My Sister Chained

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Warning: Non-con in this chapter as well.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

"What do you want Snape?" Aurora snapped at him.

His lips curled into a sneer, "why weren't you in charms?" he asked. 

Aurora gripped her wand tightly and after a moment of hesitation lifted it at him. Snape's eyes flicked down to where she had her wand in a death grip and laughed. Heat flared in her cheeks and she glared at him challengingly. "Not that it's your business, but I needed some fresh air."

He quirked his brow inquisitively, "are you sure?" Snape pushed off the wall and began slowly stepping towards her. His eyes were darkening in intensity, and Aurora felt a few drops of sweat begin to slicken her palms. "Are you sure it wasn't so you could sic your brother and his merry band of idiots on me?" He finished in a clipped tone. He was now standing two feet away from her. Despite her mind trying to remind her that she was the one who had a wand trained on him, she trembled slightly at his proximity. 

Aurora forced her heart to calm and she held his gaze menacingly, "so what if it was?" Stupid. She was being reckless with her words but she didn't like the way he made her feel. As if she were inferior. She was a daughter of one of the oldest pure-blooded families there was, she got top marks in all her classes, and she was worthy of more than his treatment of her thus far. 

He smiled at her. She flinched as he reached out and stroked the side of her face, "then I'd say that was very foolish." 

Aurora gave him no time to prepare before she threw the first hex. Unfortunately it had only been a stinging hex, and he was ready for the next one before it ever left her wand. He blocked it and countered with confringo, she blocked it with ease. 

They dueled for less than five minutes before Snape managed to disarm her. He had verbally attacked her which she blocked, but had sent a second stunner right after the next without uttering a sound. Aurora had been unprepared and the second flash of bright red had hit her chest, effectively knocking her unconscious. 


Aurora awoke to a dark and stuffy room, her wrists were bound tightly. They had been pinned to the stone wall behind her. The tips of her toes were barely touching the floor, her back was firmly pressed against the rough stone. She could hear small puffs of breath coming from somewhere to her right. She twisted, trying to see who was in the room with her. The room was illuminated only by the small lamp next to the door. It's light barely reached past the threshold. She could see a dark silhouette sitting a few feet in front of her but was unable to make out any features. 

"I see you're awake." The blood rushed into her ears at the sound of his voice. 

"Where are we?" Aurora asked. She was frightened, and she knew that she failed at hiding it. 

Snape leaned forward until she was able to see the faint glow of his eyes, "Don't worry, we're still at Hogwarts." He told her.

Aurora shrank back into the wall, trying to create more distance between them. He watched her amusedly and then leaned even closer. His mouth was mere inches from hers when he whispered his next words, "but we're secluded enough that I have you completely at my mercy." 

Her eyes widened. "What do you want with me?" 

His hand grabbed a fistful of her hair and he yanked her head back. She whimpered in pain at the harsh treatment of her scalp. He grinned at her maliciously, "the same thing I wanted last night." 

His lips were on hers without a second thought, he pressed them firmly into hers. He tried to shove his tongue into her mouth but she kept her lips tightly pressed together. He growled in frustration. His hand twisted sharply in her hair and he yanked hard; triumphantly sliding his tongue through her parted lips when she yelped. It was hot and wet and she could taste him, he tasted surprisingly sweet. 

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