Let Me

By unbreakable16_

27.6K 1.6K 747

What happens when dancer Denzel falls for his boss? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86

Chapter 53

316 20 3
By unbreakable16_

"Okay. Okay." She pushed me.

"Naw, baby."

"Wait..." her breath caught. "....baby, wait."

"Mmmm....we're too close. Shit." She bit her lip and looked at me.

"I'm....ohh....I.....mmmm. Baby, please." She scratched at my stomach.

"You forgive me, baby?"

"Mmmm....oh my.."

"You forgive me?"

"Baby." Her breathing got faster. I grabbed her neck and pulled her closer to my face.

"Tell me, baby." She looked at me.

"Mmmm....shit. Yes." She whispered.


"Yes. I forgive you, baby. Fuck." Her eyes rolled and closed again. I laid her back down and went to her ear.

"Daddy would never lie to you." She scratched at my back. "I promise."

"Yes. Shit." Her legs opened more and I went deeper. Her nails dug deeper into my skin. "I'm almost there."

"Let that shit loose, baby. Cum for daddy."

"Daddy." The pitch of her voice got higher as I felt her clench around me. "I'm....ohhhh." She moaned as her juices began to spill out. I came inside of her and pulled out. "Oh my god." She moaned repeatedly. "Oh my god." I watched her move around and suddenly her back arched and she squirted everywhere.
"Mmmmm!" I watched in amazement before leaning down to her face. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"You feeling good, huh?"

"Mmmmhmmm." She bit her lip. I kissed her cheeks.

"You forgive me, baby?" She nodded.

"Mmmhmm." Her eyes got really low and she just started mumbling to herself. "That was so good. I feel so good." She eventually just moaned and groaned quietly to herself. I just watched.

My focus shifted when I heard someone beating on our bedroom door. "I'll check." She nodded. I got up and put on my shirt and shorts. There was beating again.

"Mama!" It was Eissa. I looked back at Janet and her eyes were closed while she laid out on the bed. I found a throw blanket and put it over her before opening the door. Eissa stood at the door with a blanket and his Ironman toy. "Mama?" He looked scared and sad. I picked him up.

"Mama's okay. She's sleeping." I showed him and he started crying. "Shhh, it's okay." I took him back to his room and sat in the recliner. I held him as cried. "It's okay. You'll see Mama when she wakes up."


"Yeah." He rubbed his eyes and laid against me. "Feel better." He snuggled closer. "Good." I rocked him a little while looking around the room. Janet decorated it while letting us have input. So his color theme was similar to the rest of the house, but there were superheros and instruments everywhere. Eissa liked to splatter colors, so

Janet had one wall where she had let Eissa smash his hands in paint and put it on the wall or smack the paint brush. He had so much fun doing it that he tired himself out. He barely stayed awake for his bath.

I looked down at him as he played with his toy. He hummed to himself as he moved it. I just loved having him as a son. More and more each day we get closer and I loved that. Especially since Wissam was acting like an ass all the time. Eissa needed a stable male figure in his life and I loved being that for him and Janet.

I was sleeping peacefully when I felt a hand on my face. "Denzy, stop it." The hand patted me. "I've told you about that." It patted me harder. I grabbed the hand and then my eyes opened. I smiled when I saw who it was. "I'm sorry, my prince. I thought your annoying daddy was hitting me." I set up and he jumped on my lap.


"What is it?" He pulled at my shirt. "Sweetie, you haven't had breast milk in two months." He whined and pulled it again. "I don't even know if there's any in there." He whined more and I gave in. "Okay, let's see." I cradled him in my arms and lifted the shirt I had on. Immediately, he latched on and surprisingly milk came out. 

"Eissa, where did you...." Denzel walked into the room.
"Of course he's in here." I laughed. "You're breastfeeding him?"

"Yeah, he wanted it." He sat next to me.

"I thought he was done."

"Me too. I guess not." I rocked him.

"So, the tour begins again in two weeks. Are you ready?"

"Yeah. A little nervous because so much has happened and this will be the first real highly stressed work related thing since...you know and I don't want to overwhelm myself."

"But you can handle it. I know you can."

"I don't know."

"Stop selling yourself short. You got this." I sighed and looked at Eissa as he looked back at me. He was getting so big. I couldn't believe it. His face was rounded out and his features became much stronger. It was clear he was mine because he had my whole face.

As I looked at him, something caught my eye. "Denzy."


"Why does my baby have a tiny gold chain on his neck?"

"Oh..." I looked at him and he smiled. "I got him one."


"Excuse me, that's between me and tiny g. Ain't that right?" He looked at Eissa and Eissa kicked his legs in excitement. "See." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. You and tiny g can do what y'all want."

"Don't worry. When we have our daughter, you two will have all types of secrets that me and Eissa won't know." I chuckled.


"Definitely." We sat in silence as Eissa finished eating. I pulled my shirt back down and he went back to playing with his toys. "We should come up with some ideas for our wedding?" I looked at him.

"I don't know."


"I've only had one wedding and it wasn't good. I'd rather just go to the courthouse or have a small private ceremony."

"You weren't in love then."

"That's true."

"Besides, what happened with that?"

"Oh, James and I had a wedding but I spent that night alone in a hotel room."

"Where was he?"

"Doing drugs." I suddenly felt sad and angry.

"That's messed up."

"It definitely was. I ran away from my family for him and he just.....threw me away."


"I always want my wedding to be special. I wanted to feel like a queen."


"Well, I was going to wear a white ball gown that had a slightly gold undertone to it, so that when the light hit me, I would glow. Then I was going to have the whole place decorated like a royal coronation. My brothers were going to walk me down the aisle the same way security escorts the royals. Their suits would be white and trimmed in gold. The groom's suit would be white or black pants and a gold blazer."

"That's sounds nice."

"And my sisters would be my bridesmaids and mother would be dressed similarly but more mature looking. There would be a part in the ceremony were she would give me something, a special piece of jewelry or something. Sort of like passing on wisdom and the groom's father would pass something onto him. Oh it would've been beautiful."

"It would be."

"Then at the end, our two families would walk out behind us as a way of saying we're all connected."

"And the reception?"

"There would be one before and one after."


"I don't know. I just wanted that." I sighed and sat back. "But....it's too late now. I don't even think it would look right anymore."

"Mmm." I heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it." I got up and put my shorts and slides on. I headed to the door and opened it.

"Janet! We figured it out!" Gil ran it. "Come on, girl we got to tell her." He pulled Alex inside and ran to the living room. I closed the door and followed behind them.

"What's going on?"

"Booty, Alex and I have been working nonstop to find a plan to stop Wissam and we finally got one."

"What?" He pulled me onto the couch.

"We were thinking and thinking about a way to undermine him. At first, Alex was going to use her mental health history as a way."

"But that would only work in his favor because my issues didn't truly start until after."

"Then we thought about all the evidence LaToya had and it gave me the idea to look through my texts and photos."

"So?" He pulled out his phone and showed a picture. I looked it over and immediately froze. "You still have that?"


"Gil, they buried this. How do you have that?"

"Joey sent it to me when it happened."

"Oh my god." I got excited and jumped up. Running to the bedroom, I got Denzel. "Denzy!" He and Eissa jumped.


"Come quick." He got up with Eissa and followed behind me. When we got to the living room, he looked confused.

"What is it?"

"Show him." Gil showed Denzel his phone.

"What is that?"

"That is a medical document and a police report that was written up by a doctor back in 2014. I had to go to the hospital because Wissam had beaten me so badly. While talking to him, I admitted that Wissam was beating me and the doctor filed a police report for me. Not long after that, Wissam played me by acting nice so I had the doctor retract the report, but Joey sent the pictures to Gil."

"What does this mean?"

"This situation is before he slept with Alex." said Gil.

"So he won't be able to use the excuse of him hitting Janet ik self defense because of her being mad at him for cheating." said Alex.


"Yeah. Did you send it to the lawyer?" I asked Gil.

"Girl, you know I did."

"Babe, this is great." Denzel put Eissa down and hugged me.

"I know."

"I'm so happy for you guys." Alex said.


"Well, I have to go."

"Why?" I asked her.

"I have to finish packing all my things for storage."

"I thought you were staying at Denzel's apartment?" asked Gil.

"I was, but after the tour, I'm going to Chicago."

"You're moving?"

"Yeah. I need a fresh start and my aunt thinks it'll be good for me to be away from my mom and stuff."

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"I'm going back to school. Going to finish my psychology degree and go to grad school."

"You're going be a psychologist."

"Yeah, of something with social work. I want to help kids in abusive situations. You know, someone I wish I had. Maybe I can help avoid as much pain and trauma as I can."

"That's nice. You keep me updated, okay?"

"I will." I gave her a hug. "I'll see you guys on the buses."

"Alright." She left out and we sat down.

"So you guys are really trusting her again?" Denzel asked.

"Yeah." Gil and I said.


"D, listen, I understand she did some crooked stuff but after talking to her, she's genuinely sorry." He looked at me.

"And you're backing that?"

"Yeah. Denzy, I won't share what was spoken about because it's her personal business, but she's changed." He nodded.

"Alright. I'm trusting y'all so I'll cool up on her too."

"Thank you, sweetie." I moved in his lap and he kissed me.

"Ah!" We all looked down and Eissa screamed from the floor. He was looking up at us.

"Someone's jealous." said Gil.

"He's always jealous of me and my woman." said Denzel. "He wants all the love." Denzel kissed me again and then we felt him hit our legs.

"No!" He had a big pout.

"Awww." I went to pick him up but Denzel stopped me.

"Stop falling for that."

"What are you talking about?"

"He's a con artist, Janet. He plays innocent but he's not."

"Stop talking about my baby like that."

"Your 'baby' is mean." I looked at Eissa and he was eyeing Denzel. Gil and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You might want to sleep with one eye open tonight, D." said Gil. I got off his lap and he picked up Eissa which caused him to smile.

"Oh, he was jealous of me."

"Now, D, you made that big deal and the whole time he wanted you. Don't you feel stupid?" We laughed. The two of them were best friends and Denzel knew it and i loved it.




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