By Zawww_w2

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Chapter 7


351 9 17
By Zawww_w2

The echoes of my brother's voice lingered in my ears. Gradually, as if sinking into the floor, his words ceased to reach me. When I could no longer hear them, I opened my eyes. My body felt unresponsive, and everything appeared blurry. I blinked a few times, finding myself staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. A woman, dressed in a nurse's uniform, whose face I didn't recognize, came into view. Her eyes widened in surprise. She took a sharp breath and then shouted something towards another direction.

"He... he's awake!"

Upon hearing her voice, I closed my eyes again, succumbing to genuine sleep, free from the confines of the tunnel.


Subsequently, due to the efforts of doctors and nurses who conducted numerous tests, I discovered that I was in the hospital's intensive care unit. Shortly afterward, I was transferred to a private hospital room. However, my initial welcome in the new space was not entirely pleasant.

"Aaaah! Taemin! Taemin!"

"Aaa-aaah. What do I.....Taemin is alive...uhhh.."

Because of the two people wailing on either side of me, I became aware of the pain in my body, especially a sharp pain in my abdomen. Oh, damn. Profanities involuntarily escaped my mind, but fortunately, there was a nurse to assist.

"The patient needs to stay calm."

Displaying a seasoned approach to such situations, the nurse efficiently separated the two individuals from me. Despite her efforts, they continued to whimper and cling to me, this time grasping onto the bed's metal frame, sustaining a persistent commotion in the room.

"Taemin! Do you recognize who I am?! It's me, it's me!"

"Uhuhuh― Can you see me, Taemin?! Do you know my name?!"


"Cough! Taemin! Why aren't you speaking! Uhuhuk... Do you not recognize me? Can't you remember?! What should we do? I guess you don't recognize me. Maybe he's become an idiot!"

"Uhuh― Taemin, did you become an idiot? What should we do, Manager-nim? Not only bad-tempered but also an idiot!"

Right after I opened my eyes perfectly fine, I found myself being called an idiot by these two idiots. Were they doing it on purpose? Eventually, I couldn't hold back and spoke up.

"... Just shut up."

My voice emerged weakly, likely due to my lack of strength, yet they responded by raising their voices even louder.

"Waah! Taemin! Do you recognize me? Uhuhuk! It's the same! Your annoying way of speaking is just the same as usual!"

"Uhuhuh... I'm really relieved, Taemin! You're not an idiot! You're not an idiot! Uhuhuhuh..."

I couldn't contain a muttered curse, but it only seemed to make them happier as they continued to torment me. Damn it, why did I have to survive this?


As the tears subsided, it felt like a tempest had passed, and I began to comprehend the situation.

"...... A week?"

I inquired, attempting to sit up and lift my upper body. The pair, their eyes swollen from crying, nodded in response.

"Yeah, you woke up after a week."

"They said you would wake up in a day after the surgery went well, but you didn't open your eyes for a whole week. Do you know how worried we were?"


I then noticed the disheveled appearance of the two. Their clothes seemed crumpled, as if untouched for days, and their faces bore signs of neglect. The manager, now appearing significantly older, explained calmly.

"They conducted a brain scan, and there were no issues. The surgery was successful. However, the doctors were baffled by your prolonged unconsciousness. No specific reason could be identified, leaving them uncertain about how to proceed..."

The manager halted, as if holding back tears, and continued with a strained voice.

"We had no choice but to wait for you to wake up."

Hansoo chimed in quietly.

"I was really worried when you didn't open your eyes for so long. Too long... I thought something might have happened to you."

It had been an extended period. Perhaps it was inevitable that I needed to confront my brother, even if it was merely a figment of my own desires. Lost in contemplation for a moment, their sobbing persisted. I lifted my head and posed the most urgent question.

"How did I end up in the hospital?"

In response, both the manager and Hansoo shook their heads simultaneously.

"We're not sure about the details. I got in touch with Hansoo, and we rushed to the hospital. By the time we arrived, you had already undergone surgery and were in the intensive care unit."

"Who contacted you?"

Asking that question was prompted by a faint memory. I wondered if it was really the voice of the madman.

'Save him.'

However, the manager's response took a different turn.

"Director Park."


"Now that I think about it, we never asked how Director Park knew and reached out to us. We let it go because he's not one to readily share personal information."

As the manager hesitated, Hansoo posed another question from the side.

"Manager, there's also that. The hospital bill."

The hospital bill? I asked, and the manager nodded with an 'Ah.'

"Yeah, the hospital bill is strange too. I inquired at the billing office about the surgery and treatment expenses for this private room, but they said it's already been paid."

Listening silently, the manager seemed to recall something and added.

"I've heard from a nurse in passing. The person who first brought you to the hospital was a young man. You were stabbed... She mentioned that he brought you in, covered in blood. He told her to keep you alive and then left, and she was genuinely scared of him."

Hansoo also mentioned that he heard from a nurse about the frightening nature of that man, but it didn't register. One thing came to mind. How did he know and come to where I was? But the thought didn't last long. A word that came out of the manager with a sobbing voice caught my attention.

"It's truly a miracle that you survived."

As I turned my head, he continued with tearful eyes.

"The doctor explained that the bleeding was severe, but the knife that pierced your abdomen miraculously avoided vital organs. It's truly a miracle."

Miracle. The fact that I'm alive is considered a miracle. I brushed aside these words and shifted my focus to a more pressing issue.

"Do you know of anyone else who got hospitalized along with me? Another actor from our company."

While posing this question, I sensed something unusual. Why hadn't my manager or Hansoo inquired about how I got stabbed? To my surprise, they exchanged glances, wearing solemn expressions. Then, my manager cautiously asked,

"Taemin, the person who made you like that... could it have been someone related to Chairman Kim?"

"Why do you ask that?"

Another pause. He gazed at me intently before speaking again.

"While you were lying here, our company and the public were thrown into chaos. News spread across the internet that two aspiring entertainers were abducted and narrowly escaped. One of them was affiliated with Dream Entertainment, causing a huge uproar. Things have settled down a bit now, but reporters have been swarming our company, reminiscent of the Cha Jungwoo incident."

"Who leaked this information?"

"Huh?" The manager, who seemed to not know who spread the news on the internet, mentioned a name I didn't recognize. However, it seemed that I would soon understand who it was through his explanation.

"One of the victims was a young man in his early twenties who seemed to come from a wealthy family. He left his home and came to Korea independently with dreams of becoming an entertainer, eventually joining our company as a trainee. It turns out the victim's father is a prosperous businessman in the United States, which attracted media attention. Usually, when unfortunate stories surface on the internet, they often fade away quietly, but this time, luck was on our side due to the victim's good background."

Oh, he was an adult; that's why he could drive. Hyungseok, that bastard, was in such a hurry to win Chairman Kim's favor that he associated with people without thoroughly checking them first.

"But there was something in the testimony of one of the victims about the person who came to rescue them."

As the manager looked at me, there was an odd mixture of pity and warmth in his eyes.

"We don't know the person's name because it has not yet been revealed, but the manner in which they described how this person saved them... It sounded just like you. In addition, one of the victims was a fellow trainee who used to take classes with you."


"It's you, isn't it?"

I didn't feel the need to respond, so I just looked away, and the manager smiled.

"The other victim is in another hospital and doesn't know your whereabouts. He's been giving interviews to reporters, looking for you."

"Are they both okay?"

"Yeah, the victims are doing better now. Well, the other person seems to have had surgery too. But it turns out he got hurt while trying to save the other young victim, so they're covering his hospital expenses and taking good care of him at their place."

As long as they're alive.


'Yes,' I responded, and when I looked up, his eyes welled up with tears again.

"Thank you for coming back to life."

The manager cried once more, and Hansoo joined in the tears. I observed them in silence for a moment, attempting to find the right words. Why are you grateful? Why are you crying for me like this? However, in the end, I couldn't articulate anything. I don't know. Strangely, at this moment, their worry and tears didn't feel uncomfortable.

"What happened to the kidnappers?"

I inquired, intentionally shifting the topic. The mad dog was quite bloody, but since he had chased me after being stabbed, he likely wasn't dead. Yet, the response I received wasn't what I anticipated.

"They weren't caught. Later, the police searched the building where the kid testified, and it was wiped clean of any evidence—no traces of blood. It's going to be challenging to catch them, and even harder to apprehend the person who orchestrated it all."

The manager's voice carried a heavy sigh. He was likely thinking of Chairman Kim. Then, a realization hit me. Wait, what day is it?

"How did the board meeting go?"

"It hasn't happened yet. It will be held tomorrow. Well... It will only be a good day for Chairman Kim."

The manager's statement struck me as odd. Only a good day for Chairman Kim? Why? When I looked at him inquisitively, he sighed again and disclosed the reason.

"The public announcement came out just yesterday. Director Yoon sold all of his shares to Chairman Kim. Now Chairman Kim has become the sole owner of Dream Planning. The management rights have been separated, making it an independent company."

As he spoke, he let out a bitter laugh.

"Yeah, that's right. That guy moves quickly; some roles have already been decided, and they secured a few advertisements as well."

"What about the audition for the lead role?"

"That hasn't happened yet."

He shook his head and asked anxiously.

"Are you afraid you won't get the part?"

"No. I have no regrets about that role."

It's just a shame that I couldn't fight against Myungshin.

Although I didn't reveal my inner thoughts, strangely, the manager brought up Myungshin.

"That's a relief. It looks like Myungshin might take the lead role..."

I gave him a questioning look, wondering how he knew, and he furrowed his brow in response.

"There was a drama opening ceremony shortly after you were injured. And at the time, Myungshin was standing next to Chairman Kim. And he was the only actor who attended."

Chairman Kim brought in Myungshin immediately after Hyngseok's accident, implying that Hyungseok was dumped. Even if he did return Myungshin, he most likely still owes him money. If Myungshin wants to make the most of his newfound opportunity, he won't be able to ask Chairman Kim for too many favors. I'm sure he believes that once he gets the starring role, everything else will fall into place. The only thing left is the board meeting tomorrow.

"Now, just forget about it."

"Forget about what?" I asked with a puzzled look, and the manager let out a sigh once again.

"You messed with Chairman Kim to get revenge on Myungshin, right? Taemin, don't do that. If you get hurt again, I really..."

When the manager was unable to speak, Hansoo, who had been quiet this whole time, finally spoke.

"Yeah. Just forget about it. What if you get hurt again while doing that?"

And then they both started crying again. Just when I thought they had finally calmed down.

"Go eat."

It was 4:30 in the afternoon. I checked the time and said firmly, which made both of them shake their heads.

"No, it's okay! We won't leave you alone! We stayed here until you woke up and got moved to the VIP room!"

"Yes! The person who covered the hospital expenses also took care of our accommodation, so we've been here the whole time, enjoying the hospital food, all thanks to Taemin-ssi."

Whose name were they using to get the food? My expression stiffened, but the two of them were already immersed in the world of hospital food.

"Oh, maybe it's because it's a VIP room, but the food here is surprisingly delicious!"

"That's right! There are plenty of side dishes, and if you ask for an extra serving of rice, it's enough to satisfy you. Oh, Manager-nim, tonight's side dish is grilled fish!"

"Hahaha, really? I wonder if they'll serve the cucumber pickles from yesterday. Mmm, those were so tangy and tasty."

"The seasoned green onion salad from the other day was also fantastic!"

In the end, it seemed that my significance equaled that of a hospital side dish. Damn. They were both prepared to list off a week's worth of meals, and I found myself yearning to return to the intensive care unit. Remembering faintly that they had shed tears for me, I made another suggestion.

"Then, at least take a walk."

Once again, I was met with resistance. And for a more unpleasant reason.

"No, your family is coming soon. We contacted them as soon as we heard you woke up."

Family? I couldn't help but ask with uncertainty.

"....What family?"

"Haha, what family? Taemin, it's your family. Why didn't you mention that you have such a good person in your family?"

"So, who is it?"

"Huh? Well, your unc..."

The door flung open with a loud creak, and the person claiming to be family burst in, shouting.

"Aah! You're... You're alive!!!"

With his quivering visage, Alice's boss, whose dust allergy had already flared up, made my fear a reality.

"Sob... What is this?!!!! Right after becoming a happy 300 won."

Now, I wanted to curse the doctor. Fuck, why did you save me?


Alice's boss welled up with joy upon spotting me, and both the manager and Hansoo joined in the sea of tears. Surrounded by their constant chatter and occasional remarks from the manager, my head throbbed. The only silver lining was the boss introducing me not as a nephew or daughter-in-law but as a nephew-like relative, though the conversation remained futile.

"Baek... No, Taemin-ah, be kind to the manager and Hansoo. They've been waiting for you to wake up every day in this VIP room."

He proudly whispered this.

'I didn't mention that your real name is Lee Baekwon. Are you embarrassed? Hehe...'

Determined to prove my identity, I planned to bring my birth certificate to him once discharged. Seeing my expression, he hastily added,

'Don't be embarrassed. I haven't even told them about the 300 won yet.'

The manager beside me reassured,

'There were rice cakes.'

In an instant, rice cakes became the most detested food in the world. Moreover, it was revealed that they had become friends by eating rice cakes. In their efforts to forge friendship over rice cakes, it was confirmed that Alice Boss had been coming to the VIP room every day to hang out. While Manager and Hansoo seemed excited, thinking he was just my relative, Alice's intentions were clear.

"By the way, boss, you mentioned your keen interest in our building, right? Haha, I had someone check out the executive floor's restroom."

Suddenly, the boss's eyes lit up like a starving beast that had discovered food.

"How's the water pressure in the toilet?"


The manager gave a thumbs-up and elaborated on the executive restrooms. The boss smiled in relief, grateful for the powerful air freshener that kept the restroom smelling pleasant. The conversation veered into discussing the air fresheners' scent.

As the conversation progressed into deeper and more useless subjects, my face became more and more contorted. Damn it, why do I have to wake up after a week and listen to discussions about restroom air fresheners? However, thankfully, the nuisance talk that reached the hallway attracted the nursing team.

The nurse, using the beautiful excuse that the visiting hours were over, kicked them out, proving to be a true angel of the hospital. Gratefully accepting the peace that finally came, I couldn't help but feel annoyed as someone entered the room again.


I looked up at Alice's boss, who had sneaked in with tired eyes. What else is there? I thought, holding back a sigh, when he spoke in a hushed tone.

"If Jay gets angry at you, just accept it."


"Jay seemed really angry."

I stared at him, then inquired.

"When did you meet him?"

"I didn't."


"I had to talk briefly over the phone for work. Even after Baekwon was hospitalized, he continued working as usual. But I could tell that he was angry. It's very much the same as usual."

Before leaving, he left me with an unexpected final comment.

"And Baekwon, since you're already family, you can count on me. I'm ready to handle the mess."

Before I could even ask what the mess was, he vanished. Silence surrounded me as I was left alone in the hospital room. It was the quiet I had longed for, yet strangely, I missed the recent chatter. Perhaps it's because I'm accustomed to having someone by my side that I feel uneasy alone. Exhausted, I closed my eyes, finding the notion ridiculous. I seemed to have dozed off for a while. Was it a nap? I wasn't certain. I felt a touch on my face, and when I opened my eyes, I heard a voice calling me.

"Lee Yoohan."

I blinked a few times. The only thing illuminating the dark hospital room was the light pouring in from a large window, casting a panoramic view. Although I recognized the voice, I wanted to confirm with my eyes. After staring into the darkness for a while to adapt, I finally spoke in a hoarse voice.

I felt his lips curve into a smile. Soon, I heard a response, "In a moment," and the hand that had been caressing my face passed over to my forehead, gently brushing my bangs aside. We stood in silence for a while. Eventually, I broke the silence.

"Is everything ready for tomorrow?"

Each time I spoke, the pain from the wound in my abdomen reverberated, making it a bit challenging. Even if the knife miraculously avoided the internal organs, the wound on the skin was markedly different.


After a brief pause, he added.

"It was done a long time ago."

But why had he continued working as usual all this time? The foolish question surfaced in my mind, even though deep down, I knew the answer. Fortunately, I kept it from escaping my lips. His hand dropped from my face and slid down my upper body to my bandaged abdomen.

Even though I was clad in a hospital gown and covered with a blanket, his hand halted exactly where my wound was. I could feel him scrutinizing my injury for a long time. It was uneasy trying to breathe with his hand on my body. About to request him to turn on the light, I heard his impassive voice.

"A week ago, I rushed out of the house while watching a movie. Your phone was turned off, so I had a little trouble finding you, but I had already scoped out Chairman Kim's men's hideout, so I went straight there. That's where I found you."

"I... how did you know I went to their hideout?"

"Because I had a very bad feeling."

If it were in the past, I might have responded with sarcasm to his casual words. How could he know I was in danger just by a feeling? However, I couldn't say anything now. His subsequent words were nothing special, or rather, they felt even kinder than usual. However, despite the lack of substance, his voice carried a heavy energy that made it hard for me to breathe.

"I was feeling very bad, so I called you, but your phone was busy and then went dead. I thought it was strange, so I checked your call history, and you were on the phone for 20 minutes with Chairman Kim's lackey."

I couldn't fathom how he managed to access my call history, but my focus remained on the person before me. His hand left my body, and he stepped back. Subsequently, he walked towards the area where the light switch was situated.

"Your phone became active again when I was close to their hideout."

I recalled the phone that had been buzzing loudly as he nonchalantly explained. Strangely, at that moment, the words of Alice's boss also crossed my mind.

'Jay seemed really angry.'

It was only then that I realized the identity of this suffocating energy. That was the anger he was emitting. And I heard his question mixed with laughter.

"Aren't you curious? Why did I feel bad?"

"...Why did you feel bad?"


As he turned on the switch, a bright white light instantly filled the room. I slowly raised my upper body, squinting my eyes momentarily at the intense light.

Tak, tak.

Amidst the footsteps approaching my bed again, I heard the answer.

"I saw you in the movie. Your suicide scene."

I squinted, my eyes not yet accustomed to the light, and then froze. The laughter in his voice sent a shiver down my spine. However, when I looked at the figure standing next to me, I realized that the chill I had felt so far was nothing. His lips twisted up, and he gazed down at me with cold eyes.

"When I saw that, I realized that you would choose death over me unless there was a stronger brake. That got me wondering. Answer me. Did you really not see the call that came in when you turned on your phone?"

He asked, but I couldn't answer. No words came to mind. It's not because the answer I would give him is negative. It's not because I'm afraid he might get angry with my answer. Then why? My eyes have been staring at his hand for a while.

He held something loosely in one hand. A wooden handle and a silver blade covered in dried, blackened blood. It was slowly rising in his hand, and it dawned on me that it was the knife that had been lodged in my stomach. Shifting my eyes, his dimpled face came into view.

"Your death will be caused by the guilt you feel towards your family, right?"

The smile on his face no longer resembled a smile to me. He seized my hand and compelled me to grasp the knife. Although I had already used it to stab the mad dog once, I couldn't hold it when he insisted. Unease caused my hand to tremble, and I lacked the strength. My debilitated body and frantic heart made it challenging to wield the knife. Nonetheless, he enveloped his hand around mine, compelling me to grip the knife, and then he elevated my hand.

Fuck... Stop... Don't do it!!!

I wasn't certain exactly what he intended, and my unexpressed astonishment erupted within me, swiftly becoming reality. He smiled, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

"Great. I'll make you feel that guilt towards me too."

Simultaneously, he compressed my hand holding the knife and swiftly maneuvered through the air.


The blade cut across his wrist, releasing fresh red blood over my body.

Drip, drip, drip...

The sound of it rapidly falling onto the blanket echoed like thunder in my ears. Soon, the blood flowing like rain and the crimson hue absorbed by the blanket instantly filled my vision. Nausea overwhelmed me, and I closed my eyes, my consciousness fading; the last thing I heard was his laughter.

"How does it feel to kill me?"

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