
By ShrazyMe

23.2K 1K 42

The life of Kimora. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22

Chapter 21

335 24 0
By ShrazyMe

Kimora: I SAID YES !!

I have been holding in this news for a while now but now I am ready to share it with the world. From the moment that I met David, I felt this instant connection that made me realise that my life would never be the same and I was right. 

30,000,000 likes ~ 1,000,000 comments


DavidGandy: I'm marrying my best friend.

7,000,000 likes ~ 29,000 comments


After weeks of coming our engagement relatively quiet, we decided to share the news with the world as I want to refer to my man as my husband. This is the first time that I have ever truly been in love with someone and I don't want to hide that because this is real love.

"Kimora you broke the internet today with news of your engagement." I smile at Ellen's words. "Firstly I want to congratulate you on your first engagement and I'm wondering how you knew David was the one."

"I knew that David was the one the second that I met him." I softly say while looking at my future husband who has one hand on my thigh. "Our paths never crossed despite us being in similar industries so we first met following my heart attack which was pretty traumatic..."

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes but I am comforted by David who gives my thigh a squeeze.

"I did not go out expecting to meet anybody because my primary focus was on my recovery and taking a break from everything that had led me to that point. My health issue was not a public matter but for those who were aware, they almost began to treat me like a child who could not do anything then I met this amazing man." I place my hand over David's. "This man right here showed me what it meant to truly live and for the first time since I was twelve years old, I felt like a person again."

"What about you?" Ellen turns to David who straightens up in his seat. "What did you see in Kimora besides her money?"

The audience laugh at her words but I don't find it funny so I give her a look because I don't play like that when it comes down to my man.

"Besides the money..." David dramatically rolls his eyes which earns him some laughter. "I saw a woman who was and still is very strong despite going through something traumatic. It would have been justified for Kimora not to want to do anything because she has the pacemaker in but she was not going to let it get the best of her. Kimora had a bucket list of things that she wanted to do and it was unlike anything that I had ever expected from anybody because of how ordinary it was. You expect to read bungee jumping or skydiving but it was things like going camping, visiting monuments and stargazing."

"People think that you do it all when you're famous but there is so much that you actually miss out on because it's too dangerous. I could never go to the grocery store unless I had like twenty bodyguards and I had to have the whole store shut down so I could shop peacefully." I rub my lips together. "My schedule was always filled with things to do so I never got to explore places whenever we did a stop somewhere cool."

"Now Kimora you have previously stated that you have never been in love before." I slowly nod my head. "How does it feel to now being in love?"

"Surreal." I bite down on my bottom lip. "I met my person at the age of forty which should serve as hope for all the singletons out there because I never thought that I would meet the love of my life. I was very content with being single until the end of time because I was married to the music and it felt as if I could not be myself around anyone. Men may say that they were in love with me but they were in love with the character that I presented to them."

"Everybody is wondering if there is a bun in the oven..." Ellen glances at my stomach and I purse my lips at her.

"I am not pregnant." I state outright because I don't want this to even be a rumor when I may have fertility issues. "If I go on to have children down the line then you will find out when we decide to share it with you all."

Ellen pulls a face, "Swiftly moving on... will Mr David Gandy be featured in the upcoming documentary?"

"You could ask Mr David himself." I give her a look because she's doing that thing where people act as if David is not here. "David, will you be featured in my upcoming documentary?"

My partner chuckles, "I will be featured in your documentary."

"In what way will you be featured in the documentary of my life?" I dramatically pop my lips which earns me a lot of laughter.

"I documented a lot of our time together so you have taken some of that footage and I will be providing a series of confessionals throughout your documentary." David turns his hands over and I interlace our fingers together. "Anymore questions, love?"

"Anymore questions, Ellen?" I wink at her.

Ellen starts laughing as she claps her hands together, "I hate you so much."

"The feeling is mutual."


Kimora: The Bride & Groom.


20,000,000 likes ~ 30,000 comments

Naturally we are hosting an engagement party at this amazing venue that Mindy Weiss hired and decorated for me since I hate having people at my home. Over two hundred people showed up to the party which was to be expected but what surprised me was when I started seeing from the early days of my career and it makes me wish that my parents were here for this.

Seeing the Jackson brothers here with their kids made me reminisce on the moments where Michael and I would speak about our future would hold. He loved being a father to his three kids but I had no desire to bear anyone which would make him call me crazy because children are a blessing from God.

My eyes darken as I spot a familiar bald headed man speaking with Charlize Theron so after greeting the talented actress, I pull him to the side.

"You need to tell your ex wife to calm it down before I ruin her life." 

Tyrese sighs deeply, "Kimora."

"One thing that you may have forgotten about me is that my mind is a steel trap and it never forgets anything like having a certain someone take a picture of them." I remind him of the recent controversy of a half naked image of me being leaked. "That picture was leaked to the media and I am taking legal action so now I need to know if I need to hunt your ass too."

"Don't forget that you slept with Elgin first." He puffs out his chest. "How do you know that it wasn't Sole who leaked the photo?"

"Because I slept with her too." That shuts him up and he takes a step back. "Anybody else?"

"Ok." Tyrese nods his head. "Ok. I will do what I can to stop her but you know that she's also causing me trouble so she's not going to listen to wha-"

"That's not my problem." I fake a smile as a photographer snaps a picture of us. "If another image makes it on the web then I will kill both of your career, well maybe just yours because she doesn't have one."

I walk away from Tyrese Gibson without another word before bumping into another former lover of mine.


"Congratulations." He holds up his drink and I do the same before we clink our glasses together. "I'm happy for you, truly."

"Happy enough to perform at my wedding?" I ask in a hopeful tone and he lets out a chuckle.

"Only if you tell Mr Gandy about our history because I don't like crossing those streets anymore."

"You don't have to worry about that." The history that I have with Lionel Richie is one for the books and one that we will hold close to our hearts so not to break anymore hearts. I will never say that I was in love with the man but he had a way with his words and music that left me feeling a deep connection for him.

"Do I need to worry about you stealing my bride?" David jokingly asks as he makes his way to my side and I smile as we share a sweet kiss.

"Kimora is a dear old friend of mine." Lionel chuckles, "You never have to worry because the loyalty that she has for you will be one that she will take to the grave."

I nudge David's waist, "I am a loyal person."

My love, there's only you in my life
The only thing that's right

A round of cheers rips through the crowds as Lionel starts singing on the stage while I slow dance with David in the middle of the room.

My first love
You're every breath that I take
You're every step I make

And I, I want to share
All my love with you
No one else will do

David cups my face in his hands as we passionately kiss on the dancefloor, oblivious to all the people watching and documenting us. The relationship that I have with David is one that hold so dear to my heart much like the one that I did with Michael so to share it with the world now is terrifying.

And your eyes, your eyes, your eyes
They tell me how much you care
Ooh, yes
You will always be
My endless love

These are the moments where I wish that my parents and Michael were still alive so they could witness this monumental moment in my life. They would laugh in my face anytime that I told them that I would never get married as they always believed that there was someone there for me.

Boom, boom
Boom, boom, boom boom, boom, boom
Boom, boom, boom boom, boom

A microphone is handed to me because singing is in my blood and I slowly lift the microphone up to my lips as I begin to serenade the man that I will one day call my husband.

Oh, and love oh, love
I'll be that fool for you I'm sure
You know I don't mind
Oh, you know I don't mind

And, yes
You'll be the only one
'Cause no one can deny
This love I have inside
And I'll give it all to you
My love, my love, my love
My endless love

"I love you, David." I softly say while looking at my man with tear filled eyes and he caresses my face. "I love you more than you will ever know."

"And I will love you until the end of time."

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