Married to Styles (Sequel to...

By byebyemsamericanpie

174K 9.1K 3.2K

"Harry?" I asked. His eyes barely opened before he closed them again. "Niall," his voice was so soft and dr... More

Character Ask
{23} Rome
{24} Girona
{25} Paris France
{26} Oahu Hawaii


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By byebyemsamericanpie


"Please," Harry couldn't say anything and it tore me apart watching him try to form words.

"Harry," I sighed.

"You can't leave me again, no. No I won't survive it." His cries made tears form in my eyes as he choked through sobs.

I moved towards him, placing my hands on his cheeks as I tried to sooth him.

"No, no Harry I'm not leaving you."

"You are." He couldn't even look at me. His cheeks were stained, eyes closed tight and his lip curled in that way when you try not to cry but you can't help it.

"No. I could never leave you. Harry I love you."

"Don't go."

"We just can't live together anymore, baby." I couldn't risk anything else with Harry. I can be in love with him from afar can't I? We can still be engaged, we can love each other secretly and ... I mean ... No we can't. Harry and I are too attached to be apart. But we have to. Chris can ruin both our lives and I just can't risk it anymore.

My mum was right, you can't put a disguise on love and I was tired of sneaking around in that damn costume anyways.

"Why?" He asked me.

"I don't want to risk anything anymore. We have to do this for our relationship."

"No, we don't."


"Niall I love you. I didn't mean any of it. If it's because I called you all those names I-I didn't... I didn't-" he couldn't finish his sentence. I felt myself tear up, but I was stronger than that.

"It's not because of that, Harry."

"Is it because Chris wants me back? Niall you know me good enough to know I won't ever go for that douche bag."

"I know, I know." I felt terrible, how could I leave again? We'd still be together, just not living together. We love each other... And a stupid piece of paper means nothing. It's just paper, paper doesn't control our lives. We do!

I control my life and I won't let a fucking piece of paper ruin it!

Before I got too angry I walked away from Harry and began to pack my bags again.

"I didn't love him." Harry whispered by the door.

"What?" I turned around to ask.

"I said, I didn't love him. Chris, I didn't love him."

"Oh." I didn't know what to say... Did he think I thought he loved him or something? I know he doesn't, it didn't, or what ever, he loves me.

"You should know. You should know everything! God Niall you broke down so many of my fucking walls and, and..." He couldn't finish that sentence again.

"Harry you need to calm down."

"How will I ever survive?" He asked through tears. I let out a sigh before kissing his stained cheek, holding him in my arms now.

"We both will make it, Harry. I will find a way to make this work."

We stood there for maybe ten minutes at the least just holding each other. Occasionally I would hear Harry let out soft sobs onto my shoulder which made me hold him tighter, my face buried in his neck.

"I love you," He finally spoke up. I looked at him, giving him a small smile as I wiped away tears.

"I love you so much, Ni." He said again. I kissed the tip of his nose, pressing our foreheads together while I told him how much I loved him, too.

"Where are you going to stay?" He asked me.

"I don't know, I'm going to call Liam and ask if I can sleep on the couch a few nights. I might stay in a hotel, I might even go visit my mum."

"That's pretty far away."

"Harry, we'll be fine. We're not breaking up."


"I know. I know what Chris said, I know what you had to say to the media, and none of that matters. I love you, okay?"

He just stood there, silent tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Okay?" I asked again.

"Okay." He sighed. I gently kissed his lips before I went to pack the rest of my things.


The first place I decided to go to was home.

Not home with Harry... Home with my mum.

She always knew what to say when I needed help, and right now I could really use her comfort.

The plane ride was a last minuet thing, I bought the ticket an hour before the plane would be boarding, and I flew myself to Mullingar Ireland to see my mum.

She welcomed me with open arms like always, making me happy to be home.

"Oh you look so good without that disguise," She smiled, I could hardly force one back at her.

"Honey?" She asked when I didn't answer her.

"Let's just go home, mum." I said. She nodded before helping me with my bags to the car.

We didn't talk at all on the way back to the house, and I was glad for that. I needed time to think about how I would explain everything to her.

How would I?

Do I mention Chris? Or should I keep that between me and Harry? I wouldn't want to upset Harry by telling my mother his darkest secret that he could hardly tell me.

So how could I tell the story?

I mean...

I could just leave out the whole Chris and Harry dating part.

"Niall we're home." My mum's voice broke my thoughts. I looked over to my right and saw the house I lived in before I moved in with my father.

Once inside the house, I made myself comfortable on the couch and flipped on the tv. I still didn't know how to explain the problem to my mother...

"Niall?" She asked from the entrance of the living room.

"I'm sorry mum, I'm just..."

"Did you guys break up for real?" She sounded nervous, and I was quite relieved she brought it up so I wouldn't have to.

"No. I couldn't do that to him. I just... When we dropped you off at the airport... I came out and he.. We were just kissing..."

"I saw the pictures, it was on Facebook."

"Harry had to do an interview and confirm we were broken up and say the photo was fake. Why... I mean why do we both have to suffer so much? How much more of this can we both take before we both snap?" I was beginning to wander if our relationship would last much longer with all the stress on it.

"Honey... I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say, I've never been in this position I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. I just needed to get away for a while."

"What about Harry? Does he know you just needed a break?"

"He thought I was leaving him, it took me forever to explain that that's not what I'm doing." Remembering the look on his face made me cry again. He looked mortified, like he was watching his worst nightmare play out in front of him. He probably wouldn't survive if I did leave him. But I wasn't leaving him, we were engaged. I loved him, I couldn't leave him.

I've left him before and did it ever work? No. We somehow found our way back together.

No matter how much we annoy each other or how different we are, we fit. We can't be separated because we fit.

"Honey," My mothers voice was laced with sympathy and I actually enjoyed it. I felt comfort from it, and I usually hate sympathy.

"I know I could have just talked over the phone-"

"Oh no, Niall I'm so glad you decided to come see me. You need me right now and hearing me over the phone is not going to cut it."

"I don't really know how long I'll be staying if that's alright."

"You're always welcomed home." She smiled at me. A kettle began to steam in the kitchen and I was glad for that; I could use some tea.

When she came back into the living room with a cup of tea for me I thanked her. She sat in a large chair opposite of the couch I was sitting on; we both sat in silence while the TV entertained us.

"Mum?" I spoke up.

"Yeah honey?"

"I told Harry I was moving out..."

She just stared at me. I needed her to say something because the more and more I thought about it, moving out probably wasn't the best idea.

I couldn't risk anything anymore and I was tired of that damned disguise but I didn't want to move out!

I would miss Harry and Molly too much. I wanted to stay but I would be putting everything on the line if I was to do that.

"Mum?" I asked her.

"That's probably why he thought you were leaving him, Niall." I nodded my head, she was right.

"It's just. I can't risk it you know? Chris is a sick man, mum. He has paps following us around all the time, I know he does. Why else would they be all over us? The media spends their time focusing on movie stars and singers! Not boxers from a small town like Cheshire!" Chris was probably behind all our media problems. I wouldn't put it past him.

"It can't just be because he's gay! There's plenty of gay people in this world, but you don't see cameras up in their faces. I just can't risk anything anymore! I can't keep wearing that disguise and I can't keep sneaking around to be with Harry." She stayed silent so I took the opportunity to keep talking.

"I love him so much and I want nothing but to be with him for the rest of my life. I want to grow old with him and adopt children, I want him." I felt more tears come up, but I didn't have the strength to let them go. I was too drained from everything.

"I know you do, honey. I think...." She fell silent again. I couldn't blame her for not knowing what the hell to say, I didn't even know what to say.

"What do you think?" I pushed.

"I just," she clapped her hands together before taking in a big breath and shaking her head.

"I just don't know. I mean, I think it's the best choice to move out and wait for this all to blow over. But at the same time, I want you to be the boy I raised you to be and stand up for yourself."

"I'm trying,"

"Niall, what's the worst that could happen if you disobey the contract? They'll sue you and that's it."

"I won't win though, I'd have to pay Chris millions of dollars that I don't have."

"Save up. Stand up for yourself. I don't know, Niall. But I hate seeing you like this. Ever since you left Daniel, your life has been anything but simple."

"It was worth it." I snapped; I grew defensive. What was she trying to say? That Harry ruined my life? No, he didn't. I wasn't happy with Daniel.

"I didn't mean to make you upset I'm just stating the obvious." She said. I sighed and calmed down a bit.

"I know nothing is simple. But aren't all relationships complicated?"

"They are, they are. But look at yourself Niall, you're a mess. You may be happy with Harry but this Chris guy is..."

"I know. He's ruining everything. But I looked through Harry's contract and I don't know how to get out of it."

"Well... I know you probably don't want to see him... But,"

"Wait. What are you saying?" Was she really about to suggest I go see,

"Daniel is a lawyer, Niall. And a really good one. Why don't you ask him?"

Was she nuts?


I was sitting at home with Molly when I heard a knock on the door. I had hoped it was Niall but then I remembered he was all the way in Ireland visiting his mother. He had been gone for almost a week and I've only gotten a couple text from him. I missed him.

I was upset... I knew Niall and I were still together; he said we weren't breaking up, we just couldn't live together anymore.

I wouldn't survive if he actually left me again. I wouldn't make it this time...

I answered the door with a sigh, expecting anybody but Chris. When I saw him standing there with a nasty smirk on his face, I knew he wasn't up to any good.

When is he ever up to any good?

"Harry, just the person I wanted to see."

"Chris! Just the person I didn't want to see." I said sarcastically.

He forced a laugh while intruding on my home.

"I didn't invite you in."

"I know. I invited myself, anyways... I came to talk." I sat on the couch; he sat next to me unfortunately.

"I enjoyed the interview," he smiled. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention any where else but at him.

"Look, Harry I know you're upset. But this will all pass."

"Chris just shut the fuck up."

"I know what's best for your career Harry, and this is best."

"Why? Why didn't you care about me and Niall dating until I ended up in the hospital?" I had to know why! Why does he keep doing this? What's his reasoning?

"Harry, you have to know."

"I don't. I really don't." I said honestly, what was there to know? The only thing I could think was: as soon as I came out, people were in shock and it gave me a lot of attention which made Chris more money. But when I ended up in the hospital because of drinking, I was getting bad press again and that would make Chris lose money, so what I was assuming was that if I was to announce that Niall and I broke up, people would bring their good attention back towards me and pity me with money. It was a brilliant plan, well done Chris, but it's ripping my life apart.

"For us. Look, when you and Niall announced you were dating I knew I couldn't make you break up, even though it was in the contract."


"People are smart, Harry. If I was to say, hey you guys can't date, as soon as you came out and then you broke up the day after or what ever... It would be very suspicious. So I waited and I talked it over with management and they were going to just let it slide because you were getting a lot of attention anyways."

A lot of attention?

Or a lot of money?

"So what changed?" I asked.

"Look, Harry I still have feelings for you,"

Oh god, not this again.

"And when you ended up in the hospital I knew that was my time to take charge. It would be a perfect time to say you and Niall broke up! And then you and me could be together again, come on Harry, like old times." He got closer to me again, sliding next to me and giving me that ugly smile.

"Chris you don't love me, Niall does."

"Oh please, Harry. Listen to yourself."

"And you and I couldn't even date remember? It's in the contract." I said.

"We could keep a secret. I know that's what you and Niall have been doing," My eyes went wide, I was speechless... He knew?

"What? You didn't think I knew?" He scoffed. Again, I was speechless, what was I suppose to say to that?

"I'm not stupid Harry."

"Maybe not, but you sure are a jack ass. Do you know how much pain you've put me and Niall through? God fucking damn, Chris! I've never been so in love with someone before and I can't even be with them and it's all your fault!"

"Are you saying you never loved me?" He asked. My eyes went wide again, was he serious? There was a time in my life where I thought I loved him.... Or I thought he loved me... But it was all fake. Every single moment I shared with Chris was fake. He used me, and I was stuck here, for what felt like the rest of my life.

"You used me!" I yelled.

"But you loved me. Harry we can be happy again, I want us to be together. I've changed." He said as he placed a hand on my knee, looking me deep in the eyes. I scooted away from him and shook my head again. I didn't believe him.


"Don't deny it, you loved me."

"I did. So what? You used me! You made me think you loved me okay? Is that what you wanted to hear? Is that I loved you? Well fine. I admit it, Chris. I loved you!" I yelled in his face. He smirked at me before glancing at the door and then back at me.

"That's all I needed to hear, baby." And then he kissed me.

It all happened so fast, I didn't have time to push him off before I heard someone yell my name.


I pushed Chris off me and looked at the door, seeing Niall standing there, speechless.

"Niall! No!" I jumped from the couch and ran towards him but he was already out the door and into the car. I tried to chase him down but he wouldn't stop, he just drove.

I couldn't breath, what just happened? What just fucking happened?

"Well, I should be going." I heard Chris say behind me. He began to get in his car when I called his name.

"What the fuck was that? Do you realize what you just did?" I yelled.

"It was for the better." He smirked.

Without hesitating I punched him in the jaw, making him stumble back wards.

"You piece of shit. I hate you so fucking much." I punched him again, this time making him fall against his car. He honestly looked frightened of me; if I was him, I would be scared too.

"Fuck you." I kicked him in the groin before going back into the house, finding my phone and dialing Niall's number. I had to find him and explain.


{A/N} Hi!

Sorry that Narry is so sad :(

Um idk what to say...


Holy shit okay so I have my dads skin and like me and him both have bad acne but we can't get poison oak (and I can't get sunburns but he does) and so when ever I'm near poison oak I never worry bc I can't get it and I went swimming a few days ago and woke up yesterday and my eye was swollen shut... Idk how but I got poison oak :(

Also...... I just wanted to point out that... Even if a lot of you guys don't like Daniel, I do.

He's a sweet guy :( he didn't deserve Niall, he really didn't. Sure he had his flaws but over all Daniel is the most emotionally stable and perfect character I've ever made.

Anyways. I hope you liked the chapter ! I'm sorry it's sad and Chris is a ass wipe.

Comment and vote my little hippies!!!!

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