My Sister's Secret

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A/N: You will find Aurora slightly altered in this chapter. I've done a small time skip and within that time Snape has not stopped with his interest or treatment of her. What she has endured has begun to take a toll on her mind and her will.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Aurora woke up three weeks later and bolted into the bathroom across the hall. She barely made it to the toilet before she was heaving up her stomach contents. Just as she was gathering her wits, a second bout of sickness hit her. After she had puked everything up, she sat back on her butt. Her face was cold and clammy. and she still felt like she could get sick again any moment.

It took her several breathing cycles before she was able to stand without feeling like she was going to puke again. She walked over to the sink and rinsed her mouth out before spelling the taste out of her mouth. Aurora also used magic to clean her teeth, thankful that she had been sleeping with her wand lately. Otherwise she would have had to trek back across the hall to grab it. 

She lifted up her gaze and looked at herself in the mirror. The dark circles under her eyes had grown deeper over the last few weeks. Which was odd because she had been sleeping a lot more recently. Aurora frowned and ran her fingers under her eyes delicately. Maybe she was getting sick? It would explain the puking and why she still had a queasy stomach. 

Aurora nodded to herself and decided that she would see Madame Pomfrey first thing this morning. She wasn't feeling up for breakfast anyway, her stomach cramped in agreement with her. 

She sighed loudly, her hair was a mess and her eyes appeared sunken. She looked a fright, and she knew Snape would not be happy with her if she arrived this way. Despite not having the energy to do so, she returned to her room to apply makeup. She then applied a curling potion that reduced the frizz until she had soft ringlets. Gathering it all into her hand she brought her hair back and clipped it with a snake hair pendant. 

It was a simple look, but she didn't feel up to putting more effort than that into her appearance. Aurora slowly dressed and then walked out of her room, and up to the common room. Snape was standing against the wall of the entrance with his legs crossed at the ankles. He had a book in one hand, and he was greedily devouring the words on the page. It was a quality that she could relate to. 

Aurora walked over to him and waited with her head down for him to acknowledge her. After he finished his page, he closed the book and grabbed her chin in his grasp. He lifted her face and slowly descended down to her lips. Aurora jumped back before he could make contact, and covered her mouth. 

Snape's eyes glittered dangerously, he stepped towards her and grabbed her arm tightly. "I'm sorry." She squeaked. She could feel his grasp tighten around her bicep. His fingernails digging in so hard she was sure he would break the skin. "I didn't mean too I just...I think I might be sick." Aurora whimpered as his grip grew tighter, then sagged in relief as he released her. 

Snape lifted her chin once again and stared into her eyes, turning her face one way and then the other. "You do look a bit peaky." He finally murmured. He gave her a false sympathetic look, "let's get you up to Madame Pomfrey then." He said as he leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss against her forehead. 

Aurora smiled slightly, grateful that he believed her. She wouldn't have stepped away from him if there wasn't a good reason for it. She wouldn't dare risk another punishment from him. Her bottom still held the bruises from the last one. 

Aurora shivered in fear at the reminder of what it felt like to be spanked. Her parents had never resorted to physical violence, it was uncouth and distinctly muggle. Even though she had never experienced it before, Snape had not been gentle. He had conjured a leather belt that had metal studs on them. He made her count out twenty three in total. The same number of spells she had managed to fire off at him during their second duel. 

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