My Sister's Heart

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

"So, how long have you and Severus been seeing each other?" Mrs. Snape asked. 

Aurora looked to her in surprise at the unexpected question. Snape had tried to get them to interact with each other last night, but the prim woman refused to acknowledge her presence. The silence stretched between them as Aurora struggled to come up with an answer. They had technically not dated at all, but Snape had warned her about discussing their relationship with his mother. 

"A little over three months, Mrs. Snape." Aurora murmured. She unconsciously rubbed the swell of her stomach and fixed her gaze just over the woman's shoulder. It was hard to believe that it had been such a small amount of time since Snape had claimed her. To her it had already felt like an eternity. 

Mrs. Snape's face screwed up tightly in disapproval, "Eileen."

"Pardon?" Aurora said, her brow wrinkled. 

"I prefer to go by Eileen." She said, her features were tight and her frame tense.

Aurora nodded at her, "Eileen then." She said and smiled at her slightly.

The older woman cleared her throat and set her teacup back on its saucer. The cup had a small chip in its side but seemed like it had originally been a part of an expensive set. "And your pregnancy? How far along are you?" She asked.

Aurora's cheeks flamed bright pink as she answered, "Almost four months." 

Eileen cocked a brow at her, and hummed lowly. "So, you don't really know each other." She said.

Aurora shook her head, "I feel as if I know him extremely well." Snape had never lied to her about his true colors. Aurora knew she was marrying a monster.

"Does he know you?" Eileen asked. 

Snape thought he knew Aurora, but he really only knew a version of her. The one he had created. He nurtured that part of herself that she hated. The part that allowed fear to control her every thought and make her the perfect little victim. He twisted her mind and ensnared her senses to the point where she no longer recognized herself.

"Yes." Aurora finally said. 

Eileen gave her a piercing look, her eyes running over Aurora disapprovingly. Aurora was positive that Eileen did not like her, but she couldn't understand why that would be. "Somehow I doubt that." Eileen finally said, sniffing delicately and taking a sip of her tea. 

Aurora blew out a breath and glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already nearing noon and she was desperately wishing for Snape's return. He had left early that morning. He told her that he had business to take care of for the dark lord and had no idea when he would return.

Aurora had intended to spend most of her day hidden away in the bedroom. She wasn't one for company, and it was hard for her to force pleasantries when she would rather not have to. However, Eileen must have known how much she would dislike it. Shortly after Snape had left, she knocked on the door, and invited Aurora down for tea. Her tone of voice had suggested that she would not take no for an answer.

"When is the wedding set for? I can't help but notice that you aren't wearing a ring." Eileen continued. The shrewd woman glanced down at Aurora's bare digit, and cocked her brow significantly. 

Aurora bit her tongue to keep from snapping at her. It wasn't good manners to berate your host. "I'm not certain when Snape wants to get married, and I'm sure he has his reasons for not getting me a ring yet." Aurora told her, straining to keep the anger out of her voice.  

Eileen's head lifted up sharply, and she looked at Aurora with a calculating expression. "You do not call him by his first name? Pretty unusual for a couple who is so intimate with each other." She said in a prying manner. Eileen clearly wanted to unravel the truth of Aurora and Snape's relationship.

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