By Zawww_w2

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Chapter 7


149 3 0
By Zawww_w2

Some days seemed exceptionally lengthy. It felt that way when I was physically exhausted, but the same was true when my mind was weighed down by many thoughts. The darkness of the night appeared never-ending, and you'd start to wonder if the day would ever come to an end. These stretched-out moments were filled with a multitude of complicated concerns.

Tomorrow was the day we were scheduled to meet Chairman Kim, but would the madman show up? Did he have any knowledge of Chairman Kim's plans? And if he didn't, what would he make of it? Only one conclusion loomed on the horizon of these lingering questions. Could he really win? Beyond the persistent question mark, an unidentifiable sense of annoyance crept into my thoughts.

The road manager remained silent following that, but it was evident that the madman had hired him, perhaps to protect me. I should have been angry about this, but my feelings of bewilderment overshadowed any anger. While it was a blow to my pride, the fact that he had taken action on my behalf made my heart flutter slightly. It was this that irritated me, my inability to react in a normal way.


Hansoo, who had followed me to the bus stop after parting ways with the road manager, spoke up hesitantly. There must have been many things on his mind, and I looked back, thinking he had managed to endure them. But he asked as if he had been waiting.

"Who is Jay?"


"And does he know Road uncle and Taemin?"


After answering the second question without much trouble, Hansoo sighed in frustration and swallowed hard.

"But both of you know someone named Jay. How do you know him?"


I dodged the question once more, and he pouted in disappointment.

"You only pick on me."

When I continued to offer no response, he feigned greater despondency.

"I've known you longer, Taemin, and you only seem to dislike me."


The manager told us to be like brothers. What kind of brothers are like this..."

"Hey, I'll tell you, so stop."

Eventually, when I finally spoke in a hushed tone, Hansoo perked up and his eyes lit up as if he had never done that before.

"Who is Jay?"

"A madman."

"Ah, mad... huh!"


It seemed like I had nearly stayed up all night with my eyes wide open. I knew it was morning because of a text message from the handsome guy early in the day.

-Hyungseok eventually brought another prey with him. Song Yoohan's reaction was amusing as he emerged before the party began. I believe he saw it as an opportunity to suck Chairman Kim's dick while he was not present. Song Yoohan may have picked up on Hyungseok's intents as well. Yesterday, Chairman Kim must have been in a high mood. The celebration ended not long ago. Please tell me. Isn't it worth my time to watch this horrible thing? Can you take down all of these fuckers?

The mix of characters smelled weirdly like tears. I replied quickly.

— Sure.

I hung up the phone and opened the book I'd been holding for a while. All I had to do now was wait. Myungshin twisting himself more and more, and me waiting for the proper opportunity to take advantage of it. And the appearance of the madman today. In the book, the main character was looking for the final clue in the song's lyrics. But he was skeptical. Could this song be another trap?


After a morning acting class, I had lunch and made my way to the conference room, where my manager was just entering the office.

"Good to see you, Taemin. Anyway, I'd like to ask you a question."

The manager halted at the door, adopting a serious expression and speaking in a lowered voice.

"Did Photographer Lee reach out to you for another nude photoshoot?"


"No, I received a call from the company, and they mentioned they needed models for a pictorial. They asked me to bring you along for a test shoot. Goodness, did they assume we'd readily agree..."

"I'll go."

"Really? You... oh! You will?"

"Yes," I confirmed, and he regarded me for a moment, as if he had more to say.

"Wouldn't it be uncomfortable to meet Photographer Lee? I'm sure he'll request you to do something nude again."

Just as he had opened the door and was discussing this with me, his voice was abruptly drowned out by a shout from inside.

"Ah! Manager! Why are you here now?!"

"Huh! It's a surprise! Hansoo, what's going on? What happened?"

As the startled manager hurried inside, Hansoo scrambled around and grabbed his arm, about to reveal a significant incident.

"Oh my goodness, the manager is in for quite the surprise when he hears what happened yesterday."

"...I'm already taken aback by your screams."

"No, even more shocked than that?! Well, I was on my way home yesterday, and all of a sudden..."

"We encountered a thug."

When I interjected to provide an explanation, the manager turned to me with genuinely surprised eyes. Behind him, Hansoo blinked and directed his gaze toward me. I shot him a quick, discreet look and gestured for him to remain silent.

"But it wasn't a significant issue. I yelled at them a few times, threatened to call the police, and they all scattered."

"Oh, really? That's a relief. I was concerned you might have gotten hurt."

The manager let out a relieved sigh, placing a hand over his chest. Observing this, Hansoo let out an "ahh" and pressed a finger to his lips as if urging silence. He seemed to believe I did it because I didn't want the manager to worry, but my true motive was to conceal the actions of the road manager. I didn't want to reveal his connection to Director Yoon. However, all my efforts appeared to be in vain.

"Then can't we even talk about Jay?"

He asked in a whisper, but there was no way the manager right in front of him couldn't hear.

"Jay? Who's that?"

I gazed at Hansoo with a puzzled expression, but he interpreted my lack of response as a signal to continue.

"Well, Uncle Road and Taemin both know someone named Jay."

"Jay? I think I've heard that name before... Hm, what's the story with this person?"

"He is the 'Madman.'"

"Oh, that person again... Gasp!"

The manager opened his mouth, mirroring the reaction Hansoo had displayed the previous day. Nonetheless, Hansoo's words managed to astonish me even more.

"Moreover, the madman is Uncle Road's stalker!"

I was taken aback as well. How did that even make sense? Just as I was about to inquire further, I had to clamp my mouth shut in response to the manager's shocked exclamation.

"So, are you telling me that nutty madman is a woman?!"


At 6 PM, my phone, which had remained silent all day, rang. I contemplated not answering it since I didn't recognize the number. However, in a rather ironic twist, I pressed the call button, thinking it might be the madman.


[Is your sponsor connected to Director Yoon?]

Myungshin's sharp voice hit me. My initial reaction was disappointment rather than annoyance. It wasn't that guy.

"It's none of your business."

[So, am I correct? Is he linked to Director Yoon? Who? Damn, whose cock did you suck?]

Why was he asking me this out of the blue? Perplexed, I responded tersely.

"Tell me why you're asking, and then I'll tell you."


"If you don't want to, then hang up."

I was about to end the call when I heard a voice calling out to me through the phone.

[You bastard, wait! Damn it... Director Yoon contacted me. If you don't show up, today's meeting is canceled. What are you thinking? Did you really believe I'd be frightened if we met face-to-face at today's appointment?]

"You're already frightened."

[What? What nonsense is this punk talking about...]

"You're trembling with fear, that's why you called me in the first place."

[Don't be absurd. I was just taken aback and wanted to confirm. If that's the only power your sponsor has left... kissing up to the would-be scarecrow, Director Yoon.]

Scarecrow. Myungshin still tried to align himself with Director Yoon. Did he believe the madman would eventually face a downfall too? Nonetheless, his use of the word 'scarecrow' sounded like a bluff. In a situation where I had no clear idea about which cards Director Yoon held, I felt disconcerted because I couldn't predict Chairman Kim's moves either. Myungshin probably considered himself an aide to Chairman Kim, but he was uncertain about the decisions Chairman Kim would make.Was Chairman Kim truly the greatest, after all? He's a really ancient fox. He doesn't even say anything to his lover, who sucks his cock.

"If someone's wielding a knife behind the scarecrow, it's worth kissing its back."

[... Is that your sponsor then? Who is it? I shared my reason for calling, so share yours.]


I heard an irate voice responding with a "What?" on the other end of the phone, but I hung up. I ignored his repeated calls afterward, but my focus was entirely on what Myungshin had mentioned. He said Director Yoon contacted him. That implied...

Ding. When I glanced down at the notification of a text message, I found a brief message.

— By 7 o'clock, in front of xx building xx. I'm coming straight from the airport.

Yes, he had truly arrived. As I got up, I realized that all the anxiety inside me had dissipated. It was merely the fact that the madman was now in Korea and nearby. When I checked the time, another text message arrived.

— Were you worried about me?


The meeting spot was a spacious Korean restaurant with a traditional tiled roof. From the parking lot, there was a considerable uphill walk to the main entrance, and it appeared I was the only one choosing to walk. Nevertheless, when I reached the main gate on time, an employee stationed there noticed me and hurried over.

"Are you Lee Taemin?"

"Yes," I nodded, and he ushered me inside. We passed through a large wooden gate and meandered through several small gardens until we reached a petite tiled building. Despite my attire of old jeans and a shabby T-shirt, the staff treated me with utmost respect and directed me to enter. I removed my dirty sneakers and arranged them carefully.

Inside, another employee awaited me and guided me down a quiet corridor, ultimately stopping in front of a room. As soon as those inside were informed of my arrival, the doors gracefully slid open to reveal a well-lit room.

Two individuals were seated side by side at a spacious table, with a teacup set in front of them. Myungshin was the first to notice my presence. Seated beside Chairman Kim, his expression remained subdued as he looked up, followed by Chairman Kim. Their unsettling gazes briefly met mine before turning away as if they weren't particularly interested.

As I entered the room with measured steps, Myungshin began to whisper to Chairman Kim about me in a hushed tone. Chairman Kim slowly raised the cup with his aged, trembling hands and turned his gaze toward me, lifting the cup to his lips. I settled in across from Myungshin, all the while keeping my eyes fixed on Chairman Kim. I wondered if he was irritated by my unbroken eye contact. In a hoarse voice, he said,

"There was a man once... with eyes like yours."

He had only uttered a few words, but Myungshin, seated beside him, grew visibly tense, clearly not lovers. If there was even a hint of affection between them, he wouldn't be displaying such fear. Chairman Kim continued his recollection.

"I was displeased with him, so I stuck dozens of needles in his eyes to prevent him from looking at me so audaciously."

Myungshin, who was listening at his side, cringed slightly, as if he were getting goosebumps. But I couldn't. He maintained our eye contact and spoke in a raspy voice that grated on my nerves.

"What about you? How many needles can be stuck in you?"


At that time, the sound of the door being pushed aside was heard and a bored voice answered for me.

"You won't be able stick any in."

I couldn't explain why my heart raced at the sound of that voice. When I turned my eyes, I saw the madman entering the room. He glanced down at Chairman Kim's trembling hand with indifference.

"Your hands are shaking, you can't even hold a teacup steady."


I heard the door closing again, but a silence descended over the room as if it had been doused in cold water. In this tense atmosphere, only the nonchalant madman moved about. I couldn't tear my gaze away from him as he did. In fact, I couldn't look anywhere else. A shiver ran down my spine. There was no need to turn around; it was the aura emanating from Chairman Kim. The most welcome aspect of the madman's abrupt arrival was that I no longer had to look at Chairman Kim.

"I'm a little late."

The madman, in the guise of Director Yoon, lowered his head, offered a slight apology, and took a seat next to me. There was roughly an arm's length between us, yet when he sat down next to me, the warmth only spread to the side facing him. He had mentioned coming straight from the airport, but his dark blue suit showed no wrinkles. He appeared as tidy as ever. The smile that graced his face was equally unaltered. He casually asked,

"Would you like more tea while we wait for the meal?"

Simultaneously, his gaze shifted to Chairman Kim's wrinkled hands. This was undoubtedly a question that would startle anyone who had heard his previous words. However, the other party remained indifferent.

"Before offering tea, why don't you introduce yourself first? I'm getting older, and I'm afraid I might not remember who I have an appointment with today."

Chairman Kim spoke in a raspy voice, with only his lips moving, then swept the teacup off the table with a flick of his hand. Clatter. The round porcelain cup landed on the table with a loud noise and rolled toward Director Yoon, spilling its contents. Luckily, the table was large enough to prevent the liquid from reaching the floor, but it pooled in front of Director Yoon.

"I'm an old man with trembling hands, so please excuse me."

Contrary to his words, his tone was incredibly haughty. Director Yoon, however, didn't let go of his polite smile and rang the bell to call the waitress.

"Of course, I understand. So, should I introduce myself first? My name is Jay Yoon, the director of the entertainment agency to which both Song Yoohan over there and Lee Taemin here belong."

He was stating something everyone already knew, but I couldn't help but look up at him. It felt odd to place the name Jay as if it were an English name. Chairman Kim replied,

"Ah, Jay Yoon. Is that the same name as the person who made a considerable sum from investing in movies in the US? Is that you?"

"Yes, that's me. Although, compared to Chairman Kim, who earned a substantial fortune in the arms trade, my earnings are but a pittance. Nevertheless, I anticipate making more in the future."

Director Yoon blatantly cast another glance at Chairman Kim's hands. He didn't utter more words, but the message was clear. You're old and nearing your end, so I'll have a better shot at making money as a younger man. Naturally, Chairman Kim had no intention of heeding such words. For the first time, his wrinkled lips twisted, and he let out a raspy, slurred laugh.

"There were many young people who died before me. I know some physiognomy, and you have that look. The expression of someone who is about to die."

The raspy words that escaped his lips sent shivers down my spine. 'You're going to die,' Chairman Kim declared, his eyes glowing as he stared down his opponent. In response, Director Yoon remained unflinching, maintaining the same calm demeanor. It was an unusual conversation, seemingly peaceful, with both of them smiling as they provoked each other.

However, Myungshin and I, who were observing, hadn't uttered a word since the exchange began. Just then, the employee whom Director Yoon had summoned entered the room. The woman in her mid-twenties didn't ask for instructions but immediately took action upon seeing the situation on the table. As the waitress set a fresh teacup before Chairman Kim, Director Yoon issued a light command.

"Bring him a straw. He can't even hold a cup properly."

The employee appeared confused and asked, "A straw?" Myungshin and I instinctively turned to look at Chairman Kim. After making eye contact with Director Yoon, Chairman Kim muttered something briefly, as if his thoughts were elsewhere.

"How dare you be insolent in my presence."

In retrospect, the words seemed to be directed at the employee, but from my perspective, it felt like a warning to Director Yoon. The employee hastily rose, her face displaying alarm, and left the room. Only then did Director Yoon leisurely raise his teacup.

"The tea is quite good."

Chairman Kim looked at him as he sipped his tea with the light complement. Chariman Kim spoke slowly while Director Yoon was placing the teacup on the table.

"You're not going to last long. You're cocky. Listening to this kid..."

When Chairman Kim turned and glanced at Myungshin, Myungshin's shoulders quivered as if he felt threatened. I didn't miss the movement and made a mental note. The dynamic between the two individuals was proving even more useful than I had anticipated. If Chairman Kim was someone who only thought of himself, it could be considered fortunate. To Chairman Kim, Myungshin was a branch that could be pruned at any time if it proved to be of no use. Perhaps sensing my scrutiny, Myungshin raised his eyes and briefly met mine, his shoulders stiff. He frowned for a moment, but soon shifted his attention elsewhere. Chairman Kim had been speaking for quite some time now.

"Since this youngster was singing your praises, I considered giving you a chance to redeem yourself, but I don't believe it's necessary."

"A chance to redeem myself? What kind of chance are you talking about?"

Director Yoon raised the teacup, still steaming, and inhaled its aroma as though savoring it. Witnessing this, Chairman Kim once again twisted his lips.

"A chance to continue in this industry."

Director Yoon halted the teacup he was about to sip from and raised his indifferent eyes.

"I have no need for any such chance. My intention is to remain in this industry for the long term."

"By clinging to President Jung?"

Clatter. Director Yoon eventually set down the teacup he couldn't bring himself to drink and fixed a direct gaze on Chairman Kim. His expression was inscrutable, leaving me to wonder about his thoughts. However, the way he smiled at Chairman Kim's next words clearly indicated that he wasn't laughing with delight.

"It appears that President Jung put in considerable effort to recruit you. How did he entice you? Is he promising to make you the next president?"

Director Yoon chuckled without giving an answer. Yet, his eyes grew colder and colder, a fact not lost on Chairman Kim. On the contrary, Chairman Kim's tone grew more relaxed.

"Perhaps it went something like this: President Jung instructed you to first secure control of Dream Planning by transferring shares of the subsidiary. After you eliminate the opposition, it will be simpler for him to hand the company over to you. Then, he will step aside and explore the world. Isn't that the plan?"

"I don't recall clearly."

A soft, subdued voice accompanied his smile. Nevertheless, Chairman Kim sneered even more at Director Yoon's composed demeanor, as if he believed Director Yoon was agitated beneath the surface.

"Then try to recall. Consider whether President Jung mentioned this."

"What are you implying?"

Chairman Kim's eyes narrowed, and his lips curled.

"He stated that instead of handing it over to a traitor, he would ultimately pass the company to his son."

The smile slowly faded from Director Yoon's face. Chairman Kim observed the transformation with a pleased expression.

"Are you suggesting that I'm a traitor?"

"President Jung might see it that way."

Chairman Kim glanced at Myungshin once more and spoke as though praising him.

"Thanks to this child, who is known as my aide and managed to shadow you all this while, you appear to be in cahoots with me in President Jung's eyes."

Myungshin was the one who responded to these words. His eyes widened in surprise, and he lightly bit his lower lip. This made it clear. Myungshin truly hadn't been aware of Chairman Kim's plan. Instead, he must have been used. Chairman Kim had ordered him to diligently tail Director Yoon, but it was all for show. Nonetheless, I was more concerned about the madman than Myungshin's sense of despair upon realizing that he was merely a pawn. The madman had relinquished his smile and now faced his opponent with a blank expression.

"President Jung is not the sort of person to consider a celebrity tailing me as an act of betrayal."

"Yes, you're right. Having just one celebrity tailing you isn't enough. But you see, people..."

Chairman Kim knocked the fresh teacup in front of him with his hand once more. Clang. The steaming tea spread quickly across the table with the clear sound of porcelain. This time, perhaps it was a bit too much, and a stream of tea spilled on the floor between me and Director Yoon.

"When something is repeated over and over, it starts to be perceived as true. If I drop this cup a few more times, wouldn't the waitress think I genuinely can't hold a cup and bring me a straw? Similarly, if President Jung hears rumors about you from numerous sources, he may come to view you as a traitor."


"It doesn't matter if you still don't believe me. But go ahead and ask President Jung. Why is he in such a rush to bring his son back from America?"

After his words, Chairman Kim pressed the bell to summon the employee, this time doing it himself. The room fell into a heavy silence until the waitress appeared once more. Director Yoon, possibly lost in thought, kept his gaze on the table, while Chairman Kim leisurely waited for him to reach a conclusion. When the third cup was set before Chairman Kim, Director Yoon raised his eyes.

"Is that all you have to say? That I might be labeled a traitor? Even so, I would never truly betray President Jung."

Hearing the indifferent tone, Chairman Kim regarded the other person with curiosity.

"I thought you were the type to prioritize your own interests over loyalty, which is quite surprising. Well, it might be difficult to immediately suspect President Jung after hearing what I've said. But I wonder if your proud stance will remain the same when you're a beggar."

"I would say the same because I have no intention of becoming beggar."

"Is that so? How did your trip to America go?"

In an instant, Director Yoon's eyes narrowed.

"I suppose you know what I went to America for."

"Well, I've heard a little bit. I've heard that your efforts to recruit investors for the movie you want to invest in have yielded no results, and all the money you've invested thus far has gone up in smoke, is that not the case?"

Director Yoon smiled deeply, revealing subtle dimples. Yet, knowing that his smile was a façade, it was impossible to decipher his true intentions.

"I don't know who meddled, but it hasn't been in vain."

Even though he said this, Director Yoon's cold eyes betrayed that it was Chairman Kim who had interfered. Nevertheless, Chairman Kim unabashedly replied.

"Then there must still be a chance of turning things around."

These words tumbled out of his mouth once more. Is this really the 'chance' that Director Yoon was given? Chairman Kim confirmed this suspicion in a condescending tone.

"I will give you that chance."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. I can provide you with all the funds you require."

Director Yoon seemed somewhat taken aback by this unexpected offer. He tilted his head slightly to the side.

"Are you suggesting that you want to invest that much money?"

"Invest? Kkkk..."

As though the term 'investment' was comical, Chairman Kim chuckled and shook his shoulders for a while before resuming with a raspy voice that was hard to discern.

"Why should I invest such a substantial sum in you?"

His voice suddenly shifted sharply, cutting through the air like a saw blade.

"Naturally, you'll need to pay a price."

"What do you want?"

"All of your shares in Dream Planning."

With the word 'all,' I understood that obtaining all of Dream Planning's shares was Chairman Kim's primary objective today.

"Furthermore, I intend to make all of the Dream affiliates mine."

The sole response to his blatantly disclosed ambition came from Myungshin, who nervously swallowed. Two emotions flickered across his face – the fear of Chairman Kim and the avarice that, by sticking close to him, he too could attain success. Director Yoon held the now-cooled teacup in his hand, appearing deep in thought as he took a sip. He slightly lowered his head, concealing his expression from me, as he contemplated the offer.

I pondered whether Director Yoon was experiencing inner turmoil. President Kim's words suggested that if things hadn't gone his way over the past few days, his thinly veiled threat in the form of a deal was not to be taken lightly. Was the business on the US side truly at risk?

"This industry is not for the weak hearted."

After a time, Director Yoon returned to his usual condition and smiled.

"There's no business riskier than the entertainment industry, yet you've ventured into it?"

"The risks are high, but the rewards are substantial."

Chairman Kim seemed displeased by Director Yoon's response and curled his lips in apparent annoyance.

"Do I appear ignorant enough to need such advice from you? Whether it's the arms trade or this one, people crave something powerful and thrilling. Take, for instance, a blockbuster drama conceived by Dream. It would be ideal. With the right product, it can rival missiles."

"The right products require significant investment, and it's far more costly than you may realize."

In response to the cold retort, Chairman Kim chuckled as if he found it amusing.

"You might think so because you haven't secured the right investors yet. You're just sitting on an idea with no clear strategy for splitting the funds. I assume you've only recently arrived in Korea, so you may not be aware, but I've already acquired the land for a massive set construction. That means the production of the drama has already commenced."

As if he was genuinely unaware, Director Yoon's eyebrows twitched slightly. However, his eyes shifted sharply at Chairman Kim's next statement.

"And I don't need any investors, because I am the owner and the investor."

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You guys know your roles. Don't ask me. I gave you the link. Don't complain that you can't memorize your lines because you don't have a copy. Questio...
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please do not read this i will block you /srs dedicated to tylenol
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the video on YouTube is restricted so I've posted it here hope you like it... And continuation will be here only