TANKHUN Fanfic | Mind Over Ma...

By AprilsSmile

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"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get en... More

1. Mind over matter
2. Escape plan
3. Escape plan cancel
NOTE: Not an update
Highlights: Chap# 4 & 5
6. No touching at all
7. Chaos in Tankhun's room
8. Tankhun, Pete, Vegas
9. Finding Tankhun!
10. Rock Paper Scissors
11. It's Vegas
12. Pete, the Panther
13. Fan-following!
14. Height of Patheticness!
15. Sleeping Tankhun!
16. Knock, Knock!
NOTE: Not an Update!
17. Sweet Revenge!
18. Amy X Tankhun
19. It's Kinn
Highlights: Have Fun!
20. High-five?
21. Heart issues!
22. Wild Vehement!!!
23. Emergency Party!!
24. The Weekend / Study Time
25. It's Arm
26. Perfect complement :)
27. Beauty's Smile!
28. The Library
29. The Freshmen
NOTE: Not an Update
30. Blue Fire
31. The shopping maniac
32. Group Project
33. The Club
34. Damn Letter!
35. V for Vicious
36. Welcome home, Sister!
37. The Nightmare!
38. Future Fiancé
39. Bustling Life
40. Drama Family!
41. sOOry!
42. Zeal and Zest!
43. Sneak out!!
44. Party Animals!
Highlights: 44. Party Animals!
45. After Party!
46. Confessions!
47. Obsession...!
48. It's Porsche
49. #TeamTankhun
50. The Blacklist!
51. D-Day!
52. The more the merrier!
53. Tankhun's Treat.
54. Selfies Maniac!
55. It's Kimhan
56. Beautiful Heart
57. Second place? maybe not!
58. Stutter Boy!
59. Reciprocate!
60. Official Romance!
61. The Basement!
62. MFC - The Trio
63. Tea...party!
64. The Little Devil!
65. Warmth...
66. Shades of Gray!
67. A Day so FINE!
68. Befriend!
69. It's Leonid
70. The Plan!?
71. The preparations!
72. Just keep Swimming!
73. Mini concert!
74. Affable Meeting!
75. Bon appetit
Highlights: chap# 74 & 75
76. The control room!
77. Bloody Chaos!
78. The closure!
79. Life did a 360..
80. Romantic action!
81. Love-Hate!
82. The melodious ride..
83. Disheartened!
84. Sir Kinn! Hot as.....
85. A for Amity.
86. Height of Goofiness!
87. Fallen star?
88. Anti-fragile!
89. Her...Escape Plan!
90. Mirthless smile ):)
91. Insomnolent.!.!
92. Maquillage
93. Wild Vociferous!!!
94. Finding Amy!
95. Tragic Heroine...
96. Demoniac Khun!
97. Rough and tumble?
98. Viva la vida
Highlights: Enjoy! ;)
99. The best is yet to come..
100. The Anchor
101. Beer and skittles!
102. Enchantment!
NOTE: Not an Update :)
103. ...bears the crown!
104. Near and Dear!
105. Crazy Peacock!
107. The Date?
108. Amy the Queen!
109. The Midnight Mirage
110. Amy X Tankhun
It's A.S. Styles^^
Highlights: Mind over Matter

106. Young Master!?

201 9 13
By AprilsSmile

Amy's POV:

"Hey Mr. D I want you to break off my engagement."

[What!! Have you lost your mind!?]

"Nope. I've lost my heart."


"Listen! With all the love and respect, I can't make myself...obey or surrender....not this time."

[Now my decisions are orders to you? When did I force you into anything?]

He sounds both upset and dramatic.

"I didn't meant that."

[Nah nah..go on.. tell me what else do you want me to break? Huh?]

Now he's both disappointed and mad.

"Dad please!"

[NO, Amethyst Quinn Donovan Autumn!]


Now it's my turn to feel agitated. He just not call me by my real name, he also said my middle and surname.

For a long while, I remain silent. What else do I have to talk? I can't turn back and talk casually and make a conversation about study or tell him that starting next week it's my exams.

I heard his breathing and how he calmed himself down.

[Listen girl! You have no idea what you're asking for? You wanted me to break the decade long promise. I can't back away my words.. there'll be consequences.]

"What consequences?"

[You don't need to know.. sigh. Just know that I love you sweetheart and I care about your heart so much but...]

"It's okay."

I surrender.


"It's fine. Really. Sorry to pull you in an impolite conversation."

I said politely.

"Forget I ever request something like breaking off...." Damn I felt an annoying ball in my throat. "..anyways..umm.. next week I have exams and I'm spending all of my time... studying. And ummm... Dad can I.. can we talk later?"

I think I've heard something cracking inside my chest.

[Sure Ms. D.]

"Yeah.. Good night. Bye."



[Thanks for calling me.]

He sounds down.


I tried to force myself to smile but couldn't, not that he can see me anyways.

[I love you my darling daughter.]


With that I hung up.


Author's POV:

In the morning, at main mansion.

Everyone was gathering at the breakfast table when Porsche caught sight of Arm.

"Arm? What are you doing here? Kinn did you ask him to come this early?"

"No." Sitting on the head chair, Kinn denied and glanced at Arm questioningly.

"Did Khun sent you here?" Kim asked, taking his chair. All the eyes went to him as no one saw him coming. What is he doing here anyways? He never joins them for breakfast.

"No sir." Arm shook his head once and Pol enter the area.

"Pol? You're here too?" Porsche asked.

"Huh?" Pol who didn't know what they were talking about, just stood and nodded in uncertainty.

"Who's with Khun then?" Kinn asked seriously. He cannot believe that these bodyguards left their boss, the first son of Theerapanyakul, alone outside the mansion.

"N..no one." Pol said.

"?" Kinn clench his fist to hear the piece of information. It's still early in the morning and he started to feel agitated, thanks to his elder brother.

"It's not like that Khun Kinn." Arm started "Khun is in his room, taking shower."

Everyone went silent for a moment.

"Khun came back?" Porsche break the silence.

"When?" Kim asked too.

"Last night." Arm replied shortly.

"Why?" Porchay interfere for the first time only to get intimidated by the looks he received. "I don't mean to sound rude. First brother can come back as he wish but..." Porchay glanced at Kim for help.

"Yeah enlightened us. Why he came back? This soon? On his will?" Kim asked in his half raspy half deep voice.

"Ha his will." Pol scoffed then realized his folly and bowed to apologize.

"Actually..." Arm started again "Khun..." He blinked "Khun didn't left..." He paused a little "..he got kicked out." He said finally.

All them shout in both shock and surprise.

"Amy kicked him out?" Porsche asked in awe. Everyone can see he wanted to laugh out.

"She did?" Kinn lifted his thick brows.

"I thought they were finally...having something..." Kim tilted his neck.

"Yes but..." Arm turned to Pol as he cannot explain any further.

"Let me explain." Pol started in his heavy voice. "Miss Amy worked the whole night on her art project. Then she makes us breakfast. Pol stopped to see Kinn smiling "After studying for many hours she makes us lunch, and then she sleeps." Everyone was listening intently except Arm.

"She woke up before midnight and went to the bathroom to freshen up." All of them pass uncertain looks as they have no idea where this is going. "She was brushing her teeth when...." Pol gulps "..she shrieks and rushes out of the bathroom blindly, bump into the couch broke her toenail and..." Pol paused for good.

"And?" Kinn sat straight.

"Why she shrieked?" Porsche asked in confusion.

"Did she saw a ghost?" Porchay asked with widen eyes.

"A ghost would be better but what she saw..." Arm cleared his throat.

"Tell us already. Damn it!" Kim slammed on the table as he cannot bear the suspense any longer.

"Ha too much suspense... I was talking a bubble bath when she entered the bathroom."

All the eyes turn to this familiar high pitched arrogant voice. When everyone was comprehending his words, Khun walked gracefully to take his seat, facing the leader on the other side.

"Damn." Kinn was the first to utter.

"Now I see why she shrieked." Porsche grinned imagining something wild.

"So it was not a ghost." Porchay whispered and turned red.

"Whatever we can expect from the crazy Khun." Kim rolled his eyes.

"Hey Kim watch your tongue. It was HER fault to come into an occupied bathroom." Khun yelled loudly, but everyone can guess he was mad to come back...or to get kicked out.

"You didn't lock the door." Arm stated flatly.

"Hmph serves you right." Kim smirk to irritate Khun.

"She should have knocked at the close door." Khun argued shamelessly "..or just shut her eyes once seeing me. There was no need of shrieking. Offense aside, she almost gave me a heart attack. She overreacted too much and got hurt." Khun finished with a pout.

"What you mean she overreacted?" Pol dared to argue back "Even when you didn't lock the door you should have said something to stop her from entering."

"I was listening to music with closed eyes, I didn't hear or see her coming."

"You used airpods?" Kim showed surprise pointedly, but got ignored.

"Fine! Then when she saw you through the mirror and struck with horror, who told you to stand up." Pol argued further. He looked more upset than Khun to come back.

At this revelation everyone gasped and gaped at Khun, who looked everywhere but his family or guards.

"In my defense....I too got shocked and freaked out." Khun muttered "As if catching me through the mirror was not enough she turned around to see me. At that moment I felt so exposed that I wanted to run away..." Khun grabbed his own hair.

"Worst mistake of the century...on my part." Finally admitted, he declared out loud. "I should have sink all the way in the bath tub. The abundance of bubbles were enough to cover me and my fanciable body. Oh I'll be damned! Argh!" He was this close to pull his hair off.

"Calm down Khun. Whatever happens, happens. You can't undone that." Kinn said, looking so done with his elder brother.

"It's okay. She will survive..." Kim open his mouth to solace him.

"Maybe.. but she's so virtuously innocent. I'm sure the impolite, risque image will stick to her brain, for heaven knows how long." Porsche blabber thoughtfully.

"..!" Khun grabbed his fork and knife.

"In the future either she fantasies about you or she get nightmares." Porsche stated frankly with a complimentary grin.

"You..." Khun clenched his jaw.

"Hey man relax. It's a blessing in disguise. You've turned the course of her nightmares. Congratulations." Porsche grinned some more.

Where Kinn rubbed his face, Khun took a moment to apprehend.

"It might..." Khun's lips twitch naughtily.

And everyone looked so done with both shameless Porsche and Khun.

"Unbelievable!" Kim rolled his eyes and stand up to leave.

"Don't leave the table without eating anything." Kinn said calmly.

"Khun you've realized that she kicked you out from her house in the middle of the night, right?" Arm couldn't help but ask.

"Not me alone."

"Yes only you. She didn't ask us to leave. We simply accompany you." Pol said pointedly.

"Aren't you heartbroken?" Porchay asked in a little voice.

"Over what! I have already made a deal with her. She'll text me ten times a day. Also answers her phone whenever I call."

"We were packing his bags while he was busy bargaining." Pol made a face.

"I'd call that settlement." Khun raises a finger to correct him.

"Why aren't you feeling insulted? You've saved her life and she kicked you out. You've got all the right to throw tantrums." Kim asked while taking small bites from a toast and sipping his coffee.

At that Khun smiled. "Insulted? I've lost my heart to see her flushed face. What tantrums! I'm counting minutes to see her again."

Khun saw everyone awestruck.

"She let me leave my toothbrush, at her place." Khun shared the secret shyly.

Where everyone smiles, Khun is reddened.

"Nice." Porsche grinned in appreciation.

"Hey Arm Pol, hurry up! Eat something. We had to pick up my beautiful Amy for college." Khun yelled, getting back in his crazy character.


Khun places his cup on the pirich to check his cellphone.

[Hey Tankhun! No need to come..to pick me up.]

Amy's voice rang in the dining hall. Khun blinked in bafflement while no one tried to hide their smiles.

"She didn't mean that." He snapped arrogantly.


Khun pressed the play button.

[I FREAKING MEAN IT! You better not show up!]

Amy's threatening voice echoes. This time everyone laughed at Khun.

"She means it!" Porsche laughed while hitting Kinn's shoulder.

"Good luck Khun!" Kinn smiled and leave the table.

"Have a nice day!" Kim chuckled and glanced at giggling Porchay.
"Also welcome back! I thought you'd last longer than you did at minor mansion but a week is also impressive." He smiled charmingly and left.

"All of you go to hell!" Khun shouted "By hell, I mean college!" He added as he cannot send his loved ones to hell, not literally.



In a long corridor he was walking wearing the same colored hat and coat, holding a wooden staff. His dyed hair was covered with a hat, his long coat was trying to float as he took long strides.

He entered the hall filled with forty-eight black masked youths. As soon as he steps in, everyone raises to their feet.

"Good morning! Young master!"
"Pleasure to meet you!"

The hall echoes with the greetings.

"Same thoughts!" The master glanced around. "All of you are here?" He asked in a husky voice.

"Yes master!"

"Then why am I not seeing number Seventeen and Forty-nine?" The master asked again, eyeing everyone.

"Forty-nine is still in hospital, recovering from the injury while..." One of them informed him.


"Seventeen is in the ground, playing basketball." He bowed down.

"How honourable!" Master muttered in his husky voice, cold chill ran down through all of their spins making them straight as a rod.

"Have mercy, young master!" All of them said in a chorus.

"Why not!" Corner of his mouth twitch just for a fraction of second.
"So tell me.." He started to pace around. "Has anyone else wants to go out and play?"

"NO, young master!"

"Mind! I abhor lies!" He informed casually.

He glanced around and saw four of hands raised.

"Very well! Eight, Nineteen, Twenty-seven.. Come forth!"

He glanced at three youths who stand tall, their hands tied behind there backs.

"How was the last mission?" He asked the Eight.

"Tough but we were prepared."

"Did three of you get hurt?" He asked again.

"No, master!"

"Good! Is your study going well?" He asked the Nineteen.

"Y..yes." The boy stammered.

"Exams are around the corner, spend your time wisely." The master reached out to pat the boys head.

"Much obliged and grateful."

"So is there anything I should know from three of you?"

"No master."

"Answer me this last question and you're free to go. In the last mission has anyone of you assassin anyone; accidentally or on purpose?" The master narrowed his eyes watching three of them who were now shaking their head with widen eyes.

"I'm glad to know. Now go and play safe." He dismissed them with a wave of his hand.

As the door closes he turns to see the remaining forty-five masked youths.

"The one who's hurt, sit!" His voice echoes and twenty of them sat down. "Make sure to see the doctor and take medicines on time."

"The one who save other's lives, sit."

Ten more sat down while one of them shifted on his feet.

"You, come forth!" The master ordered and waited a few seconds.
The boy was now standing right in front of him, he reached out to grab him by his shoulder.

"Tell me Eleven..was my question that tricky! Why are you confused?"

"I... I saved a man from getting shot."

"As I thought.. So?"

"He was on the enemy side." Eleven bowed down.

The master's hand travels from the shoulder to the back of boys head. He raised the head back while gripping from his hair.

"Have I mentioned anything about sides?" He asked intimidatingly.

"N..no master!" Eleven stops himself from hissing.

"Keep your head up, you did a good job by saving a life. It was that enemy's fault to stand on the wrong side. Did you hear me?"

"Yes master!"

"All right!" The master hit his staff on the floor and with his free hand set the boy's hair back in place. "Go and sit."

"Now tell me who was the one who saved the life of the Theerapanyakul clan's leader?"

"It was me!" A cheerful hand rose up.

"Truly!" Instead of calling the boy forth, the master himself walked towards him.

The youth's soul left his body when the master embraced him tightly.

"Forty-seven, right?"

"Yes master!"

"Your virtue asks for a grand bonus."

"Ahh...Thank you?" Forty-seven looked confused.

"From now on you are number One." The master announced loudly. From the corner of his eyes he caught a boy glancing at him.

"One is there a problem?" He address the boy who shook his head in no.

"Fine." The master rolled his eyes for the first time. "No matter how much I am pleased with Forty-seven, let's not take others'place or names."
He announced again, this time he caught number One smiling behind the mask.

"From now on, you're titled as 'Forty-seven the first'."

"Yes master." The boy beamed up, then furrowed his brows.

"What's troubling you?"

"Pardon me master but I had to attack the enemy to protect Clan Leader Anakin, the man died on the spot."

Master's sighs. "Tell me is the vile experience disturbing for you?"

"Not anymore. Thank you." Forty-seven smiled.

"That's a relief. Anything else?"

"The clan leader said you greetings, he wished to meet you in future."

"He did!" The master chuckled lightly.

"Now the remaining twelve, tell me about your performances."

The twelve boys who were still standing glanced at each other.

"We helped to evacuate the area. Theerapanyakuls set bombs on the warehouse." Six of them raised their hands.

"How delightful! All of you may take your sits."

"Who was the one who got combative against the man named Pete?" No one dared to answer.
"Don't make me wait! Step forward this instance."

The master was watching them with a severe expression when five boys came to a mutual decision and took a step back, leaving one of their companion alone.

"Very well!" The master smirks evilly. "Dear Twenty! Were you not aware that Pete was off limits?"

"Yes master but..."


The boy flinched as the master smack him with his staff.

"Isn't it one of the rules! Do I need to repeat and remind you?"

"Forgive me master!"

"All of you, say aloud to evoke this young fellow's memory." The master ordered at once.

"Stay away from the people of Theerapanyakul clan!
Do not get on their nerves!
Never get attention from them!
Do everything to avoid them!
Evaded at all cost!"

The hall echoes with their choruses.

"Forgive me, young master!" Twenty sat on his knees.

The master stare down on him, the much he wanted to kick the surrendering figure.

"Who taught you to kneel!" The master roars. "You are not worthy to be called a ninja."

The boy's eyes widened, he stood up at once. "I deserve to beheaded." He declared, making his master scoffed.

"An apology and 'not to repeat the mistake in future' would be nice...but no you wanted to beheaded. Pity on your life!" With a tiny click, the master pulled a sword out of his staff and places it on the Twenty's shoulder.

From the corner of his eyes he saw his ninjas shifting in their sits while avoiding to look directly at their master and companion.

He gazed Twenty for a long minute, each passing second the sword pressed against his neck until a thin line of blood appears.

Tears were visible in Twenty's eyes but he didn't bowed down or even move an inch from his place.

"How boring!" The master pulled his sword back. "This mission was the first collaboration with Theerapanyakuls so mistakes can be expected but next time be careful and discreet. Now go to your place."

He dismissed Twenty with a tiny lecture and saw the edge of the sword before putting it back into the staff.

"Ah yes.. mind telling me who won? Pete or you?"

"Pete won." Twenty answered.

"Surely!" Corner of his lips twitch. Twenty just look at him.
"You've got something more to say?" The master narrowed his eyes.

"I've got the upper hand but he got the devil on his side."

"A devil?"

"The man named Vegas."

"An assured defeat then." The master amused lightly.

"You good for nothing ninjas!" The master turned to the last five youths. "You weren't hurt, you didn't save any life, you didn't commit mistakes as to directly indulge with Theerapanyakul's people. What were you even doing there?"

"Young master." Two boys steps forward. "We were holding the captive in his place the whole time."

"Were you? Fine, go and sit!" He watched as they rushes away, then he turn to the last three. "I've got only one question for you guys." He sounds serious enough to make them straighten like a pole.

"Has anyone of you killed that night?"

Hearing the question, two boys shook their heads while one gulped down,

"You two back off!" The master half roared, with a raise of his hand a sharp blow hit the last boy standing.

The impact was so hard and sudden that the boy fell sideways.

"Stand up!" The master ordered in his husky voice, and the boy obeyed without wasting a breath.
"I believe I've given you all the freedom in the world to do as you wish or think right. The only thing I forbid was murdering." He was loosing his cool.

"I know all of you are more than capable of causing a bloody massacre but.. sighs.. I want you all to be cool Ninjas not the cold blooded one.
I would never allow you to go down the wrong path and turn into a killing machine. If that's what I want, I can just hire local thugs..
My lovely sweethearts, you are more than that."

The master watched all the ninjas who stood up in alarm, then turned to the one standing close to him. His slap caused the mask to fall down, his gaze stopped at the scratch on the boy's cheek, there was a blood droplet on the corner of his lips. He sighs to regain his coolness.

"Assassination is out of question. Not because you lack something or I'm afraid to handle the consequences but it's..." The master paused and turned to everyone.

"Actually I am afraid....but for you boys. You know taking another life is not that hard. I know cause I've been through that.. Only the first time is tough then..." He shook his head a few times to remember something while everyone was watching him, holding their breaths.

"You know the theory of once leads to twice then to thrice and for an endlessness?" The master asks but no one dares to answer.

But they seem to get the point and understand so the master turned back to the ninja who had murdered.

"Forty! You're young with a whole beautiful life ahead. Let's not commit sin and take the burden of another life. Your future will be quite dark if the bad karma starts to chase after you. Mind it!"

"I will always remember that, master!" Forty utters but didn't bow down.

"Who do you kill anyways? And why?" He asks as if he was having an everyday conversation.

"I don't know! The only thing I know was the man shooting at us blindly. I did my best to avoid until he was pointing at me. It was a self defense, master. My dagger was faster than his bullet."

The master took a moment to gaze the boy, for some reason he felt impressed.

"In that case, that was a right call. My apologies." The master said softly, leaving Forty wide eyed. "I acted rashly. My regrets. Here."

The master held out his hankie, but the boy was two astonished to follow. With a tiny smile, the master himself wiped the corner of Forty's lips and saw the blood mark on his hankie.

"You can keep it." He half shoved it inside the boy's pocket, who seems to be freeze on his place.

Clap! Clap! The master tried to get everyone out of their awestruck moment.

"Now who was the one to eliminate that cheap thug?"

"........" Silence.

"Don't tell it was Theerapanyakuls!"

"It was Seventeen."

"?" The master blinked, speechless.

The one who did the main job to eliminate the foe, bunked the meeting to play basketball.! How funny!

"That's it for today. Before I forget.. excuse me for taking so long to meet you guys. As a compensation, I have arranged a buffet for all of you. Make sure to have a nice dinner and don't forget to take that basketball team with you.
I'm leaving, you guys are free to take off your masks. Leave five minutes later, after me.
The class is dismissed!"

The master hit the floor with his staff and turned on his heels to leave.

As he makes a cool exit, he heard loud hootings of youths. He smiled, shook his head and took a step only to get freeze.




I gave my 100% in avoiding the headache named Tankhun. After what happened last night, I don't have it in me to look him in the eyes. Even thinking about the incident makes my blood boils, my face flushed.

Even though we attended the same lecture, I ignored him completely. To my relief and disappointment, as the class ends he was the first to leave. What so hurry!

In my free lecture, I was looking for a quiet place to sit and study when I think about this old lecture hall. As I came the auditorium was already occupied, so I found myself a chair and sit at the end of the corridor.


Five minutes left to start the next class, I grabbed my bag to leave and halted to see the brown widened eyes.

Our eyes met?

Our eyes met!

Oh I'll be damned!

In a split second I turned on my heel to...

"Don't run!" His voice make me stopped. He said don't so I didn't. Now what?

"Hey!" I waved my hand as if we were seeing each other for the first time.

"Hi!" He mimicked my action.

"Aren't you hot?" I asked just to start a normal conversation.


"The long coat." I pointed out.

"Oh..." He looked down on himself.

"Whatever you were thinking..." I tilted my head sideways to see his face.

"Nn... nothing." He stammered? Woah that's new.

"Why long coat then?"

"Just because." He shrugged.

"Take it off."

"Pardon!" He was awestruck.

"The lecture is about to start. You can't wear that to the class hence take it off."

"Oh..." He ohh-ed but didn't move.

"Whatever you were thinking!" I pressed suspiciously.

"Nn... nothing!" He leaned back.

"What's with the stick?"

"What stick?"

"The one you're holding."

"Oh my.. That's NOT a stick!" He looked offended.

"A walking cane perhaps."


"Haha our Golden boy needs a walking cane now... I must say, you've aged quite well." I amuses myself, gazing at him head to toe.

"You little tease!" He took a step close to me, I leaned back instinctively. He paused to see my face, then shoved his cane to me. "Hold this!"

Before I could understand he put his hat in my head and started to take off his long coat.
'Ah my pretty boy!' I felt my lips stretching out into a wide smile.

"You're scaring me!" He made a horrified face while staring at my smile.

"Damn you!" I lightly hit him with his stick.

"Ouch!" He rubbed his arm.

"Haha serves you right!"

"Oh really!" He swings out his coat towards me, and successfully ruined my hairstyle.

Now my bangs were all over the place, he watched and laughed whole heartedly. Sweet!

"Just so you know you make me hold this stick on your own. I can use it however I feels right!" I spin the cane around in style.

"For heavens it's not stick! It's a STAFF."

"A staff? No wonder it's heavy. A walking cane supposed to be light weighted. What's it for?"

He watched me in silence then uttered "You're unbelievable!"

I took that as a compliment.

"No wonder I like you.." He whispered in a low husky voice, I barely heard that.

"What's that?" I asked, pretending to be oblivious. Just to hear that one more time.


Tsk! Damn him!

Suddenly there was noises in the corridor. I leaned sideways to see and found a crowd of boys coming out of the auditorium.

I didn't know they still hold lectures in the old lecture hall.

"Blast!" Suddenly Tankhun slides sideways and pulls me behind the pillar to.. cover me?

From what and why?

We stood in silence, and heard them talking.

"The lecture was wholesome."
"As expected from the Master."

Whoever they were they sounds satisfied with the class. I leaned sideways to see who was the teacher. There was no teacher and Tankhun make me stand straight, not letting me see but that doesn't mean I can't listen so..

"Where's the star of the day?"
"Hey man! Congratulations!"
"You survived the embrace hahaha."
"Earlier I thought that was your last goodbye hug man."
"Haha yeah I thought so too. I thought I was going to get crushed to death."

I furrowed my brows in confusion. What were they talking about? Who hugged who?

"Anyways I'm happy for your promotion."
"What promotion?"
"He's talking about your new title."
"Haha that...thanks."
"Yeah we're happy for you Forty-seven the first!"

I made a face as that doesn't sound like a title to me.

"Shhh we're not supposed to say that out."
"Yeah don't say the given number. Just say 'Murphy the first' hahahaha"
"Damn you jealous losers."

I don't know what they were talking about but it sounds funny to me. I unconsciously smile and felt chilled glare at me. I lifted my eyes and caught Tankhun gazing down at me in a way I can't comprehend.

So I smiled some more. He blinked once and looked away. Ha my smiles always work to melt people!

"Wasn't the master looks scary to you guys?"

I paid attention and took a quick peek to see another group of boys, actually seniors.

"Scary? No at all. I've never seen anyone so goodlooking as him."
"The man must have saved the world in his previous life to be blessed by such gorgeousness."

I was tracing the curves of the purplish gem on the staff and caught Tankhun smiling secretly.

"I seconds that. From whatever angles you look, he's perfect."
"Too perfect to be true."

"Are they talking about Sir Kinn?" I whispered to ask Tankhun who gave me a look but didn't answer.

"Yeah I know, that's one reason to make him look scary. I can't even hold his gaze."
"Actually it's his gaze that's hella intimidating. Whenever he looked my way, my mind went blank. Look, I've still got goosebumps."

"Yeah they're definitely talking about Sir Kinn." I whispered again and for some reason Tankhun rolled his eyes. "What! You don't agree?"

I literally stopped breathing as he placed his index finger over my lips.
Gawd he's touching me!
I know he means no hurt..he only wants me to stop talking but why in the hell my hands start to shake?

Suddenly realization hit me like a bolt, we were standing too close. My back was again the pillar while he was towering over me.

How utterly impolite!

Well there's the staff between us, but that doesn't count, right?

"Hey man, let's go to the canteen."
"We're not coming."
"For buffet's sake. Hahahaha"

As they were talking, I felt as if their voices are coming closer and closer and..


One of them shouted, others gasped.

Before I could turn my neck to see, Tankhun swiftly threw his long coat over my head.

Silence spread out. For a moment I thought I was alone in the whole corridor, so I pull the coat down.

Tankhun was glaring at the group murderously, I blinked in awe.

On the other side, the group took a cautious step back.

"Ahh something went in my eyes."
One of them covered his both eyes.
"Damn I can't see!"
The second one starts moving his hands in the air, proving his sudden fake blindness.
"Oh no! It's bad! We need to take them to the hospital to see eye specialist!"
The third one exclaimed.
"Let's go!"

Withing a minute they disappeared.

"What was that?" I asked while scratching my head.

"Who knows." Tankhun shrugged.

I was rubbing the staff and felt some carving. I held it up to examine , there was a crown and a few centimeters below a boy was falling.

"Fallen angel?" I guessed.

"I called it 'Fallen Heir'."

"Like you?" I don't know why I asked that but he doesn't need to answer - and he didn't.
"Anyways take your sti..." He glared "ahm.. staff back. I like the gem by the way."

"This is a precious stone. My favorite. You know what it's called?"

"Nope. I'm not into stones."

"Yet you're named after one."

"Exactly." I made a face, he smiled.

"Guys after college, let's go to hospital to visit our friend."
"Sure! Let's make him envious over buffet.."
"Hahaha he won't be envious. If anything he would come join us on a freaking wheelchair."

Another laughing group appeared. This time I was startled as hell when Tankhun pushed me against the wall and slammed his hand beside me.

"!" I watched him wide eyed and felt a few more gazing eyes upon me.. actually us!

I turned my neck to see. My whole view was blocked by his arm so I stood on my toes to peek and..

"..." I went speechless to see familiar faces.

My old classmates.


I was planning to be oblivious when one of them stupidly called my name.

Oh floating fish!

Suddenly I realized my damn position. Tankhun and I were so close that it appears we were doing something...unheavenly.

Sweet hell!

From the corner of my eyes I saw unhappy Tankhun. He was clenching his jaw so tight that his veins started to show up on the side of his smooth neck.

I gulped down hard and turned my stare away.

"Hi!" I forced a smile while trying to push the towering figure away.

His highness didn't budge from his place. Damn him!

"Hi!" The guy said back and looked at me and my pretty boy back and forth. There was something in his gaze that I can't comprehend.

Actually all of them look somehow disturbed and.... Horrified?

"Stop this greetings if you want to see the tomorrow sun!"
One of them nudge, and mumbled without actually moving his lips.

"You know each other?" Tankhun asked in a light husky tone. This tone practically ask us to lie on his gorgeous face.



The guy and I lied at the same time.

Tankhun tilted his neck left and right. I swear I heard some cracking sounds. The group moved back while I sighed in defeat. Let's be honest, what's there to hide anyways!

"We had the same class last semester." I said.

"So you were friends?" Tankhun asked casually.

"No!" The guy half yelled "We just.." he glanced at me "..used to share notes and assignment." The guy finally said while standing straight, his hands tied behind his waist.

"Oh really!" Tankhun lifted his brows up, sparing me a glance.

"No." I shook "Sorry for not knowing your name.." I turned to my old classmate "..but I perfectly remember I have never taken anything from you, it was only you who took my assignments the whole semester."

"Hehe right." The guy chuckled awkwardly.

"Get lost!" I heard a distant, husky whisper.

Everyone looked troubled for some unknown reason, I glanced at Tankhun who showed a poker face.

"Y..yes Ma..Sir..uhh.." They were having trouble to address my pretty boy so I helped.

"His name is Tankhun." I smiled.

They went silent making me nervous. Idiots!

"We're in the same year." I said "All of us, actually."

They ohh-ed in unison and nodded their stupid heads at the revelation.

"What's wrong with you guys?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I.Said.Get.Lost!" Tankhun pressed on each word.

"Yes mas...no I mean.."

"JUST GO! DAMN IT!" Tankhun roared making my ear ring.

"Yes mas..."
"We're leaving."
"Sorry to disturb you."

They started to run and it took me a second to realize what disturbance they were talking about.

Oh my personal hell!

"It's not like that!" I pushed Tankhun away immediately.
"WE ARE JUST FRIENDS!" I shouted but no one turned to see me. Though I hope they heard me.

I recognize quite late but one of them proposed to me in the first year and I rejected by telling the truth that..

I was engaged.

I am engaged.

"Friends?" Tankhun watched me.


"You just said friends!"


"Just friends?" He pressed repeating my words.

"Well it's true." I look at him.

"Is it? I don't think so..."

"And why is that?" I challenged. I don't like where this is going. But I have to make some facts clear.

For his own good.

For keeping my dad's head high.

For both of us.

"I thought we.. we had something."

"Yeah.. that's called friendship." I smiled sweetly and turned to leave.

He grabbed my arm, pulled me back and forced me to face him.

I waited for him to say something, to argue back, or simply shouted at me crazily. But he just stared.

His stare was undisturbed as if there was something written on my face and he wants to read.

"Listen Tankhun! I don't want to be rude but just because you've stayed at my place for a week, and we got close.. doesn't mean I will go and break off my decade long engagement." I speak my dad's tongue.

"Why not?" He whispered.

"..." I lost. I admit my defeat. I've got nothing else to say.
"Let's go to the class. We're already too late." I muttered and took a step back.

"One more step and you'll witness something.....bad." He gave me an open warning.

"!" I stopped for my own good. Right now he is more than just serious.

"Just come to me." He requested, I shook my head in no.

"You can try..." He insisted, I shook my head some more.

"You want me to beg?" He asked in a little unsure voice, yet I shook my head.

"I'll be good to you..." He assured me. For a sad second, a smile flashes through my face... I shook my head still.

"P..please Amethyst.." A tiny drop fell from his eye.


And my whole world crumbled. I took a step back.

Hell with his warning! I can face all his rage but this...

"I can't come to you." My heart races.

"I'm not for you.." My throat aches.

"I..." I lost my voice.

Another tear fell...from his eyes.

I took a moment to collect myself together and look him in his tears filled eyes.

"I can be anything but unfaithful. I've got a fiance. I will never accept your..." I closed my lips and shifted my gaze.

"I don't mind..." He started almost immediately.

"Have you lost your mind!" I was angry.

"..as long as I can have you." He completed making me more angry.

"Fine." I nodded my head "I'll try as you ask. I'll be unfaithful and have an affair with you." I said bluntly.


"But how can you say that I won't do that again when someone better than you come and offer the same thing. This...this thing called love." Even the sweet word tests bad on my tongue.

"You can't do that!" He snapped.

"Why not! Don't you know once leads to twice then to thrice..!
If I do it once, I can surely do it for the second time.
It's only the thought of doing the 'first time' that looks hard even impossible then in the future it..."

"ENOUGH!" His voice echoes in the empty corridor. He was glaring at me fiercely as if what I said was...

He knows I am stating the facts and that makes him mad.

He's both sad and mad. His whole being was overflowing with emotions and that makes him unpredictable even dangerous.

Now I'm scared.

I want to run away.

Far from him.

But why in the hell my stupid feet are not moving?

"...!" I bit my lips to refrain myself from shouting for help. And I think I tasted something like... zinc?

He runs his fingers through his hair and throw his hands down.

I stood on guard and watched him breathing.

"Say no more." He said in a normal tone and nodded twice. "I get it."

He did?

"No need to be afraid. I won't lose my calm..not with you." He took a step forward and I backed away instinctively.

"Amy it's okay.." He raised his hands in the air, showing that he meant no harm.

"I'll cherish whatever I can have." He raised his hand up to my face and I tried to avoid it but he held my chin with one hand.
"You.. trust.. me." He reminded me.

I don't know why I didn't flick his hand away even when his touch was burning me.

"Now that I think.." He started to wipe my lips with his cuff. "..having you as a friend is not that bad. Even wonderful!"

"..." This guy is crazy. One moment he was mad, next he cried. Now he was...smiling?

"But this.. friendship." He visibly forced the word out. "I will have that for granted." He declared softly.

He saw something upsetting. I followed his gaze and saw a crimson mark on the same cuff he used to wipe my lips.


Earlier I bit my lips to bleed?

So it was blood that I tasted!? Yuck!

"Just so you know you just break my heart.. real hard. I wish I could show you how badly you crushed it."

I stood like a statue when he lifted the hat and set my bangs.

"All set."  He put the hat back on my head, took my bag, and put his coat over my shoulder.
"Shall we?" He threw my bag over his shoulder.

"?" I stood very still, like I was plant.

"Aren't we getting late now?" He half yelled in his high pitched voice.

That's when I know he was back to his normal crazy self.


After attending the last class, I hurried back home, without looking at him or his way.

I was at my limits. Too much emotions for a day. Oof! I can't believe I've survived everything like a warrior. Should I celebrate?

Surely my dad would be happy and grateful for having such an obedient daughter who can savagely murdered her own emotions just to save her dad from unnecessary trouble and unknown consequences.

Hurrah to me! I praised my pathetic-ness with stinging sarcasm.


Says the name and the man come calling.

I answered Mr. D's call.

After going through some usual greetings and telling each other about 'how was the day', Dad come to the point.

[So the whole night I think and discuss the matter with your Mama.. Well you..you can...can..]

"Mr. D?"

[I'm allowing you to continue liking the boy.]


He got to be kidding me!

[I thought it all over and nothing is more important than your happiness.]


[Even though I have no idea who's that lucky guy, yet I decide to be a supportive father.]


[Are you listening?]

"Uh-huh." I nodded "So you're saying that you'll break off my engagement and face the 'consequences'?"

[That's right.]

"Before we move on tell me about these said consequences."

[It's nothing. Forget I have said anything about that.]

"You too can forget about breaking off the engagement."


"You should've be supportive when I asked... actually requested this morning."

My voice broke as that awkward ball appeared again and stuck in my throat.


He sounds worried.

[Tell me what happened? Are you okay?]

"Yeah I am fine. I just came back after rejecting his love, saying no to his face, breaking his heart.. oh and I made him cry too. What a busy day I had!"

I yelled hysterically and threw out all of the emotions that I couldn't hold inside any longer.

[Relax! Calm yourself down!]

He instructed and I obeyed.

"Anyhow whatever you said is useless now. But I appreciate your... thoughtfulness."

[Are you being sarcastic?]

"I could never. Just being hopelessly honest with you."

He deeply sighed.

[Listen my darling heart, just because you said No to his face doesn't mean he can stop...lov.. liking you immediately.]

I remain silent.

[You said you make him cry?]

"Yes." I made a pout.


He exclaimed excitedly, and I beamed up.

Sheesh how evil of me!

[Well your Mama just said not to let the boy go if he did as shameless as shading tears in front of you.]

"Mama said that?" I made a face.

[Not the shameless part but yes she said that. So go and get him back.]

"As if it's that easy!" I rolled my eyes.

[As if it's that hard!]

He retorted.

[How hard can it be to undone a breaking heart?]


[Thankfully, I have high expectations from you. Go get your boy.]

"Are you sure? I don't want to pressurize you. You won't change your mind later, will you?"

[I would never.]

He assured me.

"Okay, then break off my engagement first."

He went quiet, making me uneasy.

"Mr. D?"

[Oh I forget to mention. You want both my support and blessings, aren't you?]

"Ye-es." I stretched the word and narrowed my eyes at the cellphone.

[Then I have a condition.]

Of course he has! And here I thought it'll be that easy.

His condition got me off guard even makes me trip over nothing yet I said.




97. Rough and tumble
(The chapter contains ninjas.)

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