My Sister's Devotion

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Warning: Mentions of infant death, it is very vague. Also not Aurora's baby. 

Snape's POV

Severus dipped his head down and breathed in her scent deeply. Her posture had long since relaxed. The soft snores leaving her gave away that she had fallen asleep. He chuckled lightly, reaching up to run his fingers through her slightly tangled curls. His Aurora napped all the time now. He could see the fatigue in her drooping eyelids ninety percent of the time. She had told him it was because the baby was zapping most of her energy, and he figured it made sense. 

It still amazed him that she was creating a whole being inside of her. The perfect combination of himself and his beautiful Aurora. He hoped the child took after their mother when it came to her looks, a female with his visage would be unfortunate. 

Severus placed his hand over her swollen womb and rubbed the bump tenderly. He loved seeing her like this, heavy with his child. No one could deny how deep his claim over her went when she was carrying a piece of him within her. 

He knew his attraction to her was unhealthy, but he was powerless to stop the feeling as it consumed him. He had wanted her for a very long time, and once he had her it only enhanced his infatuation. Now that she was his, he would do anything to keep her. 

Severus had felt this way once before but never on such an intense level as this. There had been a girl who he had desperately loved, but she had proved to be unworthy. He had given Lily Evans everything that he could possibly offer her, and she had thrown it back in his face. Scorning him and prancing away in the arms of Potter and Black! 

That had been at the end of fifth year. He had been heartbroken at first, but it didn't last long. The dark lord had taken an interest in him. He had quickly dispelled Severus from his silly notion that Lily Evans had ever been his equal. It had not been hard to convince Severus that she and her companions were beneath him. They had never shown him the proper respect he deserved, so why should he care what happened to them?  

The year after that he slowly took more notice of Aurora. Severus had already been attracted to her, it was hard not to be. She was extremely alluring, and delicate. His eyes darkened with arousal as he thought of the softness of her skin. He parted her robes and slid his hand under the hem, until his palm was resting against her inner thigh. He relished in the warmth he could feel radiating from her center, but made no moves to touch her further. 

Her reserved demeanor had put her in the perfect position of isolation. When he had been given the order to take her, it had been dreadfully easy. His Aurora was powerful, there was no doubt about it in his mind. Part of the reason she had called to him, had been because of the steadily growing well of magic he felt crackling around her. Once she reached full maturity, and refined her skills she was sure to be a force to be reckoned with. She lacked the ruthlessness required to win against someone who meant her harm though. 

It was what had ultimately been her downfall. If she didn't act like a frightened bunny every time she was in the vicinity of a threat, she would be able to win against an opponent. Severus frowned and he picked up an errant curl that had fallen down into her face. He wrapped the strand of hair loosely around his fingers, stroking the silkiness of it softly.

It worried him that the dark lord had taken a greater interest in her. It was obvious to anyone who had a brain that he had bigger plans for her. It smarted Severus that he could not join the gathering tonight. He was among the dark lord's favorites, but until a mark adorned his flesh he could not participate in an official death eater meeting. 

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