stay out of it! You may be a puppet, but I don't care! They won't hurt you!"

"I wouldn't feel anything, no matter how much they hurt me!" Sasori yelled back at you. "Even if my own grandmother died right in front of me, I wouldn't feel a thing. She would be just like the rest."

"You monster!" Sakura yelled. You turned to look at her. She was glaring at Sasori. He also looked at her. "What do you think human life is? What is family to you?!"

"Hey, is that really how a shinobi should talk?" Sasori asked.

"Sasori," you whispered again, a warning tone clear in your voice this time.

"How dare you?" Sakura growled, still glaring at him. "How can you treat people this way?"

"Sakura," Chiyo whispered. You took this as your chance and walked over to Sasori, taking slow steps towards him. The two women started talking to each other.

"Aiko," Sasori spoke in a whisper once you reached him. You looked at him, it was clear he was not happy, at all. A frown covered his facial expression, his eyes hard but you could see worry in them. You smiled and leaned your back against the outside of the dragon's stomach. You slid down to a sitting position, rubbing your cheek. You heard the sound of wood rattling behind you and heard Sasori's voice right behind your head. "Are you alright?"

You laughed half heartedly. "I'm in much better condition than you are," you answered.

"I'm serious," Sasori whispered. You turned your head towards him. His eyes had softened and held a completely worried look. You smiled again.

"I'm fine," you assured him. He didn't look convinced for some reason but nodded. You turned towards the girl and the old lady. The girl was looking at you and Sasori. "We should do something for them, Sasori."

"What?" Sasori asked in disbelief and shock.

"They did manage to defeat you," you pointed out.

"I know but-"

"Girl," you interrupted him. The girl looked at you. You stood up, hands in the air and walked over to them. The girl stood in front of Chiyo. You stopped a respectable distance away. "Your name is Sakura, am I right?"

The girl hesitated a moment then nodded. "What does it matter?"

"I'm about to offer you two things. One, we will answer your question you had in the beginning of this fight. Two, a truce," you told her. She looked suspicious.

"What are you planning?" she demanded. You sighed.

"I'm not planning anything. I only want to help you out," you replied. "You said since he knew Orochimaru, Sasori had all the answers you needed. So? What do you need to know?"

Sakura seemed to think a while, probably considering whether it was safe to talk face-to-face with a criminal that was not tied down. "I want to know where Orochimaru is."

"Sasori?" you turned towards him. His eyelids were drooping. He looked up as you called him. "You have the answer to this one, don't you?" you asked.

He looked at the girl, half asleep. "I suppose since you both like doing pointless things, I'm going to do something pointless to. Think of it as a reward for defeating me. Go to the Tinge Bridge in the village Hidden in the Grass, ten days from now at noon."

"Why? What's there?" Sakura asked, more like demanded.

"One of Orochimaru's henchmen is working for me as a spy, and that's where I'm supposed to rendezvous2 with him," Sasori leaned against the spirit dragon. "However, I don't think I'll..." his eyes closed and he no longer spoke.

The girl's eyes widened and she gasped.

Your eyes also widened. "Sasori?!" you cried frantically and ran over to him. You entered the dragon and placed your hand over his heart. A relieved sigh escaped your lips. "Good, he's alive," You whispered. You felt eyes on you and turned around to see Chiyo looking at you and Sasori thoughtfully, a distant look in her eyes. A soft clank drew your attention back to Sasori. You noticed a headband on the ground. That wasn't there before. You thought as you reached over and picked it up. It was a Hidden Sand headband, Sasori's headband. You tilted your head and placed the headband in your pocket.

"Well Lady Chiyo?" Sakura's voice drew your attention towards her. "It's really over." Chiyo didn't say anything. "You did it."

Chiyo looked at Sasori's limp body in your hands. "No dear," she said at last. "The wrong person was defeated in battle today, it should've been me instead." Both you and Sakura gasped at Chiyo's words. "Just like he had done before, Sasori anticipated my final attack. But for some reason he didn't even attempt to dodge it, he chose to let his defenses down. And that girl came to his aid even when he never asked her to."

They both looked at you.

"He knew it would... end like this?" Sakura asked.

"He probably thought it would end with his death," Chiyo said. She looked you straight in the eye. "But I am just glad you got in the way child. However, I do not understand why you would come out now of all times."

You hesitated a moment. "I was told not to interfere with the battle," you told her. They continued to look at you. "You see, I'm not an official member of the Akatsuki."

"Why do you stay here then?" Sakura asked. "If you're not a member, then what are you to them? A slave?"

"Slave?" you laughed half heartedly.

"What's so funny?" Sakura demanded.

You looked at her and smiled kindly. She gasped. "I would say I'm the 'baby' of the group. I'm too young to be a member, and I've never taken a life before. I hope I never have to, but if it saves any one of my family I will."

"Family?" Sakura and Chiyo asked at the same time. You released the jutsu, the dragon disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"These criminals?" Sakura added.

You nodded as you made some hand signs and summoned two birds. "Yes, they're my family," you answered absent minded. There was a distant look in your eyes, as if you were thinking about something. Which you were. You were remembering your mother, for some reason. You turned to the two women. "You have to get to your family to. Climb on one of the birds, I'll take you with the jinchuuriki."

"Why should we trust you?" Sakura asked.

"Have I tried anything against you?"

"Not yet."

"If I haven't yet it's because you haven't given me a reason to," you explained as you climbed on a bird. You placed Sasori inside of it carefully. "I don't plan on attacking you, you have my word."

"If you do attack us?" Sakura asked.

"Then you get to choose what you want me to do or what you want to do to me," you answered simply and sat on the bird's neck. You put your hands together and focused your chakra. You spoke out loud, "Farubaru? Where are you guys? North, got it. We'll be there soon." You took your hands apart and looked at the two women. They gave you questioning looks. You tilted your head. "What?" you asked innocently.

"Who are you talking to?" Sakura asked as she helped Chiyo stand.

"Oh, that was my snow fox," you smiled. "She went off with the other Akatsuki member when he left."

Chiyo started to fall but Sakura caught onto her. "Are you alright Lady Chiyo?"

"I'm fine Sakura," Chiyo answered.

"You want a ride?" you repeated your question. "I promise I won't attack you."

"Fine," Sakura gave in. Chiyo was about to protest. "It will be faster, Lady Chiyo." Sakura explained.

"Alright then," Chiyo agreed. They walked over and climbed onto the other bird.

"Hold on," you told them. They nodded and the birds flapped their wings, lifting themselves off the ground. You looked up. "Why use the door if there's no roof?" you asked your self. "Leader won't get anyway."

The bird that Sakura and Chiyo were on headed towards the sky while your bird made a U-turn to the ground. It picked up what pieces were left of Hiruko with its talons. It then flew towards the wall and you reached over. You pried the sealing away from Sasori's other body and carefully placed it beside the Sasori already inside the bird. You looked around. Everything important was taken so you flew off after Sakura and Chiyo. They weren't too far off so you had no trouble catching up.

"Where were you?" Sakura asked, curiosity etched into her voice.

"Taking some things back," you answered and smiled, pointing at the two puppets. She looked at them, her eyes landing on the real Sasori and nodded.

"I don't know why, but I get the feeling I can trust you," Sakura told you. You turned to look at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Care to elaborate?" you asked.

"Well, you said you have never taken a life before, and you really look like it. I can tell that was the truth," Sakura started. "I also think if you wanted to attack us, you would've done so when we were vulnerable and weak. Yet you didn't. And now, you're taking us with our friends. I'm thankful."

"You have nothing to thank me," you told her and faced forward once again. One of the logs in between the cliffs was blown up. Yup. This Dei's 'art' no doubt about it. You pointed at it. "Your friends and my brother passed through here."

"Brother?" Sakura asked.

You nodded. "Yeah, he calls me baby sister sometimes."


You noticed Chiyo was looking at Sasori. You glanced back at him, he moved his head from one side to the other as if having a bad dream.

"He should be awake by the time we reach your friends," you informed as you looked at Chiyo. She looked at you and you smiled. "You can talk to him then."

Chiyo smiled back. "Thank you child."

"Not to worry," you answered. Sakura started treating to Chiyo's wound.

You saw something in the distance and made a hand sign. You focused chakra into your eyes again and got eagle vision. It was a giant, white bird. Deidara! You squinted a little more and noticed he was crash landing. Your face turned into a bored expression. "You never were good at flying anyways," you deadpanned.

"Hm?" Sakura hummed and looked at you. You looked at her.

"Gah!" she was close, too close. You fell onto your back on top of the bird and started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Sakura asked, blinking in confusion.

You stopped the chakra that flowed into your eyes and your vision returned to normal. You looked at Sakura while trying to catch your breath. "I'm just laughing at myself."

"For?" Sakura questioned.

"I can zoom in my vision and when you called me I was looking at something far away. You were too close and I kinda freaked out a little," you told her, an embarrassed blush creeping onto your face.

"Oh," Sakura giggled. "How do you 'zoom in'?" Sakura asked. You looked at her. "Your vision." she clarified.

"It's something I can do thanks to my Kekkei Genkai," you told her.

"What's your Kekkei Genkai?" Chiyo asked. This was the first time she had spoken up in a while.

"I can't really elaborate much on it, I don't know a lot about it myself. There are still some blank spaces but I know I can summon spirits of creatures and people that lived and are now gone," you explained. "That is also all I can tell you, Leader told me not to tell anyone about my abilities. No one outside the Akatsuki, except you and..." you trailed off.

"What is it?" Sakura asked.

" and some others are the only ones who know that I even exist," you finished. "So, please don't tell anyone about me or my abilities. I'm trusting you two with this secret."

"Your secret is safe with me," Sakura told you and smiled.

"Same here," Chiyo added. She looked in pain but smiled any way.

"Thanks," you smiled back. "Sakura."

"What is it?" she asked.

You held out your hand to her. It started to glow blue. "Use this chakra and put it into Lady Chiyo's chakra network."

"What will it do?"

"It's my chakra, and it can help slow the poison's spreading rate," you explained.

"Really?" Sakura asked. You nodded. She held out her hand and your chakra flew over to her. "Thank you." You nodded and she started to treat to Chiyo again. You saw a large cloud of dust in the distance. Deidara, you better not die on me!

The rest of the flight was fairly quiet. Only a few words were spoken here and there but you finally landed. Chiyo and Sakura jumped off and you followed. The silver haired man and the blonde boy were there. The silver haired jonin looked at you.

"Sakura, Lady Chiyo, get back!" he stepped in front of them. You looked around.

"Kakashi sensei, she helped us," Sakura explained.

"But she's part of the Akatsuki," Kakashi argued.

"Not officially," you cut in as you continued to look around. You spotted the Kazekage sitting on a branch with two clones of the blonde jinchuuriki.

"We have a truce with her," Sakura told her sensei.

You faced forward again and cupped your hands around your mouth. "DEIDARA!"

The blonde bomber appeared in front of you. You laughed.

"What's so funny? Hm?" Deidara yelled.

"You have no hands that's what," you answered and walked over to him. You placed a hand on his head and then smacked the top of his head. He fell to the floor. "What did you think you were doing? One missing arm was okay, two missing arms? You're totally careless!" you scolded him. He groaned.

"Not my fault, hm!" he yelled at you. Deidara turned to look at the other four people in front of you. You followed his gaze. "Right now, we have to blow these people away with my art, hm."

You smacked him again. "Idiot. You have no hands, how are you supposed to do that?" he mumbled something under his breath. "Besides, I have a truce with Sakura and Lady Chiyo. I'm not planning on going back on that truce any time soon."

Deidara groaned. "Fine. Once you make up your mind, nothing can change that."

"Why should we trust that they won't attack?" Kakashi's voice drifted to your ears. You looked at him to see he was eyeing you and Deidara. The jinchuuriki stood beside him, anger evident on his face.

"Kakashi sensei, she hasn't attacked us in the entire time we were with her," Sakura tried to explain again. "I really do think we can trust her. She had the chance to attack us when we were weak, but she didn't and Lady Chiyo and I are still here."

Kakashi considered this a bit more. "Fine," he said after a while.

"What you did to Gaara is unforgivable!" the jinchuuriki declared, glaring at Deidara.

"Huh, mindless jinchuuriki, hm," Deidara sneered. You punched him again.

"Quit picking fight already Dei," you sighed and looked up at the tree where the Kazekage was. "Gaara you said his name was?"

"Yeah, what does it matter to you?" the jinchuuriki demanded.

"I can help," you answered and looked at him. He gasped and his eyes widened slightly. "What? You didn't kill Sasori or Deidara. Sure Deidara's missing both hands and Sasori's knocked out cold but that can be fixed."

"Why do you want to help?" Kakashi asked.

"I just said," you answered. "You didn't kill two members of my family, and I'm thankful for that. So I will help you."

"We have to wait for-"

"Leaf Hurricane!"

You and Deidara jumped out of the way as two weird men in green suits and strange haircuts smashed the place where you had been standing.

"Air palm!" you moved out of the way as a stream of air rushed past you. Some giant shuriken went towards Deidara but he moved out of the way.

"STOP!" Sakura's voice came through the commotion loud and clear.

"But Sakura-"

"Please stop Lee," Sakura interrupted the younger man with the green suit. "We have a truce with them."

"Guy sensei?" the other boy with long brown hair asked. His eyes were strange; a pale purple and the veins around them visible.

"Kakashi?" the older of the four that just arrived, Guy, asked.

"It's alright," Kakashi answered. "They won't attack."

"You heard him, Lee, Neji, Tenten," Guy said.

"Yes Guy sensei!" the three of them said in unison.

Just then, the jinchuuriki's clones jumped down with the Kazekage. You looked at them and walked over. One of the clones stood in front of the Kazekage, Gaara, in a defensive position. You stopped walking.

"I just want to take a look at him to see what I can do to help," you told him. He looked behind you, probably at the real him, and then looked at you again.

"Alright," he stepped aside. "But don't try anything funny."

You smiled. "I won't."

You walked to the Kazekage and knelt down in front of him. You reached out and placed two fingers on his neck, checking for a pulse. So it's true. You thought when you felt no pulse. When the tailed beast is extracted, the jinchuuriki dies. You closed your eyes and thought a moment. After a while your eyes opened. You stood up and faced the group behind you, they were all looking at you.

"Is there somewhere you have to go right now?" you asked them.

"We have to start heading back to the Sand Village," Kakashi answered. You nodded.

"Alright then, I can start helping on the way there," you informed them.

"Is there something you can do for Gaara?" the jinchuuriki asked hopefully. You nodded.

"There is but it will take some time," you said as you walked back to the bird that brought you here. "Deidara, you head back to the hideout, or what's left of it, and tell them what happened. Tell them I'll be there soon but don't tell them where I went or what I'm doing, got it?"

He frowned but nodded. "Sure thing un."

"Thanks Dei," you said and summoned another bird for him. He nodded again and hopped onto the bird. He was telling you to be extremely careful. "Don't worry, Sasori's with me."

"I don't think a passed out Sasori is much help, un," Deidara mumbled as he looked at Sasori in the bird you were sitting on. "Are you sure you don't want me to take him back to the hideout with me, un?"

You shook your head. "No, it's fine. Besides," you looked at Chiyo. "There's someone who wants to talk to him."

Deidara followed your gaze and nodded. "Alright but seriously," he looked at you and you looked at him. "Be careful, un. I don't plan on having an early funeral."

You giggled. "Don't worry. Where's-"

"I'm right here," came a familiar voice as the small, white furball landed beside you on the bird. "Just had to get something."

"Okay, take care Dei," you waved as the bird flew away. Deidara turned around and smiled, showing that he hear you. You smiled and turned back to the people. You summoned three more birds. "Hop on."

They slowly nodded and climbed on the birds. Sakura and Chiyo, along with the other girl with two buns in her hair, got on the bird that they had been traveling on. Guy and Kakashi climbed on another. The boy with the green suit and the one with long brown hair got on another one while Naruto and his clones rode on another one with the Kazekage. You took off. You immediately got to work and made a single hand sign with both hands, eyes closed in concentration. Your mind dove into a dark place, several spirits floated around. Where is he? Where?

"Hey," the jinchuuriki's voice came to your ears. You ignored him, thinking he was talking to someone else. "Hey, girl from the Akatsuki," he tried again. You turned your head towards him, indicating that you were listening but kept your eyes closed. "What are you planning on doing?"

"Farubaru," you whispered.

"Huh?" the jinchuuriki asked. You felt your chakra go sink away a little as something soft rub against your hand.

"She's going to use her Kekkei Genkai to bring back the Kazekage," Farubaru explained to the blonde. They talked back and forth for a while.

"Found him!" you yelled excitedly as the birds landed. You heard everyone jump off the birds they were on and gather around the Kazekage. You swung your legs over the bird's neck and slid off, landing softly on your feet. You opened your eyes and walked over to them and sat not too far off from where they stood. Sakura was trying to heal the Kazekage, but you knew that wouldn't work.

You still needed to summon the spirit, since he was new it would be a little more difficult. Sakura stopped trying to heal the Kazekage. You were concentrating so much on trying to summon the spirit, that you were only snapped out of your concentration by the sound of someone trying to hold back their tears. You looked up and saw the blonde jinchuuriki was shaking. Your eyes widened a little.

"Why?" you heard him ask. "Why is it always Gaara? Did he have to die like this?" he walked over to the Kazekage's limp body, tears falling down his cheeks. "He's the Kazekage... he just became the Kazekage..."

"Calm down, Naruto Uzumaki," Chiyo said. Naruto whipped around, swinging a hand in the air.

"Shut up!" he yelled at Chiyo. You gasped. His face was covered with fresh tears, a sad, torn expression on his face. Again, a memory of your mother crossed your mind. Why is this happening? Mother... "This wouldn't have happened if you Sand shinobi hadn't put a monster inside Gaara! Did you even ask Gaara at all how he felt?!" his words were sinking into your heart. You didn't understand what it was that made you want to help him even more now. "Jinchuuriki, my butt. You've no right to act so self-important by labeling us... with a word that you created!" he looked down and wiped his tears away. "I can't save Sasuke... and I can't save... Gaara... I trained so hard for three years. Nothing's changed since three years ago..."

Chiyo's head hung, looking at the ground. She looked back up with a determined look on her face and stood, walking over to Gaara. She knelt down beside him and looked at his face. She placed her hands over his stomach and a blue energy surrounded her hands.

"Lady Chiyo! That jutsu will..." Sakura said. It was then that you realized it was the jutsu Chiyo had used to save Sakura. She'll die if she uses that jutsu. You thought to yourself. Chiyo turned towards Sakura and gave her a closed eye smile. You gasped. She was willing to die for the Kazekage, even if it meant she wouldn't get to speak with Sasori. You looked at Sasori in your spirit bird, then back at Chiyo. I have to find him, and summon him as fast as I can! Your mind drifted back to the dark place as you looked for him again. I have to find... the Kazekage's spirit!


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