My Sister's Punishment

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Aurora returned to the common room just before curfew and was surprised to see it empty. Snape had said he would return that evening, but he never found her in the library. She had been convinced that he would be waiting for her when she returned to the dungeons. 

Aurora shrugged and turned towards the girl's dormitory with a spring in her step. She had not been looking forward to her punishment, and it seemed she would get to skip it. At least for one more day. 

She entered her room and wrinkled her brow in confusion at the emptiness of her roommates' beds. It was past curfew by now, and if they weren't in the common room they would usually be here. Aurora felt a tiny ball of resentment build in her chest as she thought about the girls hanging out without her. She had never really been close friends with them, but they talked with each other sometimes. Or helped each other get ready if one of them had a date on a Hogsmeade outing.

Aurora stomped over to her bed and drew back the curtains. She screamed and stepped back covering her mouth with her hand. Snape was lying on his back with his arms crossed behind his head. He gave her a mischievous grin, "I thought you were never going to arrive." He told her.

"What are you doing here?" Aurora squeaked. "How'd you even get in here? Boys aren't supposed to be able to enter the girl's dorms!" 

Snape smiled, "it's not important. As for what i'm doing here..." He trailed off and winked at her lasciviously.  

Aurora gaped at him, her one place of solace was now ruined. "What if someone sees?" She asked and gestured to the empty beds. "They may come back." 

Snape grinned naughtily, "they won't."

Aurora's heart was racing, the palms of her hands were getting slick, and she had to concentrate to regulate her breathing. She knew a punishment awaited her since the beginning of the day. Now, in the face of it, all she wanted to do was run.

"How do you know?" Aurora asked. She was fiddling with the edges of her robes, and her bottom lip was caught between her teeth. She chewed the lump of flesh viciously, anxiously wondering when he would pounce. 

Snape smirked and lifted up until he was seated in front of her. "I knocked them out, tied them up, and then threw them into a broom closet." 

Aurora gasped, "you didn't!" She exclaimed.

Snape chuckled and reached out to grab her hips tightly. "You have no idea the lengths I would go to just to have you all to myself." He pulled her towards him and nipped at her covered abdomen playfully. 

Her hands tightened into fists at her sides. His touch burned her skin, and made bile rise in her throat. "Take your clothes off." He ordered. 

Aurora stepped back away from him and shook her head no. Her heart had sunk to her stomach at his words. She didn't want him to touch her again, didn't want him in her body. 

His mouth hardened into a thin line and he glared at her, "Take your clothes off or I will burn them off of you."  

Aurora's eyes widened in horror. He would surely burn her flesh in the process if he cast incendio at them. She brought trembling hands up to her robes and shrugged out of them. She kept her gaze firmly on the ground as she unbuttoned her shirt. When she reached the zipper of her skirt, her hands fumbled and she couldn't get it to slide down. 

Aurora yelped loudly at the flame that was suddenly launched at her. She watched in alarm as the garment burned away leaving behind slightly blistered and reddened skin. She sucked in a deep breath and closed her eyes tightly. The tops of her thighs were hot and throbbing persistently. The affected areas weren't large but the pain was hard to manage. She desperately wanted to press something cool against her legs to take the stinging away. 

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