Just a Pucking Kiss [COMPLETE...

SofiaMKay tarafından

1.1M 34.5K 3.7K

After a slump in her love life, Morgan is ready to get back out there. As a favor to a friend she signs up fo... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1 - Here we go again...
Chapter 2 - What name?
Chapter 3 - Unexpected request
Chapter 4 - Dinner dates
Chapter 5 - A new friend?
Chapter 6 - Distractions
Chapter 7 - Making plans
Chapter 8 - Break the circle
Chapter 9 - Meeting at the hockey house
Chapter 10 - Blind date
Chapter 11 - Oops...
Chapter 12 - He's just her friend's brother
Chapter 13 - Telling Kat
Chapter 14 - Dinner
Chapter 15 - Therapy hour
Chapter 16 - Mint coffee
Chapter 17 - Where Kat isn't
Chapter 18 - Future plans
Chapter 19 - Birthday drunk
Chapter 20 - Bluebird
Chapter 21 - Aftermath
Chapter 22 - Late at night
Chapter 23 - Kicked out
Chapter 24 - Is this... happening?
Chapter 25 - Perfect praise ❤️
Chapter 26 - The morning after
Chapter 27 - Just studying...
Chapter 28 - Confessions ❤️
Chapter 29 - Jumble
Chapter 30 - Dog trouble
Chapter 31 - Still sick
Chapter 32 - Just a Sunday
Chapter 33 - The desk ❤️
Chapter 35 - The morning after
Chapter 36 - Should have...
Chapter 37 - Stood up
Chapter 38 - Concussion
Chapter 39 - Anger
Chapter 40 - Back at campus
Chapter 41 - Without her
Chapter 42 - Getting back out there
Chapter 43 - Watching
Chapter 44 - With friends like these... (Kat's POV)
Chapter 45 - Stranded
Chapter 46 - The B&B
Chapter 47 - The night ❤️
Chapter 48 - Snowball fight
Chapter 49 - Finally, the truth
Chapter 50 - When it makes sense
Chapter 51 - Flowers
Chapter 52 - No more miscommunication
Chapter 53 - More flowers
Chapter 54 - Worshiped ❤️
Chapter 55 - Boyfriend-girlfriend

Chapter 34 - Again ❤️

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SofiaMKay tarafından

❤️Adult content❤️


I'm headed to the dorm when JD texts me he just got out from the test. He's on his way to practice but he wanted me to know that he thinks he did pretty good. I smile to myself. I'm sure that could have waited until later. I get warm at the thought of him thinking of me and wanting me to know as soon as possible.

I text him back saying I knew he'd do well.

It feels strange knocking on my own door before I open it, but I really don't want to catch Brick and Kat by surprise.

Luckily, Kat is lying in bed, and Brick is fully dressed, sitting on my bed.

"Hey," I say softly. "How is she?"

"She's been sleeping mostly, but her throat is sore and she's got some muscle pain."

"Any fever?"

"No," Kat says in a scruffy voice and immediately coughs. Brick grabs a thermos mug, opens it and hands it to her. He helps her sit up so she can take a sip. "No fever, that I can tell. But I feel like crap."

"Do you need anything?" I ask and stay back a bit. I may love Kat, but if there's no need for me to get sick, then I'd rather not.

Kat shakes her head and groans at the movement. She snuggles back under the blanket.

"I'll sleep while Brick goes to practice." The last words are said with a demanding look at Brick.

He gives her a half smile. "I can stay."

"There's no point. Just go. You're going to be late."

Brick turns to me. "If you don't mind, I want to stay here for a couple more days."

I knew he was going to ask as soon as I saw Kat.

"I need a couple more things," I say and open my closet. I grab some clothes and underwear and a few random items.

"Thank you," Brick says. "I really appreciate it."

"Hey, I get a big room to myself, with a comfy bed and a bathroom I don't have to share." I wink at him. "I should be thanking you."

"It's not horrible living with JD?" Kat asks weakly.

I open my mouth and close it. Now is not the time. "I'll manage," I assure her.

I haul my things to the hockey house and am greeted by an eager Max. She lets me pet her for a while before running back to the living area.

"Hey," Lydia says. "I just stopped by to take Max for a walk. The guys have practice. Want to come?"

"Sure." I leave my things in Brick's room and we head out into the clear winter weather.

Max is eager to be outside and sniffs everything. Lydia keeps trying to teach her not to approach every person she sees, and Max is getting better at understanding the concept that not everyone wants to play with her.

"Is Kat still sick?" Lydia asks.

"Yeah, but she has Brick taking care of her. I just hope it's not going to make the rounds."

"Wes said that Brick's been wearing a mask at practice so he won't get the team sick."

"Sounds annoying," I say and try to imagine all that equipment and a mask.

Lydia shrugs and makes Max sit as a child hides behind his mother while they pass us.

"Did you..." Lydia hesitates and sounds worried. "Did you talk to Brick about the money? I still haven't seen him."

"He doesn't want it back. He'll let Wes pay him two hundred for Wes' peace of mind or male pride or something, but he said, and Kat confirmed, that he doesn't want us to pay the rest back."

"Are you sure he means it?" I can hear the relief in her voice. It's the same relief I felt.

"Apparently, Brick is stupidly wealthy." I shrug.

"It was nice of him to lie to Wes, but I'm not sure about keeping up the charade."

"Would Wes insist on paying him back?"

"Of course."

"Can he afford it?"

Lydia shakes her head. "No, he doesn't have that kind of money."

"Then maybe think of it as Brick's gift to Wes that he doesn't want to take any credit for. I don't think this is a lie that hurts anyone."

"I suppose you're right. I'll tell him someday. When Wes is a famous hockey player and two thousand dollars won't keep him from eating for three months."

"Sounds like a plan."

Max stops to do her business and Lydia brings out a bag and waits.

"So, what's going on between you and JD?"

"I don't know what you mean?"

"Don't give me that. Wes heard some suspicious noises last night."

"He told you?"

Lydia shrugs and cleans up after Max. "He knows we're friends." She looks back at me. "You're smiling."

I school my expression. "Am not." The smile returns. "Ok, maybe I am. Do you know much about the women JD has slept with?"

She frowns and ties off the bag as we continue. "Not really. I've seen him take a woman or two upstairs at parties. And one of my friends slept with him once."

"Wait. Two? At once, or do you mean it's happened more than once?"

Lydia's cheeks are red, but I can't tell if it's from the cold or something else.

"Well, both."

"He's had a threesome?"

"I think so. I was at a party once where he left with two puck bunnies."

"Huh?" I'm not sure what to say to that.

"Is that a problem?" Lydia throws the bag into a trashcan as we walk by.

"No. Not really a problem. I'm just trying to figure some things out."

After the walk, we sit and talk and play with Max until the guys return. Brick immediately starts making dinner and when Wes and Lydia take Max out back, I help him prepare the food. He's working quickly to put together a chicken stir fry with rice and a peanut sauce.

He grabs some food for himself and Kat and heads out straight away. It's adorable how eager he is to get back to her.

During dinner, we raise a toast to JD for hopefully passing his test. But I can't bring myself to feel the same happiness as the others. The more I think about it, the angrier I get until JD is eyeing me suspiciously and I keep glaring at him.

"You cooked again," JD says as we're washing up.

"Mhmm," I say. The idea of him having had a threesome is still milling about in my mind.

"It was very good."

"Good. I'm glad you liked it." I put the detergent in the dishwasher and start it. JD looks at me and clears his throat.

"Do you want to watch another movie?" He glances from me to Ethan and Liam, who have noticed the tension and are watching us openly.

"Yes, I think we should." Why would he not tell me about the threesome? Did he think I wouldn't find out? I wipe my hands and he swallows hard. The look in his eyes is worried, and I want to comfort him.

I walk away, and he follows me up the stairs.

Fuck, why does this bother me so much? So he's had a threesome? So what? He doesn't have to tell me anything he doesn't want to. And I never asked.

But it's still gnawing at me and I can't just let it go.

I enter his room and spin around to face him with my arms folded in front of me.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Why did you lie to me?" As soon as the question is out there, I know that's the part that hurts the most. He withheld the truth. I asked him, and he didn't tell me.

"About what?"

God, why does he have to be so tall and smell so good?

"I know you've had a threesome, so why did you act like you've never had any kinky sex?"

He turns beet red. His mouth opens, but no sound comes out.

"You didn't have to lie," I say. And turn away. He's not even going to defend himself? I thought he really opened up to me. Was it all fake?

"I didn't." He closes the gap between us and grabs my elbows. "I didn't lie. Not really."

"But you've had a threesome?"

"Well, technically, yes."

I squint at him. "What does that mean?"

"So, it was much more me watching them than anything."

I raise an eyebrow. He's not off the hook yet. I'm going to need more.

"They asked me and we went up to a room. But when we got there, it felt like I was a prop in their show. I mean, I did get to do some stuff, but it wasn't like in the movies or anything. I don't think they would have missed me if I left."


"I didn't even need a condom. There was some hand stuff and I... Do you want to know this?"

I shake my head. "Not really."

He steps in closer and puts his arms around me. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It was just so disappointing, and some of the other guys just assumed it must have been awesome and kept saying how jealous they were, and I was embarrassed to even talk about it."

Taking a deep breath, I sink into the embrace. I sneak my arms under his and hold him.

He leans back and looks me in the eyes. "Are we good?"

I nod. "Yeah. At least now I know you've had a threesome."

"Barely. I really didn't think it was worth mentioning. The only thing kinky was that there were three naked people there."

And now I feel silly. I rest my forehead against his shoulder.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" He asks softly and strokes my hair.

I shake my head. "No."

"You want to go back downstairs?"


There's a feather light touch against my hair and for a moment I wonder if it was his lips.

"I'd like to lose control again." His voice breaks as he says it, and I smile up at him.

"I want you to use me."

His eyebrows fly up and he looks like he forgot how to breathe. "Wh... what?"

"I want to see you get pleasure from my body." I bite my lip.

"Fuck, bluebird, there hasn't been a single time I've touched you and not gotten pleasure from it."

I feel myself getting wet. "Really?"

He nods. "I'll do what you want, but from the moment I first kissed you, I knew you were different. And when you let me eat your pussy, I was ready to come in my pants."

My hands sneak under his shirt, and I touch his hard abs. "If you could do anything to me, what would you do?"

He looks at me for much too long before he answers. "All wild and kinky?"

"All whatever you want."

"I'd make you feel good."

His lips find mine, and the kiss is soft and eager. My tongue meets his and fireworks are happening inside me. His hand is in my hair, leaning my head back. He takes my mouth and I whimper at the command in his movements.

When his mouth moves away and traces down my throat, I keep my eyes closed and place a hand over his pants where I can feel something happening.

"I want to kiss you all over. I want you naked." His voice is dark and there's something new in it. A certainty? It's not commanding. But, expecting...

"Yes, captain," I say to gauge his reaction. His cock hardens under my fingers.

"Be a good girl and take off your clothes."

He steps back and locks the door. Then he watches me undress. I remove one item at a time until I'm standing in front of him in my underwear. He licks his lips and takes in my body with hungry eyes.

I reach back and undo the bra. I wore a black matching set. Because of course I hoped that this would happen. When I drop the bra, he steps in so quickly I barely have time to suck in a breath before his mouth is on my breast. He sucks at my nipple as his hand grabs the other breast and massages it.

"JD," I pant and get a growl in return. "Captain." He circles my nipple with his tongue and stands back.

"You look beautiful, bluebird. You're so amazing."

I pull down my panties and let them fall to the floor. He's still dressed, but somehow that makes it even more exciting.

"Turn around."

I do as he says and his hands grab my hips. I arch my back a little and he strokes my ass.

"There's so much I want to do to you." He rubs his front against my naked ass.

"Like what?" I ask and gasp as his fingers slip forward and between my legs.

He lowers his head and kisses my shoulder as his fingers get covered in wetness.

"Fuck, you're always so wet for me. Do you know how much that turns me on? You make my cock so hard."

His words send shivers through me and when he kisses up my neck and to that spot right behind my ear, I whimper and press myself against him.

"I'm yours, captain," I whisper. "Take me."

A finger pushes inside me, and I move my leg to give him better access.

"You are ready for me. Are you going to be a good girl and let me take you roughly?"

"Yes, captain. You can fuck me hard."

"And you'll tell me if you want me to slow down or stop?"

He pulls his finger out of me and I nod. "I will."

"Then get on all fours, bluebird. Show me that perfect ass."

Shivering in anticipation, I climb onto the bed. I stay on all fours while he gets naked. When I feel the bed move under his weight, I lower myself onto my elbows.


He freezes and I wait to feel him, but there's nothing. A glance over my shoulder tells me he's transfixed.

"Aren't you going to do something?" I ask when he still doesn't move.

"I just need a minute."

I start to get up, but his hand shoots out and presses on my back, forcing me down. I smile triumphantly.

He blinks at me. "Shit. Sorry. Can you stay like that?"

I stay and arch my back a bit more. His fingers trail down my back and over my ass.

"You are so beautiful. Such a good girl. Will you let me know if I take it too far?"

"I will. Captain."

He grabs my asscheeks and holds them apart. I expect his cock, so when I feel his tongue, I almost jump in surprise. He's tasting me, licking me all over. I bury my head in the bed and push back against his tongue. This is all for him. He's eating me out because he wants to and I love it.

"I love the taste of you. I could eat your perfect cunt all day."

"You make me so wet." I fist the sheets as he pushes his tongue inside me. "Any chance you could fuck me already?"

He's gone. I hear the drawer on his nightstand open and close and the foil of a condom tearing.

There's pressure at my opening and he pushes in slowly. So fucking slowly.

"Do it hard and fast," I pant.

"Are you sure? I'm pretty big."

"Yes. Fuck me."

He slams into me and there's an uncomfortable pain that is quickly overtaken by pleasure. I scream out his name and he starts moving.

"You take my cock so well, bluebird."

He doesn't lose control this time, because it's never there to begin with. He's taking me in the most primal sense of the word. He holds my ass hard enough to bruise as he batters into me. He grunts and pants as he fucks me hard and hits just the right spot inside me. His cock is enough to fill me completely and I come hard around him.

"Yes, fuck. Fuck. Yes, yes, yes." I know I'm screaming. I know I'm loud, but there is no reining it in, as he just keeps going, prolonging my orgasm.

He's still going when I'm done. I breathe heavily into the sheets, ready to just be there for him, but to my surprise, the next orgasm starts building almost immediately.

"Fuck, JD, I'm coming again."

"Yes, bluebird. Come for me." He's thrusting violently, one hand still squeezing my ass. The other slides around to my clit. "Be a good girl and come for me. You look so pretty when you come on my cock."

He rubs my clit and I'm lost. I feel myself clench around him and he slams into me one last time. Together, we come with grunts and pants and too much noise. I collapse onto the bed and he falls over me, briefly crushing me before he rolls to the side. He pulls out and I close my eyes and breathe into the last spasms of the orgasm.

"Fuck. I'm sorry," he says.

I turn my head to him and see him lying on his back with his arm over his eyes.


His hand reaches out and strokes my ass, sending one more shiver through me.

I move closer to him. "You're not going to break me."

He gets up. "Don't move."

I lay where I am, too wobbly to even think of standing until JD returns from the bathroom.

"Come on," he says and I flip onto my back. He holds out his hand. "You should use the bathroom."

I frown at him, still high on the orgasm.

"So you don't get a UTI."

I take his hand and he helps me up and almost walks me to the bathroom. I have to place a hand on his naked chest to let him know I can handle it.

When I get back out, he's in bed, holding out an arm for me.

"Just for a bit?"

I nod and climb in next to his naked body. He puts his arm around me and holds me close.

"Thanks for that," he says, and this time, I'm sure he's kissing my hair.

"Thank you," I say and smile, feeling all content.

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