By Zawww_w2

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Chapter 7


511 10 11
By Zawww_w2

Human adaptability always appears to surpass expectations. The wound in my stomach made even breathing painful, so I initially thought all I could manage was to pull myself up and sit. However, I seemed to have underestimated myself. At some point, I drifted into sleep, and upon opening my eyes, I realized I was barely holding on in the confined space.

Lying on my side, I felt like even a slight push of 5 centimeters could send me tumbling to the floor from my precarious position. My body was as stiff as stone from the effort of preventing a fall. Furthermore, the guy occupying the space behind me was pressing his body against mine, his arms wrapped around my aching stomach.

No wonder I kept experiencing pain even in my sleep. Observing the dark blue sky through the window, I realized it was still dawn. Frustration surged through me as soon as I woke up. Someday, I'll die because of this guy. I reached out and attempted to free the arm wrapped around my stomach, but it remained firmly in place.


I took a breath and spoke.


There was no response.


My voice reverberated in the room, and the body behind me shifted slightly. However, the issue was that the arm wrapped around me now applied more pressure.


Unintentionally, I groaned and haunched. My mind went blank for a moment. Due to the pain radiating through my body from the wound being pressed, I couldn't immediately grasp the question from the guy behind me.


"Ugh... your... hand."

"Hand? Ah, does it hurt here?"

His voice, raspy from just waking up, sounded oddly casual. Deliberately, he pulled my body closer with his arm.


Holding my breath, I tightly closed my eyes. So, I didn't even realize when the guy straightened my body; I just groaned in pain. From the side, the madman gently raised his hand to my forehead, and only then could I open my eyes. It wasn't because the pain had subsided, but rather the force of anger. The guy's other hand was placed on my stomach, which lay flat.

"Is this where it hurts?"

He pressed once more.

"Ugh... damn it, let go."

I opened my eyes with great effort, and upon confirming the guy's face revealed by the faint dawn light, I couldn't bring myself to swear anymore. As he looked down at my wounds, a creepy smile adorned his face. He lifted his eyes to mine, sporting a gentle smile on his lips but not in his eyes.



"Who told you to get stabbed without permission?"

He smiled deeply and added lowly to the point that i wondered if it was the same person who just woke up from his sleep .

"Are you saying I should refrain from touching you because of something that was your fault?"

His hand pressed firmly against the wound again.

Ugh! Fuck...

I succeeded in gripping his arm tightly. It felt like the wound could burst again at any moment. Driven by pain, my only thought was how to stop him. Unable to retaliate physically, I had no choice but to somehow appease him. Because I finally grasped it. This guy has been furious since the moment I got stabbed. However, the only words that escaped my mouth were, of course,

"....Hold on, you jerk."

I held onto his hand to prevent it from pressing down again, met his cold eyes, and mumbled.

"Ha.....I'm holding back too."


"I want to touch you too."

He lowered his gaze momentarily, then gradually released his grip. Only then could I finally inhale deeply. As the tension in my body eased, I breathed out a big sigh, but the hand that was on my forehead gently swept over my hair. However, I didn't let my guard down. I didn't trust the smile he was putting on. No matter how gentle his touch was.

"Should I forgive you this once since you genuinely regret it?"

I held no regrets. Certainly, I wasn't seeking forgiveness from this madman either. Why would I? Despite my frustration, I couldn't express it as he pressed his hand on my stomach again. Though it stung a bit, I promptly responded.

"Yes, I regret it."




"Ugh... your hand... ah, forgive me. If you forgive me just this once... damn it, I won't get stabbed again."

However, he appeared dissatisfied and didn't remove his hand. He sweetly inquired,

"What about the phone?"


As soon as I raised my questioning eyes, I heard an additional question.

"Will you ignore my phone calls again?"

".....In unavoidable situations."


"Ugh! Fuck... you... haa... I will answer!"

Just before I nearly lost my consciousness, that jerk withdrew his hand slowly. I curled up like a shrimp, struggling to breathe. Fearing he might apply pressure to the wound again, I wrapped my hand around my stomach, only to find it damp. Damn it, the wound had burst.

Regardless of my circumstances, I felt an urge to unleash my anger with a fist. You jerk. I managed to elevate my sweaty upper body while swearing. It was a relief to clench my trembling hands into fists, but ultimately, I couldn't take any action.

The guy, who had been laughing at me, methodically unraveled the bandage around his wrist. In an instant, the fiery anger that had consumed me turned into ice. He carefully assessed my frozen state and revealed the scarlet scars on his wrist where flesh had been stitched. Instinctively, I tried to avert my gaze, but he issued a command in an indifferent tone.

"Don't take your eyes off me."

Then, he seized my chin to restrict my movement. Making direct eye contact, he spoke in a low voice.

"Accept the price you paid for trying dying."

The term 'price' brought to mind the blood flowing from the guy's torn wrist. I muttered, biting my lower lip to suppress its trembling.

"I'm not avoiding it, you jerk."

At my stern words, he smiled approvingly.

"Fine, I'll forgive you. But this is the last time."


The wound that burst because of the madman fortunately wasn't too severe. Still, perhaps due to losing quite a bit of blood, I surprised the angelic nurse from the morning. After receiving scoldings from the doctor during treatment and being scolded again by another nurse in the hospital room, my mood sank even lower when I heard that I had to stay hospitalized for a longer period.

Fortunately, the wound he accidentally reopened wasn't too large, but it still bled significantly, surprising my caring nurse in the morning. I received a scolding from the doctor during treatment and another from a nurse in the hospital room. My spirits sank further when I was informed that I'd need to extend my stay in the hospital.

My request for a larger bed went unheeded by the nurse due to the offense of reopening my wound. Considering that the madman had cheerfully departed, promising to return at night, there was a high likelihood that the same incident would occur again. I would struggle not to fall off the narrow bed, and he would inadvertently embrace my wound, causing it to hurt again... Fuck.

It felt filthy and repugnant; I couldn't afford to get hurt again. Overcome with nausea, I managed to get on my feet. I was told that a bit of walking could be beneficial, so I took a step, clutching the IV pole in one hand. Just as I was about to leave the bed, the manager and Hansoo entered.

"Ah! Taemin-ah, why are you getting up? Where are you headed?"

I was about to answer, saying it's for exercise, but it didn't suit my appearance. 'Just feeling frustrated,' I replied, and Hansoo quickly followed to accompany me.

"Then I'll keep you company."

"It's fine."

"Ah, why? Even though you're okay with it, you keep pushing me away?"

In disbelief, I glanced at him, and the manager laughed, offering an explanation from the side.

"Haha, I've heard it all from your uncle. You may seem distant, but deep down, you're just shy, which is why you push people away, right? Haha, even when your uncle gave you herbal medicine, you did the same thing."

"He's not my uncle. And about the herbal medicine..."

I began to vehemently object and wished to provide further clarification, but the manager and Hansoo had already concluded that I was someone who distances themselves.

"Haha, Taemin, you don't have to push people away like that anymore. You seem subtly affectionate and kind, but if people don't know what's inside, they might just think you're just an asshole."

"That's correct. Taemin, even though we're close, there are times when we mistakenly perceive you as quite rude. Haha."



"....Why are you carrying the IV pole?"

Observing the two chuckling, I finally released the IV pole I held. They approached with smiles as if nothing had happened. Eager to leave quickly, I turned away when the manager, with a cautious tone, asked as if something had just struck him.

Watching the two who were chuckling, I reluctantly set down the crutch I had been holding. They approached, still smiling as if nothing had happened. As I turned to quickly leave, the manager cautiously asked as if something came to mind.

"By the way, Taemin. Do you not contact your family?"

When I turned my head without responding, the manager looked at me with a slightly worried expression.

"I reached out to everyone saved on your phone, but your family wasn't listed."

Hansoo nodded from the side.

"That's correct. Taemin, you have a younger brother who may be waiting for your call. Manager-nim, you didn't know? Taemin's sibling has the same name as me and is an excellent student. So, Taemin, please contact them as soon as possible."

I gazed at the two for a moment and replied casually.

"I can't."

"Why?You don't not get along? Taemin-ah, family is still family....."

"He died. 5 years ago."


"Both my mother and younger brother."

The two stood frozen, staring at me as if they had ceased breathing. Before departing, I looked at Hansoo and added as if it had just occurred to me.

"From now on, just call me hyung."

Thud. I closed the door behind me and proceeded down the hallway, step by step. Upon reaching the elevator, I suddenly recalled my cell phone. Unlikely, but what if the madman called—fuck. I retraced my steps, but I couldn't open the hospital room door. Faint cries emanated from inside.

"Ugh, manager-nim, what should I do? I had no idea the reason he wouldn't allow me call him hyung, eh... I used to get angry. I... I had no idea it was because I had the same name as his deceased younger brother, and I had just asked about him...ah"

For a moment, I could hear Hansoo sobbing, followed by the manager sighing.

"Ah, Taemin, that kid is really... he appears so strong, bearing everything alone without any help, but why is his heart so full of sad things?"

I turned around and retraced my steps. If the madman calls me and I don't answer, I'll just tell him I slept like the dead.


The stroll only involved going up to the rooftop, yet 40 minutes had quickly passed. Thinking that both of them must be feeling better by now, I returned to the hospital room but again, I couldn't open the door. Road Manager was standing in front of the door with a serious expression. As I approached, he noticed and turned his head.

"Why aren't you going in?"

Pointing towards the room, I heard an answer that didn't make sense.

"...Because there's someone who makes me uncomfortable inside."

Uncomfortable? It can't be the manager and Hansoo. Just as I was wondering who it might be, a distinct voice from inside announced its presence.

"Oh, no one knew, it seems. Well, Taemin rarely talks about his family because he's so reserved."

Upon confirming that it was Alice's boss speaking, I frowned, sensing an ominous feeling that I couldn't quite place. At that moment, I heard the manager inside asking in a surprised voice.

"Then, does the uncle know everything about Taemin's family?!"

"Huhu. Well, Taemin follows me so much. He always comes to me for advice on difficult matters. It seems he regards me as a mentor in life, but ah― it's a bit burdensome. I'm satisfied just being his uncle."

Was the ominous feeling due to this nonsensical conversation? However, my prediction was wrong. Some questioned the boss, who was proudly claiming to know about my family. They asked why he didn't come yesterday. In response, the CEO's voice immediately turned into anger.

"I couldn't come yesterday because I had to clean up some mess. But more than that, it's because I'm busy tracking down some damn bastard."

"A damn bastard?"

"Well, you see, some idiotic son of a bitch slashed my precious nephew's wrist with a knife! If I catch him, I'll slash that bastard's dick to pieces!"

Thud. I took a step back. However, the boss's anger continued.

"I'm still looking for the person who broke my precious nephew's arm five years ago! Ah! I will absolutely track down that jerk and rip his entire body apart!"

Thud. The Road Manager took a step back. I quietly suggested to him,

"Want to go to a restaurant?"

"Please, let's do that."


The hospital life was boring, but bearable. It felt strange, lying down like this, only sleeping and eating the meals provided, a leisure I hadn't experienced in a long time. Except for the awkwardness, everything else seemed fine. When the body becomes comfortable and relaxed, it seems that thoughts become loose.

In the rush of everyday life, thoughts of revenge were always at the forefront of my mind, but within the confines of the hospital, they strangely failed to surface. It wasn't until a few days later, prompted by an unexpected call, that the realization of unfinished business dawned on me.

[It's been a while, hasn't it?]

While the voice lacked vigor, it exuded a cheerful tone. I responded briefly to the Good Impression.


[I heard you were stabbed with a knife. Are you okay?]

"Just worry about yourself."

Upon my candid response, laughter ensued for a moment, followed by his comment, 'I guess you're okay because you're still the same.' After a brief silence, he spoke in a soft but distinct voice.

[Thank you. For coming to save me, for keeping me alive.]

Expressions of gratitude always felt awkward, especially since my actions weren't driven by the intention to rescue him.

"It's not because of you. I just went because I didn't want to feel guilty."

[Ha, I thought you'd say something like that. But still, thank you. The person who was with me is also grateful to you. Besides, it seems like he has fallen in love with you at first sight. He keeps asking if I know your contact information, but I told him I don't know for now. I thought you might find it bothersome. I did well, right?]

Yes. I affirmed, prompting him to continue divulging information I hadn't solicited.

[I'm not sure if you heard, but that person's family is pretty affluent. Due to them, I am having treatment in a good facility and being treated like royalty. His father stated that he would assist me with my acting career in the future and that he had already spoken with numerous directors about me. I'm overwhelmed by all the beautiful things that have come my way seemingly out of nowhere, and I believe this is what you deserve as well, so if you don't mind, I'd want to introduce you to these people....]

"Don't do it."

I politely declined and added.

"I have enough people who can help me, so I don't need them. Plus, it's annoying."

After a brief sigh on the other end of the line, he expressed understanding. He then shared some intriguing news.

[The police are actively working to apprehend the criminal, thanks to his parents' efforts. Hyungseok is already on the wanted list.]

That guy fled.

"Get well soon and catch that guy."

[No need to catch him. I'm satisfied with this.]

Satisfied with just this? I couldn't understand and was about to argue when the following comforting voice made it impossible for me to speak.

[Hyungseok will never become an actor. His face is all over the internet, and he's been branded as a human trafficking celebrity. His dream of being on TV, nurtured since childhood, will never come true. Watching TV will probably be painful for him for the rest of his life. There's no punishment harsher than having your dreams snatched away. I don't care about where he is or what he does anymore because I know he'll never be able to pursue what he wants the most.]

After a brief pause, he asked. How about you? Me? I...

"It's not over yet."

[Revenge for Song Yoohan?]


[How far are you going to go?]

"Mind your own business."

I spat out coldly, but instead of getting angry, he hesitated before letting out his voice.

[Don't think of me strangely. It's just... I felt very at ease because it was over. Even if I still feel bad that I didn't get my revenge, it doesn't bother me anymore because the hate is gone. So I hope you feel the same way.]


[Sorry, I'm sure you have your own thoughts.]

Amidst the silence, I was about to suggest ending the call if there was nothing more to say, but then he brought up something unexpected.

[I'm also concerned about Chairman Kim's right-hand man, the one who hasn't been caught by the police.]

It was only then that I recalled the mad dog. After the meeting, Chairman Kim had asked the madman if he had taken the guy away since he had disappeared. Though the madman didn't give a clear answer at the time, I, like Chairman Kim, was suspicious of him.

If indeed the mad dog was taken, where could he be? And did the good impression imply that the remaining subordinates had been apprehended by the police? Even if they were caught and exposed, Chairman Kim wouldn't relinquish them easily. However, the following statement made more sense.

[Song Yoohan was fortunate to escape without being caught at the scene, but I'm not concerned. With Chairman Kim out of the picture, he's like a kite without a string, especially since he used private loans recklessly.]

"What do you mean Chairman Kim is gone?"

Even with Dream Planning's collapse, Chairman Kim wasn't one to be easily defeated. In fact, he possessed a venomous resilience that would lead to more cunning survival strategies. My question surprised the good impression, and he inquired if I hadn't heard the news. What news?

[Chairman Kim is dead.]

A shiver ran down my spine. The question escaped my lips in a breathless whisper. How did he die?

[He was incapacitated with a self-defense electric shock gun. But Chairman Kim had some sort of device attached to his heart...]

While he continued to explain, only the last words the madman had uttered to Chairman Kim lingered in my mind.

'Then you would die, wouldn't you?'

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