Rebirth of Natsume: Demon Lov...

By Kazuyuuki95

14.8K 404 7

Author: Orihime/織姬 Category: Danmei fanfiction Status: Completed Status: 334 chapter Introducing: Natsume was... More

Chapter 1 - 2
Chapter 3 - 4
Chapter 5 - 6
Chapter 7 - 8
Chapter 9 - 10
Chapter 11 - 12
Chapter 13 - 14
Chapter 15 - 16
Chapter 17 - 18
Chapter 19 - 20
Chapter 21 - 22
Chapter 23 - 24
Chapter 25 - 26
Chapter 27 - 28
Chapter 29 - 30
Chapter 31 - 32
Chapter 33 - 34
Chapter 35 - 36
Chapter 37 - 38
Chapter 39 - 40
Chapter 41 - 42
Chapter 43 - 44
Chapter 45 - 46
Chapter 47 - 48
Chapter 49 - 50
Chapter 51 - 52
Chapter 53 - 54
Chapter 55 - 56
Chapter 57 - 58
Chapter 59 - 60
Chapter 61 - 62
Chapter 63 - 64
Chapter 65 - 66
Chapter 67 - 68
Chapter 69 - 70
Chapter 71 -72
Chapter 73 - 74
Chapter 75 - 76
Chapter 77 - 78
Chapter 79 - 80
Chapter 81 - 82
Chapter 83 - 84
Chapter 85 - 86
Chapter 87 - 88
Chapter 89 - 90
Chapter 91 - 92
Chapter 93 - 94
Chapter 95 - 96
Chapter 97 - 98
Chapter 99 - 100
Chapter 101 - 102
Chapter 103 - 104
Chapter 105 - 106
Chapter 107 - 108
Chapter 109 - 110
Chapter 111 - 112
Chapter 113 - 114
Chapter 115 - 116
Chapter 117 - 118
Chapter 119 - 120
Chapter 121 - 122
Chapter 123 - 124
Chapter 125 - 126
Chapter 127 - 128
Chapter 129 - 130
Chapter 131 - 132
Chapter 133 - 134
Chapter 135 - 136
Chapter 137 - 138
Chapter 139 - 140
Chapter 141 - 142
Chapter 143 - 144
Chapter 145 - 146
Chapter 147 - 148
Chapter 149 - 150
Chapter 151 - 152
Chapter 153 - 154
Chapter 155 - 156
Chapter 157 - 158
Chapter 159 - 160
Chapter 161 - 162
Chapter 163 - 164
Chapter 165 - 166
Chapter 167 - 168
Chapter 169 - 170
Chapter 171 - 172
Chapter 173 - 174
Chapter 175 - 176
Chapter 177 - 178
Chapter 179 - 180
Chapter 181 - 182
Chapter 183 - 184
Chapter 185 - 186
Chapter 189 - 190
Chapter 191 - 192
Chapter 193 - 194
Chapter 195 - 196
Chapter 197 - 198
Chapter 199 - 200
Chapter 201 - 202
Chapter 203 - 204
Chapter 205 - 206
Chapter 207 - 208
Chapter 209 - 210
Chapter 211 - 212
Chapter 213 - 214
Chapter 215 - 216
Chapter 217 - 218
Chapter 219 - 220
Chapter 221 - 222
Chapter 223 - 224
Chapter 225 - 226
Chapter 227 - 228
Chapter 229 - 230
Chapter 231 - 232
Chapter 233 - 234
Chapter 235 - 236
Chapter 237 - 238
Chapter 239 - 240
Chapter 241 - 242
Chapter 243 - 244
Chapter 245 - 246
Chapter 247 - 248
Chapter 249 - 250
Chapter 251 - 252
Chapter 253 - 254
Chapter 255 - 256
Chapter 257 - 258
Chapter 259 - 260
Chapter 261 - 262
Chapter 263 - 264
Chapter 265 - 266
Chapter 267 - 268
Chapter 269 - 270
Chapter 271 - 272
Chapter 273 - 274
Chapter 275 - 276
Chapter 277 - 278
Chapter 279 - 280
Chapter 281 - 282
Chapter 283 - 284
Chapter 285 - 286
Chapter 287 - 288
Chapter 289 - 290
Chapter 291 - 292
Chapter 293 - 294
Chapter 295 - 296
Chapter 297 - 298
Chapter 299 - 300
Chapter 301 - 302
Chapter 303 - 304
Chapter 305 - 306
Chapter 307 - 308
Chapter 309 - 310
Chapter 311 - 312
Chapter 313 - 314
Chapter 315 - 316
Chapter 317 - 318
Chapter 319 - 320
Chapter 321 - 322
Chapter 323 - 324
Chapter 325 - 326
Chapter 327 - 328
Chapter 329 - 330
Chapter 331 - 332
Chapter 333 - 334 [End]

Chapter 187 - 188

49 2 0
By Kazuyuuki95

Chapter 187 Doubts

Therefore, after Natsume organized his words, he said in an uncertain tone:

"I feel that there was something strange about the attack on us before. Although I don't know much about Xu, there are so many Xu with the same ability. There is always something abnormal when time appears.

Also, don’t you think the IQs of those Hollows are too high? If the Hollows were so smart and organized, it’s hard to say whether the layout of Hueco Mundo and Soul Society would still be what it is now. More

importantly Yes, this is obviously one of the top districts. Even though the route we chose that day was a bit remote, such a fierce battle lasted for such a long time and the Shinigami didn't react at all?" Natsume's words made Ichimaru Gin's face look ugly

. , he is not a stupid person to begin with, or to be more precise, Ichimaru Gin is smarter than most people in the world. He didn't think in that direction before, but now that Natsume mentioned it a little, he immediately figured it out.

——It turns out that the fact that you and Takashi almost died was not accidental and man-made? I really almost found the wrong target for revenge!

It was indeed hateful for Xu to force the two of them into that situation, but what was even more hateful was the mastermind behind the scenes!

No wonder the remaining voids self-destructed inexplicably. I originally thought it was some conspiracy that I didn't expect, but if those voids were really transformed, then the truth of the matter would be much simpler.

Because those are just semi-finished products!

Damn it!

There was a deep murderous intent in Ichimaru Gin's eyes.

Seeing Ichimaru Gin's expression, Natsume knew that she didn't have to worry. At least he would never become the second Hinamori Momo, otherwise Natsume couldn't guarantee whether he could stand such a crazy fan.

With Ichimaru Gin's intelligence, even if he doesn't know that there is a Shinigami like Sosuke Aizen, once he comes into contact with Sosuke Aizen, he will definitely find clues.

Natsume has never doubted Ichimaru Gin's IQ and acumen, even if Aizen Sosuke deceived almost all the Shinigami in Soul Society!

Hatred belongs to hatred. Ichimaru Gin is Ichimaru Gin after all, and hatred has not completely controlled his brain, so he quickly thought of a question that Natsume didn't mention just now.

"Why did we two become the target of attack?"

Ichimaru Gin suppressed the hatred and murderous intention deep in his heart, and began to think rationally: "

Although I don't understand how to transform Xu, I think it will definitely not be simple, especially It is even more difficult to do this while avoiding the eyes of the God of Death.

I wasted so much time and energy, and risked being exposed. In the end, I only used it to deal with us two ordinary drifting souls who are not even the God of Death. Street residents?

The mastermind behind this is not crazy, is he?"

To be honest, this is not only a question for Ichimaru Gin, but also for Natsume. He knows that the mastermind behind the scenes is Sosuke Aizen, but he must have a motive for attacking himself and Ichimaru Gin, right?

Moreover, Aizen Sosuke is probably not the captain yet, and his strength and power are not as high as he later realized, so it is impossible for him to reach out to Rukongai because he does not have the energy.

It is impossible to say that it is because of his special abilities. He has always been very careful. Everyone who saw his abilities has been silenced. No matter how powerful Aizen Sosuke is, he cannot imagine himself out of thin air. Exists?

So, what went wrong?

Natsume rubbed his head, feeling a little headache.


he has been thinking about the mastermind behind the scenes, the most important thing to Ichimaru Gin is Natsume, so his attention has never left Natsume, so he naturally saw Natsume's movements and expressions.

"Don't think so much."

Ichimaru Gin immediately put aside all his thoughts and worriedly touched Natsume's forehead with his other free hand. He was relieved a little after finding that the temperature was still normal.

Because he was too worried about Natsume, Ichimaru Gin didn't expect that he had been holding Natsume's hand all the time. If Natsume really had a fever, there was no way he wouldn't notice it.

This is what is called caring and chaos.

"You just woke up and your body is still weak. No matter how important things are, we can wait until you are better later. Your task now is to have a good rest and take good care of your body." Yes, compared to Natsume's physical

health For me, everything else is secondary. If Natsume is gone, even if we can find the mastermind behind it, what's the point of taking revenge?

Ichimaru Gin is very clear about this priority.


Natsume didn't force himself, and nodded honestly, because he was indeed feeling dizzy and uncomfortable now, so it was better not to embarrass himself.

Especially since he knew that the person behind him was Aizen Sosuke, there was always a chance to find out the reason why he was attacked from him, so he was not in a hurry.

"Don't be too tired, Gin. Now I have to rely on you to take care of me, so you can't fall down first." Before closing his eyes and going to

sleep, Natsume still paid more attention to Ichimaru Gin.

Natsume had noticed from the moment he woke up that Ichimaru Gin's face was very ugly. It was not the paleness after an injury like his, but the deep exhaustion after hard work. Natsume knew without asking that Ichimaru Gin's face was very ugly during his coma. He definitely hadn't rested, otherwise it wouldn't have been such a coincidence that he appeared in front of him just in time as soon as he opened his eyes?

Even though Ichimaru Gin has spiritual power and his physical fitness is much stronger than ordinary Zheng, after that day's battle, he didn't rest for who knows how many days, especially when he was worried about himself who was unconscious. In this case, his body It would be strange if there is no mental problem!

"Well, in order to take good care of you, I will take care of myself first, Takashi." Faced with

Natsume's concern, Ichimaru Gin smiled slightly, his bright red eyes narrowed, not only did he not look weird, but he actually gave people a strange look. A warm feeling.


Gin did not deal with Natsume. After watching Natsume's breathing become steady, he stared at the face that looked soft because he was asleep for a while, and then went back to his room to rest.

Ichimaru Gin just lay in bed for a long time but couldn't fall asleep. As soon as he closed his eyes, Natsume's unconscious appearance appeared in front of his eyes, and then he never dared to close his eyes again.

He knew that Natsume had woken up and was just sleeping now, but with the terrible memories of the past, Ichimaru Gin could not convince his brain to let it be controlled by his own reason.

After lying on the bed for almost an hour but still not feeling sleepy at all, Ichimaru Gin simply got up and went to Natsume's room to take a look. He found that his breathing was still steady and he had no fever, so he opened the door and went out.

Ichimaru Gin planned to go out to buy some things for Natsume to replenish his health, but he himself didn't know what amazing things he would discover just by going out this time.

Chapter 188 Peeping

Before buying anything, Ichimaru Gin first found a tavern to eat to satisfy his stomach. After all, he hadn't eaten properly for many days. Now in order to take good care of Natsume, the first thing he had to do was to take good care of himself.

Although it was a tavern, Ichimaru Gin, who was still thinking about Natsume, didn't order wine, but just ordered some food and started eating.

While eating, Ichimaru Gin accidentally noticed that two customers at a table near him were suspicious, so he paid attention.

Now, besides Natsume's health, Ichimaru Gin's mind is all about the undiscovered mastermind. In the past, even if he encountered the most suspicious person, he would pretend not to see it, or even stay away from it, but now as long as there is a trace, He would not let go of any possible clues.

The reason why I thought those two customers were suspicious was that they, like Ichimaru Gin himself, didn't order any drinks. This was a very unusual thing in a tavern. After all, not everyone has the same reasons as Ichimaru Gin not to drink. of.

Of course, this was just one of the things. If it was just this, Ichimaru Gin wouldn't take it to heart. What made him notice the two guests was another thing - the

weapons on their waists!

Weapons, or more accurately Zanpakutō, are a standard unique to Shinigami. This does not mean that other souls cannot have Zanpakutō, but without professional training, it is really difficult for them to get their own Zanpakutō. Too difficult.

At least Ichimaru Gin has not seen an ordinary soul with a Zanpakutō in this area. Now that two people appear at once, how can they not attract Ichimaru Gin's attention?

Even if the two of them disguise their Zanpakutō as ordinary weapons, they may be able to hide it from others, but they cannot hide it from Ichimaru Gin, because Natsume gave Ichimaru Gin special training on how to judge a Zanpakutō, so these two This god of death was unlucky enough to hit the muzzle of the gun.

What's ridiculous is that these two Shinigami didn't realize that they had been recognized at all. They finished their meal and left the store without any sense of precaution. They didn't even know that a tail was following behind them.

The two gods of death turned around several times, and finally entered a building that looked shabby on the outside. Naturally, Gin Ichimaru followed him in, and then they suddenly discovered that this building didn't even look like a homeless person. Even the dilapidated building that even disdains to come in actually has something else going on inside.

The equipment inside was something Ichimaru Gin had never seen before, but even so, he could tell that these things were extraordinary and definitely not something that ordinary people, or even ordinary Shinigami, should have.

Especially being hidden in such a shabby-looking building.

Then Ichimaru Gin's heartbeat suddenly increased, knowing that by coincidence, he seemed to have really found the rightful owner.

Ichimaru Gin did not act rashly, but became more cautious, because he could see that the two Shinigami, even if they were related to the attack on him and Natsume, were just some minions, and the real BOSS was not here. .

Therefore, Ichimaru Gin hid himself a little deeper in order to find clues on the two Shinigami.

I don’t know if it was because Ichimaru Gin’s RP was very high, but he didn’t hide it for long, and he actually found important clues from the conversation between the two Shinigami.


"When will Aizen-sama come over?"

"In three days."

"How should I explain those imaginary things to Aizen-sama? Although those imaginary ones have higher IQs, their physical stability has deteriorated. The last few Hollows self-destructed and died. We simply can't make a difference with such a semi-finished product!" "It's okay to say that the experiment

didn't succeed. After all, it didn't fail once or twice before. The more serious problem is that we We don’t even know who the targets of those experimental products are, and whether there are any survivors!”

“You can’t blame us. Lord Aizen had obviously made arrangements before to use other virtual weapons on all the Shinigami on duty here. We were attracted to another place, leaving only the two of us to observe the experimental results.

But there was a problem with the experimental equipment that day. After we repaired the broken equipment, the battle over there was over. In the end, we just based on what was left at the scene. The results of the experiment were judged from the traces, but the process was not seen at all.

If Aizen-sama knew that we had made such a big mistake, we would definitely become food for those experimental subjects! The same thing has happened before!" "Then

what should we do? We can't escape either. Master Aizen has done something to our bodies. Once we defect, he will know immediately, and then..." "Then there is only one way!" "


? The way?"

"It's very simple. Just compile an experiment report. Anyway, we can judge the general process of the experiment from the residue on the scene. We can compile the detailed information directly. Anyway, the final result is that the experiment failed, and Aizen-sama won't do it either. They pay too much attention to the process."

"But what if there are survivors? Will they tell the truth?" "Don't

worry, no one will survive. Judging from the spiritual fluctuations at the scene, those who fell into the trap There are only two people. Although they are very powerful and have killed many experimental Hollows, they are not Shinigami after all. They do not have Zanpakutō and do not know Kidō. Even if we are surrounded by so many Experimental Hollows, we cannot survive, let alone those stupid ones. Residents of Rukongai

, can they still compare to official Shinigami like us?

So there is no problem."

"...Well, let's make up an experimental report, hoping to hide it from the shrewd blue. Ran-sama."



following words are the contents of the fabricated experimental report, which is of little use to Ichimaru Gin.

After realizing this, Ichimaru Gin gritted his teeth and rushed out to kill the two hateful Shinigami who used him and Natsume as test subjects. After all, Ichimaru Gin, who was still sane, knew that he can't win even one of them, let alone two of them!

Revenge or something like that is completely a luxury for him now!

Once again, Ichimaru Gin quietly and cautiously came out of the building. Ichimaru Gin stood outside, looked at the dilapidated building, and then looked in the direction of Jing Ling Ting. His eyes flickered for a while and then returned to his usual calmness. But only Ichimaru Gin himself knew about the hatred suppressed under the surface calmness.

As if nothing had happened, nothing had been seen, and nothing had been heard, Ichimaru Gin went to buy nutritional supplements according to the previous plan and took them home to replenish Natsume's body, because he was hiding well. Even Natsume didn't realize that Ichimaru Gin already knew the truth.

By the time Natsume found out, it was already too late.

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