My Sister Defeated

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter

Snape was everywhere. Aurora never got a free moment away from him. He had started insisting that she sleep in the boys dorms with him. He didn't care how much she protested against it, he refused to allow her to sleep alone in her room. "What if something happens to my baby?" He had told her. 

Aurora hated that he always called their child his, she was the one growing the baby inside her. The one who had to sacrifice her body in order to bring a life into the world. Aurora looked down at herself inside the full body mirror Snape had conjured for her. The image was slightly distorted because of the magic used to bind it. Her abdomen was a little distended, but no more than it would have been from her menstrual bloating. Snape had told her that she was beginning to show just that morning, and Aurora had not believed him. 

The winter hols were right around the corner, and with Christmas came the third month of her pregnancy. It was still too early for anyone to notice that she was carrying a baby but she was nervous about seeing her parents. 

Aurora sighed and stepped away from the mirror. Snape wanted her to come with him over the holidays, he would be staying at Malfoy Manor. The dark lord was going to be holding a celebration for the holiday and Snape was expected to attend. Her parents were likely to be in attendance as well. Her stomach was in knots at the thought of what they would say once they noticed her on Snape's arm. It was no secret that Snape was a half blood, something that was overlooked because of his magical prowess. As well as because his magical parent was from a long line of pure blood ancestry. If the dark lord accepted him, then that tended to be good enough for most.

Her parents were different, they may politely accept Snape in public but they would not be happy to see her with him. They would be even more unhappy if they found out she was carrying his spawn. The Blacks prided themselves on blood purity, even going so far as to marry their cousins. A tainted baby would never be welcomed in their household, no matter how gifted the parents were. 

Aurora had already written to them and told them that she would be staying at Malfoy manor per the dark lord's request. It wasn't a complete lie, considering the dark lord had ordered Snape to keep her in line, and Snape had ordered her to go with him to the manor. 

Aurora sighed boredly and sunk down onto the top of Snape's mattress. He had told her that he had something important to do and would be back soon. He had commanded her to wait for him in his room, but she was beginning to feel antsy. Snape had been gone for over an hour, and she had nothing to keep her mind busy.

She turned her head towards the door. She stared at the smooth wood thoughtfully, before smiling mischievously. Snape had ordered her to stay put but his threats of punishment had fallen short lately. She had begun to not mind his touches so much anymore, when his hands were gentle. It was something she thought would never happen. Snape had even eased up on his physical punishments, so he wouldn't harm the baby. 

Aurora walked over to the door quietly and creaked it open. She peaked out into the hallway, and looked both directions, before shooting out quickly. Even though she was doing nothing particularly daring, her heart was thumping enthusiastically. 

She ran out of the common room and started making the trek up to the library. If she had a book to occupy her thoughts it would be easier to stay put. Honestly, how did Snape expect her to just sit in his room for hours on end with nothing to do? She wasn't some pet that he could leave with nothing more than a command to behave. 

Aurora was almost to the library when she heard a deep voice coming from the other end of the corridor. Her heart clenched tightly and she ducked quickly behind a statue, casting the disillusionment charm. As soon as she was situated she strained to hear what Snape was saying, "the dark lord is thrilled. Carrying on strong magical lineages is a big part of his plans." 

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