My Prostitute Wife | Taekook

By HARDfujoshigirl_

87.5K 5K 809

A future alpha leader of second largest pack of korea meets an omega prostitute with beauty like an Aphrodite... More

Author's note
Character's intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 20

1.4K 78 4
By HARDfujoshigirl_

A week passed with a couple busy focusing on jungkook's shifting training. He's getting better and taehyung's alpha was supporting and encouraging omega all along. Jungkook's omega wolf was as well trying her best. 

Their mind links are developing with each other and their bond was becoming stronger by the day. They can now read and sense one another's emotions and feelings.

It was so mythic and unique revolution for jungkook. 

But blonde had noticed light tension in his alpha's eyes. Taehyung doesn't let it show to his mate but jungkook isn't blind, he can feel his alpha's stress. Omega knows the time is close, they must be near and will find them any moment.

"Taehyungie" a delicate call from his omega made alpha look up from the book at which he was staring for the last 15 minutes. 

Jungkook understood that he was just pretending to read because the man has been on the same page for several minutes now.

"Yes, angel?" 

Blonde sat beside his alpha on the couch looking at him with concerned gaze.

"Is something bothering you?" Omega questioned watching alpha's expression go a slight tensed.

"N-no, babe. Why are you asking suddenly?" 

"Tae, I know you have been stressed lately. I can feel it so please don't try to hide it. I'm your mate and just like you supported me in my tough phase, I want to do the same." Jungkook retorted taking his alpha's hand into his.

Taehyung bestowed a a weak smile. His heart felt warm at his omega's words. He is not the only one who's giving his 100% in their relationship, jungkook also wants to give his best.

Ravenette didn't want to worry his mate that's why he avoided Sharing anything to jungkook.

"It's just... I'm worried about you. I don't care what they say or do to me. I just don't want you to get hurt, I won't be able to control myself if any of them tried to do something to you." Alpha uttered in a gravel voice.

"I know as long as you are protecting me, no one will have the guts to even touch my hair." Jungkook voiced with his head held high.

"You have that much faith in me?" Alpha felt encouraged.

"An omega should never be afraid of anything when they know their alpha is able to tear apart anyone coming for their way." Omega let out with enthusiasm making his alpha's chest puff out in proud, all the tension and pessimism disappearing as the alpha inside taehyung howled at the faith and trust their omega have in him.

Taehyung cupped his mate's face and gave a long chasm kiss on his forehead. 

"Thank you for encouraging me, love." Alpha muttered in a a gentle voice and jungkook brushed raven locks from taehyung's forehead lovingly.

Soon, An enormous wall of gray clouds approaches, the anticipation grows ever so slightly with each passing moment. The warm sun-filled afternoon slowly begins its descent into a cold breezy evening.

Even though it was merely noontime, the sky being all dark and cloudy hid the sun behind the thick grey curtains, making it feel like it was already evening and dusk had already fallen.

The air was thick and a dull roar, much like a snare drum, reverberates across the sky. Tall trees cower from the harsh wind while leaves soar through the air. With an earth-shattering roar, lightning cleaved through the sky mirroring on the lake water.

A few tiny droplets fall from the canopy above onto the carpet of green blades. The sound of pitter-patter tapping on the window indicated the rain has started.

Jungkook closed all the doors and windows as it seems like a storm is on the way. 

He lit the candles in the kitchen and living area as taehyung was taking shower after lighting a fireplace.

For some unknown reason, the blonde's chest felt unusually tight as his heart was thumping a little louder than usual. He stood by the window watching the countless raindrops smoothly gliding down the glasses.

There was a strange heaviness in the air as if these thundering clouds and strong wind were warning about something as if the swaying trees are foretelling something. 

A pair of hands on omega's shoulder startled him as blonde flinched visibly.

"What happened, koo? Are you okay?"  Freshly showered alpha asked when he spotted omega looking lost standing near the window.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just feeling a little off. Maybe it's because of the atmosphere." Blonde replied with his hand still upheld on his heart.

Taehyung furrowed his brows checking his mate's temperature. 

"Are you feeling sick babe? ...You know because of the other day?" Alpha concerned feeling a bit guilty for that day. They were merely under the rain for 15 minutes but guess it was enough to make his wifey sick.

"No no. I'm not sick. It's probably the weather." 

"Okay, but we have medicines here so do tell me if you feel cold or fever." omega nodded and Raven-haired placed a gentle peck on the mop of blonde hair.

"Come let's eat. I'm so hungry." Alpha's stomach growled making his mate smile as they both sat to have their simple dinner.

Jungkook made something easy and simple because there were no natural or electric lights available so it was difficult to cook.

After a plain dinner, the couple was cleaning up when a loud thunder made the omega cling to the alpha with another crash following closely as a plate in blonde's hand fall on the floor shattering into pieces.

Jungkook trembled a little and tried to pick up the pieces of the plate when his alpha halted him immediately.

"Koo, no! I'll clean it. You'll hurt yourself. " 

Taehyung was now worried about omega's unusual behavior.

He cleaned everything and sat with jungkook on their couch. He was about to ask his mate what is troubling him but before he could, A sudden voice echoed in his ears.

Blonde examined his alpha's changing expression and feeling on edge. He knew something was up.

When taehyung blinked only then jungkook opened his mouth.

"W-what is it, tae?" He inquired of with a tensed stare. 

Ravenette looks into agitated pastoral globes with a grave face.

"They are coming. Namjoon hyung mind linked. They'll be here any mome-" 

A Booming feral thuds on the front door made taehyung stand instantly. Jungkook was alarmed.

With a few thuds and kicks, a weak door flew open revealing a group of people all soaked in rain.

Their rancid scents were making jungkook more anxious as he clutches tightly on his alpha's shirt.

The man standing at the forefront walked in with his dirty heavy boots making hideous thumping sounds on the wooden flooring.

His face became clear when he stood near the candle lit on the table beside.

"Time to go back home, alpha taehyung." A man talked in a raspy voice. He looks so alpha who must be in his 40s.

An alpha man was about to seize a step further when Ravenette's growl ceased his and people at backs movements.

Taehyung pressed his omega further behind him as he positioned in attacking form, teeth bared and eyes glowing scarlett.

It's a natural instinct of an alpha whenever they sense a danger around their omega. 

"Alright. I will not come closer but you have to come with us. I hope you will corporate and won't make me force you to the car." The man declared his defeat by taking a few steps back while his eyes narrowed at the figure behind taehyung.

Ravenette calmed slightly, red eyes glaring at the people. The man who was talking to taehyung was his father's 'first in command alpha' behind were the beta and a few important peck members.

Taehyung's parents must've stayed back in the pack to save showing their so-called 'high society ' faces to Gyeonggi's pack alpha. 

The group was flabbergasted to see a mating mark over the omega's neck. 

The beta man opens the back car door for the couple and taehyung let his mate settle first. 

Jungkook was very uncomfortable and somehow frightened. He can feel lots of judgy, dirty and ugly eyes on him reflecting loathe in them.

In their car, Beta was driving and alpha man was sitting in the passenger seat. It was deadly quiet. 

Others were tailing behind in more vehicles.

"Alpha taehyung, head alpha is very mad at you. You shouldn't have done this." Beta male interrupted the silence but no response came.

Alpha in the passenger seat looked behind only to see a couple hugging each other with taehyung spreading soothing scent to comfort his distressed omega as much as he can.

The man grimaced giving disgusting eyes to jungkook but he couldn't say anything because taehyung is still their pack alpha leader's son so they can't disrespect him and about jungkook then he knew they have a long run to drive so he don't want any trouble in way by saying anything to the omega because taehyung will not hesitate to pick up a fight.

They drove towards the Daegu pack in heavy downpours.

Omega finally calmed down and taehyung felt a breath of relief.

"Don't worry, pup. I'm here. No one will do anything to you." Alpha whispers in the blonde's ear as omega nuzzles his button nose in Ravenette's neck seeking comfort.

Blonde felt relieved that at least his mate is close to him. Taehyung told him who all these people were.

They'll reach the pack in a few hours. Taehyung wasn't feeling nervous or scared at all. He is going to face it and fight it.

Meanwhile, jungkook tried his best to keep his anxiety inside because he needs to be strong for his alpha. whatever the situation will be, he will stand strong beside his alpha. 

The couple fall asleep for an hour and when they woke up, they had already entered in the Daegu pack's boundaries. Jungkook stared outside with his doe emerald eyes watching the beauty of his mate's pack.

It was indeed beautiful. 

Everyone walking or working outside stopped their work and activities when the line of cars passed by them. Jungkook watches them whispering to each other and suddenly he felt uneasy like they must be talking about him.

Before he can resume, taehyung covered his eyes and pulled him back to his chest.

"Don't, love. It'll only make you stressed. Don't look at them." 

Omega obeyed and kept his eyes on their intertwined hands. He tightens the hold and alpha gave ensuring squeeze kissing the blonde's dainty fingers.

In less than 15 minutes, the surroundings altered from crowded streets and lively markets to peaceful fields and smooth green lawns.

The vehicle seized a sharp turn and majestic huge gates came into view with two glorious silver horses placed on either side.

Jungkook was awed when they entered passing the metal gates. At the ends of a straight long grey road stood a large stretched structure of marvelous estate.

Nestled in the woodland, as humble as any rock face in these parts, was a a manor. Its windows were as shy eyes, large to welcome any ray of sun. The rock walls belonged right where it was, as if perchance it had grown up right from that hallowed ground. 

Omega admired the beauty of the structure even though his first preference will always be small tiny houses.

"We are home, Alpha taehyung." The first alpha commander announced as car parked right outside of front gates.

Beta opened the back door after parking the car. 

Blonde had certain idea that taehyung is wealthy but this was another level of rich. 

"Your father is waiting inside." Beta male informed gesturing taehyung to go inside. Raven head alpha wrapped his hand around his mate and walked inside.

The magnificent large door opened revealing another set of sparkly richness but this time jungkook's eyes didn't wander around instead stuck on two figures standing in the middle of the spacious room under the elegant chandelier. 


Happy 1k followers lovelies ❤️

Thank you for giving me so much love and we have a special Q&A in celebration of 1k so if you're curious about me or books then leave questions on the message board.

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