His Obsession

Galing kay Maryellen_19

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Warning: Dark Romance. Severus is extremely manipulative and cruel. If you don't like that, don't read it. A... Higit pa

My Sister Suffers
My Sister Unbroken
My Sister's Keeper
My Sister Chained
My Sister Silenced
My Sister's Problem
My Sister's Punishment
My Sister's Secret
My Sister Discovered
My Sister Defeated
My Sister Subdued
My Sister, a Lady
My Sister the Death Eater
My Sister's Betrothal
My Sister Unhealed
While my Sister Sleeps
My Sister Scarred
My Sister Resigned
My Sister's 'Happy' Christmas
My Sister in Anguish
My Sister Revealed
My Sister's Acceptance
My Sister's Heart
To Love my Sister

My Sister's Devotion

178 4 0
Galing kay Maryellen_19

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Warning: Mentions of infant death, it is very vague. Also not Aurora's baby. 

Snape's POV

Severus dipped his head down and breathed in her scent deeply. Her posture had long since relaxed. The soft snores leaving her gave away that she had fallen asleep. He chuckled lightly, reaching up to run his fingers through her slightly tangled curls. His Aurora napped all the time now. He could see the fatigue in her drooping eyelids ninety percent of the time. She had told him it was because the baby was zapping most of her energy, and he figured it made sense. 

It still amazed him that she was creating a whole being inside of her. The perfect combination of himself and his beautiful Aurora. He hoped the child took after their mother when it came to her looks, a female with his visage would be unfortunate. 

Severus placed his hand over her swollen womb and rubbed the bump tenderly. He loved seeing her like this, heavy with his child. No one could deny how deep his claim over her went when she was carrying a piece of him within her. 

He knew his attraction to her was unhealthy, but he was powerless to stop the feeling as it consumed him. He had wanted her for a very long time, and once he had her it only enhanced his infatuation. Now that she was his, he would do anything to keep her. 

Severus had felt this way once before but never on such an intense level as this. There had been a girl who he had desperately loved, but she had proved to be unworthy. He had given Lily Evans everything that he could possibly offer her, and she had thrown it back in his face. Scorning him and prancing away in the arms of Potter and Black! 

That had been at the end of fifth year. He had been heartbroken at first, but it didn't last long. The dark lord had taken an interest in him. He had quickly dispelled Severus from his silly notion that Lily Evans had ever been his equal. It had not been hard to convince Severus that she and her companions were beneath him. They had never shown him the proper respect he deserved, so why should he care what happened to them?  

The year after that he slowly took more notice of Aurora. Severus had already been attracted to her, it was hard not to be. She was extremely alluring, and delicate. His eyes darkened with arousal as he thought of the softness of her skin. He parted her robes and slid his hand under the hem, until his palm was resting against her inner thigh. He relished in the warmth he could feel radiating from her center, but made no moves to touch her further. 

Her reserved demeanor had put her in the perfect position of isolation. When he had been given the order to take her, it had been dreadfully easy. His Aurora was powerful, there was no doubt about it in his mind. Part of the reason she had called to him, had been because of the steadily growing well of magic he felt crackling around her. Once she reached full maturity, and refined her skills she was sure to be a force to be reckoned with. She lacked the ruthlessness required to win against someone who meant her harm though. 

It was what had ultimately been her downfall. If she didn't act like a frightened bunny every time she was in the vicinity of a threat, she would be able to win against an opponent. Severus frowned and he picked up an errant curl that had fallen down into her face. He wrapped the strand of hair loosely around his fingers, stroking the silkiness of it softly.

It worried him that the dark lord had taken a greater interest in her. It was obvious to anyone who had a brain that he had bigger plans for her. It smarted Severus that he could not join the gathering tonight. He was among the dark lord's favorites, but until a mark adorned his flesh he could not participate in an official death eater meeting. 

Severus also wasn't particularly fond of letting Aurora go without him. She was naively unaware of the lecherous gazes that normally followed her around. It baffled him sometimes that she did not realize how gorgeous she really was. Definitely too beautiful for him. Pride surged through him at the thought that she was his. Even if he didn't deserve her, he still had her and he would not let a single soul take her away from him. 

The corners of Severus's mouth drew down unpleasantly. Lucius would be in attendance at the meeting as well, and he would be without his intended. Narcissa did not have the mark, she did not want one and the dark lord had not sought her out. 

It had not escaped Severus's notice that Aurora had been sneaking glances at the older male all morning. However, the aristocratic blonde had not returned a single one, and it had made Severus extremely happy. Maybe there had been some truth to the words Lucius had told him in the library the day before. The man definitely seemed to be enthralled in Narcissa's spell. 

Or maybe he had not wanted to draw his betrothed's ire by looking at another woman? Severus's brows drew together in frustration. He could ask Lucius to look after Aurora during the gathering in his stead, and hope that when Lucius had said he held no attraction towards Aurora he had been telling the truth. Or, he could send Aurora alone to the gathering and forbid her from talking with Lucius and punishing her if she defies him. 

He wanted to go with the latter but eventually he rationalized that she would be safer with someone looking out for her. Not that Severus thought the dark lord would harm Aurora, but he knew that his followers held very few morals. It was not uncommon for them to attack each other whenever the dark lord was away. 

Severus sighed, and snuggled his Aurora tightly against him. Her jasmine scent filled him and he squeezed her inner thigh in arousal. He wanted to take her right there on the couch, thrust into her and have her eyes open in surprise. He had other things to take care of first however. He carefully disentangled himself from underneath her and laid her back on the couch cushions. She wiggled briefly, and then settled back into the comforting padding and resumed sleeping. 

Severus gave her one last lingering look before he turned and walked out of the room. He had to find Lucius and make sure he agreed to watch out for his Aurora, and make sure the older male knew not to touch her. If he found out Lucius had even brushed against her accidentally, he would cut off his hand. 


Aurora's POV

Aurora was nervous, the gathering was set to start any minute and her fear from earlier returned in full force. She did not know where the meeting was going to take place, but Snape had said when she felt the call she would know where to go. 

She had dressed in heavy black robes that hid her figure well. She knew that death eaters originally were meant to hide their features as well with a mask, but she had not been given one. She had pulled her hair back sharply into a high bun and lined her eyes darkly. The black tones made her skin look unattractively pale, but she couldn't go dressed in her nicest robes.

Snape was hovering over her, an ominous aura surrounding him. She knew he was not happy that she was going without him but he wouldn't dare make her stay. He would not so callously refuse his lord. "You will leave as soon as the dark lord does." He said suddenly, a dark look passing over his features. Aurora nodded, distractedly. 

She glanced out the window at the darkening sky. The clouds were a violet color, stars twinkling beneath them, and the moon was already high in the sky. The sunset had come and went, most of the rays completely extinguished. 

Snape's arm wrapped around her shoulders and he drew her close to him. She stiffened as his scent enveloped her. "You are worrying needlessly, you will be protected." He told her softly.

His words were meant to comfort her, but she didn't understand how he would be able to protect her, if he wasn't allowed to go. Still, she nodded and forced herself to relax in his arms. Snape leaned down and nuzzled the side of her neck with his nose. She felt him inhale deeply before he placed a chaste kiss on the skin. 

Aurora shivered at the touch, she tilted her head back slightly to give him better access. The pleasurable sensation of him gliding his tongue over her, and then sucking her tender flesh between his teeth, had her sighing contently. If his intention had been to distract her from worrying, it was working.

He bit down a little harshly on her neck. Although she winced at the contact, she also felt a rush of warmth in her center. She had noticed recently that her mind was beginning to associate some elements of pain with pleasure. Snape groaned against her, she felt his hand sliding underneath the hem of her robes. His fingers teased the outside of her knickers, while his teeth continued their relentless pursuit of her neck. He had just slipped the knuckle of one of his fingers into her wet slit when an intense burning feeling spread across her forearm. 

Aurora hissed sharply in pain and pulled away from Snape. She looked at him, stricken with fear. "I've gotta go," she whispered. 

Snape turned towards her with a dark expression, "you will come right back, and you will not talk to anybody." He ordered.

Aurora nodded and bit her lip sharply, "how do I know where to go?" She asked, her voice strained as the pain intensified. 

Snape cocked his head to the side, "I think you just touch your mark as you apparate, and you will be directed to him." He said.

With the blood rushing loudly in her ears and her heart feeling as if it was about to burst from her ribcage, Aurora brought her hand down to her mark. Touching it faintly with her fingertips, she turned on the spot and apparated. She felt the pressure closing in on her from all sides as she was whisked away, and she was vaguely worried for the safety of her child. 

Aurora arrived in a clearing that was in the middle of a dark forest. There was already a crowd of people gathered around, but there was no way to tell if she knew any of them. They were all dressed in their death eater robes. She stood out like a sore thumb, her features illuminated by the scant light of the moon. 

The dark lord stood in the middle of the clearing with two masked servants standing behind him. He didn't seem to be in an angry mood, he actually looked quite jovial. Aurora was not sure if that was a good sign or not. 

She stepped behind three more people and tried to disappear into the back of the crowd. She did not want to bring any attention towards herself if she could help it. Aurora about jumped out of her skin when she felt long fingers skidding up her side lightly. She heard a deep chuckle as a tall figure stepped into her line of sight from behind her. 

Aurora stared at the masked man warily, and he drew another inch closer, "Boo!" He said mockingly. 

She glared defiantly at him as her heart skipped a beat, "Lucius!" She seethed.

He laughed at her and reached up removing his mask from his face. "I didn't realize we were on a first name basis Ms. Black." His eyes were filled with humor but she could only feel mortification. She had gotten so used to referring to him as Lucius in her head, she had let it slip. 

"Sorry, Mr. Malfoy." Aurora murmured, her gaze fell to her feet.

"I was only joking, Aurora."  Lucius said softly.

She peaked up at him hesitantly and tried to relax when she saw his concerned look. "I know, I'm sorry." She said again, her cheeks darkened with embarrassment. 

He smiled at her and reached towards her, she forced herself not to flinch when he tucked her elbow into his. "Let's get closer to the dark lord. I need to relay some information to him before the gathering ends." He said.

Aurora gulped but didn't argue with him as he re-donned the mask, and started leading them through the crowd of followers. She had never been this close to Lucius before, and her small crush was swelling significantly at his proximity. He smelled of fresh soap and worn leather, and she found herself turning towards the smell; breathing it in greedily.

They drew to a stop just as they reached the front of the circle. Aurora could see the dark lord clearly now, and her fear intensified when his red eyes rested gleefully upon her. He took a step in her direction, and she slunk into Lucius's side, trying to disappear. He did not push her away from him, but he also didn't pull her against him to try and shield her from the dark lord's attention either. 

"Ah. Our newest member has arrived." The dark lord said loudly. 

What felt like a hundred eyes, turned in her direction, and Aurora wanted to sink into the floor. Her heart was pounding harshly against her chest and her palms were beginning to sweat. She felt herself trying to slink further into Lucius's side but stumbled slightly when he pushed her off of him gently. 

Aurora tried to calm her breathing, but her adrenaline was running too high. The dark lord was looking at her as if he was waiting for something. It took her several moments for her mouth to catch up with her brain, and then she slowly bowed. "It is an h-honor to s-serve you, my lord." 

There was a low chuckle as the dark lord took another step towards her. He moved lithely, like a predator getting ready to pounce upon its next meal. "I almost believe you." He told her darkly.

Aurora's eyes widened and she found her feet moving backwards once again. A loud cackle cut through the air, "the ickle baby is afraid." Someone sang obnoxiously. Aurora whipped around, trying to find the source of the words. It was hard to tell who it could have been. Everyone seemed to be facing her direction, but they were all standing stoically with their masks plastered on their faces. She knew the voice had been feminine, but the bulky robes did a good job of obscuring their frames. .

"Now, now Bella, be kind. She is new, she hasn't yet learned the power that I can offer her." The dark lord crooned, drawing Aurora's focus back to him. 

"But you will." He promised, his red eyes gleaming at her vigorously. 

The dark lord stared at her frightened stance in amusement, "come here." He demanded.

He had said it with little force but she knew it was not an order that was meant to be defied. Aurora looked back at Lucius, who it seemed had not stopped looking at her since the dark lord had taken interest in her. He dipped his head in acceptance. The movement was so minuscule, she thought she may have imagined it. 

Keeping her gaze locked firmly on the ground, she stepped towards the dark lord hesitantly. Her head felt lighter the closer to him she went, her heart had long since burst free and escaped into the wind. Aurora tried to remind herself that she was more than likely safe and that the dark lord would not hurt her. It didn't help though, there was no convincing her mind that this was not a dangerous wizard. He may not have plans to kill her now, but that could easily change at the drop of a hat. 

She stopped in front of him, her head still bowed deeply. "My lord?" she asked.

He didn't answer her right away, instead he shifted his focus to the gathered crowd of death eaters and shouted. "Tonight is a night of celebration! Outside these woods is a small muggle village, within this village resides a family. An abomination! The filthy mudblood has procreated, further polluting our magical lineages. We will torment the deluded bitch for ever thinking she could corrupt our superior magic with her foul blood! Eliminating her contaminated bloodline before it can infect us further." 

There was a chorus of whoops and cheering after his speech, but all Aurora could feel was dread. This is why she had refused to join the dark lord in the first place. She did not relish the idea of spilling innocent blood, even if the blood in question was spoiled. She also didn't think she could harm any children, not when she was soon to have one of her own. It felt sickening to harm such a pure life.

The dark lord looked at Aurora in sadistic amusement. He reached inside his robes and withdrew something that flashed silver in the dim light. She sucked in a shuddering breath when she realized it was a death eater's mask. She didn't know why, but donning the mask made it seem so real. 

"As our newest member, I'm leaving the killing of the mudblood up to you. I want you to show me that you are dedicated to this cause." He told her lowly. There was a dangerous glint in his eye, and she knew that if she failed, she would severely regret it. 

Aurora's mouth ran dry, and she could feel the blood drain from her face. How was she going to kill someone? She could defend herself if need be, but to intentionally extinguish a life that had not even meant to harm her. It was too dastardly to contemplate. And yet, she had to. Her hands circled her belly protectively, she had a life to protect. The family may not mean her harm, but the dark lord had no such qualms. So she stood perfectly still, her head bowed respectfully, and forced herself to say, "Of course, my lord." 

"See to it that you do not disappoint me, Ms. Black." He said so darkly chills skated down her spine. Again, Aurora nodded. The dark lord stepped away from her, calling forth a few of his followers to discuss information quietly. She let loose a relieved sigh as his focus shifted away from her and she fell back against Lucius's sturdy frame. 

He chuckled lowly in her ear, "you're awfully touchy tonight. Do you have something you wish to tell me?" 

Aurora turned shocked eyes to him, "N-no!" She spluttered and moved away from him slightly. To be honest, she was so upset about the fact that she was meant to kill someone, that she had forgotten she was taking liberties. It wasn't a good idea. Snape was not currently here to witness her blunder but she didn't doubt that he had ways of finding out. 

Lucius snickered at her, and she hastily put her new mask over her face to hide the rising blush in her cheeks. She pulled the hood of her robes up, further concealing her from his gaze. The metal of the mask pricked her cheekbones uncomfortably, and her sight was narrowed by the eye holes. She huffed, irritably. This was quickly turning into one of the worst nights of her life, and that was saying something. 


The wait turned out to be easier than the deed. The dark lord had only commissioned a few to enter the household of Muriel Whitby, formerly Donahue.  The dark lord led the party into the house, spouting pureblood supremacy. The Witby's had not stood a chance in the end. When they had first entered the domicile, Aurora had heard the father telling his wife to run. She saw a streak of pink as the woman tried to run out the back door, a baby swaddled in her arms. 

Please get away, she thought. Aurora couldn't be blamed if the woman made it out of there before she could kill her. Her stomach plummeted when she saw the two masked figures standing outside the couple's back door. Of course the dark lord would have thought of that, he had also set anti-apparition wards around the house before they had entered. The family was truly trapped. 

Muriel cast a spell at one of the death eaters but he easily dodged it and pulled out his own wand. He disarmed her without much fight. The other death eater stepped forward and ruthlessly ripped the squalling babe from Muriel's arms. "No! Give him back!" She screamed, lunging after the child. The death eater danced gracefully out of her path, cackling madly.

The death eater that had disarmed her, grabbed Muriel tightly by the arms and began leading her into the center of the sitting room. She didn't go easily, she struggled against her captor aggressively. Using all her strength to try and twist from his arms, but he was too bulky and strong. In the end she had only accomplished angering him. He wound thick ropes around her wrists with his wand, and kicked the back of her legs. Forcing her to fall to her knees next to her husband.

The dark lord had easily dispatched Elliot Whitby of his wand upon entering and had him kneeling before him with his hands tied behind his back as well. Elliot's eyes were wild with rage and obvious concern for his wife and child's well being. He kept glancing between Muriel and his child desperately. The death eater that had snatched the baby away from Muriel was comforting the baby with slow rocking movements. The dark woman was whispering something to the child as she swayed.

 "Please, whatever you want, you can take it. Just please don't hurt them." Elliot pleaded with the dark lord.

The dark lord laughed shortly, "Oh I intend to. Unfortunately for you, what I want is to hurt them. I want to hurt them very much." He said softly, looking at Elliot unapologetically.

Elliot struggled to stand from his position on the floor, his face white with panic. "No. Please."

The death eater that stood behind Elliot kicked him harshly in the back of his knees, knocking him forcefully back to the ground. Elliot pitched forward in unbalance and sprawled helplessly in front of the dark lord's feet. 

Aurora looked at Lucius in shock, she had never seen him be deliberately cruel before. The picture she had painted of him the last few days began to flicker slightly at the edges. How could he have kicked a helpless man remorselessly? Maybe she really didn't know Lucius after all.

The dark lord laughed mockingly at the crumpled form of Elliot, "there is nothing more I could want from a pathetic blood traitor and a filthy mudblood. Your existence became insignificant the day you chose to turn your back on your heritage and pollute our ancestry." 

Aurora turned away as the dark lord raised his wand and pointed it at Elliot's powerless frame. "I am however, not without mercy. I will give you the gift of death so you do not have to witness the torture of your family." Elliot's eyes widened as Muriel screamed, "No!" She tried to launch herself in front of the dark lord's spell but the person behind her was gripping her shoulders tightly. Forcing her to sit still and watch as the light faded out of her husband's eyes.

Aurora felt tears prick her eyes as she heard the loud keening whine that was being released from Muriel's lips. "Monsters! You're all Monsters!" Muriel cried. 

The dark lord stepped towards the quivering frame of Muriel and caught her chin roughly in his grasp. He smiled sadistically at her, "sadly for you, you are correct." 

Muriel tried to withdraw from him. Her eyes were red rimmed and swollen but she still glared hotly at the dark lord. "I'm not scared of you." She said.

Aurora admired her strength, there was no way she would still be able to put on a brave front if she had been in the mudblood's shoes. The dark lord's smile grew vicious, "I'm sure you will change your mind." 

The dark lord looked at Aurora and her stomach roiled nauseously. It was time for her to prove how dedicated she was to the dark lord's cause, and her feet felt firmly rooted to the floor. 

"Ms. Black, why don't you show this vermin how we treat her kind." He said intently.

Aurora felt like every nerve ending was on fire. Her breathing escalated and her gaze snapped to the scornful gaze of Muriel. She didn't know how she was going to do it, already her resolve was fading from her. 

Aurora felt herself slowly stepping back, and away from the dark lord, when suddenly she felt bubbly. Her mind was dreamily unaware of the surroundings around her but she knew she was meant to be completing something. A task? Oh yes, she was supposed to be torturing the mudblood. The thought filled her with pleasant sensations and she wondered why she had ever been hesitant to do it before. 

Purposefully she marched over to the defiant mudblood and raised her wand in her direction. She knew what spell she was going to use before she even properly thought about it. Power swirled within her and she spoke the unforgivable with cruel intent. "Crucio." The word vaguely sounded wrong coming from her lips, but she couldn't remember why. 

The streak of light left her wand forcefully and collided with the form of Muriel Whitby. The woman's head snapped back and her body convulsed uncontrollably. Her arms were pulled taut as her hands were still bound behind her, and Aurora could see the muscles in her shoulders straining desperately. 

She watched stoically as the woman began to foam at the mouth, and fell from her kneeled position. Her head hit the floor with a loud smack, and only when her eyes rolled into the back of her head did Aurora release her from the curse. 

There was a loud clap next to her ear as the dark lord praised her, "well done, Ms. Black." 

Aurora preened at the praise, "thank you, my lord." she said.

The dark lord stepped over to the crumpled form of Muriel, and raised his wand. "Enervate."  

Muriel gasped as she woke up, her eyes searching wildly across the room. Her fear filled eyes rested on the dark lord and she cringed at his nearness. "Please, no more." 

"We are only just beginning." He assured her. Muriel wailed at the revelation and her eyes sought out her child. The baby had long since quieted down, and was currently sleeping soundly in the crook of the female follower's arms. 

Muriel visibly gulped and she looked at the dark lord hesitantly, "M-my child?" she asked. 

The dark lord smirked at her, "I'd worry about myself if I were you." He said chidingly. 

Muriel paled considerably, and Aurora could tell that she was having a hard time processing her thoughts and emotions. Something Aurora was agreeing with. Her reality no longer seemed to be real at the moment. Everything happening around her seemed hazy, almost like she was an outsider looking in. 

The dark lord told the death eater that had originally restrained Muriel that he could have his fun with her but not to go too far. The kill would still belong to Aurora. 

She knew that there was definitely something wrong with her when she watched the man rape Muriel, emotionlessly. A tiny spark of disgust tried to find its way to the surface, but it was snuffed out as soon as it appeared. 

Aurora felt a warm hand touch her hip and she lifted her gaze up to Lucius's light blue eyes dreamily. She could see the mirth dancing in them, and she wondered what could be amusing him. There was screaming and loud grunting surrounding them as the male death eater ruthlessly pounded into Muriel, but Aurora was focused only on Lucius. 

His eyes flicked up to the scene in front of her, and she watched thoughtfully as his eyes darkened in lust. She had seen the look on Snape's face too many times to mistake it for anything else. 

Lucius looked back down at her, slowly he brought his fingers just underneath her mask and pulled the metal off of her face. Aurora didn't move, she knew that she shouldn't let Lucius do whatever it was he was about to do but something was telling her to be still. So she did.

Lucius removed his mask as well and brought his hand to her chin. He tilted her face back and then pressed his lips softly against her own. This isn't right! She couldn't allow Lucius to kiss her! Clarity began to creep back into her consciousness and cleared away the cloudiness. She shook the curse off, shedding it like a second skin. 

Aurora pulled back from Lucius and stared up at him with wide eyes. He seemed vaguely surprised that she had resisted the imperious curse he had set on her, but he blinked it away and smiled charmingly at her. 

"Sorry, you wouldn't have done it otherwise." He said.

Aurora was not sure if he meant the kiss or torturing the poor mudblood, who was still sobbing in the background. Aurora knew she shouldn't, but she could not stop herself from glancing over at the broken woman. The death eater who had initially violated her was no longer inside her, but another man was. Muriel was staring at the ceiling above her blankly, tears pooling on the floor beneath her. 

Aurora felt sick watching the ordeal and her stomach heaved violently. "Can you do it again?" She whispered. 

Lucius stared at her to see if he had heard her correctly. His blue eyes roved over her features concernedly, but he nodded slowly when he saw her traumatized gaze. 

When the dreamy feeling entered her mind once again, her previous feelings of disgust had completely disappeared. Aurora sighed contently and looked up at Lucius thankfully. He put his mask back over his features, and handed hers to her so she could do the same. His hand rested lightly on her waist, and despite the gruesome scene unfolding before her, she felt euphoric at the minuscule touch.

Muriel had been passed around until the woman was nothing more than a quivering mess on the floor. She had blood and semen dirtying her pathetic form, and her cries had long since diminished. At some point during the night, the dark lord had made Muriel watch as one of his followers had killed her child. All life had drained from her eyes after that, and many of the death eaters had complained that she was no longer any fun. 

Aurora watched everything quietly, only participating when it was asked of her and doing so with an unattached attitude. The time finally came for her to put Muriel out of her misery and with Lucius's help she had been able to cast the killing curse easily. Just as the life bled from her glass-like orbs, the imperious curse ended. 

Aurora's chest felt like it was going to cave in from the feeling of grief and self disgust that filled her. She had stolen a life. No amount of washing her skin could ever cleanse her from this abhorrent feeling. The dark lord praised her, and without the imperious to make her feel pleasantly, she could do nothing more than nod quietly. 

The followers that had not been in the house with them had started to have some fun of their own. There was raucous laughter and screams filling the night air when they walked back out to the street. Aurora could see the dark mark writhing venomously in the sky, marking the village for death. She had seen more than her share of violence for one night, and she was already struggling to keep down the contents of her stomach. 

Aurora sighed in relief when the dark lord rounded up his followers and dismissed them. They needed to desert the area before the Aurors were called. Pops of apparition sounded all around as the dark lord vacated the location and his followers did the same. Lucius clasped her hand with his, "we can side along since we are going to the same place. You don't look like you are up to doing it on your own." He said.

Aurora nodded distractedly but could focus on nothing else but the vacant look that had been left in Muriel's eyes. The woman had truthfully been gone well before Aurora had killed her, but the guilt would not leave her. 

A/N: Thoughts?

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