The Violet Witch | The Vampi...

By Your_Next_Door_Idiot

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No one knows what happens when you die. It's a mystery that has always been. So when my time came, I accepted... More

Luna Blacksmith
Summer before the beginning 
Act 1 - The Beginning
1.1 The Beginning
1.2 Night of the Comet
1.3 Friday night bites
1.4 Family Ties
1.5 You're undead to me
1.6 Lost Girls
1.7 Haunted
Haunted, Part 2
1.8 162 Candles
1.9 History Repeating
1.10 Turning point
1.11 Bloodlines
1.12 unpleasantville
1.13 Children of the Damned
1.14 Making moves
1.15 A Few Good Men
1.16 Little Mischief
1.16 part 2: Answers
1.17 A day in
1.18 Uncle John
1.19 Miss Mystic Falls
1.20 Isobel
1.21 Founder's Day
Act 2 - Now the fun begins
2.2 Brave new world
2.3 Bad Moon Rising
2.3 Part 2: A long Overdue Reunion
2.4 Bringing forth someone lost
2.5 A date
2.6 Revealing the long hidden Truth
What happened while Luna and Damon were gone !!! Important !!!
2.7 Masquerade
2.8 Making New Allies
Quick important question
2.9 Discovery and Slater
2.10 The Full Truth
2.10 Part 2: The Sacrifice
2.11 By the Light of the Full Moon
!!!Twin Flame Voting!!!
2.11 Part 2
2.12 Meeting the Best Friend
2.13 The Message
2.14 The Dinner Party
2.15 The Making of a new Hybrid
2.16 The Last Dance
2.16 Part 2
Soulmate List !!!Spoiler Warning!!!
2.17 Preparations
2.18 The Sacrafice
Act 3 - A new Story Unfolds
3.1 The First Werewolves Collected
3.2 Chicago
3.3 Mason and Hayley
3.4 Returning Home
3.5 Soulmates and Outfits
3.6 Soulmates and Ester

2.1 The Return

2.6K 123 22
By Your_Next_Door_Idiot

After last night Caroline made a miraculous recovery. Or, that's what those who don't know about what Damon did is saying.

It was the next day. Damon had called me in the morning telling me about what had happened yesterday, when he had gone to check up on Jeremy on my request. Elena had tried kissing him, but he pushed her away, and yelled at her for trying to kiss him when she was with Stefan, and knowing he barely tolerated her.

I told him it wasn't Elena but Katherine. About half an hour later we gathered at Elena's house and talked about what happened. Stefan never tried attacking his brother, he was happy that Damon stood up for him. Elena was not amused by Katherine's actions and didn't comment on anything that Damon and Katherine did. Knowing Damon would never want to kiss her.

We talked about how Katherine was invited into the Gilbert residence. How she attacked John and cut off his fingers, removing his Gilbert ring. Then tried killing him. Luckily Elena came home just in time, forcing Katherine to flee. John was now in the hospital, just having been threatened by Stefan to leave town.

It was currently at a gathering at the Lockwood mansion. The funeral was gonna take place later that day, but by then almost everyone would be gone.

I watched as the people gathered, drinking and talking with one another. As I looked around, I noticed one important thing that amused me. No one was mourning him. I could feel it, their emotions. No one was really sad except for his wife and Tyler. Other than those two, people were just here because he was the mayor.

I mean, who can blame them? The guy was an abusive dick, even if they didn't know about his abusive tendencies. Although he hasn't abused Tyler in any way for months. I may or may not have threatened him with some fake footage I created with my magic. Luckily it was real enough to scare him straight.

I saw the black sheep of the Lockwood family arrive. Mason Lockwood. He was the younger brother of Mayor Lockwood (Don't remember his name). He unlike his older brother and nephew Tyler Lockwood, was a triggered werewolf.

Werewolves are a species that comes from a bloodline curse. Making the human born with the lycanthropic gene. The Lycanthropic gene exists within the father's bloodline. Meaning Tyler got it from his dad, just like his dad and his uncle got it from the Lockwood before them. The gene passes through both the males and females of the Lockwood bloodline. But only those who are a Lockwood by blood.

The curse is triggered when he or she takes a human life. Whether it was an accident or not, is irrelevant.

Tyler and his now-deceased father were unaware of their supernatural blood. Even though they have never triggered their curse and turned, they are still supernatural.

Mason, Tyler's uncle on the other hand is well aware of his supernatural heritage. From what I learned from the show, back in Florida, Katherine had compelled one of his friends to pick a fight with him. One push was too strong, and the friend cracked his head on the concrete. Resulting in his death and the curse triggering.

I was just walking around waiting for the moment when Katherine showed up. She was to come here before Elena did. Mess with Bonnie, and then Stefan. But I was gonna take this time to finally talk to her.

I used my magic to search for her, her mind, and her vampiric aura. Sensing her, I made my way to her location. When I got there, I heard her speaking to Bonnie.

"We haven't officially met. I'm Katherine." The old vampire introduced herself.

"I know who you are," Bonnie said calmly. She didn't need to worry. Unlike in the original timeline, Bonnie could hold her own.

"Of course you do. You're the best friend, right?" Katherine asked her. "I've been putting all the pieces of Elena's life together. Isobel told me it was a bit of a puzzle. I do know who Jenna and Jeremy are. I've met that delicious ex-boyfriend, Matt, who's sweet on Caroline, and then there is you, the vampire-hating Bennett witch. Did I do good?"

Bonnie quickly turned around, trying to get away from her. Katherine used her vampire speed and got in front of her, blocking her way. Bonnie focused on her, giving the older vampire an aneurism, only for Katherine to stand up like nothing happened.

"I've been around for a long time, Bonnie. You're gonna have to do a lot better than that." She grabs Bonnie by the throat and pushes her against the wall. She vamps out. Bonnie opens the doors with her powers to expose them to the other guests. Katherine's face goes back to normal.

"Nice." Still holding their position, Stefan came up to them. No one has noticed me yet. I was just waiting for the right time to show myself.


"Leave her alone." The younger Salvatore told her.

"Okay." Katherine released her hold on Bonnie. As Katherine was making her way to Stefan I called out her name, making myself known.

"Katerina." I used her old name knowing it would gain her attention. Katherine whipped her head around staring me straight in the eyes. Bonnie and Stefan were looking at me worriedly.

"And who are you?" The older vampire asked me slowly, walking slowly over to me.

"I am the one with the blazing eyes," I informed her, no emotions written on my face. Katherine's expression turns to one of shock. "We need to talk. Please, follow me." I started walking in the direction of the woods.

"Luna!" Stefan called out to me. "She's dangerous." His voice, was filled with worry.

"So am I."

"But-" Stefan tried reasoning with me again, only I cut him off before he could say anything.

"Stefan," I spoke his name. Instantly he stopped speaking. "Let the adult handle this."

I continued walking out, an amused Katherine following me. Stefan and Bonnie were staring from the room, worried about what Katherine might try and do to me.

"Isobel told me you could give me my freedom. How? What do you know?" Katherine questioned me as we continued walking.

"I know more than you do, Katerina." I simply told her, finally stopping at a bench near the woods behind the Lockwood mansion. "I am what you would call a seer. Blessed and cursed with knowledge of what has been, and what is yet to be." The older vampire just looked at me unconvinced.

"And why should I believe you?" Instead of answering her, I walked up to her. Katherine took a step back, not knowing what I would do.

"Give me your hand, and I shall show you." I looked into her eyes, holding my hand out to her. The older vampire hesitantly held my hand. My eyes and hers simultaneously glazed over with a violet hue.

I showed her some memories of her. When she gave birth to her daughter 500 years ago. When she met Klaus and Elijah. When she turned. When she met the Salvatore brothers. "This is what has been," I spoke to her, not breaking the connection. "Now, to show you what is yet to be." This time, I showed her what her future was like from what I watched in the show.

She saw herself trapped within the tomb. Klaus captures her and then tortures her. I showed her following Klaus and Stefan to Chicago. Finally, I showed her something that wasn't real. To trick her into working with me, she needs to believe it will save her life. I showed her a fake image of Klaus ripping her heart out when he had caught her in Chicago.

As pulled away from the visions, Katherine was in a daze. Katherine gathered herself up. She looked at me, my expression still emotionless.

"How can you save me?" She finally asked me.

"I know something extremely important about Klaus's curse that he is unaware of. I also have something that he would like more than anything. I will simply bargain with him." I told her that it was the simplest thing.

"He's gonna kill you." She told me like it was obvious.

"He can try, but not even an original can kill me. I, on the other hand, might be able to end him if I wish."

"What are you?" Katherine looked at me in shock at this new piece of information.

I simply stared at her emotionless, I could feel her uneasiness. I stepped forward, blazing my violet eyes. My voice changed to something like that of a monster. Like when I threatened John.

"I, am chaos."


A few hours passed and I was back in the hospital. I was gonna tell Caroline about her turning into a vampire. Then I'm gonna give her the choice. I go and Katherine turns her, or I stay and protect her from Katherine, making sure she doesn't turn her.

As I made my way through the halls, a nurse came up to me.

"Ma'am, you can't be here. Visiting hours are over."

I didn't face the woman and kept on walking. She tried following me, but I waved my hand, violet tendrils appearing and entering the nurse's temple. Her eyes glazed over and she walked away. I erased her mind and compelled her to not bother me again.

I made my way over to Caroline's room. I walked in knowing she was asleep. I set down my bag on the only chair in there. I grazed my hand over her body, violet tendrils leaving my hand and entering her, waking her up. Caroline began to stir until she woke up. Seeing me, she smiled brightly.

"Luna, what are you doing here?" She asks happy. I went over and we hugged.

"We need to talk." We released from the hug, and Caroline looked at me worried.

"What is it?" Caroline now became worried.

"Remember when I told you about all of this," I vowed my hands around, trying to signal to the supernatural.

"Yeah, why?" She asked me confused.

"Remember when I told you that one day, you would turn into a vampire," I asked her softly.

"Yeah... wait. Is that today?"

"Yes. But I would like to give you some options." I tried easing her nerves.

"What are they?" She asked me, still trying to wrap her head around the fact she was gonna turn soon.

"First, I can save you from Katherine so that you will stay human. Or, I could leave, Katherine comes and kills you. You turn and I come back tomorrow morning and help you with everything. You don't need to choose now. You still have an hour left." I told her as softly as I could.

"What will I be like? As a vampire." She asked me. Almost afraid of the answer.

"You will become amazing. Remember when I told you I could see the future? Well, from what I have seen. Vampirism fits you like a glove. Like you were meant to become it all along. Your true self was revealed and it's more beautiful and brighter than ever before. You thrive."

Caroline had a look of amazement on her face.

"I want that. I want to be a vampire." Caroline made her choice. A choice I know she will not regret.

There will be hard times like her mom finding out. But from that their relationship became stronger and better than ever before. Vampirism didn't just improve her as a person, but her life as well.


3rd person's point of view

It was past midnight when a figure traveled through the shadows of Mystic Falls Hospital. As the figure made its way to its target, a face was shown in the light of a small lamp in the hospital room. Revealing, Katherine.

As the vampire neared Caroline, the blond woke up, gazing upon the figure.

"Elena?" Caroline asked weakly. She was still a little out of it from just having woken up.

"I'm Katherine." Katherine moved like a predator circling its prey.

"What?" Caroline asked. She was just beginning to know her surroundings. She quickly realized who was before her. This wasn't Elena. It was Katherine Pierce, the woman Luna told her would turn her.

Thanks to Luna, Caroline knows pretty much her entire story. After Caroline learned of the truth about the supernatural. She and Luna only became closer than before. Weekly sleepovers, and so much more. But one thing they did every single time was gossip. Caroline had the Gossip from the present, and Luna had the gossip from the past.

"I need you to give the Salvatore a message from me." Katherine was now in front of her, reading one of the pillows so she could suffocate Caroline. "Game on."

"Wait!" Caroline yelled out, holding her hands in front of her face.

"What?" The vampire asked her impatiently.

"Can't you like, snap my neck instead?" The blond asked the vampire without a care in the world. The vampire looked at her in utter confusion. "Like... suffocating me will like ruin my makeup and will be so annoying. Why not just get it over with instead of dragging it out? Last time I checked, I didn't do anything to you. The least you could do is give me a quick death."

"OKAY FINE! JUST SHUT UP!" Katherine yelled out, having enough of the blond's commentary. She vamped forward snapping her neck.

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