My Sister Unbroken

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Aurora woke with a pounding headache and a throbbing ache between her legs. The moment she remembered the events of the night before, a stuttered sob left her chest. It's not like she had coveted her virginity, but she had hoped that when she lost it, it would be on her terms.

Aurora ran her hand over her face and rubbed her eyes. They felt gritty and dry. Probably because she had cried all the moisture out of them last night. 

She swung her legs over the side of her bed and dressed for the day. She was dreading her classes, but she was dreading having to confront Knott for her wand more. She wasn't exactly sure how she was going to achieve it yet, but she needed it back before her classes. One thing was for certain, she would not be doing it while they were alone.

Aurora honestly never wanted to be in the same room with them again, but seventh year had started less than a month ago. She had copious amounts of time left with them still, and Snape was in almost every class that she was in. Except he took arithmancy while she took divination.

Aurora groaned loudly at the thought of having to be around Snape so often. She didn't know how she was going to accomplish it without breaking down. She could still feel the pants of his hot breath against her face as he had pounded into her. She could still hear his loud groan of lust as he had finished inside her. Still see the victorious smirk on his face, while he had been pulling up his trousers. 

Aurora felt a wave of nausea fill her stomach and she had to bolt to the toilets that were across the hall from their rooms. After she finished heaving up the contents of her empty stomach, she swished water around her mouth to rinse out the taste of vomit. 

She returned to her room to grab her school bag, and then entered the common room. Aurora looked around the room, purposefully avoiding the sofa where she had been assaulted. There were a few younger years milling about. They were chatting amiably with their peers before heading down to breakfast.

She didn't see Snape nor Knott among the students that were present so she quickly made her way over to the exit. Snape wasn't at the table when she arrived but Knott was. He was conversing with Mulciber at the end of the table and had been unaware she entered the great hall. 

Aurora steeled herself and walked over to him. She had been standing by his side for what seemed like forever before she cleared her throat loudly. Knott's eyes flicked from Mulciber to her and his lips curled into a smirk. "Yes?" He asked.

Aurora had to bite her tongue to keep herself from snapping at him, "My wand?" She willed her feet not to fidget and to keep her gaze firmly locked with his. Aurora refused to cower in front of him, she was determined to never be put in a situation like last night again. 

"What are you willing to give me for it?" Knott snickered and raised his brow suggestively.

Aurora's fist tightened next to her side, "Nothing. It's mine and I want it back."

Knott pouted at her, "You're no fun." He looked at her curiously like he was waiting for her to say something else. He frowned, "Anyway, you're out of luck. I don't have it." He said, and then turned away from her to resume his conversation with Mulciber. 

Aurora's lips drew into a thin line, "What do you mean you don't have it?"

Knott leered at her, "Severus took it, guess you'll have to ask him." 

Aurora's stomach dropped, while Knott originally had every intention of violating her the way Snape did, he had not succeeded. Snape however, had succeeded and she was in no way ready to confront him. 

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