My Sister's Keeper

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry potter

Aurora sucked in a breath in the face of Sirius's anger, "there is nothing going on." She couldn't hold his gaze while saying it. Aurora was very confident in her ability to lie, but it was hard to look Sirius in the face after what Snape did. 

Sirius walked towards her and lifted her chin with his fingers, "Don't lie Aurora. A blind man could see that he is holding something over you. So I'll ask you again, what happened?"  His hands were gentle and his voice was soft. When she looked into his eyes, she saw concern was overshadowing the anger from before. 

Aurora wanted to step closer and wrap her arms around him. Let him hold her tight and promise that everything was going to be alright. The way he always did when they were younger. She missed him more than anything. Aurora hardly fit into Syltherin and probably would have been sorted differently if she hadn't begged to be put into the house. Their parents had made it clear that they expected their children to make it into the pure blooded house of Salazar Slytherin. Honestly, Sirius might have begged the house to put him anywhere but Slytherin for just that reason. Leaving her alone to deal with the snakes.

Aurora hardened her gaze and stepped back, "I told you, nothing happened. Snape is just a git." 

Sirius gave her a disbelieving look, "Aurora, you were afraid. I know you well enough to know that only something significant could cause you to tremble like that."

Aurora drew in a stuttered breath and lowered her head, she knew he was right. The last time she had been this afraid was when their father had thrown stinging hexes at them both after he found out they were trying to play with the muggle children that lived near them. Her arms and legs carried the bruises for weeks, and she flinched every time her father raised his wand.

What Snape did to her was worse than throwing a bunch of stinging hexes. A single tear slid from her eye and down her cheek, Sirius reached up and wiped it away. "I'm going to kill him. I don't care what he did, he hurt you enough to make you cry. That's good enough for me." He told her vehemently. 

Aurora reached out and grabbed his arm as he turned towards the door, "Sirius don't!" He wasn't listening. He moved his arm to get her to release him, and she saw him grip his wand tightly. "Don't worry, I'll be okay. "  He said, giving her one last look before he charged out of the room. 

Aurora sniffled quietly and hung her head, "I know you will be." She whispered to the room. She felt a lump settling high in her stomach. If Sirius fought Snape in her honor, what would Snape do to her? 

She was starting to see the power in accepting the dark lord's offer after school was over. Maybe if she proved to be a faithful and useful servant he would call Snape off. Aurora was confident enough in her abilities that she knew she could hold her own in a fair duel with Snape. However, she had never had any need to fight for her life before. Actual dueling experience is better than the rigid school guideline of one on one fighting and no dark spells. 

It was common knowledge among the dark lord's followers, that he personally trains the ones he sees great promise in. Over the summer, she had even heard rumors that Snape was one of them. Aurora shivered in fear at the thought. Snape was already climbing the ranks and he hadn't even graduated yet. What if the dark lord no longer wanted her? She had refused his generous offer at the beginning of the year, and now she has proved to be incompetent enough to let two teenage boys disarm her.

Aurora shook her head sadly. She reached down and picked up her school bag. Slinging it over her shoulder she left the room, and immediately headed to the doors leading outside. Charms had started a while ago and she was already late, she decided to just skip the rest.  She hadn't been looking forward to having to sit with Snape anyway. 

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