My Sister Revealed

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

When Aurora woke the next morning, Snape was already awake and sitting next to the fire. She noticed that he had a steaming mug of tea in his hands, and his face was pinched tightly in discomfort. She smiled slightly at the fact that he was in pain and pushed the comforter off of her tiredly. By the time she and Snape had made it to bed last night, it had been closer to three a.m. A swift look at the clock confirmed that it was definitely too early to be awake yet. It was only seven fifteen in the morning, she had only gotten four hours of sleep.

The tempest of her emotions weighed heavily upon her, and she desperately wished to return to the blissfulness of sleep. Aurora sighed loudly, and swung her legs out of the bed. She rubbed at her eyes to get rid of the crud that had formed while she had been resting. 

As she sat on the edge of the bed, she gazed out of the window across from her. The Malfoys had an expansive yard, but it was devoid of scenery in the front of the house. Unfortunately, their room looked out over the vast stretch of grass on the Malfoy's front lawn. She could see the tops of the wrought iron gates that barred the house from prying eyes. 

She appreciated that about the manor. The historical accents of the house made it only that much more impressive. Suddenly, Aurora felt a pang of homesickness. Grimmauld place was also a relic of the past. She had enjoyed discovering its many secrets as a child, hiding away in places she had no business exploring. 

She could never go back there. The weight in her chest deepened at the thought, pressing harshly down on her ribcage. Unbeknownst to her, she had started sniffling quietly longing for her room, and the comfort of her brother. 

"If you're going to sit there blubbering like a baby, the least you can do is have the decency to cast a silencing spell." Snape snapped. He wasn't looking at her, his head was bowed and he was rubbing his temples lightly.

Aurora turned a hot glare in his direction, "maybe if you didn't make me so miserable, I wouldn't be crying!" She seethed. 

Snape paused in his ministrations, and flicked a dark gaze at her. "You didn't seem too miserable last night." He mocked her.

Aurora felt disgust climbing up her throat, and her stomach dropped sickly. She had been the most miserable she had ever felt last night, it just had not been because of him for once. He smirked at her as she sat there in silence, proudly holding over her head what had transpired between them in the Malfoy's entrance hall. 

'What do you know?" She scoffed, and stood so she could make her way to the restroom. Knowing him, he would have probably celebrated after the rape and torture of an innocent. He certainly gets off on making her life a living hell.

She heard him chuckling lightly but he gave her no further response. Aurora rushed into the restroom and turned on the faucet to the bath tub. At least she would be able to wallow in her suffering in peace here. She quickly relieved herself, and then stripped from last nights garments. She had been feeling very dirty anyway, the warm water should do her some good. At least she hoped so. 

Aurora piled her curls up loosely on top of her head and sank into the relaxing warmth of the tub. Closing her eyes, she leaned her head back against the cool ceramic. She sighed wistfully. She wished she could always feel as good as she did when she was soaking in the tub. The heat of the water always washed away the feelings of despair that tried to pull her down into their depressive depths. 


Snape's POV

Aurora had disappeared into the bathroom, and he could hear the water running suggesting she was bathing. Severus was sorely tempted to join her, if he were not already in a bad mood. Before Aurora had gone to the gathering last night, and after his talk with Lucius about him keeping an eye on her, the dark lord had summoned Severus to see him. 

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