My Sister Subdued

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Aurora entered the common room with puffy eyes, the skin on her cheeks felt tight from the dried tears. She knew Snape would want her to wait for him in his room, and so she trekked down to the boys dorms. 

She passed very few students on her way to Snape's door, and most avoided her gaze. I must look worse than I realized. She thought silently to herself. Aurora pushed open the door, stepping inside quickly before heading over to Snape's bed. She had just gotten situated when the door opened again, but it wasn't Snape who stepped through. 

Knott closed the door behind him and walked over to his side of the room. He must not have noticed that she was sitting there, because he didn't even glance in her direction. Aurora watched him open his trunk and pull out something covered in a thin handkerchief. He slowly began to unravel it but stopped suddenly and jerked his head up. His eyes connected with hers sharply and she drew in a frightened breath. 

Despite the fact that Knott was one of Snape's roommates, she had never been left alone with him before. Aurora always felt his gaze on her but Snape was consistently there, and Knott had not tried anything more. 

A slow smile spread across Knott's face, he stuffed whatever he was holding into his pocket, and then stalked towards her. "Well, look who is all alone." He taunted.

Aurora's heart squeezed tightly in her chest, and she hurriedly dug her wand out of her pocket. She had managed to disarm Knott fairly quickly the last time she had cast at him, and she was positive she would be able to do it again. 

"Not for much longer. Snape's supposed to be meeting me." Aurora told him, thankful her voice didn't shake and betray her nervousness. She brought her wand to rest in her lap, but kept her grip firmly around the handle.

Knott smirked and cocked a brow amusedly, "is he now?" He asked mockingly.

Aurora nodded soundly, refusing to break his gaze. She may have to listen to Snape but Knott held no such power over her. 

Knott chuckled and stroked his chin thoughtfully, "then why did he send me down here, I wonder?" He asked, his smile growing wider at her surprised eyes. 

Without giving it a second thought Aurora lifted her wand and pointed it at his chest threateningly. Knott pouted at her and lifted his hands in surrender, "no fair. All I wanted to do was talk a little. Our discussion got cut short last time." He whined jokingly. He took a determined step closer to her, and stopped when the tip of her wand pressed deeply into his chest. Lowering his voice to a whisper, he leaned forward like he was sharing a coveted secret. "I didn't get to hear your moans as you took my cock deep inside you."

Aurora wasted no time in firing her first spell, "Expulso!" She shouted. Her mouth opened in shock as the spell left her wand forcefully, and rebounded off of a dark blue shied surrounding Knott, the glow originating from his pocket. She barely had enough time to duck away from the ricocheted spell before it clashed into her ribs.  

Aurora had fallen back against the mattress in her haste to evade the curse ,and Knott had used the opportunity to climb on top of her. She kicked and struggled against his frame, she was not going to allow him to use her in that way. She already had to endure Snape's touches, and she would not be raped by a second attacker.

Aurora's fist connected with Knott's jaw and he roared loudly. He lifted his hand and smacked her harshly. Her head jerked violently to the side, and she tasted blood in her mouth. Spots danced in her vision, and she feared she would faint for a second time that day. 

Knott used her lapse in consciousness to his advantage, he quickly restrained her hands, then brought his own to her top, and she heard the ripping of the fabric. He pushed the ruined garment away, and pulled her bra down eagerly. Knott's hands grabbed at her breasts greedily, his lips twisting into a sneer.

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