My Sister Discovered

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Aurora was lying with her head in Snape's lap, on the green velvet couch that she had been raped on weeks ago. She tried not to think of the incident but it was hard not to, especially when her attacker rested beneath her cheek. Her entire posture was stiff, and she stared blankly into the fire that was burning in the hearth. Snape was idly stroking her hair as he read a book leisurely. 

Classes were over for the day and neither of them were allowed back in the library yet. It wouldn't have mattered if they were or not, Aurora hadn't been able to concentrate on a single thing all day. Her mind kept returning to the fact that in eight short months she would be a mother, and most likely homeless. No way her parents are going to allow her to return after she births a bastard while still attending school. She would be the ultimate disappointment. 

Aurora worried her bottom lip between her teeth while she thought about what she would do after giving birth. She had already decided that she was going to keep it. It didn't matter how ugly the circumstances of its conception were, it was not the babies fault. Aurora contemplated the idea of telling Sirius, she knew he would support her no matter what. He had been cast out from the family and is still doing really well for himself. Sirius could possibly help her get on her feet, and find a place to stay with her child. 

She filed it away to think about at a different time. She hoped that her father wouldn't insist on marrying her away to some old man that wouldn't care if she was ruined. She shuddered in disgust at the thought. 

"Something bothering you pet?" Snape asked lightly.

Aurora sighed and buried her face into his lap, she desperately wanted to sink into the couch. She was having a hard time hiding that there was something wrong with her. Snape had been inquiring about her mood all day and she was beginning to suspect that he was becoming annoyed with her. 

"Would it have anything to do with what you visited Madame Pomfrey about this evening?" Snape asked. She heard the flip of a page, suggesting that he wasn't that invested in her answer, but she knew better. She gulped nervously, she had seen Madame Pomfrey to get more of her daily vitamin potion. Aurora had taken the last one yesterday evening just before she went to bed. 

"What? No, I went to get a potion for a migraine that I had." She lied, hoping that he didn't see through her. 

"Hmm." He hummed thoughtfully, then his fingers resumed their path through her dark locks. She wondered when the next time Snape was going to touch her would be. It had been a little less than a week since his last punishment, but he rarely waited long before violating her again. His methods have been becoming more forceful the last few times, and she worried for the safety of her unborn child. 

Absentmindedly she rested the palms of her hands against her abdomen, and she promised her baby that she would do everything in her power to prevent Snape from harming it. The child might be partly his but it was partly hers too, and she would love it to the best of her ability. A slow smile spread across her face as she stroked her belly delicately. 

Aurora had been so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't notice that Snape had stopped petting her hair for several moments. Slowly she lifted her gaze and saw that Snape had his eyes fixed intently on where she was cradling her abdomen softly. He looked into her own eyes questioningly and she couldn't meet his stare. Her heart had stopped beating in fear that he had figured out her secret. Why had she been so careless? 

"Aurora?" A voice sounded from behind the couch.

Aurora sat up quickly and met the puzzled gaze of her brother Regulus. "Yes?" She asked. 

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